26 dead at Conn. School shooting

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

So we do NOTHING and just accept these tragedies as the price we pay for absolute freedom? Just asking. And if the answer is no, what do you suggest?

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

dazed&confused wrote:So we do NOTHING and just accept these tragedies as the price we pay for absolute freedom? Just asking. And if the answer is no, what do you suggest?
What is the argument for pro-choice regarding the abortion issue?

The Democratic Party allows for women to make the choice as to whether the mother is allowed to kill her unborn child or not. The Democratic Party believes that this is allowable because the woman is making the choice for her own body and not affecting the life of another human being. However, she is affecting the life of her unborn child.

Each person in this world has the ability to kill himself or herself at any moment in time. The same can be said for killing other individuals. What makes them make this choice as to whether kill or abstain?

In China, there have been several knife stabbings in schools against multiple individuals. Should we ban knives as well? What made the people in China make the choice to use the knives?

It is the breakdown of the family unit that makes these things happen, not the fact that guns or knives are available.


You asked for my suggestion.

We return to a more morality-based society and not one based on "me, me, me"...

Rugged individualism is one of the great qualities of this country; however, it was never intended to be an entitlement society with individuals believing that the world revolved around them. We have always had to prove ourselves in this world.

It is time that we march to a different drummer and quit pacifying our youth.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by caglewis »

JUST PRAY ABOUT IT - that has worked so well in the past, right, and it should be law?
This powerful perfect deity you believe in either caused or failed to prevent this tragedy.
I'm amazed that people go to places of worship after a tragedy and pray to that same deity.
Last edited by caglewis on Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

caglewis wrote:JUST PRAY ABOUT IT - that has worked so well in the past, right?
This powerful perfect deity you believe in either caused or failed to prevent this tragedy.
I'm amazed that people go to places of worship after a tragedy and pray to that same deity.
...and I will pray for you since I was fooled into believing that you actually celebrated Christmas when you gave me that Christmas card a few years ago!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

caglewis wrote:JUST PRAY ABOUT IT - that has worked so well in the past, right, and it should be law?
This powerful perfect deity you believe in either caused or failed to prevent this tragedy.
I'm amazed that people go to places of worship after a tragedy and pray to that same deity.
Since you changed your quote, I will comment here.

Nowhere did I mention making it a state-run religion.

Our country is a complete mess. It needs a complete morality-based turnaround!!!!!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

Wow, you're changing the subject here...we are not discussing abortions, we are not discussing China, we are talking about gun violence in America. I didn't see you offer any specifics to that problem so I guess your answer is to do nothing as pertains to it. You go off on some general tangent about the breakdown of morals and entitled society. So again, it is progressive thinking and ideals that lead to conditions that caused this tragedy? And as for rugged individualism, that sounds like something out of the Hitler Youth. How would you propose instituting your moral crusade to "Take back America?"

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

dazed&confused wrote:Wow, you're changing the subject here...we are not discussing abortions, we are not discussing China, we are talking about gun violence in America. I didn't see you offer any specifics to that problem so I guess your answer is to do nothing as pertains to it. You go off on some general tangent about the breakdown of morlas and entitled society. So again, it is progressive thinking and ideals that lead to conditions that caused this tragedy? And as for rugged individualism, that sounds like something out of the Hitler Youth. How would you propose instituting your moral crusdae to "Take back America?"
...so much for an intellectual conversation through analogies with you...

:roll: :lol:


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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:Wow, you're changing the subject here...we are not discussing abortions, we are not discussing China, we are talking about gun violence in America. I didn't see you offer any specifics to that problem so I guess your answer is to do nothing as pertains to it. You go off on some general tangent about the breakdown of morlas and entitled society. So again, it is progressive thinking and ideals that lead to conditions that caused this tragedy? And as for rugged individualism, that sounds like something out of the Hitler Youth. How would you propose instituting your moral crusdae to "Take back America?"
...so much for an intellectual conversation through analogies with you...

:roll: :lol:

Ditto! :roll:

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by caglewis »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
caglewis wrote:JUST PRAY ABOUT IT - that has worked so well in the past, right, and it should be law?
This powerful perfect deity you believe in either caused or failed to prevent this tragedy.
I'm amazed that people go to places of worship after a tragedy and pray to that same deity.
Since you changed your quote, I will comment here.

Nowhere did I mention making it a state-run religion.

Our country is a complete mess. It needs a complete morality-based turnaround!!!!!
A short time later I added an additional phrase to a post - but YOU have CHANGED YOUR NAME!
What is your definition of "morality-based" - xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist laws?
I'm so sorry I tried to be gracious, polite, welcoming to you by offering you a holiday card.
Dam straight I'm not a Christian or any religion - got their hateful message and got out of there.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

dazed&confused wrote:Ditto! :roll:
In order to have these high level conversations, you have to be able to compare philosophies of political entities.

I have greatly detailed the philosophy of choice for the Democratic Party yet you failed to answer the questions that I posed to you through analogies.

