SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by sparky »

what is the soc non league record?

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Lightle04 »

In non league games Eastern to this point is 3-1 wins over WellstonD-3 ,WaverlyD-2,Piketon D-3, and a 8 point loss early on to Oak Hill D-3 so there out of league schedual has consisted of 3, D-3 and a D-2 not to bad. Wellston has a win over Athens. Piketon beat Valley and Zane Trace. Waverly just beat Oak Hill. And Oak Hill was undefeated till Friday when Waverly upset them.

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

SOC II schedules
Minford Falcons

12/04 Minford 95 at Clay 38
12/07 Valley 64 at Minford 62
12/11 Notre Dame 53 at Minford 60
12/14 Minford 60 at Waverly 48
12/15 Minford 61 at Raceland 41
12/18 Minford 49 at South Webster 62
12/21 Minford 52 at North Adams 39
12/28 Minford 63 at Portsmouth 51
01/04 Northwest 43 at Minford 71
01/08 Minford 48 at Wheelersburg 45
01/11 West 52 at Minford 61
01/15 Oak Hill 36 at Minford 48
01/18 Minford 70 at Valley 83
01/22 Waverly 49 at Minford 68
01/25 South Webster at Minford PPD
01/29 Minford at Northwest
02/01 Wheelersburg at Minford
02/02 Rock Hill at Minford
02/05 Minford at Chesapeake
02/08 Minford at West
02/12 Adena at Minford
02/15 Minford at Oak Hill

Northwest Mohawks

11/30 Northwest 41 vs. Manchester 33 (Clay Tournament)
12/01 Northwest 41 vs. Paint Valley 45 (Clay Tournament)
12/04 Notre Dame 67 at Northwest 33
12/07 Northwest 40 at South Webster 65
12/11 Northwest 47 at Peebles 73
12/14 Valley 67 at Northwest 51
12/18 Oak Hill 68 at Northwest 44
12/21 Clay at Northwest***PPD
01/04 Northwest 43 at Minford 71
01/08 Northwest 41 at West 66
01/11 Waverly 41 at Northwest 37
01/15 Northwest 21 at Wheelersburg 55
01/18 South Webster 63 at Northwest 41
01/22 Northwest 36 at Valley 80
01/26 Northwest 32 at Oak Hill 57
01/29 Minford at Northwest
02/01 West at Northwest
02/05 Northwest at Eastern
02/08 Northwest at Waverly
02/12 New Boston at Northwest
02/15 Wheelersburg at Northwest

Oak Hill Oaks

11/30 Fairland 56 at Oak Hill 60
12/04 Oak Hill 72 at Eastern 64
12/07 Oak Hill 64 at West 60
12/11 Symmes Valley 48 at Oak Hill 58
12/14 South Webster 38 at Oak Hill 54
12/18 Oak Hill 68 at Northwest 44
12/22 Wellston 67 at Oak Hill 76
12/28 Oak Hill 57 at Rock Hill 37
01/04 Oak Hill 50 at Waverly 52
01/08 Valley 48 at Oak Hill 65
01/11 Wheelersburg 55 at Oak Hill 64
01/15 Oak Hill 36 at Minford 48
01/18 West 53 at Oak Hill 64
01/19 Oak Hill 46 at Alexander 33
01/22 Oak Hill 42 at South Webster 47
01/26 Northwest 32 at Oak Hill 57
01/29 Waverly at Oak Hill
02/01 Oak Hill at Valley
02/05 River Valley at Oak Hill
02/08 Oak Hill at Wheelersburg
02/09 Oak Hill at St. Joseph CC (W. Va.)
02/15 Minford at Oak Hill

South Webster Jeeps

11/30 Portsmouth 39 at South Webster 54
12/04 South Webster 61 at Green 43
12/07 Northwest 40 at South Webster 65
12/14 South Webster 38 at Oak Hill 54
12/18 Minford 49 at South Webster 62
12/28 South Webster 70 vs. East 41 (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
12/29 South Webster 85 vs. New Boston 47 (Glenwood Winter Tournament)
01/04 South Webster 61 at Wheelersburg 49
01/05 South Webster 50 at East 55
01/08 South Webster 43 at Waverly 55
01/11 Valley 63 at South Webster 56
01/12 South Webster 54 vs. Vinton County 59 (Beasts of the Southeast)
01/15 South Webster 76 at West 72
01/18 South Webster 63 at Northwest 41
01/22 Oak Hill 42 at South Webster 47
01/25 South Webster at Minford PPD
01/29 Wheelersburg at South Webster
02/01 Waverly at South Webster
02/02 South Webster at Clay
02/08 South Webster at Valley
02/15 West at South Webster

