Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

Why did the middle class arise?.........How did the middle class arise?.....educate yourself..........Look at the history of the demise of unions and you will see an equal decline in wages and living standards..........Your ilk will never allow for the possibility that unions helped you, even if you were not in a union........That is why I teach......To send kids out in the world prepared, not uninformed.........You are lost and will continue to fight against policies that will help you..............Sheeple amaze me...... :roll: :roll: .........I would say think man, but I believe you have lost the ability........... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Bear »

What's also surprised me is that the DOJ has yet to come after WALMART for their increasing monopoly. For every one job that walmrt "creates", three jobs are lost in the communitee. Meaning people that once had good jobs are forced to work at a place like walmart. Walmart undercuts and saturates the markets. Also, how many walmarts do you see inside city limits? There is a reason for that, and another cause for working class cities to suffer.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:Why did the middle class arise?.........How did the middle class arise?.....educate yourself..........Look at the history of the demise of unions and you will see an equal decline in wages and living standards..........Your ilk will never allow for the possibility that unions helped you, even if you were not in a union........That is why I teach......To send kids out in the world prepared, not uninformed.........You are lost and will continue to fight against policies that will help you..............Sheeple amaze me...... :roll: :roll: .........I would say think man, but I believe you have lost the ability........... :12224

You teach so you can brainwash kids into believing in the warped crap you say you believe in. Hopefully none of it takes and the kids see through your liberal crap.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ....... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

Image.............. :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Xtoxxviii »

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Bryce »

Everything we are using for Thanksgiving this year has came from either Sae-A-Lot or Aldi's...BOTH NON UNION companies. Products purchased was also made by NON UNION companies.

Paying much lower prices and receiving quality food..... while STILL supporting American workers!

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

Spoken as a company shill would..you are biting your nose off to spite your face.........Union wages bring up wages for all..........All of our dinner was bought from union stores and we bought union made products on this list......Supported workers and union wages ......... You are welcome.......... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:Spoken as a company shill would..you are biting your nose off to spite your face.........Union wages bring up wages for all..........All of our dinner was bought from union stores and we bought union made products on this list......Supported workers and union wages ......... You are welcome.......... :12224
And I guarentee you paid about $50 bucks more than what Bryce did.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

No where near that :roll: .....And I am helping union workers maintain livable wages while everyone fights to bring unions back, so everyone can be in the middle class...................It will help everyone as it always had before......... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:No where near that :roll: .....

Right I figured he saved much a higher amount.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

I just asked my wife, as I knew you would attempt to come back with one of your patented penetrating remarks.........She said , maybe 10 bucks difference TOTAL............yea, I can live with that........So, we agree that you will keep helping the owners , and I will keep helping workers........Agreed......Now see, that was not very hard....... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Bryce »

10 bucks difference? You don't go shopping very much. And as for your wife stating that....if she is smart, she would know better as well. I compared what I bought to what was advertised in various "Union" stores. Total saved was between $35 and $40. Buy your wife a new calculator for Christmas since you were proven wrong once again

Oh and by the way....my Turkey is Farm Fresh from a NON UNION turkey farm about 2 hours from here. Bought it on my way home Tuesday. Those store bought turkeys have to much additives in them and are not the healthiest to eat. Still paid less for it than you did....lol.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by moose »

Chicken for us today. :( The checkout line at our union store was closed all week.

The bag boy called in sick.

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

No matter your bombast, the fact remains we did not spend anymore that 8 to 10 dollars more....For example we shop at Krogers as much as we can.......Prices are a little higher on some things, but we get discounts for using their customer card, and we gain cents off per gallon of gas for shopping there.......We just filled up before we left for my daughters and had 40cents off per gallon!!...Yea, that was nice........I supported a corporation that cares, they make a profit, their worekers are union and I save.............Yea, I like my way better than yours.........And I do go shopping with my wife.......I enjoy it...We cook together too.............For your figures to be right, of the 11 things listed each would have cost $3 more per item for you number of $35 -40 savings, and their are two turkeys listed....Just does not add up......Exaggeration maybe???.........We also try to buy local...........Fresh is always best...........Our sweet potatoes and green beans fresh....We make mashed potatoes with fresh.....But we still did not spend much more.......You continue to support the profit makers, and I will keep supporting the workers attempting to maintain a livable wage......We will agree to disagree and move on........Happy Thanksgiving...... :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by Orange and Brown »

Shot my Turkey last spring!

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

Now I am not a hunter, but my father in law was...........He once killed two tuurkeys with one shot! :122246 ...My wife swears he did.......Fresh is ALWAYS better........ :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »


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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »

Image............ :12224

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Re: Union-Made Thanksgiving Shopping List

Post by abuck76 »


Does this NOT make sense...........Job creators???...... :12224

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