Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

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Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
abuck76 wrote:And yet it is legal......Fact....Move on......... :12224
...and yet it is murder of another human being...fact
Aside from getting on here and flapping your gums about abortions and murder, can you tell us even one thing you've ever done, one meaningful act that you've undertaken to make an impact in the fight against abortion? If you've done nothing, would you then have to admit that you're complicit, just a another cog in the abortion machinery, just as culpable as the rest of us sinners?

I'd like at least one substantive example. And saying "well gee, I get on message boards and accuse liberals of being murderers" isn't substantive. I'm talking about something where you've actually made a difference in the fight. And if you can't provide a solid example, how would you answer the second question?
I pray everyday to God that we can turn our country around. I pray for our transgressions as a nation that we have fallen into the abyss with very few of us calling on God for assistance to pull us out of the deep hole. I sin everyday. I sin every hour of the day. Yet, I pray that he will forgive me so that I can continue the fight to help others in their own struggles.

This is the type of leadership that the Boy Scouts needs as well. They need somebody who can show them the moral way to live in order for these young, impressionable boys to become great leaders as men.

My uncle once had a barn full of baby cradles. These were given to him as a token of his donations to several Pro-Life organizations. I wanted to follow my uncle's lead. He once owned the largest dairy farm in Massachusetts. (He died in the 1980s.)

As a teacher, there are several pregnant students in my classroom each year. I implore to them the importance of being a strong parent as I do as a teacher for them. It is about moral guidance and not about moral indignation which normally leads to abortions.

Does that answer your question? I hope so because my life is full of twists and turns. I have lived 5 lifetimes it seems. I may have another 5 lifetimes left in me. Good or bad, I will have them accounted for when I die....and when I die, I want to stand there in front of God and tell him that I did my best to help others to achieve a moral lifestyle in His way. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I continue to make mistakes? Yes.

But, as Forrest Gump said, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." I may not be a smart man, but I know the murder of another human being when I see one.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by abuck76 »

Yours is not to judge........... :12224

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Yours is not to judge........... :12224
There is only One who can respond to this, abuck...

"As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it."

John 12:47

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by abuck76 »

Thank you for proving my point...It is NOT up to you.........Thank you..........You believe and practice the faith any way you wish....Just do noot push your beliefs onto anyone else.............Once again thank you...........And gay men will make wonderful scout leaders............ :12224

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:Being Gay is not not immoral, or Jesus would have said something about it.........Now greedy people kinda ticked Jesus off........ :12224
He did, in both the Old Testament Law and Romans are just two locations

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by kantuckyII »

abuck76 wrote:Yours is not to judge........... :12224
You judge God almost everyday on here

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by abuck76 »

I never judge God or Jesus.........You are wrong yet again............ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ............. :12224

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Thank you for proving my point...It is NOT up to you.........Thank you..........You believe and practice the faith any way you wish....Just do noot push your beliefs onto anyone else.............Once again thank you...........And gay men will make wonderful scout leaders............ :12224
Freedom of religion.

I will speak about my religion wherever I wish to.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
I pray everyday to God that we can turn our country around. I pray for our transgressions as a nation that we have fallen into the abyss with very few of us calling on God for assistance to pull us out of the deep hole. I sin everyday. I sin every hour of the day. Yet, I pray that he will forgive me so that I can continue the fight to help others in their own struggles.

This is the type of leadership that the Boy Scouts needs as well. They need somebody who can show them the moral way to live in order for these young, impressionable boys to become great leaders as men.

My uncle once had a barn full of baby cradles. These were given to him as a token of his donations to several Pro-Life organizations. I wanted to follow my uncle's lead. He once owned the largest dairy farm in Massachusetts. (He died in the 1980s.)

As a teacher, there are several pregnant students in my classroom each year. I implore to them the importance of being a strong parent as I do as a teacher for them. It is about moral guidance and not about moral indignation which normally leads to abortions.

Does that answer your question? I hope so because my life is full of twists and turns. I have lived 5 lifetimes it seems. I may have another 5 lifetimes left in me. Good or bad, I will have them accounted for when I die....and when I die, I want to stand there in front of God and tell him that I did my best to help others to achieve a moral lifestyle in His way. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I continue to make mistakes? Yes.

But, as Forrest Gump said, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." I may not be a smart man, but I know the murder of another human being when I see one.


You only answered the first question. What about the second one now: since you haven't seem to have done anything meaningful in the fight against abortion, do your omissions make you complicit, and therefore just as guilty as the killer?

Third question: if one of your students came to you and told you she terminated her pregnancy because she wasn't ready to be a mother, would you call her a murderer to her face?

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by noreply66 »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
I pray everyday to God that we can turn our country around. I pray for our transgressions as a nation that we have fallen into the abyss with very few of us calling on God for assistance to pull us out of the deep hole. I sin everyday. I sin every hour of the day. Yet, I pray that he will forgive me so that I can continue the fight to help others in their own struggles.

This is the type of leadership that the Boy Scouts needs as well. They need somebody who can show them the moral way to live in order for these young, impressionable boys to become great leaders as men.

My uncle once had a barn full of baby cradles. These were given to him as a token of his donations to several Pro-Life organizations. I wanted to follow my uncle's lead. He once owned the largest dairy farm in Massachusetts. (He died in the 1980s.)

