White House Threatens Executive Orders

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:We do not leave out the last section...It goes WITH the first line, not seperately.............I gave you some of the historical connection to the English BIll of Rights....Once again you insist on saying and implying we, as progressives, are trying to ban all guns....That is not the case........But historically and Constitutionally there is precendence for limiting the access to weapons of mass destruction........Using your logic, people should, if they have the money, be able to purchase bazookas, flame throwers and cannon........Is that also allowed under the second amendment??........I would venture a guess to say it is not..........What Progressives are asking for , with a rational calm voice, is for those common sense limitations that have historical precedence be put in place...................... :12224
Please stop calling yourself a progressive, you're not a progressive, you're a regressive

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

Insulting people once again tuck??..... No one is advocating banning guns nor is President Obama...... But that kind of rhetoric keeps people stirred up, which is the goal of the NRA, to gain more members..........It is simply about the money......... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by kantuckyII »

I'm not insulting you I'm just telling you the truth. If you're offended by the truth, that's your problem, not mine

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

Please look up the word Progressive.......... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Bighitsinc »

abuck, take the weapons from the honest CITIZEN and only the dishonest will have them.... Do you think that the regulations that are in New York or Chicago have helped?????
I for one will then BECOME one of the dishonest. I, who have never, ever, had even as much as a speeding violation. My record is perfect, NEVER even been in question,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT I WILL NOT RELINQUISH MY WEAPONS....................

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

The problem with NYC regs, is nothing....They are great......But that is not where most of the guns in NY are coming from...........The guns are coming from W.Va. who have some of the most leniet laws and regs.........NYers bring drugs to WVa and trade for guns.........These guys can make more money in NY selling guns than drugs.....How crazy.......The key is strong regs in every state...........And the old standby excuse , "take the weapons from the honest CITIZEN and only the dishonest will have them.... " just does not hold water.... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:.And the old standby excuse , "take the weapons from the honest CITIZEN and only the dishonest will have them.... " just does not hold water.... :12224

How you figure that? Thats why they are called criminals because they do not follow laws like normal people. Criminals have ways to get guns where normal citizens cant.

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by C-Bolt »

I agree they will get them one way or another just like marijuana and other illegal drugs,but if every state had tougher laws it might be different,Mexico has a gun problem with their tough laws, but guess where most of the guns come from ? And I'm sure alot of people will say fast and furious where there's no record of how many weapons went,actually I did find it was around 1600-1800 mostly ak's and 50 cals
Last edited by C-Bolt on Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Tigercannon71 »

C-Bolt wrote:I agree they will get them one way or another just like marijuana and other illegal drugs,but if every state had tougher laws it might be different,Mexico has a gun problem with their tough laws, but guess where most of the guns come from ?

The Obama administration?

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Bighitsinc »

abuck76 wrote:The problem with NYC regs, is nothing....They are great......But that is not where most of the guns in NY are coming from...........The guns are coming from W.Va. who have some of the most leniet laws and regs.........NYers bring drugs to WVa and trade for guns.........These guys can make more money in NY selling guns than drugs.....How crazy.......The key is strong regs in every state...........And the old standby excuse , "take the weapons from the honest CITIZEN and only the dishonest will have them.... " just does not hold water.... :12224
New York, NY –
"The Supreme Court has ruled that cities and states cannot violate the Second Amendment right to bear arms when they enact gun control laws. By a 5-4 vote, the Court held that Americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live, and it asked the lower court to decide whether Chicago's 28-year-old ban on handguns is constitutional." [ Ailsa Chang WNYC News]
SOOOO o smart one,, where do the drugs come from????????
Don't you think they also bring in guns????? Don't you think they will bring in more guns if they become hard to get here???
Believe me the criminals WILL have guns if they are taken away from the honest citizens of the United States
And your facts are a little wrong,,, the study done in 2011 showed that most of the guns seized were from Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida not WVa

I don't have a crystal ball to see into the future,,,, but I do have history books to look at past occurrences..
During WWII the Japanese were terrified of the thought of trying to invade the US as
"there were guns behind every door"
Hitler disarmed his country and we all know how that turned out don't we.

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by C-Bolt »

tigercannon71 wrote:
C-Bolt wrote:I agree they will get them one way or another just like marijuana and other illegal drugs,but if every state had tougher laws it might be different,Mexico has a gun problem with their tough laws, but guess where most of the guns come from ?

The Obama administration?
And Bush when all this selling to drug dealers started in 2006 (operation wide reciever)

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by kantuckyII »

Bush never ran the operation like this, Geesh! Eric Holder and Obama missed their calling! Ringling Bros. Clowns!!

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by C-Bolt »

Both operations were major failures tuck! During wide receiver they used tracking devices on the weapons which failed or the runners used evasive tactics and they couldn't track them and they still lost weapons,during fast and furious they learned from this and didn't use them ,but they were outsmarted both times by the smugglers.

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

ImageThank you bighit for proving my point........... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

And bighits you may want to stop believing everything Fox tells you.............The Weimar Republic , preceding gov't to Hitler actually had tougher gun laws than Hitler.....We all know how that worked out for the Weimar Republic..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...........Again no one is wanting to ban guns, just regulate......... :12224

http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewco ... ontext=flr

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Tigercannon71 »

abuck76 wrote:And bighits you may want to stop believing everything Fox tells you.............The Weimar Republic , preceding gov't to Hitler actually had tougher gun laws than Hitler.....We all know how that worked out for the Weimar Republic..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...........Again no one is wanting to ban guns, just regulate......... :12224

http://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/cgi/viewco ... ontext=flr

Hmm so on this board the liberals have pointed out many times the old white republicans need to die and according to your article posted it mentions the group most affected by gun control is the old white republicans. You mention the Weimar Republic had strict gun control which might be right, but Hitler banned guns from all Jews which he believed to be the minority group. So the liberals who hate whites want to ban guns from them. Interesting...

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

I have never said any of those things..............Generalizing again..........Fact is the Weimar Rep was harder on gun ownership than Hitler on everyone........Hitler did many things to the Jews that he did not do to everyone.........You may have heard of it, it was called the Holocaust.......So the NRAs analogy of Hitler and guns simply does not ring true.......... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by ManitouDan »

my hope is they send abuck to come get mine . thats all. MD

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by abuck76 »

Oh, please explain Manitou Dave........Please........... :12224

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Re: White House Threatens Executive Orders

Post by Tigercannon71 »

Besides that Hitler was an elected official of the Weimar Republic and he became Chancellor after the Reichstag fire which basically was the end of the Republic and beginning of his reign of terror which he banned guns in order to control the people much like Stalin when he took power. So yes the NRA Hitler response is correct.

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