cbolt wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:25 pm
Not just soil on top is dry, underneath is pretty hard ground. I tried to put up my safety net for my golf balls in my yard and I had a heII of a time getting them stakes pushed deep in the ground. It felt like rock all the way down.You must be getting more rain down in thaire.
Lots/too much run off on that mountain up aiireww. Dirt is most down here in the Valley, from all run off from the hills from the rains a little over a week ago. River basin valley rich dirt.
Hot and gonna be hotter tomorrow. Thank god for the breezes outaireww today. They are helping out tremendously. It's not a stagnant killer heat today with the breezes blowing around, but too hot for me and hard to breathe.
My beans has some yellow spots on the leaves when I first put them in the ground.I been watering every two or three days and they look like they might be coming out of it. Would like to know how my beans are doing compared to others. How your's doing noreply,did you plant any ?
Didn't do a garden this year. Doctors didn't want me to get into that for a couple months, so just decided to let things rest this year. I will turn it over come late summer or early fall.
Got a good long hard rain here Tuesday morning too Noreply. The street storm drains has a clog somewhere, I had a mess. Water off the street took over my yard, got into my basement and ruined most everything I had down there. City needs to get busy, find the clog, and clean it out. Not the first time the drains not performing correctly and are getting worse. Me and some others called the directors office several times about it when it rains, nothing has been done yet.
We have a few places down on East Front that get bad. There in front of the drive thur [picture in the paper] and as soon as you cross the tracks at Elm Courts. Been like this for years. Other directors never did anything about it. This one seems to be working hard on things so maybe he will doing something about your problem.
Last edited by noreply66 on Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm hoping he does. The drains in the past 24 to 25 years since I've been here has worked well with heavier rains than we got Tuesday, they would be slow but catch up pretty quick. In the past year or so it just lays in here and takes a good while before it goes down. This time it was way more than it could handle, something caught or stuck in the lines, clogging it. I paid for it, water swallowed my yard and got into my basement. If they don't get it unclogged/fixed soon, I would hate to see what a freak heavier rains would do. I'd be in trouble. They are calling for more coming, I'd hate to be under another slow moving storm/downpours like Tuesday's or stronger.
Looks like some storms popping up over in Indiana moving East/South East. Don't know if they will stay organized by the time they reach our area or not. But they look to be on the move.