logan football

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Re: logan football

Post by purpleforlife »

BOBCATS77 wrote:
brainmax wrote:im sorry fellas it is what it is,i bleed purple to. good coaches on staff just not kelly leading it.and by way feel embarressed for you not me.
Nahh im alright brainmax, someone probably didnt even play football in high school; let alone any other sport , and loves monday morining quarterbacking. Just support your team and dont feel "embarrased" to be a part of a program. Is there some changes that need to be made? Of course there is, But calling for the removal of the head coach online is stupid. But thats not what truly bothers me, everyone is entitled to their opinion, its the fact that your "embarrased" to be part of the program. Shows how much you truly bleed purple.......Man up and be proud, win or lose.
all of are blood,sweat,and tears was on the old field but bobcats77 there is no direction,loss of discipline i agree with you about most people dont know anything about the pigskin other than t.v . it took me along time to post i cant stand by and not say nothing any more.just my opinion.

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Re: logan football

Post by BOBCATS77 »

and I will always respect another mans opinion, I wasnt trying to start any bad blood lol

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Re: logan football

Post by purpleforlife »

lets hope the turn-around for our team happens quick with or without a change.

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Re: logan football

Post by bird78 »


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Re: logan football

Post by tl895 »

bird78 wrote:BAIT......YOU FUNNY........WHY DID YOU GUYS LEAVE THEN.......and now looking for games.....can always go to KENTUCKY-WV and play....not as good FOOTBALL as in BUCKEYE STATE....... :lol: :!:
maybe logan should try that for awhile lol...... you guys sure cant beat any ohio teams anymore

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Re: logan football

Post by maniac66 »

GalliaGrad78 wrote:
maniac66 wrote:
bird78 wrote:BAIT......YOU FUNNY........WHY DID YOU GUYS LEAVE THEN.......and now looking for games.....can always go to KENTUCKY-WV and play....not as good FOOTBALL as in BUCKEYE STATE....... :lol: :!:
Simple reason it is just foorball where it was concerned.
It was all sports From volleyball to baseball and sorftball games that are not not only long distance but also on school nights.
Yes Ironton is going to KY and columbus for games but that is for football only and on a Friday night where getting home at 11 pm or midnight matters little compared as getting home at that time on a tues or thur night. So the thought Ironton ran because they couldn't win the SEOAL or beat Logan is stupid. Ironton left for not only economical reasons but also for the simple fact of the travel on school nights. Nothing more Nothing less. Sometimes it is about the Kids and not the personal reasons of Adults! As for Logan football sometimes change is good sometimes it isn't. I want to see Logan rebound and do well but the beating they took tonight to a team that is on a down year in their reguards is truly unacceptable. And I am not putting NY down so please do not take it that way. Logan football is at a turning point can they stand up and regroup or will they quit? remember it is the kids that play the game and we are only spectators but our actions do as much good as harm to any program.

While I understand the point about long travel on school nights for other sports, did the AD and the fine people of Ironton not know the scheduling and such BEFORE they joined the SEOAL?

It's not an excuse it's a fact. And they never thought it out you don't thhink Ironton wouldn't win the SEOAL thids year ? If they had stayed the only team that was a worry was Gallia Acadamy oh wait we already beat them lol yeah right Ironton needs excuses on why they left the league.

C'mon, you guys are better than that. Stop with the excuses!

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Re: logan football

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

Actually Ironton won the game, but they did not "beat" The Blue Devils. Everyone that was there or saw the stat sheet knows that. Fact is, Ironton couldn't beat Logan and they rolled out. Fact.

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Re: logan football

Post by maniac66 »

Fact hu hmmmmmmm Ironton is what ? 5-0 and Gallia is what now ???? A loss is a losss reguardless !

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Re: logan football

Post by NY BUCKS »

We were always taught EXCUSES are reasons for losses ...fundamentals is good for 5 wins a year fellas.

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Re: logan football

Post by GalliaGrad78 »

maniac66 wrote:Fact hu hmmmmmmm Ironton is what ? 5-0 and Gallia is what now ???? A loss is a losss reguardless !

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Re: logan football

Post by vctransplant »

noreply66 wrote:
brainmax wrote:how much longer do we have to put up with this brand of leadership.logan school board you should act as soon as the season is over.kids are flat ,coaches are flat the program has turned in to a joke.

This sounds like a rookie post
I am a rookie at posting and it sounds like a rookie post to me too. Every team goes through down periods and it takes a while to come back up.