As a teacher, there are several pregnant students in my classroom each year. I implore to them the importance of being a strong parent as I do as a teacher for them. It is about moral guidance and not about moral indignation which normally leads to abortions.

Does that answer your question? I hope so because my life is full of twists and turns. I have lived 5 lifetimes it seems. I may have another 5 lifetimes left in me. Good or bad, I will have them accounted for when I die....and when I die, I want to stand there in front of God and tell him that I did my best to help others to achieve a moral lifestyle in His way. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Do I continue to make mistakes? Yes.

But, as Forrest Gump said, "I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is." I may not be a smart man, but I know the murder of another human being when I see one.

You only answered the first question. What about the second one now: since you haven't seem to have done anything meaningful in the fight against abortion, do your omissions make you complicit, and therefore just as guilty as the killer?

Third question: if one of your students came to you and told you she terminated her pregnancy because she wasn't ready to be a mother, would you call her a murderer to her face?[/quote]

The girls father would have him kicked out of school if he did that. And he would never teach again.

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:You only answered the first question. What about the second one now: since you haven't seem to have done anything meaningful in the fight against abortion, do your omissions make you complicit, and therefore just as guilty as the killer?

Third question: if one of your students came to you and told you she terminated her pregnancy because she wasn't ready to be a mother, would you call her a murderer to her face?
I shall borrow from Shakespeare's Hamlet to explain:

“Seems,” madam? Nay, it is. I know not “seems.”
'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,
Nor customary suits of solemn black,
Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,
No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,
Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage,
Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,
That can denote me truly. These indeed “seem,”
For they are actions that a man might play.
But I have that within which passeth show,
These but the trappings and the suits of woe.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

noreply66 wrote:The girls father would have him kicked out of school if he did that. And he would never teach again.
A girl's father would have received a phone call from the counselor following her initial conversation with me. I am not qualified to give that type of guidance for a student.

You do better on posting on the gas price threads, noreply...

...or you could go back to being a moderator on the other website in the ghost town...

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:
noreply66 wrote:The girls father would have him kicked out of school if he did that. And he would never teach again.
A girl's father would have received a phone call from the counselor following her initial conversation with me. I am not qualified to give that type of guidance for a student.

You do better on posting on the gas price threads, noreply...

...or you could go back to being a moderator on the other website in the ghost town...
Yet you are qualified to know murder when you see it. You wouldn't minister to her? You wouldn't beg her to repent? Wouldn't you have some duty imposed by God to do so? No you wouldn't, probably because what noreply said - you'd lose your job, which only tells me that you put your own financial well being over God.

And quoting Shakespeare didn't really answer my second question.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by abuck76 »

Two things.....Noreply was asking ligit questions and ky , you got snarky..............Ans secondly, DerKomm just explained in an eloquent way, why people like you , show as hypocrites...............Der hit it on the head, without being snarky.............. :12224

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

abuck76 wrote:Two things.....Noreply was asking ligit questions and ky , you got snarky..............Ans secondly, DerKomm just explained in an eloquent way, why people like you , show as hypocrites...............Der hit it on the head, without being snarky.............. :12224
Abuck, it doesn't really matter. I know going into this the questions are largely rhetorical. You never get a serious response from the likes of these people. You usually get quotes from the bible that either have no relevancy or taken out of context, or you get a quote from Shakespeare or Chaucer that doesn't mean anything either.

You just have to remember that you're dealing with a couple of people who really believe that the universe is only 10,000 years old despite the mountain of scientific, empirical data that puts it closer to 15 billion years. They just don't use the good sense that God gave them.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by abuck76 »

Heard that.......... :12224

Kentucky Trojan
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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
Kentucky Trojan wrote:
noreply66 wrote:The girls father would have him kicked out of school if he did that. And he would never teach again.
A girl's father would have received a phone call from the counselor following her initial conversation with me. I am not qualified to give that type of guidance for a student.

You do better on posting on the gas price threads, noreply...

...or you could go back to being a moderator on the other website in the ghost town...
Yet you are qualified to know murder when you see it. You wouldn't minister to her? You wouldn't beg her to repent? Wouldn't you have some duty imposed by God to do so? No you wouldn't, probably because what noreply said - you'd lose your job, which only tells me that you put your own financial well being over God.

And quoting Shakespeare didn't really answer my second question.
They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but they cannot see;

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Der_Kommissar1968 wrote:
abuck76 wrote:Two things.....Noreply was asking ligit questions and ky , you got snarky..............Ans secondly, DerKomm just explained in an eloquent way, why people like you , show as hypocrites...............Der hit it on the head, without being snarky.............. :12224
Abuck, it doesn't really matter. I know going into this the questions are largely rhetorical. You never get a serious response from the likes of these people. You usually get quotes from the bible that either have no relevancy or taken out of context, or you get a quote from Shakespeare or Chaucer that doesn't mean anything either.

You just have to remember that you're dealing with a couple of people who really believe that the universe is only 10,000 years old despite the mountain of scientific, empirical data that puts it closer to 15 billion years. They just don't use the good sense that God gave them.
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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by dazed&confused »

Hey, you wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? EEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!
Lloyd Christmas: Dumb and Dumber.

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Re: Boy Scouts May Soon Welcome Gay Scouts and Leaders

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

abuck76 wrote:Image ....................... :12224

Hit the nail on the head!

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