Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
- kantuckyII
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
Abuck, as I said, there are groups that are just itching to see the IRS come after them. They've got a hoard of lawyers waiting to see this law declared what it really is, 'unconstitutional' You can't stop the church from preaching against sin to it's members.
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
I hope they do!!!!!!!!!!!....This country loses 300 to 500 Billion in tax revenue every year..........Tax the church if they want to discuss politics........ :12224
- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
Abuck, you remind me of luncheon know, 'Phony Bologna'
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
You can be as ignorant and childish as you wish tuck.....It is amusement for me.........But I will always be out there fighting for the working man and woman...........I do hope that if churches continue their political sermons, that it will be tested in court and their tax exempt shelter will be taken.........If you want to be political, fine, but pay tithes.......... :12224
- SE
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
So you would tax and probably close down most area churches that can barely pay their bills. Wow.... What's next Abuck? Will you also enforce "hate crimes" against pastors if they preach about anything that offends some certain group? You seriously want to force christians to follow a secular religion huh?
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
Then have all churches stay away from politics..........You can not understand the reasoning and logic...I also do not want to allow prayer in school............Same logic and reasoning........There is a seperation of church and state for a reason.....No religion should get more than any other........If we allow any religion to seep over into the secular realm, then does not religion become secular...........We do not want that..........If you allow prayer in school, you must allow all prayer in school, or you are establishing a national religion, which then becomes secular..........Let preachers preach about God and Jesus and sin............Keep the two seperate, the religious world and the secular world..........Take your religion with you everywhere you go......take it into the polling booth with you, but keep it to yourself.........Religion is personal and should always be kept that way.........As the Framers wanted........Otherwise, if you wish Religion to be part of the open forum of political debate in public, then we should treat the Religions of our country as secular entities and treat them as such...........You can not have it both ways..............That is why the Framers did what they did.............. :12224
- SE
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
A pastor has a duty to the congregation to apply God's Word to all aspects of life. It is not a "captive audience" and people are free to walk out the door as they please so how can you compare this to school prayer? Pastors can be voted out if his flock feels that he isn't following a biblical doctrine or is too involved in worldliness. You nor anyone else has a right to dictate what can be preached and using the IRS to threaten them into silence just shows the socialist agenda at its best.
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
Both your church and my school use tax payer dollars in some fashion......Schools are built and run with public funds............Churches are allowed to bypass taxes to be who they are.............However, just as I can not say who to vote for in class, it is the same for partors, priests and the like..........If a pastor wishes to do that, then that church should not use public funds by tax exemption.........Pay taxes and preach on whoever and whatever political view you wish......... :12224
- SE
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
You have a captive audience and they do not. It is a world of difference. Many churches FREELY give of both time and money through outreach programs too numerous to list but more and more they are being told they are neither wanted or needed because of our country rejecting Christ and you would rather see this money go to a government that over the last 50 years or more has shown repeatedly that it cannot properly function within its means. 

- kantuckyII
- Posts: 12198
- Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
Abuck is just a phony. What Chridtian would want to see God's churches/local assemblies attacked by the Government and their pastors muzzled from preaching the whole counsel of the God they serve?! Phony Bologna! No wonder he attends no church. He'd bring nothing but discord.
Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
You do not comprehendf the problems that could occur if religion and State mix.........The State could and would control Religion....Everyones religion.........That is why the Framers seperated State and Religion to keep the possible tyranny of State over Religion from taking place.......It is for the protection of my faith and your faith that the two are seperate.......You are too stubborn and obtuse to understand the framers decision..I thank God that State and Religion are seperate every day, as I can see the problems that could and would arise.............. :12224
- wildthingRV
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Re: Bishop Orders Anti-Obama Sermon To Be Read
kantuckyII wrote:Uncle Sam isn't invited behind the pulpit
Precisely! The Church ceases to be an instutition of faith and becomes a lobbyist with that sermon, and that's why it's a problem.