Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Paladin wrote:And science pegs the Universe at 12-15 Billion years old. But the nutjobs would have you "believe" its ( and the Earth) only been around for 6000 years.................................... :lol: :lol: :lol:
And that dinosaurs and man coexisted. :lol:

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by kantuckyII »

I had to grin when I saw Burggrad had made a comment on here. I thought how much he reminds me of that drunk guy in Blazing Saddles that has to chime in from time to time..

...count me as one who believes in the Literal Genesis account of Creation...


..that, the earth was created in six days, including all the plants, animals and man..and that God rested the seventh day. A rib was taken from Adam, and Eve was made from that rib. Count me as a young earther..not ashamed to admit it at all. Science has clearly shown that all the human race had one common female ancestor and one common male ancestor and that we are all related. That's a scientific, DNA fact..

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

And you remind me of the moron who stands on the street corner mumbling under his breath that the world is going to end.

Don't forget your meds today.

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Space Cowboy »

Paladin wrote:Science is a problem for the "creationists". While it explains much of our known world, the nutjobs feed you supernatural garbage. The Universe is billions of years old. So is the earth. Hurts the" 7 Days "theory of the nutjobs. Then there is the fact that other species were here for hundreds of millions of years , leaving behind their bones & carbon dating. Even ancestrol man can be tracked back almost one million years which kills off the "Earth is only less than 10,000 years old "theory. While man marches forward with science blazing trails, the nutjobs want to denigrate science because it destroys the "teachings", and which now see fewer attending church, fewer members of a church, a declining number who "believe", making religion a threatned species itself. " Creation" is doomed and so are most religions. Science has a long and revealing future ahead.

Pass the popcorn. 8)
You have a reasonably valid outlook, but you are also only using the science that backs up your claim of no afterlife.
To assume that there is a continuity of behavior from the reactions of some protozoa to the conscious moral choices of humans is to totally disregard the fact that there appears to be different levels of behavior. There is a clear sense of duty within all of us from birth. This feeling of "I should or I ought to" is an important part of human moral consciousness. Therefore, if man is simply the outcome of the natural forces of selection, to be taught to conform to the ways of these forces would be of little value for him. The sense of obligation is meaningful only if there is that about man which is to a reasonable extent independant of those natural forces.
Plus, you are totally disregarding people who have had very deep spiritual, life-changing events happen to them. I will not, for one moment, believe that all these people are telling the truth. But there have been many, throughout history, whos lives and character have been beyond reproach.
I once watched an interview with Alice Cooper on TV. Im not saying he is beyond reproach in his life on some things, but, if I can see a persons face and their body, I can tell you if they are isnt a gift, its a taught science in behavioral sciences. Anyway, he was asked about rumors of him dabbling in "black magic". He looked like he was going to pass out from fright and said that you dont want to open certain doors into the spiritual realms and refused to answer any other questions about it, only stating that "You dont want to ask about things that deep down you know you dont want to really know". Vague answer? Yes....could that answer be taken either way? Yes, but if the answer is that there is nothing there, then why get frightened and refuse to answer? I know of many people that were athiests that experienced a spiritual awakening....
Also evolution alone without a "higher authority" guiding its process does not explain how the intellect/reasoning ability of all living creatures is a very slow, gradual curve until you reach humans, then its a straight vertical climb right off the charts.

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by abuck76 »

Some on here are "Religious Icebergs", but afraid to admit it.....Just stop and think if you would melt away the bottom, how much better you would feel............ :12224


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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by dazed&confused »

kantuckyII wrote:...count me as one who believes in the Literal Genesis account of Creation...


..that, the earth was created in six days, including all the plants, animals and man..and that God rested the seventh day. A rib was taken from Adam, and Eve was made from that rib. Count me as a young earther..not ashamed to admit it at all. Science has clearly shown that all the human race had one common female ancestor and one common male ancestor and that we are all related. That's a scientific, DNA fact..
I respect your right to believe that way....and I officially cannot take you seriously at all anymore.

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by kantuckyII »

That's ok, I will still continue to over look your all's superstition just the same

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Bear »

Do a web search, it's caving in all around them. Again, it's simply a theory.

Now, back to the thread..scientist have said that there was a 'big bang' or a beginning of the universe' problem, where did the matter come from to start that big bang? they're trying to say there was no beginning but it tosses out so many of their other theories that they're backed into a, they spin more fibs to cover their earlier fibs.
Theroy in this context is not what you think it means. Look that up and then come back on here and say "simply a theroy". You look foolish.

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

abuck76 wrote:Some on here are "Religious Icebergs", but afraid to admit it.....Just stop and think if you would melt away the bottom, how much better you would feel............ :12224

Murder should be at the top of the list for the abortion-minded left...

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by kantuckyII »

It's a THEORY - just waiting to be blown away.

Last year, my doctor told me to take a fish oil supplement every day to reduce my get my drift

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by abuck76 »

And here is another example of the insanity with Religion.........This wonderful man having to apologize for his terrible act.......Read the article to see what terrible evil thing he did..............This is why some people, including myself, question organized religion.........As I have always said, I love God and Jesus, but have problems with organized religion....... :12224 ... ok-service

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by abuck76 »

Image ..............AMEN!!!!......................... :12224 .

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

...and it would still be murder...

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by abuck76 »

abuck76 wrote:Image ..............AMEN!!!!......................... :12224 .

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

...still murder...

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:...still murder...
...still legal...

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Murder is illegal...

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by dazed&confused »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:Murder is illegal...
....abortion is not!

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Der_Kommissar1968 »

Kentucky Trojan wrote:Murder is illegal...
If Murder = illegal,
And abortion does not = illegal
Then abortion does not = murder

Okay KT, I think I understand your logic. Thanks for clearing that up for us.

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Re: Creation - Building One Lie On The Other

Post by Kentucky Trojan »

Abortion is murder.

Murder is illegal.

Therefore, abortion is illegal.

Under the laws of the US it is permissible to abort a child. However, it is illegal and immoral in the eyes of God.

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