Deficit = not a problem
- Posts: 4304
- Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:13 pm
- Location: Warren-Youngstown, Ohio metro area
Re: Deficit = not a problem
I'm not sure what you 2 are arguing about. CBO has released figures to show the budget deficit is dropping and will be below One trillion S soon. First time in 4 years. Everyone acknowledges SS is an easy fix. Health care is harder to do but doable. Notice that R governors even in Red states are climbing on board with Obamacare. They don't have an answer that satisfies their base, but is a reasonable answer for the problem. TRanslation ? The "problems" are all fixable and especially so as the economy recovers as it produces more tax revenues. But obstructionists are getting runover because they have no credible plan And the obstructionists see what is coming down the road -- single payer. Yell & scream all you want but you can't stop it. Our deficits are continuing to drop as a % of GDP, the real measuring stick. Otherwise the markets would react & take over. I don't argue with idiots any more. The facts soon catch up with the idiots. The deficit is a phony argument. ... 55551.html ... 55551.html
- dazed&confused
- Posts: 9288
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Re: Deficit = not a problem
The point I was trying to make with my post on oil production is that cheaper domestic energy will spur further economic growth. It could be the change that drives the economy higher than estimates and minimize the debt just as the bulk of boomers retire. And let's means-test Medicare. I'm good with that. Along with that we need an adult discussion on end-of-life care. No, not pulling the plug on Grandma but what cost-benefit should we assign to keeping people alive for a few months when recovery is not an option?
- Posts: 4304
- Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:13 pm
- Location: Warren-Youngstown, Ohio metro area
Re: Deficit = not a problem
All good points, D & C. But the argument was getting away from the thread -- the deficit is NOT a problem. There are any number of smaller stories -- the explosive growth of natural gas replacing both coal & gasoline as cheaper alternative fuel, that Obamacare will eventually FORCE the drug companies to allow lower bids for price of drugs, that means test can be applied to SS AND Medicare both in bringing down costs, etc. The overall point is that the ReThugs have created another PHONY crisis to try to eliminate or reduce social programs and protect the taxes of their rich supporters. Its become laughable how stupid people have become with the drivel being fed them in lies, rumors and propaganda coming from the R party.
- Posts: 7840
- Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:09 pm
Re: Deficit = not a problem
I nominate this thread as the dumbest most uninformed of the year . But at least Nancy Pelosi agrees with Paladin ... a match made in ___ ?
- Posts: 4304
- Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:13 pm
- Location: Warren-Youngstown, Ohio metro area
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Actually, you didn't read the thread . Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winning economist, agrees with me.

- dazed&confused
- Posts: 9288
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- Location: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Or, as Mary Matalin refers to him, "Doctor!"Paladin wrote:Actually, you didn't read the thread . Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize winning economist, agrees with me.![]()

(Like she's an expert on economics)

- Posts: 7840
- Joined: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:09 pm
Re: Deficit = not a problem
FWIW Obama is Nobel prize winning person also.... that should show you how screwed up the award is . Yasser Arafat in 1994 ? Jimmy Carter in 2002 ? Krugman has suggested the govt increase spending all thru out 2012 , even though thats as dumb as this thread is . and as dumb as you are . and yes that makes three Krugman , Pelosi and Pal ' .
- dazed&confused
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- Location: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Most revenue is derived from payroll deductions.
Let's see what happened to wages:

And what happened in 2001? Bush tax cuts!
Let's see what happened to wages:

And what happened in 2001? Bush tax cuts!
Re: Deficit = not a problem
You know that's just a phony liberal chart Dazed,and quit Blaming everything on bush 

- dazed&confused
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- Location: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Yea, what p!sses me off about that chart is how we had to bail out the banks and corporationsC-Bolt wrote:You know that's just a phony liberal chart Dazed,and quit Blaming everything on bush
so they could resume amassing billion$ while the working class erodes!