Valley Indians
12/01 Valley 71 vs. Hillsboro 47 (Zane Trace Tip-Off Classic)
12/04 Valley 50 at Ironton 84
12/07 Valley 64 at Minford 62
12/11 Piketon 78 at Valley 73
12/14 Valley 67 at Northwest 51
12/18 Wheelersburg 51 at Valley 56
12/28 Valley 57 at Clay 30
12/29 Valley 75 at Unioto 59
01/04 West 76 at Valley 78
01/05 Valley 56 at Huntington 42
01/08 Valley 48 at Oak Hill 65
01/11 Valley 63 at South Webster 56
01/12 Adena 38 at Valley 69
01/15 Valley 74 at Waverly 66
01/18 Minford 70 at Valley 83
01/22 Northwest 36 at Valley 80
01/25 Valley at Wheelersburg PPD
01/26 North Adams 44 at Valley 67
01/29 Valley at West
02/01 Oak Hill at Valley
02/08 South Webster at Valley
02/15 Waverly at Valley

Waverly Tigers

11/30 Waverly 59 at Washington C.H. 58
12/04 Waverly 32 at Vinton County 47
12/07 Wheelersburg 65 at Waverly 40
12/11 Waverly 20 at Ironton 68
12/14 Minford 60 at Waverly 48
12/18 Waverly 58 at West 61
12/28 Waverly 47 vs. Eastern 52 (Holiday Classic)
12/29 Waverly 56 vs. Western 52 (Holiday Classic)
01/04 Oak Hill 50 at Waverly 52
01/05 Waverly 46 at North Adams 54
01/08 South Webster 43 at Waverly 55
01/11 Waverly 41 at Northwest 37
01/12 Waverly 24 vs. Chesapeake 45 (Beasts of the Southeast)
01/15 Valley 74 at Waverly 66
01/18 Waverly 44 at Wheelersburg 43
01/22 Waverly 49 at Minford 68
01/25 West at Waverly PPD (2-5)
01/29 Waverly at Oak Hill
02/01 Waverly at South Webster
02/08 Northwest at Waverly
02/09 Waverly at Greenup Co.
02/15 Waverly at Valley

West Senators

11/30 Green 35 at West 65
12/04 Coal Grove 61 at West 57
12/07 Oak Hill 64 at West 60
12/11 New Boston 53 at West 91
12/14 West 50 at Wheelersburg 55
12/18 Waverly 58 at West 61
12/20 West 53 vs. Ironton St. Joe's 43 (Ironton Classic)
01/02 Rock Hill 50 at West 72
01/04 West 76 at Valley 78
01/08 Northwest 41 at West 66
01/11 West 52 at Minford 61
01/15 South Webster 76 at West 72
01/18 West 53 at Oak Hill 64
01/22 Wheelersburg 62 at West 55
01/25 West at Waverly PPD (2-5)
01/29 Valley at West
02/01 West at Northwest
02/08 Minford at West
02/09 West at Eastern
02/12 Manchester at West
02/15 West at South Webster
02/16 West at Adena

Wheelersburg Pirates

12/04 Wheelersburg 46 at Portsmouth 49
12/07 Wheelersburg 65 at Waverly 40
12/08 Wheelersburg 61 vs. Jackson 34 (@ Rio Grande)
12/11 Green 42 at Wheelersburg 60
12/14 West 50 at Wheelersburg 55
12/18 Wheelersburg 51 at Valley 56
12/22 Alexander 32 at Wheelersburg 69
12/28 Fairland 53 at Wheelersburg 50
01/04 South Webster 61 at Wheelersburg 49
01/08 Minford 48 at Wheelersburg 45
01/11 Wheelersburg 55 at Oak Hill 64
01/15 Northwest 21 at Wheelersburg 55
01/18 Waverly 44 at Wheelersburg 43
01/22 Wheelersburg 62 at West 55
01/25 Valley at Wheelersburg PPD
01/29 Wheelersburg at South Webster
02/01 Wheelersburg at Minford
02/02 Gallia Academy at Wheelersburg
02/05 Wheelersburg at Ironton
02/08 Oak Hill at Wheelersburg
02/12 Wheelersburg at Greenup Co.
02/15 Wheelersburg at Northwest

Current Standings:

1. Valley 8-1 (14-3)
2. Oak Hill 7-3 (13-3)
3. Minford 6-3 (11-3)
3. South Webster 6-3 (10-5)
5. Wheelersburg 4-5 (7-7)
5. Waverly 4-5 (6-10)
7. West 2-7 (6-8)
8. Northwest 0-10 (1-13)

I took Xfactor's schedules and just pasted them and updated them...If there are any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
Last edited by Crab's Brother on Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:53 am, edited 5 times in total.

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

All schedules and standings have been updated through 1/11.

The league is shaping up for a crazy finish.

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Everything is now up to date heading into the week of 1/14.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by js7_22 »

What happened to the updates? This started out so nice and just fell off.

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Tonight's (1/15) Scores:

Valley 74
Waverly 66

Wheelersburg 55
Northwest 21

South Webster 76
West 72

Minford 48
Oak Hill 36

Current Standings:

1. Valley 6-1 (11-3)
2. Minford 5-2 (10-2)
2. Oak Hill 5-2 (10-2)
4. South Webster 4-3 (8-5)
5. Wheelersburg 3-4 (6-6)
5. Waverly 3-4 (5-9)
7. West 2-5 (6-6)
8. Northwest 0-7 (1-10)

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Crab's brother.....

