6/23/17 ABL Rankings

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6/23/17 ABL Rankings

Post by mattash »

1. Warriors (3-0) 4 time champion and 1 time MVP Derrick Jordan brings back the core of the 2016 champions and adds big Mike Terry (16PPG), former MVP Andy Burns and Brian Rodehaver. The Warriors are the early favorites to repeat in 2017 but last year’s MVP Aaron Pennington is a no show through 3 games holding out for a hire salary. Brent Jackson (22.5), Demarius Gulley (17) and Alvin Bailey (12.5) all having great starts with high shooting percentages. Travis Roark (8PPG) is strong on the boards. Warriors have a bye 6/25

2. Kings (2-0) Greg Cherry’s Kings not happy with their outcome in 2016 went and got player for hire Justin Coleman to get back to the championship for the 2nd time in 3 years and like Jordan go for their 5th since ABL starting 9 years ago. The never aging Frank Lee former MVP already with (21), Marcquis Foley (27), former MVP Fleming (9.5) and Stacey Jackson (16). Lakers coming off a big win vs. Lakers play Butler and the Suns this week where they will be a 16 point favorite.

3. Lakers (1-1) former MVP and one time champion Anthony Williams (20) is playing lights out so far this season. Add front runner MVP for 2017 Randle Pennington (24.5), sharpshooting Bryan Taylor (22) and the Lakers are set for a run in 2017. Problem is star Kyle Miller is yet to show for a game and word on the street is he missed practice all week. If player/coach Brice Kearns can get hold out Miller back on board this team will be hard to beat.

4. Hawks (0-1) embarrassed week 1 against Lakers so bad they threw in the towel still come in at number 4. This year’s version of the Hawks have a loaded roster that has not all shown up yet. Last year’s MVP runner up Adam Yeager (22) brings back most of the 2016 roster with exception of lost free agents Eric Butler and Casey Jones who decided to reform their old franchise (Suns). Yeager brings back 9 year vet Bobby Evans (30), PJ Rase, and Brennan Hall (9) adding former MVP Taylor Allen, Evan Salyers and Austin McMaster. This team has been to the finals 5 times but has never been able to bring home “the shirt”

5. 76ers (0-0) Robby Pugh and his crew traveling over the hills and through the woods putting together an Appalachian all-star team from Gallia, Jackson and Meigs county’s. Coming into 2017 salty after an early exit from the ABL playoffs look to be reloaded. Haggerty, Davis and Frazier all looking to standout.

6. Pelicans (3-1) Johnson & Carter both averaging (34 PPG) have the best guard duo in the league had to forfeit their only loss to #1 Warriors last week. Stewart (11.7), Payne (10) and Hern (13.3) gives a small but high scoring starting 5.

7. Heat (2-0) The Heat finally return back to the ABL from a 3 year hiatus. Combs (9) brings a loaded roster with Copley (20), Skeens (18) bruit Lane (12.5) defensive specialist Adam Elmer (11) and former MVP candidate Chris Lovley (16.5) Combs said “anything short of a championship will be a failure.”

8. Clippers (2-0) the high energy team of Rowe (10), Baldwin (19.9), Collins (14), and Bare (9) firing on all cylinders are off to a great start. The adding of Fuller makes this team really strong. This week they have a huge matchup with #6 Pelicans to see if they belong in the elite 8.

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

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Re: 6/23/17 ABL Rankings

Post by mattash »


1. Warriors
2. Kings
3. Lakers
4. 76ers
5. Hawks
6. Suns
7. Blazers

1. Pelicans
2. Heat
3. Clippers
4. Knicks
5. Sonics
6. Pacers
7. Thunder
8. Celitcs

1. Colonels
2. Cavs
3. Nuggets
4. Mavs
5. Jazz
6. T-Wolves
7. Bulls
8. Pistons

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

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Re: 6/23/17 ABL Rankings

Post by mattash »

