HItops wrote:[if you mean the song played at valley friday night ....i will find out and post it ....i was just asked to play it( loudly) ...LOL....
by the players for the pregame drills and warmups ....along with the AC/DC instrumental of the classic ...
For the record, you did a tremendous job last night HItops!!! And, you're youngster did a heckuva job when he was on the field!!! I got a chance to hug him last night after the game and tell him I was proud of him![/quote]
There was several sitting around me that was saying how big of an improvement over "that guy" over the regular one.[/quote]
thanks for the compliments ...i just turned up the VOLUME ...and let it rip ....and i was proud of my "LITTLE ONE" too he made the stop on the last 2 kick off returns ...he was a happy boy ....JV go to burg monday eve ....that should be a dandy ...lol[/quote] HItops, All I can say.... :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 :aaaaa41 It was a pleasure work'n with you on short notice, Hope we can do it again!!!!! :122249