Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by KVDW »

two questions.

why do they keep promoting election DAY as Nov. 6th when people have been voting for 3-4 weeks before Nov. 6th ?

how can we be running a trillion dollar deficit when we don't even have a budget?

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by noreply66 »

I knew what each one stood for before the debates so for me there was no need to watch them.

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by abuck76 »

Romney has never had the electoral lead.......What is wrong with voting early?...Nothing......... :12224

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by noreply66 »

abuck76 wrote:Romney has never had the electoral lead.......What is wrong with voting early?...Nothing......... :12224
The Rs do not like it because the President won it the last time.

The Rs don't want early voting because they can't get a Jeb in place for it.--lol

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by Paladin »

Heres the scorecard and why Rs try to suppress the vote, early or not --

More people are registered as Ds than Rs. Of the Independents, more lean D than Rs and vote that way often. The TURN-OUT is what matters. And with demographics favoring Ds in the future elections, Rs are doing everything they can to limit D voters ( or leaning D voters) and cut back on early voting, voter "ID" which reduces the Ds votes and get Rs judges to back their position. Often, however, the Constitution stands in the way of the theft of democracy. I laugh every time I hear an R talk about "democracy ".

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by ManitouDan »

cant wait for election day , or the end of election season as dumbocrats put it ...... LOL

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by ironmen1987 »

I know i like to joke around and be a redneck but i really am a conservative and while i disagree with the D's platform on social/foreign issues i would still not vote for Obama even if that wasn't the case. THE ECONOMY would still be the issue. In 2008 i had to choose between two candidates that i really didn't care for and honestly i wasn't sure that either could lead. I supported my party but wasn't thrilled about it. Now in 2012 i have to choose once again between two candidates i don't care for but this time i have went thru 4 years of leadership by one of them. Since 2008 my pay has dropped each year and this year has been the worst i have ever encountered. Most of the businessmen i deal with all sing the same song and many of them voted for Obama last time and say they won't this time. Now maybe it is better in some areas and maybe not. All i have to go by is southern Ohio. I am not better off than i was four years ago but actually worse and i haven't been seeing any signs of that changing and as before i'm hearing the same song from local businesses. Am i willing to risk four more years of the same policies or do i take a chance on the new guy who has more business experience but lacks the people skills and personality of our current leader? Even without the other issues i don't find myself willing to make that gamble. Maybe Abuck or Paladin are doing better as a result of Obama's policies. Only they can tell you that if they choose. I can say with all honesty that my choice isn't the result of a D or R beside their name this time around......

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by abuck76 »

Given what Obama had to deal wiyth, he has done a great job............Housing starts are increasing..........Unemployment went down in 9 of the 11 swing states, and the two that did not drop stayed the same......But they were lower anyway.........We are importing less oil.....We are using more clean coal and natural gas................Stock market strong.....Our banks are capitalized more than in the last 20 years............The economy is turning around..........the CBO says 12 million new jobs will be created in next 4 years if no policies change..........It took Bush 8 years to screw the pooch, and it will take as many to get us back on track..........Obama is the man.......And he will help you and me despite your disdain.......... :12224

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by Paladin »

I'm doing just fine, ironman. You sound like a "businessman". Care to identify your business ( ice cream shop, plumber, delivery service, etc ) ? While the lame brains of the R party pursue a failed policy of tax cuts for the rich, they have done NOTHING to promote the economy ( you still don't believe those trickle down lies do you?). When $$$$$$$$$$ gets in the hands of the masses, they will SPEND it. Hint, hint -- STIMULUS ! Yet they block every attempt to expand the macro-economic situation, allow their businessmen buddies to keep sending jobs oover seas and refuse to create incentives ( tax or otherwise) for businesses to create jobs here ( and be rewarded with tax breaks, govt help, etc). The Rs just spent 4 years opposing every thing needed to expand theeconomy & grow it, prefering instead to horde their tax breaks for the rich and businesses while allowing the middle class to starve. Regressive policies didn't work in the Great Depression and won't work in the Great Recession. In stead , the Rs spent 4 years opposing Obama's policies fearful he would get re-elected. Since they made stopping his re-election the priority rather than jobs and stimulating the economy, there are some uncomfortable consequences. Most economists think Rs are brain dead.