29000 Kyle Bowen
29000 Gage Rhodes
28000 Anthony Williams
28000 Randle Pennington
26500 Justin Coleman
26500 BJ Bacon
24000 Michael Stapleton
22500 Robbie Pugh
22500 Casey Jones
22500 Josh Davis
21500 Taylor Allen
21500 Tanner Wild
21500 PJ Rase
21500 Adam Yeager
21000 Frank Lee
19750 Bryan Taylor
19750 Kyle Miller
19500 Ryan Whetsel
19000 Scotty Jones
19000 Chris Lovley
18500 Nathan Copley
18000 Marcquis Foley
18000 Alex Bare
17500 Cole Boggs
17500 Mike Terry
17500 Demarius Gulley
17500 Brent Jackson
17500 Jacob Mayse
16500 Austin Baldwin
16500 Austin Collins
16500 Derrick Jordan
16500 JR Blair
16500 Blaine Fuller
16500 Aaron Thompson
16000 Derrick Fleming
16000 Stacey Jackson
16000 Gene Cotton
16000 Connor Greene
16000 Jason Skeens
16000 Mark Combs
15500 Dustin Green
14500 Jayme Haggerty
14500 Mike Lamb
14500 Drew Moore
14500 Dionte Coleman
14500 Chris Butcher
14000 Greg Cherry
14000 Jonny White
14000 Greg Mauk
14000 Bobby Evans
14000 Brennan Hall
13500 Nolan Johnson
11500 Kyle Bush
11000 Ace Puckett
11000 Tyler Kratzenberg
11000 Adam Elmer
11000 Andy Knipp
10000 Chris Butcher
9500 Tevin Mitchell
9500 Zach Creswell
9500 Dylan Genung
9500 Tyler Rowe
9500 Isaiah Boykin
9500 Shawon Miller
9000 Ricky Sartin
9000 Travis Roark
9000 Aaron White
9000 Alex Maycox
8500 Alvin Bailey
8500 Hunter Adams
8500 Bobby McKinney
8500 Doran Martin
8500 Jonathan Schwab
8000 JoJo
8000 Quinn Huddle
8000 Chris Claxon
8000 Conor Messer
8000 Jordan Lucas
8000 Trevor Allen
7900 Joseph Ehman
7500 Chad Anderson
7500 Anthony Shannon
7500 BA Oney
7500 Shawn Bocook
7500 Ryan Arrowood
7500 Cameron Thomas
7500 Kacee Bevins
7500 Blake Yates
7500 Zach Christensen
7500 Richie Garrett
7500 Chris Lynch
7500 Tom Kaskey
7500 Billy Thumer
7500 Chris Lane
7500 Steve Melton
7100 Shawn Parsons
7000 Zach Tackett
7000 Shakeem Gillbreath
7000 Marcus Mestel
6900 Bradley Spoljaric
6800 Mike Cancel
6500 Levi Brown
6500 Nathan Patten
6500 Robbie Dillon
6500 Braxton Blair
6500 Austin Day
6300 Thomas
6000 John Ferguson
6000 Dairus Jackson
6000 Ty Allen
6000 Eddie Sowards
5900 Joshua Wilks
5900 William McCollister
5500 Jason Brandenburg
5500 Dave Kazee
5500 Brent Ransbottom
5500 Austin Peano
5500 Ryan Lynch
5000 Hicks
5000 Wes Tardy
5000 Ravis Keefer
5000 Clayton Naylor
5000 Marcus Frazier
5000 Corey Haner
5000 Shannon Sorrell
4700 Travis Barker
4500 Charlie Flowers
4500 Jason Easter
4500 Kevin Carter
4500 Jacob Blair
4500 Jeremiah Kipp
4500 Zane Wheeler
4000 Zach Woody
4000 Eugene Aldridge
3500 Mike Davis
3500 Blacke Campbell
3500 Scott Myers
3500 Brice Kearns
3500 Scooter Pleasant
3500 Steven Adams
3500 Tendoy Huffman
3500 Shay Taylor
3000 Kyle Justice
3000 Johnas Rye
3000 Justin Gibson
3000 Burchett
3000 Brady Helms
2800 Taylor (Bulls)
2500 Wes Steele
2500 Eric Gobel
2500 Joe Akers
2500 Eric Butler
2500 Matt Bates
2500 Josh Gilbert
2000 Tommy Birch
2000 James Clagg
2000 Brian Rodehaver
2000 Ben Ferguson
2000 Roar
1900 Michael Thompson
1900 Randy Steele
1500 Cody Corey
1500 Ryan Castle
1500 Damion Charles
1500 Glen Dale
1500 Brandon Bays
1500 Eric Hackworth
1500 Brian Hackworth
1200 Travis Lewis
1100 Robbie Fetty
1014 Brian Williams
800 Boomer
750 Stan Chang
750 Zane Perscelley
600 Anthony Stidham
500 Ben Frazier
500 Matt Marvin
500 Daniel Limberis
500 Dean Young

"you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky"

Michael Scott
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