Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by noreply66 »

Runner wrote:
noreply66 wrote:We all love abuck76
Think again!
Do not need to fellow

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

Thank you my friend.......... :12224

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Leo Byrd
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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Leo Byrd »

and the beat goes on and on and on and on and on never to end...................same ol bullsh!t, just a different day of the week.......

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by ManitouDan »

no one forcing you to read or comment Mr Byrd .

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Leo Byrd »

ManitouDan wrote:no one forcing you to read or comment Mr Byrd .
thanks for reminding me.......but I will still let u know when I think it is bullsh!t. .......and u dont have to read this either .........

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Leo Byrd wrote:and the beat goes on and on and on and on and on never to end...................same ol bullsh!t, just a different day of the week.......

I agree it's same old bullshit from abuck as usual. Really when it comes down to it without the bull from both tuck and abuck this site would be like 1000 times better.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

I am disappointed it took you this long TC, to comment.....Do you not like me anymore?. :122248 ............. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ..And Leo, I agree with you......This is BS.......... :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Tigercannon71 »

No I really like you abuck. Like if you were on fire Id definitely spit my everclear on you to help.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by toast »

Count me as another supporter of abuck76.

His positions are well thought out and backed up by facts when possible. I may not agree with all of his opinions but he states them in an intelligent manner. (hey I don't agree with my wife on all issues) It's amazing anyone on would be critical of abuck76 given the venomous rhetoric the right spews out on a daily bases.

It's also important to remember over the last several years which side initiates the hateful political post and name calling. Ten to one it startes on the right. And look at the lies and distortions that have been made about President Obama over the last four and a half years. If you want to talk about rude and childish let's start there!

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by KVDW »

dazed&confused wrote: And I miss sparring with Tuck, just don't miss his incendiary bombasts. :-D
just curious as to what you are referring to when you say "incendiary bombasts". Do you have an example of Tuck's incendiary bombast you can share with us ?

It seems to me that asuck is more the one prone to prolixity. :mrgreen:

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by farmer »

Toast why is it after a Presidential Debate they have Fact Checkers check on what lies were told by each canidate?

Strong Supporters of either side get side tracked more on putting down the other side while being blinded as to what lies their party is telling.

This is the United States but is much more like the OSU VS UM game coming up. Where people on either side do not care for the other. But the 2 parties division hatred is even worse than the supporters of OSU VS UM. The thing is politics has become a game where it is not a game. It envolves people lives and their future.Abuck wants people to be tolerate of people's race, religion but is intolerate of anyone who's views do not follow the Dems. He is a follower in the same way he talks down about others. Only he thinks it is right because it is politics. Learning comes from actually listening to both sides instead of using a closed mind. Talk about free thinkers is just that talk if it doesn't follow your views. Much like MD said.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Paladin »

Typical BS is correct. When you have one Party ( and their politicans) openly challenging science and using not facts, but ideology, it shows just how far idiots will go to espouse their BS . Or openly espouse hatred of a Prez who inherited a whooping deficit created by the other party and then blame him for having caused the deficit THEY created ( while he added 10% more), you have more BS. KII was and is a religious zealot and an ideologe who poisoned much of the talk here. To blame people who used facts and logic to blunt his poison is pretty childish. Ultimately, even trying to suppress the vote in this country, Rs and people like KII can't kill off truth and the choice that people make about where to take the country. BS, as most decided, won't cut it.
Last edited by Paladin on Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by dazed&confused »

KVDW wrote:
dazed&confused wrote: And I miss sparring with Tuck, just don't miss his incendiary bombasts. :-D
just curious as to what you are referring to when you say "incendiary bombasts". Do you have an example of Tuck's incendiary bombast you can share with us ?

It seems to me that asuck is more the one prone to prolixity. :mrgreen:
You're kidding, right? :lol:

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Runner »

noreply66 wrote:
Runner wrote:
noreply66 wrote:We all love abuck76
Think again!
Do not need to fellow
Yeah..I think you do because what you stated is an outright lie.

We "ALL" DO NOT love abuck...or his ilk. But you can if that's what you are into :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

Farmer I have been absolutely tolerant of other peoples views.........You confuse disagreement with intolerance..........I have never asked anyone to change their belief system, but to simply think..........I am only intolerant of ignorance............Ignorance can be fixed............You can change from being ignorant to being informed and educated...........There is the difference............Now if you become informed and can espouse your conservative views in a rational manner, that is the ultimate goal..........I have many, many conservative friends, and we discuss a myriad of topics.............I learn from them and they from me........It is good...........We disagree all the time, but we do not spew ignorance at each other ...........Both sides of any argument will have weak points and both will have strong points........If you know the truth from both sides of the spectrum, your argument will shine brighter, as you know the strong and weak points of their side............The main problem I see based on ignorance on this little site is the conservative side of the aislesome not all, does not want to learn about the other side.............I have advocated and do advocate to anyone to watch, listen and read about things from all sides........If you base your belief set from one source, it is not your belief set, it is their belief set............I have the Drudge Report as my home page on my computer.......I read The Heritage Foundation, The CATO Institute, The American Spectator and The American Thinker to name a few...........I watch as many different news shows as I can including Fox News..........I love listening to Hannity and Rush........I listen to O'Reily but he gets a little tedious........BUt I make up my own mind about issues........Bombast is simply that, bombast........Drivel is drivel, no matter who says it or writes it.......I do not care if you are conservative, but know why and be able to back it up with history and substance............I love this discussion as people are actually talking about thinking....And you can tell which that comment are basing their views on substance and which are using logical fallacies and bombast...........John Stuart Mill would be proud of this debate.......... :12224

A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life. Mill

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by ManitouDan »

everyone else is always wrong.. again IF , big IF , you are " absolutely tolerant " of others views then why have 3-4 people physically challenged you ? And you , JUST YOU ABUCK76 , are the only one getting this misguided treatment ? The problem is people dont see things your way , and you treat them as you do your class .. I'm the king as what i say goes ... but this isnt HS .

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

First let me clear up your constant babble about being called out.......I called them out first,because they said insulting remarks about my children and grandchildren..........That has nothing to do with my politics, and adds no substance to your argument........They are total wasted pieces of humanity in my opinion................If you attack someones family, you are scum..... NOw that is clear and moot to any argument you have against me, let us move on............Next, I do not care if you attack me.....It proves my point about the ones that do not like me.............You are a perfect example for people to look at as an example of what I have been saying.........Keep attacking me, and I will keep pointing out your logical fallacies.........Now I will fight for your right to hate me and to disagree with me.........That is fine......But it does not add any support to you being tolerant of other peoples views....In fact , it shows a lack of tolerance.........But that is o.k.........I will be waiting with bated breath for your next attack...... :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by dazed&confused »

From the 1986 movie Hoosiers:

Look, mister, there's... two kinds of dumb, uh... guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and, uh, guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don't matter, the second one you're kinda forced to deal with.

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ....................................... :12224

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Re: Here is what you've been waiting to hear LOL

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:To get a rainbow, we must have thunderstorms

I can tell that you don't teach a STEM subject.


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