What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

I'll be sure to pass your posts along to the NY staff ... I'm sure they will jump on the phone immedietly to schedule more D6 teams and a bunch of West Virgina schools for next year.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by M0TIVAT0R »

93Bulldog wrote:I'll be sure to pass your posts along to the NY staff ... I'm sure they will jump on the phone immedietly to schedule more D6 teams and a bunch of West Virgina schools for next year.
I am sure you have a hotline to NY's staff. I also think they are smart enough to see that Trimble wins 7 to 9 games annually, as does Wahama and other teams that Title Town mentioned. Not hard to notice that if you look. But some folks are so ate up with their own ideas that they refuse to see the obvious due to the cost of admitting someone else may have a valid point. :mrgreen: There are positives to playing Logan. They provide a huge gate of course. But they are not a team for NY to schedule for playoff points for the reasons previously mentioned.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

93Bulldog wrote:I'll be sure to pass your posts along to the NY staff ... I'm sure they will jump on the phone immedietly to schedule more D6 teams and a bunch of West Virgina schools for next year.
Do whatever you want. One thing I am certain of is your opinion means about as much to NYs football staff as it does to me. It is fun getting you stirred up. I was thinking there must be a certain level of competence needed to be an administrator on this site but now I see that they will take anyone. :lol:

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

93Bulldog wrote:I'll be sure to pass your posts along to the NY staff ... I'm sure they will jump on the phone immedietly to schedule more D6 teams and a bunch of West Virgina schools for next year.
They tried to schedule Hannan a few years back but I guess that deal fell through so don't tell me they don't at least consider it.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

All the pics on trivalleyconference.com were either taken by me or sent to me by parents of players ... Its been that way for quite some time. I get out to games, pay my own way in, take pics with the camera I purchased and spend countless hours trying to give the kids & players from the TVC some credit.

If I wasn't friends with a lot of folks from Mason and talk to some coaches down their frequently - I would probably hold your posts and what you say against that area in some way ... But since 99% of the people I know from across the river are generally nice, helpful and courteous - I won't do that.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

93Bulldog wrote:All the pics on trivalleyconference.com were either taken by me or sent to me by parents of players ... Its been that way for quite some time. I get out to games, pay my own way in, take pics with the camera I purchased and spend countless hours trying to give the kids & players from the TVC some credit.

If I wasn't friends with a lot of folks from Mason and talk to some coaches down their frequently - I would probably hold your posts and what you say against that area in some way ... But since 99% of the people I know from across the river are generally nice, helpful and courteous - I won't do that.
Just wanted to check in on the pictures. Seems like you were called on the carpet for that awhile back and I don't remember you really answering the allegations back then. I would be interested in knowing what coaches from wahama you speak to regularly since Athens is so busy winning against all that great competition they play. Motivator did a great job of pointing out how "big" those schools really are. That has to be a bit embarassing for your alma mater.

All of us in Mason are breathing a collective sigh of relief that you still like our area. I really am not seeing where you give the kids from the TVC credit. I see lots of chest thumping about Athens. I guess you dont work for foxnews........fair and balanced isn't really your creed. Are you a real sports writer? I thought those guys got press passes. Or do you call yourself that because you write a little for a second rate website.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

"Was" a sportswriter ... (And yes, I answered all questions about the issue you speak of and even offered to speak with the individual in person - they declined.) ... trivalleyconference.com has "equal" pages built for each and every team ... Only on SEOPS do I talk a little more about Athens - but come tournament time - I cheer for all the TVC teams!

Including Wahama, which I listened to on 92.1 for every football playoff game last year ... I was happy when they won - and sad when they were defeated by Williamstown ... I truly wished they had won and made it to the state finals.

Not sure where your hatred comes from there titletown ... I like Wahama, I never stated that I wanted them out of the Hocking ... I believe Athens even voted for them to stay ... I have been nothing but a Wahama supporter since they came into the TVC ... I mean, is it your goal just to piss everyone off and give Wahama a bad name?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Orange and Brown »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:
Titletown TVC wrote:If you want to impress us. Go back and show the record of Logan on the years NY actually won the game.
I remember the '94 game. NY defeated Logan and Logan went on to win the SEOAL outright.
Wasn't that the missed FG by Logan?

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Titletown TVC »

No, not my goal to make anyone angry. But, I have a right to be frustrated as a fan. We get invited to join a conference and then two years later 12 of 16 members vote to give us the boot. The whole thing is suspicious. i doubt my posts have anything to do with the opinion of member schools about wahama. I am simply defending my alma mater as you do yours. Athens did vote for us to stay and I am thankful for the show of support although I figure it was more about them not wanting River Valley in the Ohio than it was about retaining us. But I wont look a gift horse in the mouth. Look.....I am willing to bury the hatchet if you are.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by 93Bulldog »

There is no hatchet to bury titletown as long as the talk is centered around 'football.'

I have no problem talking about/debating football topics - what else do we have to do in June? If we all agreed on SEOPS about everything; what fun would that be? It would just be a cheerleading web site.

I know my name is in green - and I try and cover all the teams on the TVC web site ... But I also bled green and gold for years, played along side the Bulldogs head coach, am friends with the basketball coach and played under the baseball coach, who is still their ... of course I'm going to post things and have different views than folks who don't call Athens its alma-mater.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by mister b »

According to a story in Thursday's Parkersburg News, Wahama is still a member of the TVC and will continue to be. Hopefully, the Supers of the TVC schools keep their noses out of the picture and let the ADs do their jobs concerning all TVC matters which include updating the bylaws so that all members schools are members of their respective state's athletic associations.

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Re: What's Giing on with Wahama and the TVC?

Post by Raiderball »

Mister B wrote:According to a story in Thursday's Parkersburg News, Wahama is still a member of the TVC and will continue to be. Hopefully, the Supers of the TVC schools keep their noses out of the picture and let the ADs do their jobs concerning all TVC matters which include updating the bylaws so that all members schools are members of their respective state's athletic associations.

I'm with you on this.

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