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Re: logan football

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

As a fan of a program that suffered through some tough times much like those going on in logan now I have a few thoughts some may have already been touched on a bit. First off you must build the "program" from the ground up and the Tomahawks youth program is in shambles and will need to be revamped for success up the football ladder to be possible. Secondly while sometimes a coach just isn't the guy, a coaching merry go round is a slippery slope also, every coach has a different style/philosophy and it is hard for a team to learn the "correct" way to do something when what is "correct" is always changing. Thirdly the AD needs to do you some favors with scheduling, while scheduling down for a few years may not be popular with all fans and won't help with playoff points it will get back the confidence that is clearly lacking in the kids and will bring back the casual fans (the ones who aren't showing up spending money anymore) who will like wins over teams like Berne Union or River Valley (for example only) much more than big loses to teams like Alder. My final thoughts are directed to more than Logan fans. I think expectations by fans need to be curbed a bit, when did people around here change what is considered a successful team into only the teams that make deep playoff runs? If your team is fortunate enough to make the state playoffs you should be elated you get to cheer on a special group of kids and be happy for any extra games you may get to enjoy and why is it that now a 6,7,or 8 win season and no playoff game now not a good season? Many schools would love to have that kind of success yet many around here think of seasons like these as a failure. Lets not forget that these are still kids out there giving all they can and enduring all the pain while we adults benefit with cheap entertainment on Friday nights.

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Re: logan football

Post by Hugh Jase »

Very good post, Logan needs to scale back and start from scratch. Athens did the right thing by going into the TVC. If not I dont think the program rebuilds. When they started winning again after going to the TVC their program built back up. the kids want to be part of a winner. Maybe Logan looks at the TVC if they go three divisions. I know Athens would welcome it.

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Re: logan football

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

I'm not in any way suggesting Logan should leave the SEOAL when I say they need to lighten their schedule. The circumstances are much different than the one Athens faced when they made a league change, the SEOAL is a much different league now than it was at that time. In my opinion Logan can make all of the changes necessary in the non league portion of their schedule maybe picking up a Berne Union instead of Lancaster or a River Valley type instead of a Alder while keeping the games like Newark and Northland on the schedule for a while. It would give you a legit chance to win some games early to build confidence for league play which has some winable games also.

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Re: logan football

Post by purpleforlife »

vctransplant wrote:
noreply66 wrote:
brainmax wrote:how much longer do we have to put up with this brand of leadership.logan school board you should act as soon as the season is over.kids are flat ,coaches are flat the program has turned in to a joke.

This sounds like a rookie post
I am a rookie at posting and it sounds like a rookie post to me too. Every team goes through down periods and it takes a while to come back up.
wow really thanks woody hayes.the truth seems to p$$$ people off.im sorry it is what it is.

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Re: logan football

Post by noreply66 »

I'm bigger on wins than play offs

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Re: logan football

Post by Paladin »

As much as I hate the fact Logan football is down and losing, I'm rolling on the floor laughing with the typical SEO mindset that has you playing NOBODY. That is why most of SEO is inferior football to the rest of the state. Want to k now why people laugh at you ? Scheduling the weenie, easy teams. No challenge. Nothing wrong with playing one of the worst D-I programs in the state, Newark. An average Logan team would clean their clock. Northland is no powerhouse either. You should expect to play SOME competition rather than loading up weenies as many teams do down there to win games but have no competitive abilty outside of the region. If you want to know why SEO football $uck$ -- look at the schedules of most teams. Logan may need to revamp the schedule, but not to the degree the "experts" down there suggest.

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Re: logan football

Post by C-Bolt »

[quote="A-Town Big Dog 2"] why is it that now a 6,7,or 8 win season and no playoff game now not a good season?

If Logan won 7 or 8 games I think they would throw a parade,fact is Logan is no where near that right now and the schedule is not that heavy this year with Lancaster being the toughest , Alder is down along with a weak city league team then NERK nough said there, then you got the league which they should always be competitive,there is something wrong with all the experience they have back this year even though they are still young a lot these players got a lot of time last year on varsity.Not blaming any one person but something has got to change because they packed it in the other night.

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Re: logan football

Post by 3morethan2 »

One thing known is that most of us on here expected this season to be a turnaround, especially after last year. This team has the talent to compete and win. You can't put all the blame on the coaching staff, the players are the ones who have to execute and produce on the field. With that being said, in the past 2 and a half seasons they have a combined record of 4-21, there have been no signs of improvement through the duration of the past few seasons. I don't put all the blame on the coaching staff but something needs to be done.

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Re: logan football

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

Paladin, I agree that when your program is on the up swing scheduling better competition is a must, however when you are on a downward spiral changes need to be made in order to grow the program. Many atheletes won't play for a program that they feel is going to be horrid which only further depletes your talent base and while you may say those are kids you wouldn't want anyway trust me many of them pan out and only find a real desire to play AFTER they find success on the field. Yes Logan teams from a few years ago should have been playing Alder, Lancaster, Pickerington, etc. it was good for them and necessary for playoff purposes but the state of the program now calls for change if you want to believe it or not. Logan can keep the schedule the way it is and keep losing talent, keep losing 7-10 games a year, keep losing revenue at the gate not to mention the concessions which fund many things other than football or they can except the reality and schedule accordingly until the program is rebuilt. While I may not be an "expert" the last time I checked no 1-9 or 3-7 team has ever had to worry about being competitive out of the region, no offence but somtimes you need to schedule some "weenies" to keep from becoming one.

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