Thanks for keeping standings up to date. :-D

It helps me double check all of my SOC scores and standings.

Keep up the great work!

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

Crab's brother.....

Thanks for keeping standings up to date. :-D

It helps me double check all of my SOC scores and standings.

Keep up the great work!

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Keyser_soze78 wrote:Crab's brother.....

Thanks for keeping standings up to date. :-D

It helps me double check all of my SOC scores and standings.

Keep up the great work!
Not a problem...Glad I could help.

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

1/18 Scores:

Minford 70
Valley 83

West 53
Oak Hill 64

Waverly 44
Wheelersburg 43

South Webster 63
Northwest 41

Here are the standings with 6 games to go:

1. Valley 7-1 (12-3)
2. Oak Hill 6-2 (11-2)
3. South Webster 5-3 (9-5)
3. Minford 5-3 (10-3)
5. Waverly 4-4 (6-9)
6. Wheelersburg 3-5 (6-7)
7. West 2-6 (6-7)
8. Northwest 0-8 (1-11)

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

Only one score on Saturday as only Oak Hill played:

Oak Hill 46
Alexander 33

Here are the standings with 6 games to go:

1. Valley 7-1 (12-3)
2. Oak Hill 6-2 (12-2)
3. South Webster 5-3 (9-5)
3. Minford 5-3 (10-3)
5. Waverly 4-4 (6-9)
6. Wheelersburg 3-5 (6-7)
7. West 2-6 (6-7)
8. Northwest 0-8 (1-11)

Tuesday Matchups:

Waverly at Minford
Northwest at Valley
Oak Hill at South Webster
Wheelersburg at West

Riding the Bench
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Dr_Know »

In SOC II Valley looks to have a commanding 2 game lead with 5 to play after the Jeeps knocked off Oak Hill tonight. West beat Wheelersburg and Minford handled Waverly. I'm sure the Indians took care of the Mohawks but I have yet to see a score.

I wonder how ND faired at East tonight? Tough place to play and the Titans lost some tough games the last week.

Riding the Bench
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Dr_Know »

Well if the score thread is true, then I was told wrong or misheard the West and Burg score.

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

'Burg beat West 62-55 tonight

Crab's Brother
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Crab's Brother »

I believe that all the schedules above are correct and up to date. This will get a little tougher now that there have been cancellations and games being rescheduled. If you see a mistake, please post.

Here are the updated standing as of 1/27:

Current Standings:

1. Valley 8-1 (14-3)
2. Oak Hill 7-3 (13-3)
3. Minford 6-3 (11-3)
3. South Webster 6-3 (10-5)
5. Wheelersburg 4-5 (7-7)
5. Waverly 4-5 (6-10)
7. West 2-7 (6-8)
8. Northwest 0-10 (1-13)

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by courier »

It may be too much work but what are some of the key matchups going down the stretch?

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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by smurray »

Waverly with two big road games this week, starting at Oak Hill tonight and then South Webster Friday. The Tigers knocked both off at the jungle and they desperately need some wins going into the tournament draw on the 10th. If they can steal at least one win this week they have West and Northwest coming to the jungle next week and then travel to Greenup on the 9th. Would be very good to head into the tournament draw with 10 wins, the D2 Sectional at Southeastern is wide open.

Riding the Bench
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Dr_Know »

Judging by the SOC II standings and the schedule, there are only a few games that will play a role in who wins the conference. Minford and Oak Hill play again at the end of the year. Valley and Oak Hill face off at Valley this Friday. The Oaks also have to go to Wheelersburg, so they are in a win out situation if they want a piece of the title. Valley would have to lose 3 out of 5 games to lose the league and could share the league with the Minford/Oak Hill winner if the Indians drop 2 games, one of which would to the Oaks. Webster has an outside shot at a piece of the league if they win out but they have a trip to Valley and Minford left. Not only is Valley, Minford, and Oak Hill playing for a first round sectional bye, but Burg and West are trying to improve their standing in that sectional. The Oaks need to beat Valley Friday and the Falcons will more than likely need some help to move past Oak Hill. Waverly is playing for seeding and Northwest is playing out the string. So after that mess it comes down to Valley controls their fate. The Oaks, Falcons, and Jeeps need to win out and get some help to catch the Indians. The Pirates can play spoiler to all of the 4 teams above them, while the Tigers have a shot at 3 of them.

There are some big games left but things would have to get crazy for the Indians to lose the league. I see them winning out and going into the tournament as the #2 seed in Jackson. I think Minford finished 2nd in league and gets the #3 seed with the Oaks finishing tied with Webster going in as the #4.

Riding the Bench
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Re: SOC schedules **All 16 teams listed!!!**

Post by Dr_Know »

I get in my car after the Burg/Webster game and find out that the Indians lost to the Senators. That sure makes things more interesting than I figured they would be. Suddenly the Valley/Oak Hill game is huge Friday night. I think I'll be making the trip to Lucasville for that battle. Congrats to West on the surprising upset.

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