SS ? Easy fix. Medicare ? Harder to fix but doable. The Govt budget ? Read the above. Yet , some idiots persist in a "deficit crisis".

I am one of the few people on this website who can prove you wrong, paladin.Paladin wrote:I must admit I get a chuckle every time I see a TeaBagger who starts another thread on the "deficit problem". First, there isn't a problem. If there was, the markets would have forced up interest rates in the bond markets and the stock market would have crashed. HELLO ? Interest rates remain at historical lows and the stock market just DOUBLED Under the 4 years of Obama, recovering from the disaster of debt that the Rs and W. created with their stupid policies, wars and tax cuts. Second, Nobel Prize award winning economist Paul Krugman has been correct in calling the Rs out for manufacturing another "crisis" were none exists. In fact, the debt as a % of GDP has DECLINED during the Obama administration years, as he points out. Third, ALL economists no matter their political bend recognize that as the economy recovers , it creates more tax income further driving down the debt. While the recovery is slow, it is recovering from all the mistakes the Rs created. The recovery continues with positive job creation month after month and has since Obama started his policies. And finally, taxes are still at historic lows and could and will be raised bring back for more revenue. It all combines to be another BS argument from the Teabaggers. No one who has a serious academic mind about the debt is worried, yet we have idiots trying to sell another "crisis" where none exists.
SS ? Easy fix. Medicare ? Harder to fix but doable. The Govt budget ? Read the above. Yet , some idiots persist in a "deficit crisis".![]()
Kentucky Trojan wrote:I will believe the energy independence when I see it.
Right now...gas is $3.69 a gallon.
I have no Master but I do admire one particular man.Kentucky Trojan wrote:How has your master been lately, dazed&confused?
We haven't heard from him lately.
I am a Truman fan as well.dazed&confused wrote:I have no Master but I do admire one particular man.Kentucky Trojan wrote:How has your master been lately, dazed&confused?
We haven't heard from him lately.
He's been dead since 1972 and he still makes more sense than your puppets!
This does not sound like Obama.....dazed&confused wrote:Truman believed government was a necessary and positive influence on the lives of everyday Americans. He believed power and wealth concentrated in too few special interests were bad for the country. He believed the average American was worth more than the the greatest Wall Street banker. He believed in universal health care. He pushed for civil rights when it nearly cost him his Presidency. He hated military generals mostly as they were prima donnas and McArthur threatened civilian control of the military. He thought the office of the Presidency deserved respect no matter who held the office. He fought the irrational hatred of McCarthy and the destruction it brought to innocent people. And he always had the humility to believe thousands of men were more qualified to be President than he but he was the one who was called to serve the people. We could use more of that in Washington today!
It sure as hell doesn't sound like a Repubican!Kentucky Trojan wrote:This does not sound like Obama.....dazed&confused wrote:Truman believed government was a necessary and positive influence on the lives of everyday Americans. He believed power and wealth concentrated in too few special interests were bad for the country. He believed the average American was worth more than the the greatest Wall Street banker. He believed in universal health care. He pushed for civil rights when it nearly cost him his Presidency. He hated military generals mostly as they were prima donnas and McArthur threatened civilian control of the military. He thought the office of the Presidency deserved respect no matter who held the office. He fought the irrational hatred of McCarthy and the destruction it brought to innocent people. And he always had the humility to believe thousands of men were more qualified to be President than he but he was the one who was called to serve the people. We could use more of that in Washington today!
Thanks for confirming that Truman was far superior to Obama as a President...dazed&confused wrote:It sure as hell doesn't sound like a Repubican!Kentucky Trojan wrote:This does not sound like Obama.....dazed&confused wrote:Truman believed government was a necessary and positive influence on the lives of everyday Americans. He believed power and wealth concentrated in too few special interests were bad for the country. He believed the average American was worth more than the the greatest Wall Street banker. He believed in universal health care. He pushed for civil rights when it nearly cost him his Presidency. He hated military generals mostly as they were prima donnas and McArthur threatened civilian control of the military. He thought the office of the Presidency deserved respect no matter who held the office. He fought the irrational hatred of McCarthy and the destruction it brought to innocent people. And he always had the humility to believe thousands of men were more qualified to be President than he but he was the one who was called to serve the people. We could use more of that in Washington today!
...not at the sake of having it cost more......dazed&confused wrote:Truman would have given up everything he accomplished if he could have achieved universal health care. So, what's your point here?
Kentucky Trojan wrote:...not at the sake of having it cost more......dazed&confused wrote:Truman would have given up everything he accomplished if he could have achieved universal health care. So, what's your point here?
...he was a deficit hawk before his time.....
....awesome for 47 years ago...costs were stagnant then...dazed&confused wrote:Kentucky Trojan wrote:...not at the sake of having it cost more......dazed&confused wrote:Truman would have given up everything he accomplished if he could have achieved universal health care. So, what's your point here?
...he was a deficit hawk before his time.....
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
Remarks With President Truman at the Signing in
Independence of the Medicare Bill
July 30, 1965
PRESIDENT TRUMAN. Thank you very much. I am glad you like the President. I like him too. He is one of the finest men I ever ran across.
Mr. President, Mrs. Johnson, distinguished guests:
You have done me a great honor in coming here today, and you have made me a very, very happy man.
This is an important hour for the Nation, for those of our citizens who have completed their tour of duty and have moved to the sidelines. These are the days that we are trying to celebrate for them. These people are our prideful responsibility and they are entitled, among other benefits, to the best medical protection available.
Not one of these, our citizens, should ever be abandoned to the indignity of charity. Charity is indignity when you have to have it. But we don't want these people to have anything to do with charity and we don't want them to have any idea of hopeless despair.
Mr. President, I am glad to have lived this long and to witness today the signing of the Medicare bill which puts this Nation right where it needs to be, to be right. Your inspired leadership and a responsive forward-looking Congress have made it historically possible for this day to come about.