So should voters, if they had any real sense.

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by abuck76 »

If tax cuts worked we would be booming.............. :12224

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by noreply66 »

more of Tucks commie propaganda

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by kantuckyII »

Some are declaring the election all but over with Romney easily the projected leader. Look, it's painfully clear that Obama offers no solutions to Americas problems. In fact, he's taken a bad situation and turned it into a nightmare which I have no idea how long it will take Romney to correct it! I'd love to see it do he could serve three terms instead of just two.

People are hurting under Obama! Almost ten million more are out of work since he took office, poverty levels have and are soaring, personal income is down, the national debt has skyrocketed and its just so simple to see, Obama just ain't got it.

Our standing around the works has plummeted while that piece of work is going around the world apologizing and bowing down before every king. Terrorist organizations are regrouping and growing daily. We lost our first ambassador since Himmy Carter under Obama and he says that's not "optimal"???

We r at a crossroads, elect a man like Mitt Romney and live or go with four more of Obama and watch this country slowly dying some more!

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by kantuckyII »

Now I know several of you on here will watch Obama on your tv and fall in love all over again with his smile, big brown eyes and the sound of his voice but guys, you're in an abusive relationship! Dump the loser and go with Romney, he'll treat you right and you won't have to go around making excuses for all those bumps and bruises you're trying to hide, you're not fooling anyone, just yourself

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by ItownHosscat »

I know you are a proclaimed "christian" but I have a great idea.We have had our problems in the past, lets let bygones be-gone.By that I mean if Obama wins I win.You leave this site never to post again.Now,Im not talking your KII id or whichever other Id you want to use but YOU,the man at the key board.And if Romney wins you win,same rules.What do ya say?You seem pretty confident and me,Im not a politics kind guy.Lets have some fun this election year.I would allow you to post a good bye speech :lol:

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by fightingtigers45 »

ItownHosscat wrote:I know you are a proclaimed "christian" but I have a great idea.We have had our problems in the past, lets let bygones be-gone.By that I mean if Obama wins I win.You leave this site never to post again.Now,Im not talking your KII id or whichever other Id you want to use but YOU,the man at the key board.And if Romney wins you win,same rules.What do ya say?You seem pretty confident and me,Im not a politics kind guy.Lets have some fun this election year.I would allow you to post a good bye speech :lol:
What a challenge.

Loser walks.

Is kantuckyII willing?

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by kantuckyII »

First of all, I am not a proclaimed Christian, I'm a redeemed born again Christian who is 100% confident my home is in heaven one day. Secondly, it is not me that comes after you with your hate, it is you that always comes after me. Third, I'll post facts and figures and statements and you never ever offer any thing to challenge my statements or counter them.

I was talking to a friend of mine just this morning who is a missionary and who's been overseas for the last several years and is currently home on furlough. He has been following the election too. He told me, "John, I don't see how anyone could be a Christian and support Barack Obama." He went on to say, "I believe when many of these people die they're going to be very surprised because they've never been born again to start with." They will stand before Christ one day and he will say depart from me for I never knew you. He believes that because they are able to support Obama, that its evidence there has never been a genuine born-again experience in their life. Now, I'm not 100% in agreement with him on that, I believe that a person can be so backslidden they can do this.

Why don't we up the ante then? Let's say whoever loses does not go to an Ironton football, basketball or any Ironton functions for one year.

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by kantuckyII »

And by the way, this is a little warning, out of love, for you. I do not have any other user name on this website. It was suggested to me last week that you apparently thought, and some of you others did too, that there were a couple of guys you all thought was me you were fighting with. I'm a laid-back guy but (now, listen close because this is where the love comes to play :!: ) you might want to watch out who are you fighting with because I do not know who they are, and they might be a whole lot different than me. And they have you at a distinct advantage, because they may know who you are, and apparently, you do not know who they are.

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by ItownHosscat »

So you want the bet to be not supporting the Ironton student athletes?A little odd aint it.

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by ItownHosscat »

Oh and Im a lover not a fighter :lol:

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Re: Romney Takes Electoral College Lead

Post by kantuckyII »

Oh yeah, they would struggle but I believe they would get along without you

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