Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by wildthingRV »

farmer wrote:
I have been in enough schools to know for a fact that many teachers have no businsess being around a gun. As well as some good teachers would not be able to teach because they are worried about those in the school having guns. Guns in school is not the answer if someone who is not in their right mind is intent of causing damage. A gun does not good if the person uses a bomb instead.
As a teacher I resent this in so many ways. First of all, I consider that a personal attack and am going to complain to Matt! LOL.

Contrary to what you've been told, most teachers aren't pants pissing pansies. The idea of an armed guard isn't going to make me shake and quiver and forget how to do my job. It's going to make me and my students feel safer. An armed guard or teacher would have stopped Sandy Hook cold. Fact.

Bottom line, I wish I were able to be responsible for my own safety, since nobody else seems inclined to take it seriously. It's very easy for you, though, I'm sure, to write off teachers and students, not having to put your ass on the line every day undefended and alone.

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by F-4 Phantom »

dazed&confused wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:If we can afford plastic grass for the kids to play football on then we can afford guards in the schools
Most districts float bonds to pay for improvements. How about putting out a levy to pay for armed guards?

Again, CONCUR!! The policy/programs belong to individual districts! They plan, fund, and/or approve/disapprove the program. The States/Feds need to get out of the mandate business. Particulary where taxation is concerned. If the local community feels it is a program worthy of the added expense then put it to a vote.

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by farmer »

wildthingRV wrote:
farmer wrote:
I have been in enough schools to know for a fact that many teachers have no businsess being around a gun. As well as some good teachers would not be able to teach because they are worried about those in the school having guns. Guns in school is not the answer if someone who is not in their right mind is intent of causing damage. A gun does not good if the person uses a bomb instead.
As a teacher I resent this in so many ways. First of all, I consider that a personal attack and am going to complain to Matt! LOL.

Contrary to what you've been told, most teachers aren't pants pissing pansies. The idea of an armed guard isn't going to make me shake and quiver and forget how to do my job. It's going to make me and my students feel safer. An armed guard or teacher would have stopped Sandy Hook cold. Fact.

Bottom line, I wish I were able to be responsible for my own safety, since nobody else seems inclined to take it seriously. It's very easy for you, though, I'm sure, to write off teachers and students, not having to put your booty on the line every day undefended and alone.
You can resent that in all the ways you want to and complain to Matt. Because Matt knows I am from a family of teachers. As one is nearing 50 years. As I said I have been in many schools in a variety of levels. Heck I even took a black powder gun to school myself in the 5th grade. So I could show kids in my class.

You said a armed guard or teacher would have stopped Sandy Hook cold being a fact. Which is something you can not prove or disprove. You would think they could but can not say 100% it would or not. If you have just one security guard an attacker could plan for that. Know the schedule and where the guard will be.

If you are thinking of arming teachers. Some will be fine. Some think they are fine but are a loose cannon with a gun. Or go on a power trip because they have a gun. Some would be scared to death knowing guns are close to where they are teaching. Especially in the Elementary grades. You will have a variety of people and view points of teachers. As these teachers who will be doing the shooting have a good chance of knowing the person with the gun/guns. Would some freeze up and not be able to shoot. Having a gun and killing animals is one thing but shooting a person is different. Some police officers I know should not have a gun either.

You may be lucky but I have known some Principals and Superintendents who would be scared to go into a teachers meeting knowing that some teachers are armed.

As I stated before a gun does no good against someone with a bomb. Someone wants to do damage they will. Atleast our society we live in this does not happen often. I wish it would never happen again. I was in self defense training in Ohio where we were told we do not matter we are to protect the student. Even if that student is coming at you with a butcher knife. If a student brings a gun and is shot by a teacher I am sure someone will want to take them to court and sue.

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

wildthingRV wrote:
farmer wrote:
I have been in enough schools to know for a fact that many teachers have no businsess being around a gun. As well as some good teachers would not be able to teach because they are worried about those in the school having guns. Guns in school is not the answer if someone who is not in their right mind is intent of causing damage. A gun does not good if the person uses a bomb instead.
As a teacher I resent this in so many ways. First of all, I consider that a personal attack and am going to complain to Matt! LOL.

Contrary to what you've been told, most teachers aren't pants pissing pansies. The idea of an armed guard isn't going to make me shake and quiver and forget how to do my job. It's going to make me and my students feel safer. An armed guard or teacher would have stopped Sandy Hook cold. Fact.

Bottom line, I wish I were able to be responsible for my own safety, since nobody else seems inclined to take it seriously. It's very easy for you, though, I'm sure, to write off teachers and students, not having to put your booty on the line every day undefended and alone.
I started to comment but I'd be best just quoting yours. Most excellent!

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by Kentucky Trojan »


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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by mister b »

If the NRA is serious about having armed guards in public schools, then the NRA, thru it's membership dues, can pay for these armed guards.

The NRA is in need of much better leadership than what was presented at this so called "press conference".

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

Why should the NRA pay for it? I thought he done a great job, aside from when the heckler protester who held up that stupid sign and got tossed out. He made some simple, common sense statements.

