Logan Football 2013

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Logan Football 2013

Post by moonshine »

Today an article was in the Logan Daily News proclaiming our football team was somewhat a success in 2012 and I will admit the article was well written, but again they played the numbers game! Ok we had a few bright spots and some individual preformed quite well this year. But, our beloved Chieftains have failed to win more than 3 games in a year since future Hall of Fame Coach Dale Amyx retired! Our records have been 3-7, 1-9, and 2-8 a .200 winning percentage! Our young men deserve better leadership of our program. Most always this year, our young men put forth outstanding effort. but the effort and committment to the game must have outstanding guidance and leadership. Hopefully, with a change in leadership and all the returning underclassmen we will achieve a winning 2013 season!
Last edited by moonshine on Tue Nov 20, 2012 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

Logan Supporters, go to the Bye Bye Gifford subject and read the post on page 2 by Farmer! This is needed at Logan!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by maniac66 »

I do hope the best for Logan and it's fans Moonshine anyone can support a winner but not everyone wants to know a loser.
I am not saying the young men on the football team is losers they are players who want to win and trying to win I know that as should everyone else.
And sometimes it is coaching part may be attitude from losing and part may be fans not supporting a program but put it all together and it can't be a bad mix.
Logan is to proud a program to stay down and I do hope they right the ship and rise to the top where they represent your community and all of Southeastern Ohio well.
Good luck in the future in football and all your sports.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by billcox »

I have great respect for Logan and I hope they turn it around soon. It is good for SE Ohio and the SEOAL when Logan is up. When they were pounding everyone many ppl said that Logan was winning bc of their enrollment. I don't hear those ppl crying now that Logan is down! Ppl need to give credit where it is due. Logan is a strong and proud program and they will be back.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by vctransplant »

Sometimes there is just a shift in talent. That is not disrespect it is just a fact. Look at Chillicothe. They are down too. That is just the way it goes. Logan will come out of it. Seen their 7th and 8th grade play and they got a lot of talent coming up. Good luck to them Chieftains.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

Will Logan and NY play again in '13 and '14, or was it just a 2 year agreement?

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by loganlocos »

Logan and NY play in 2013 and '14.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by zbd »

I never want to see a coach fired I am sure he wants to win just as bad as the kids do change is sometimes needed just be sure that it is the right thing to do not just the easy thing. I want to see Logan rise up again I feel that every program has a down time you just cant let it go to far down. Good luck Logan Football.

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

Has the post season meeting between the current head coach and Supt happened as of yet! In a couple weeks there will be some good coaches finished with there season!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by Logan_Buckeye »

moonshine wrote:Today an article was in the Logan Daily News proclaiming our football team was somewhat a success in 2012 and I will admit the article was well written, but again they played the numbers game! Ok we had a few bright spots and some individual preformed quite well this year. But, our beloved Chieftains have failed to win more than 3 games in a year since future Hall of Fame Coach Dale Amyx retired! Our records have been 3-7, 1-9, and 2-8 a .200 winning percentage! Our young men deserve better leadership of our program. Most always this year, our young men put forth outstanding effort. but the effort and committment to the game must have outstanding guidance and leadership. Hopefully, with a change in leadership and all the returning underclassmen we will achieve a winning 2013 season!
IMO, Amyx retired for this same reason. Why go out with losing records? He timed his exit pretty good and went out in a blaze of glory. Take a look back at the history and records of the athletes in the last couple years, from the time that they were in 7th thru reserves, they have been marginal at best and it caught with them the varsity level.

With that said, Kelly seems like a sacraficial lamb for the past few years and will not make it see the very talented upcoming classes. I see that Amyx will be retiring from the school system in a couple years, I wouldn't be suprised to see him on the side lines next year and after, then retire again from they school system and coaching all together. And once again "Amyx" will be Logans' savior and hailed as a hero...lol

I think that the house needs to be sanitized from the lower grades all the way thru, maybe keeping a couple just for transition. The program is broke, so you either fix it now or wind up in the same position down the road. AND DEFINATELY GET AWAY FROM THE "WHO YOU KNOW" PLAYS ATTITUTE. Don't beat me up for that comment, I don't have a child and never will have one in the program, so don't use the complaining parent card towards me. If you want to rebutt me, find some serious facts and I will gladly respond.

Hopefully Logan will get its ship righted and be competitive again.. Good Luck Chieftain Nation.....

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by Logan_Buckeye »

Before you slaughter me about the marginal athletes, this directed at the coaching they've had, not the players as individuals..

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

Logan_Buckeye wrote:Before you slaughter me about the marginal athletes, this directed at the coaching they've had, not the players as individuals..
Good coaching and the right program will turn those marginal athletes into a winning team!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by dazed&confused »

I don't care who is coaching...I just want to see signs of a turn-around. The last few years have been dreadful from a fan's perspective. Logan should be able to field better teams than that. Is it REALLY a talent deficiency? Is it coaching? Is it participation rates? I don't care, I just want to see Chieftain Football again!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

Our beloved Chiefs just completed the worst 3 years of losing in the history of Logan Football! In 1953-1956 they had 4 losing season in a row but they had more wins in any of the combined 3 year period, After 1956 Logan changed coaches to Mel Adams!

Time has come for a CHANGE!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by noreply66 »

I know it doesn't change much but under the 50s standards Logan's record over the last three years might be 6-20-4 which is a winning percentage of 20 and the four years you are talking about would be 9-25-2 which is 25%

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by moonshine »

moonshine wrote:Our beloved Chiefs just completed the worst 3 years of losing in the history of Logan Football! In 1953-1956 they had 4 losing season in a row but they had more wins in any of the combined 3 year period, After 1956 Logan changed coaches to Mel Adams!

Time has come for a CHANGE!

Thanks to LoganFootball.Com for all this history. In the history of Logan football no other coach had this type of losing record and was able to retain his job! I am composing a letter to the Supt and the Board of Ed with this history! Again thanks to LoganFootball.Com

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by LHS 72 »

moonshine wrote:Our beloved Chiefs just completed the worst 3 years of losing in the history of Logan Football! In 1953-1956 they had 4 losing season in a row but they had more wins in any of the combined 3 year period, After 1956 Logan changed coaches to Mel Adams!

Time has come for a CHANGE!
Oh my god I did not know it was thet BAD!

A change must occur!

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Re: Logan Football 2012 and 2013

Post by GoChiefs »

Some of you got your wish. Wolfe is out as head coach. They asked him to resign, he refused, so they aren't going to renew his contract.

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