7 divisions for football in 2013

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Paladin wrote:You must be a punk kid. Local games have nothing to do with it Warren Harding was driving to Cincinnati for games. Toledo. Dayton. 3-5 hours was common. Where is River or Shadyside in a "mtero" area ? You are clueless as are most down there. The better programs are as disadvantaged . Iggy & Eds play Cincy, Indianapolis, Buffalo, N.Y., etc. What rock are you hidng under ? Please continue to whine while the area gets pounded. Make excuses. The state laughs at you folks. You do little right down there. And it shows.
The simple fact is that no one even reads your posts long enough to see your opinion. You are obnoxious and can't offer an opinion without bashing someone and turn most readers off before even getting to the point of your posts. I know you don't care because you think you know everything but if you could offer an opinion without being so abrasive people may actually care what you say.

Teams don't win or lose because of where they are located. Teams have to have players that are talented and are willing to work. That is easier in some areas than others but under the right circumstances it could happen anywhere regardless of geography.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:I'll continue to give my opinion, thank you very much. I spent 30 years in SEO and coached at two different schools. Since then , have maintained close friendships with a numbe of coaches. You don't like the truth ? Don't read it. MOST and I repeat , MOST coaches are CONSULTED by the ADs before ANYONE is scheduled. Thats because most AD have NO IDEA how tough or easy a particular program is at any given time. Coaches ARE aware of that.

With the logo, you might be from Monroe Central. If so, I knew Jay Circosta very well and can tell you with out exception, no one scheduled anyone without Jays approval.

If anyone schedule is weak in SEO, they need only look in a mirror. It isn't rocket science.
whoop tee doo
If you coached as many years as you claim you have you think you would show a little more class than you do. Maybe that is why you are not still coaching. I assume since you coached for 30 years that you where born in a time when you was taught to be respectful of others. So im sure your mom told you "If you dont have nothing nice to say dont say nothing at all!"

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by Paladin »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by footballfan »

Let's just recognize the fact that Seo football is a couple of notches below the rest of the state. We are more like KY and WV football, there are exceptions every now and then.....I don't think scheduling is the reason why.....more of attitude and poverty in families. Seo people never leave the area and we never get new blood into the area.....I disagree with scheduling up....what is it going to get you......a butt whipping. How did Ironton do with their scheduling up? In the end, only 6 soon to be 7 teams win state....I will continue to enjoy and support my team regardless of how they compare to northern OH.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:You must be a punk kid. Local games have nothing to do with it Warren Harding was driving to Cincinnati for games. Toledo. Dayton. 3-5 hours was common. Where is River or Shadyside in a "mtero" area ? You are clueless as are most down there. The better programs are as disadvantaged . Iggy & Eds play Cincy, Indianapolis, Buffalo, N.Y., etc. What rock are you hidng under ? Please continue to whine while the area gets pounded. Make excuses. The state laughs at you folks. You do little right down there. And it shows.
I love how you think everyone who challenges your ALMIGHTY OPPINIONS has to be a punk. Granted I may not have as much gray hair as you do but I am far from being a punk kid which is just another insult. Most senior citizens have more respect for people than you do. You dont know me or anything about me I have lived in metro areas I have seen there schedules and how far they travel. When I went to school we played up every year. My senior year alone we made three road trips over 2 hours one way, includeing trips to Columbus, Indiana and West Virginia. The thing is if you would listen is schools dont have the budget to travel like that now days. If you would like to cut into your social security check we would be more than happy to come on up and play a little football.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by starbase_318 »

Stop responding to the clown. He/she gets his jollies by getting a rise out of your responses. It's foreplay to him/her, as it is to many other lonely people on this site. Most folks in our region of the state know we'll never compete on the big stage year in and year out. It doesn't mean we are less intense in community support as the radical idiots from up North. You validate these azz clowns by responding, IMO!!

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by noles_fan »

trojandave wrote:eagles73: I respect your posts, however, you cannot tell me from my experience that it isn't the will or work ethic that is involved in the success of Portsmouth's basketball players........I have witnessed it, and even experienced it myself by playing against these same Trojans. Sure, logisitics may play a part, but logistics doesn't guarantee the will or work ethic, because I have seen many kids growing up in Farley Square or the North End who didn't have the drive of some others.......yet the "logistics" were the same for them as they were for the successful ones.

Remember the old adage, "Where there's a will, there's a way"........how true that is........if a person wants to truly excel in anything, then they will rise above adverse circumstances and find a way to live their dream.
You cant compare basketball and football thats worse than comparing apples and oranges. If there is so much will and work ethic why is their football team so bad. Is there not more than 5 dedicated kids over there. This is a football thread just because your football program is in shambles dont try and sell us that football and basketball are similar.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by OneHitWonder »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by maniac66 »

My question is how many schools are in Columbus and cincy cleveland and so forth and how many make the playoffs and how many don't I do believe the bigger cities do have a advantage because if you child is good you want him to go to a good football school.
Same as in basketball they are good they try to get them in to the best school for basketball.
In southeastern Ohio it is not that simple schools have smaller enrollments true but it's not as easy to have your child transfer to another school as it once was just for the simple reason of economics.
Parents can't afford to have their kids drive from one school distric to another anymore.
Just my take on it.
Like I said on another post Ironton had 27 kids dressed to play in their last playoff game 10 years ago that was unheard of.
Alot does factor in that kids are not as dedicated as they once was to high school sports to much in the world today from video games and computers to just not wanting to sacrifice their freedom to a sport that they see as irrelevent to them wish it was different but it seems it isn't sad to say.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by wink »

maniac66 wrote: Like I said on another post Ironton had 27 kids dressed to play in their last playoff game 10 years ago
Ironton's last playoff game was 10 years ago ? I thought they were in the playoffs this year. Guess I need to start keepin up better.

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Re: 7 divisions for football in 2013

Post by maniac66 »

wink wrote:
maniac66 wrote: Like I said on another post Ironton had 27 kids dressed to play in their last playoff game 10 years ago
Ironton's last playoff game was 10 years ago ? I thought they were in the playoffs this year. Guess I need to start keepin up better.[/q

"Going to quote someone wink quote the whole setence and not just what you choose to take and use out of context.

"Like I said on another post Ironton had 27 kids dressed to play in their last playoff game 10 years ago that was unheard of."
That is what was wrote stating 10 years ago it was unheard of Ironton only dresssing 27 kids for a playoff game.

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