Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by LucasJackson »

kantuckyII wrote:I don't know, I think it's far easier for atheist to believe in random than believers. My answer is always going to be I don't know but one day I'll know all

Actually, if I'm right, I will not care what caused it.

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by caglewis »

dazed&confused wrote:
Trenchfoot wrote:Their are saying it was 10 tons. Why couldn't our great scientists see this coming?
The "10 tons" was the explosive power [compared to dynamite] it generated as it entered Earth's atmosphere - exponentially huge "sonic boom" that generated way more percussive destructive power than sound waves. The size of the meteor itself was that of a "small boulder". It's the atmospheric entry that hurts.
And scientists did see it, but were watching the much bigger asteroid also approaching Earth's vicinity, the routes of which are difficult to measure and predict. These astronomical events happen, but are frequently over open Oceans and out of range of land-based observatories and measurement capabilities.

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by kantuckyII »

Dinocrocetti wrote:
kantuckyII wrote:I don't know, I think it's far easier for atheist to believe in random than believers. My answer is always going to be I don't know but one day I'll know all

Actually, if I'm right, I will not care what caused it.
That could be the case but never-the-less, if you're a born again Christian, you'll have the capacity to know for you will be like Jesus Christ and will KNOW as you are KNOWN. That's a pretty humbling thought. Think about it? not only will those who reject God miss heaven and eternity with God but will remain ignorant of all the mysteries of God and His Creation! That's pretty sad in itself. The village idiot who has put their trust in God will be infinitely more intelligent than the smartest man who's ever lived!

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by kantuckyII »

..and everything we can see, touch and feel will be one day all be gone! Everything we see, the earth we stand on, is it even real to start with? I catch a glimpse of God from time to time, it's so fleeting that I can't put my finger on it...strange, very strange.

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by swbaseballfan »

magnets, how do they work? :|

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?


Caglewis, Thats what i was meaning, a 10 ton pressure wave (Blast) from the explosion. I heard different stories about the size, from a small boulder all the way up to bowling ball size. These News channels all said something different when it first happened. Who knows.

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Re: Russian Meteorite, Who's Fault Was It?

Post by Baruch Spinoza »

I am new here, but I see MR kantuck is a very Godly man. I do not agree with him, but that is what makes the world go 'round. To even consider someone at fault, how about a novel idea. It was the fault of Science. Yea, I can live with that. peace

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