Still waiting.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

caglewis wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
caglewis wrote:JUST PRAY ABOUT IT - that has worked so well in the past, right, and it should be law?
This powerful perfect deity you believe in either caused or failed to prevent this tragedy.
I'm amazed that people go to places of worship after a tragedy and pray to that same deity.
Since you changed your quote, I will comment here.

Nowhere did I mention making it a state-run religion.

Our country is a complete mess. It needs a complete morality-based turnaround!!!!!
A short time later I added an additional phrase to a post - but YOU have CHANGED YOUR NAME!
What is your definition of "morality-based" - xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist laws?
I'm so sorry I tried to be gracious, polite, welcoming to you by offering you a holiday card.
Dam straight I'm not a Christian or any religion - got their hateful message and got out of there.
It doesn't matter who I am. You gave me a Christmas card at BW3 at one time, yet you have now "poo-pooed" Christmas.

When is the last time that you have been around a mass of teenagers who have no respect for authority?

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by toast »

It's time to have a national discussion concerning gun violence. As many others have stated, we can't prevent all acts of violence committed with guns but we can improve on our terrible record.

And YES, Guns do kill.

I'm still wondering why we allow high capacity drums that hold 100 rounds....... and clips and magazines that hold 30 rounds. Banning these would have saved many lives in two of the recent massacres.

One common thread to so many of these shootings is the mental health aspect. Some how, some way, these individuals need to be identified and helped. Many of them are not evil as is so often stated.....they are severely mentally ill.

There are many different aspects to these shooting that can be addressed to help make these kind of tragedies rare including increased security at schools.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

toast wrote:It's time to have a national discussion concerning gun violence. As many others have stated, we can't prevent all acts of violence committed with guns but we can improve on our terrible record.

And YES, Guns do kill.

I'm still wondering why we allow high capacity drums that hold 100 rounds....... and clips and magazines that hold 30 rounds. Banning these would have saved many lives in two of the recent massacres.

One common thread to so many of these shootings is the mental health aspect. Some how, some way, these individuals need to be identified and helped. Many of them are not evil as is so often stated.....they are severely mentally ill.

There are many different aspects to these shooting that can be addressed to help make these kind of tragedies rare including increased security at schools.
...are you willing to give up all of that entitlement spending in order to pay for the increased security?

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:So we do NOTHING and just accept these tragedies as the price we pay for absolute freedom? Just asking. And if the answer is no, what do you suggest?
What is the argument for pro-choice regarding the abortion issue?
So this is what you call an anology? No sir, you are deflecting by bringing in an entirely different argument. Stick to the subject and bring up relevant anologies or we cannot have an informed discussion here. The subject is gun violence.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by caglewis »

Are you willing to increase your property taxes in order to vote for and pay for the increased expenses of SECURITY needed at all schools today? On the news, all those kids and parents looked CAUCASION - no black or brown kids involved - and mostly looked upper income.
From all images, this kind of horrific tragedy is as possible in affluent white towns/schools as it is in inner-city schools with a higher percentage of people of color supposedly more "prone to violence" - so much for stereotypes. And did not all those teachers perform heroically, even died, to attempt to protect their students in their classrooms? Remember that when your school asks you to vote for a levy or bond issue. Schools are required to protect and transport as well as educate our country's children - doing so requires FUNDING mostly based on voters' whims.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit holds back evil until He is taken away. This will occur during the Tribulation. It's MAN'S free will and wicked heart that carries out these actions. One can't imagine the evil that will be visited on earth when He stops restraining!

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

Cagle, they can pay for plastic grass at most schools, is say they could pull this off too then.

Now, it's mans rejection and his/her fierce grip on free will that keeps this world in the mess it's in. At least I know I have the promise of a better world where there will be no more goodbyes or fear

You've repeatedly said you don't want the yoke of God on you but this is what happens sometimes when free will is exercised.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by toast »

Mass shootings of this type seem to be more of a mental health issue than a lack of morality issue. Yet states have cut at least $4.35 billion in public mental health spending from 2009 to 2012, according to the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors.

"Today, 45 million American adults suffer from mental illness. Eleven million of those cases are considered serious. Most of these people are not dangerous, but if they can’t get treatment, the odds of potential violence increase." If we as a society are not willing to help those with mental illness, we will pay a high price.

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

I agree! It's SINFUL, the way America treats the mentally ill. They're just tossing then out everywhere and ill be the first one that agrees we need some better way of keeping weapons out of those who are mentally ill. At this point, looks like his mom was at fault

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Re: 26 dead at Conn. School shooting

Post by kantuckyII »

....and I might get pinned to the wall by those who normally share the same views with me on this but I don't see why we need assault weapons with LARGE capacity magazines.

If I was the president or congress I would personally approach The NRA and ask to put our heads together and come up with a better way. Right now though, there's so much distrust because of idiots like Bloomburg and Michael Moore. Any talk would immediately be greeted with super distrust

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