I'd love to see everyone here join the NRA. Protect our rights

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

Furthermore, we told you that Obama was coming after your guns, now, we're seeing it going down. Wait till he makes his Supreme Court Justice Appointments, then, you'll really see it go to hades in a hand basket!

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:Furthermore, we told you that Obama was coming after your guns, now, we're seeing it going down. Wait till he makes his Supreme Court Justice Appointments, then, you'll really see it go to hades in a hand basket!

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

dazed&confused wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Furthermore, we told you that Obama was coming after your guns, now, we're seeing it going down. Wait till he makes his Supreme Court Justice Appointments, then, you'll really see it go to hades in a hand basket!
Are you Abuck? I didn't think it before but now you're acting just as stupid. I ask the mods to look into your further and make sure you're not skirting around the rules here!

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by wildthingRV »

farmer wrote:

You may be lucky but I have known some Principals and Superintendents who would be scared to go into a teachers meeting knowing that some teachers are armed.

As I stated before a gun does no good against someone with a bomb. Someone wants to do damage they will. Atleast our society we live in this does not happen often. I wish it would never happen again. I was in self defense training in Ohio where we were told we do not matter we are to protect the student. Even if that student is coming at you with a butcher knife. If a student brings a gun and is shot by a teacher I am sure someone will want to take them to court and sue.
I can kick my principal's ass. I could whip the super, too. No question. Are they afraid of me? NO! Becauses I'm a rational human being. I could murder a kid with scissors, run one over with my car, go apeshit wiht my golf clubs, and crush a kid with a shotput, but miraculously, EVERY DAY I go to work and choose not to.

Let 'em sue me. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by wildthingRV »

Besides, bombs are illegal, so nobody will have one, right? :lol:

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by mister b »

kantuckyII wrote:Why should the NRA pay for it? I thought he done a great job, aside from when the heckler protester who held up that stupid sign and got tossed out. He made some simple, common sense statements.

I'd love to see everyone here join the NRA. Protect our rights
The NRA should pay for it. It is their answer to the problem so they should pay.

As a property owner and a taxpayer, I shouldn't be taxed to pay for armed guards or for that matter, armed teachers in the classroom. I pay for an education to be provided.

Yes, he made statements. Very simple statements. "...the next Adam Lanza is planning is attack..." Seriously??? I doubt that the attack was pre-planned at all. Wayne LaPierre came across as a simple man who made knee jerk statements without any thought. He, like most of the mailing I get from the NRA, play on the fears of gun owners and are only adding fuel to the fire and not water. He and most of the NRA leadership are out of touch with their 4 million plus members. They offer no real thoughts or solutions to gun violence in this country.

I know, guns don't kill, people do. I agree. But armed guards and a "good guy with a gun" isn't going to stop a "bad guy with a gun" everytime. Regardless of the weapon, killers will kill.

There was at least 1 armed security official at Columbine High School. That " armed good guy..." didn't stop the bad guys. I doubt he even got a shot off.

The NRA needs better leadership and it's members deserve better. America deserves better. We don't need another paranoid old man with knee jerk comments speaking for millions.

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:
dazed&confused wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:Furthermore, we told you that Obama was coming after your guns, now, we're seeing it going down. Wait till he makes his Supreme Court Justice Appointments, then, you'll really see it go to hades in a hand basket!
Are you Abuck? I didn't think it before but now you're acting just as stupid. I ask the mods to look into your further and make sure you're not skirting around the rules here!
The post refers to your statement, not you. BTW, is accusing me of acting stupid an attack?

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

mustang_lvr wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:That was a stupid thing to say Farmer
now now the rules say be respectful
It was so shut up

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by kantuckyII »

The post refers to your statement, not you. BTW, is accusing me of acting stupid an attack?
Nope, just an observation verbalized. I know it, everyone else knows it but I was the only one kind enough to point it out to you. You should be thanking me but that's ok, it was a selfless act into part, no thanks needed

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Mister B wrote:If the NRA is serious about having armed guards in public schools, then the NRA, thru it's membership dues, can pay for these armed guards.

The NRA is in need of much better leadership than what was presented at this so called "press conference".
If the Democratic Party supports abortion, then maybe they should pay for it as well...


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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by Charley Hustle »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
Mister B wrote:If the NRA is serious about having armed guards in public schools, then the NRA, thru it's membership dues, can pay for these armed guards.

The NRA is in need of much better leadership than what was presented at this so called "press conference".
If the Democratic Party supports abortion, then maybe they should pay for it as well...

Very bad analogy............

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Re: Lib Hypocrisy - Guards At Schools

Post by mister b »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
Mister B wrote:If the NRA is serious about having armed guards in public schools, then the NRA, thru it's membership dues, can pay for these armed guards.

The NRA is in need of much better leadership than what was presented at this so called "press conference".
If the Democratic Party supports abortion, then maybe they should pay for it as well...

Up a little late trolling the site are we?

Stick to the topic..."Lib Hypocrisy - Guards at Schools"

If you want to talk about anything else, follow the rules and start a new topic.

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