- Posts: 7840
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- SE
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Re: Deficit = not a problem
Nice side-step to my proof that the premise of your thread is wrong. I predicted the crash in 2001 and I predicted the financial collapse in 2007....check back the messages on here if you don't believe me.Paladin wrote:I'm not sure what you 2 are arguing about. CBO has released figures to show the budget deficit is dropping and will be below One trillion S soon. First time in 4 years. Everyone acknowledges SS is an easy fix. Health care is harder to do but doable. Notice that R governors even in Red states are climbing on board with Obamacare. They don't have an answer that satisfies their base, but is a reasonable answer for the problem. TRanslation ? The "problems" are all fixable and especially so as the economy recovers as it produces more tax revenues. But obstructionists are getting runover because they have no credible plan And the obstructionists see what is coming down the road -- single payer. Yell & scream all you want but you can't stop it. Our deficits are continuing to drop as a % of GDP, the real measuring stick. Otherwise the markets would react & take over. I don't argue with idiots any more. The facts soon catch up with the idiots. The deficit is a phony argument. ... 55551.html
Why do I even bother with the liberals?
I bought into gold at $300 and you know where it is now.
Listen to me....I guess not...
- dazed&confused
- Posts: 9288
- Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:39 am
- Location: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Kentucky Trojan wrote:Nice side-step to my proof that the premise of your thread is wrong. I predicted the crash in 2001 and I predicted the financial collapse in 2007....check back the messages on here if you don't believe me.Paladin wrote:I'm not sure what you 2 are arguing about. CBO has released figures to show the budget deficit is dropping and will be below One trillion S soon. First time in 4 years. Everyone acknowledges SS is an easy fix. Health care is harder to do but doable. Notice that R governors even in Red states are climbing on board with Obamacare. They don't have an answer that satisfies their base, but is a reasonable answer for the problem. TRanslation ? The "problems" are all fixable and especially so as the economy recovers as it produces more tax revenues. But obstructionists are getting runover because they have no credible plan And the obstructionists see what is coming down the road -- single payer. Yell & scream all you want but you can't stop it. Our deficits are continuing to drop as a % of GDP, the real measuring stick. Otherwise the markets would react & take over. I don't argue with idiots any more. The facts soon catch up with the idiots. The deficit is a phony argument. ... 55551.html
Why do I even bother with the liberals?
I bought into gold at $300 and you know where it is now.
Listen to me....I guess not...

Yea, I checked out of stocks before the 2008 crash, then back in 2009. not doing too bad, thank you!
BTW, aren't you late for the last bus to the revolution?
- Der_Kommissar1968
- JV Team
- Posts: 270
- Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:39 am
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Not surprised you predicted both, what with that massive IQ of yours.Kentucky Trojan wrote:Nice side-step to my proof that the premise of your thread is wrong. I predicted the crash in 2001 and I predicted the financial collapse in 2007....check back the messages on here if you don't believe me.Paladin wrote:I'm not sure what you 2 are arguing about. CBO has released figures to show the budget deficit is dropping and will be below One trillion S soon. First time in 4 years. Everyone acknowledges SS is an easy fix. Health care is harder to do but doable. Notice that R governors even in Red states are climbing on board with Obamacare. They don't have an answer that satisfies their base, but is a reasonable answer for the problem. TRanslation ? The "problems" are all fixable and especially so as the economy recovers as it produces more tax revenues. But obstructionists are getting runover because they have no credible plan And the obstructionists see what is coming down the road -- single payer. Yell & scream all you want but you can't stop it. Our deficits are continuing to drop as a % of GDP, the real measuring stick. Otherwise the markets would react & take over. I don't argue with idiots any more. The facts soon catch up with the idiots. The deficit is a phony argument. ... 55551.html
Why do I even bother with the liberals?
I bought into gold at $300 and you know where it is now.
Listen to me....I guess not...
And when exactly did you "predict" the housing bubble bust? When it had become obvious to everyone? Unless you predicted it years earlier when securitization of subprime mortgage loans became all the rage, no one is impressed.
- dazed&confused
- Posts: 9288
- Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:39 am
- Location: Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it
Re: Deficit = not a problem
Joined: September 21st, 2012, 6:51 am
So who were you in the previous life when you read the tea leaves?
So who were you in the previous life when you read the tea leaves?
- Posts: 4304
- Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2011 3:13 pm
- Location: Warren-Youngstown, Ohio metro area
Re: Deficit = not a problem
As they say Hindsight is 20/20 and most here never had a clue what was coming. If you want to talk investments, I'm game. I sold out before the Tech Bubble burst. I also got into gold -- made 6 times my money. Retired at 53 and never looked back. Saw the housing bubble coming, paid off everything ( house included) and contemplated selling the home too. But its home, so I keep it as I'm in an upscale neighborhood and homes here held most of their value. But , back the original thesis -- the deficit is phony. Another "crisis" manufactured by the Rs to try to cut social programs. Fiscal cliff ? What a farce. Taxes are low. Stock market has doubled and jobs are being created -- all since W. left office and Obama put his policies to work . Krugman will tell you and has proof that this crisis disappears over time & especially as the economy recovers because it brings in more revenue. Raising taxes brings in more revenue. Cuts have already been made and some more will happen. But in the big scheme, lowering the deficit slowly allows to economy to continue to grow and doesn't casue it to falter. Yet that is what austerity would cause and Europe already shows how austerity HAS worked. Yet we have people infected with their ideology ( read MD) who spout nothings that produce no evidence and who's policies failed the country in spectacular fashion under W. and the Rs. There is a record of that. Sequestration ? If allowed to happen , it will hurt the country by slowing down economic activity. But even there , the Rs are laying down the buckpucky. And they'll be the cause if it happens. The clueless continue to show they know nothing about economics.
Krugman ? Well, he did win a Nobel Prize !

Krugman ? Well, he did win a Nobel Prize !