26 dead at Conn. School shooting

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

So NYBuckeye, you going to go watch Jamie Foxx's new movie? You know, the guy that declared Obama as our lord and savior and brags how he's going to get to kill all the white people. Another MORON from Hollywood! These are our heroes???..he's just a moron

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by F-4 Phantom »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:
F-4 Phantom wrote:Never miss an opportunity to turn a tragedy into something political. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: That's all the guy knows. Clint Eastwood was 100% correct! Where was all this emotion for those who were murdered in Benghazi, begging for their lives, begging this guy for support. :roll: :roll: :roll: Libs in hollywood, the ACLU and those who have propped up these gangsta rappers have blood on their hands. YOU have glorified the killing of innocent and made it sport through your senseless movies and music. YOU have created a generation of nutcases and YOU continually blame others for what YOU have created! How absurd!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Seriously? Just goes to show that the far right still doesn't get it! And never will. Oh well, their days are numbered. All that you destroy we will build again.

Your outrage is touching!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: You are so blinded by your allegiance you can't see the truth! You want to blame guns for a culture/generation LIBS created! :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

Image I don't normally go for this kind of art work but this is just really comforting..knowing these children were embraced

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by mister b »

Shame on those who drag politics into this at such a very early time when emotions are raw.

There will be time in the future to discuss the "whys" and the "how could" this happen and "what" can be done to prevent future situations like this from happening. But now is not that time.

Parents are missing their children and familys are without their adult loved ones.

Inside of the fire house where certain families are meeting has to be one of the most gutwrenching scenes.

Tears fill my eyes for all these families.

My heartfelt prayers are with these families, in this their most darkest of hours.

May God have mercy on and for them.
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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

F-4 Phantom wrote:
NYBuckeye96 wrote:
F-4 Phantom wrote:Never miss an opportunity to turn a tragedy into something political. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: That's all the guy knows. Clint Eastwood was 100% correct! Where was all this emotion for those who were murdered in Benghazi, begging for their lives, begging this guy for support. :roll: :roll: :roll: Libs in hollywood, the ACLU and those who have propped up these gangsta rappers have blood on their hands. YOU have glorified the killing of innocent and made it sport through your senseless movies and music. YOU have created a generation of nutcases and YOU continually blame others for what YOU have created! How absurd!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Seriously? Just goes to show that the far right still doesn't get it! And never will. Oh well, their days are numbered. All that you destroy we will build again.

Your outrage is touching!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: You are so blinded by your allegiance you can't see the truth! You want to blame guns for a culture/generation LIBS created! :roll: :roll: :roll:
So liberals are responsible for this shooting? Unbelieveable!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

F-4 Phantom wrote:Your outrage is touching!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: You are so blinded by your allegiance you can't see the truth! You want to blame guns for a culture/generation LIBS created! :roll: :roll: :roll:

I can think of many young people who have had teen pregnancies, been in jail, used drugs, etc. etc. who have deeply religious, far-right parents.

I can think of many young people who grew up, graduated college, started families of their own, etc. etc. who had liberal parents.

Stop trying to blame the left for what is going on. If the left had their way, the guns used in these killings wouldn't be available to the general public in the first place. Automatic assault rifles are necessary in our society? Really? I think not.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by toast »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:
F-4 Phantom wrote:Your outrage is touching!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: You are so blinded by your allegiance you can't see the truth! You want to blame guns for a culture/generation LIBS created! :roll: :roll: :roll:

I can think of many young people who have had teen pregnancies, been in jail, used drugs, etc. etc. who have deeply religious, far-right parents.

I can think of many young people who grew up, graduated college, started families of their own, etc. etc. who had liberal parents.

Stop trying to blame the left for what is going on. If the left had their way, the guns used in these killings wouldn't be available to the general public in the first place. Automatic assault rifles are necessary in our society? Really? I think not.
Excellent post NYBuckeye96. Makes a lot of sense!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

Nothing you say today will be given any serious thoughtful consideration by the right 96. They and their NRA bretheren are so paranoid of this issue they will wrap themselves in some strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment and demand we don't even have a dialogue. I'll say it again, you can't take people's guns away. That's stupid. But you can regulate their sale and prohibit those who cannot handle the tremendous resposibility involved in gun ownership.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

It's not a 'gun problem' it's a 'heart problem' which we don't know exactly what happened yet at all. May never know either...

1927, a man set up two bombs that go off in two schools, killing himself, eight adults and 38 children. No guns involved. It was a wicked heart

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:It's not a 'gun problem' it's a 'heart problem' which we don't know exactly what happened yet at all. May never know either...

1927, a man set up two bombs that go off in two schools, killing himself, eight adults and 38 children. No guns involved. It was a wicked heart
So did they have violent movies and video games then? 8)

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

The big difference is...people who were alive back then remembered that the rest of their lives. Most American's will forget about this incident in less than five years because they're will be something coming along very soon that will push it to the back of our minds

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

kantuckyII wrote:The big difference is...people who were alive back then remembered that the rest of their lives. Most American's will forget about this incident in less than five years because they're will be something coming along very soon that will push it to the back of our minds

Those who are children right now will never forget it. In fact, it will probably be one of the earliest historical events that defines them as a generation. I have a feeling they will not be so pro-automatic assault riffle as the tea baggers.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Eagle82 »

The left doesn't seem to be outraged much with the death of children in car accidents?

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by caglewis »

Eagle82 wrote:The left doesn't seem to be outraged much with the death of children in car accidents?
Excuse me - it was "the left" [anti-freedom/pro-regulation] whose efforts got seatbelts installed in all cars and made their use mandatory. And got childrens' car seats made a mandatory safety provision, and encouraged lower speed limits. I am not going to hunt up statistics, but children ABSOLUTELY ride much more safely in much safer cars today than they did 50 years ago.
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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

caglewis wrote:
Eagle82 wrote:The left doesn't seem to be outraged much with the death of children in car accidents?
Excuse me - it was "the left" [anti-freedom/pro regulation] whose efforts got seatbelts installed in all cars and made their use mandatory. And got childrens' car seats made a mandatory safety provision, and encouraged lower speed limits. I am not going to hunt up statistics, but children ABSOLUTELY ride much more safely in much safer cars today than they did 50 years ago.
...and the manufacturers whined because all that safety stuff added to the cost of the car!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »


.....then again, I hear Obama talking about this..tears in his eyes...when I KNOW he voted in favor partial birth abortions. His bell is made of lead and it didn't ring very loud!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by toast »

It would be irresponsible not to take into account the mechanism that was used to commit this horrific act. The easy access to guns is part of the problem. If we had some common sense gun control laws some of these horrible killings would not be taking place.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Runner »

Even with "common sense laws" any criminal that would would want to get a gun would still be able to find them. It may take them a day or longer to do so, but they would still be available. It's just like drugs....cops bust one dealer....the people move on to the next. Its the person's mental state that causes these types of tragedies.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by toast »

No two people are the same. Some people would jump through 100 hoops to obtain a gun to commit the act and some people wouldn't be willing to jump through two hoops to obtain a gun commit the crime.

We could make access to guns a little more rigid and some of these killings would not be happening.

And yes most of the people who commit these killings are severely mentally ill. Funding for mental health facilities should be a priority.

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