Refs at Convo

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by Hitops2.0 »

WHAT !!!!! someone else complaining about crappy refs besides Valley fans ......OMG ....what is this forum coming too

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by CharlieHustle »

In Northern Kentucky, officials are being ordered to call at least 40 fouls per game or else they are reprimanded...they are making an attempt to clean up the game.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Scarlet_gray- that's great! It can be done, but fans would have to realize the long term benefits. I don't know if 40 is the answer, but at least their trying. Better have a deep team with that many fouls. Lol

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by vikingguy12 »

frank-n-beans wrote:The 3 that did the Pikton-Cville game should have their shirts burned. Without a doubt the worse officiated tourney game I have ever seen. On both sides. That was an embarrassment to officiating.

i have to agree with you on that one. i dont have a dog in the fight i was just there to watch the three games for the evening. that piketon-crooksville game was pathetic by the officials!!! obvious and blaten missed calls. i wouldnt let those three back in the convo !!!

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by Orange and Brown »

Half the fans always think the refs are full of it.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by Grinder »

scarlet_gray wrote:In Northern Kentucky, officials are being ordered to call at least 40 fouls per game or else they are reprimanded...they are making an attempt to clean up the game.

You might as well go watch a game of checkers. How can you order someone to call a certain amount of fouls? Are they ordering what team they want to win? This is a joke to the game! People crack me up on here. I have been going to the Convo for years and it is a great place to watch basketball. This just shows how much people over react now days. The crew let them play the other night. I don't think anyone was carried off the floor. I would ten times better watch a game where they let them play than a game of tic tac fouls. I think of the charge call on Jackson in the OT thriller against Chilli a few years back. That call ended the game, a questionable call should of been a no call. The guy probably thought I got to call something . The best thing would be let the players play, the coaches coach, the officials officiate and the fans be fans. Probably most of the people on here over reacting has never officiated a game. Just enjoy the games at the Convo we are lucky to have a great place to watch high school basketball in SEO!

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Grinder wrote:
scarlet_gray wrote:In Northern Kentucky, officials are being ordered to call at least 40 fouls per game or else they are reprimanded...they are making an attempt to clean up the game.

You might as well go watch a game of checkers. How can you order someone to call a certain amount of fouls? Are they ordering what team they want to win? This is a joke to the game! People crack me up on here. I have been going to the Convo for years and it is a great place to watch basketball. This just shows how much people over react now days. The crew let them play the other night. I don't think anyone was carried off the floor. I would ten times better watch a game where they let them play than a game of tic tac fouls. I think of the charge call on Jackson in the OT thriller against Chilli a few years back. That call ended the game, a questionable call should of been a no call. The guy probably thought I got to call something . The best thing would be let the players play, the coaches coach, the officials officiate and the fans be fans. Probably most of the people on here over reacting has never officiated a game. Just enjoy the games at the Convo we are lucky to have a great place to watch high school basketball in SEO!
IMO I think that it's obsurd to say just let them play. I haven't seen any games that were really out of hand at the Convo this year. I'm talking about just generalization. Def not talking about ticky tack fouls, I agree there. But, holds, and oblivious fouls should be called. No matter if its a vital part of the game. Why is it so wrong to call it like its written. A foul is a foul, and it takes away from the finesse of the game. I think it would eventually produce better defenders, and players moving their feet instead of grabbing a hold of another player who has worked hard at there speed.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by toast »

vikingguy12 wrote:
frank-n-beans wrote:The 3 that did the Pikton-Cville game should have their shirts burned. Without a doubt the worse officiated tourney game I have ever seen. On both sides. That was an embarrassment to officiating.

i have to agree with you on that one. i dont have a dog in the fight i was just there to watch the three games for the evening. that piketon-crooksville game was pathetic by the officials!!! obvious and blaten missed calls. i wouldnt let those three back in the convo !!!

Let's face it, it's impossible to be unbiased when it "your" team. When you do have a dog in the fight. Most of the people on this thread complaining about the referees in Piketon/Cooksville games didn't care who won. They didn't have a dog in the fight!

I sat around mostly Ironton fans and a few other impartial fans. The feelings were unanimous. The refs were beyond horrible. The game was out of control. Everyone was talking about it and everyone was shaking their head in disbelief.

It wasn't missed calls. It was obvious calls not being made the entire game. When so many fans from other teams are commenting.....there's a problem! The worst referred game I've ever seen in 40 years of watching basketball.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by pfloyd »

... the Crooksville vs Piketon game? officiated poorly BOTH ways ... BOTH teams were permitted to play "beyond physical" for basketball ... with that said I have always been one who believes that a major part of the game as a player is early on determining what the officials are calling or are not calling , what am I able to "get away with" as a player ... as a player I am going to go right up to that point "where the officiating crew" DOES blow the whistle ... players/coaches have to adjust their game to fit the way the officials are calling the game that night ... I believe I read something about the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results" - a finesse team that plays soft, doesn't adjust to the physicality of a game by "getting INTO the game" is destined to lose the game and vice versa ...

... were there fouls committed in the Crooksville vs Piketon game that were NOT called - absolutely ... both fan bases had reason to be let's just say be "upset" ... both teams however PLAYED UP TO the way the game was being called by the officials - should there have been more "roughing the passer", "personal foul", "blocks below the knees" calls made? absolutely ... I don't like when the game is called so loose that players on both sides are in danger of being injured or officials decide to go away from the "let 'em play" mantra in favor of a "few touch fouls" vs key players (Swingle picked up his 4th foul with CHS LEADING by one the time he got back in the game, 2 minutes later, PHS had scored the needed separation to force CHS out of their game into the "rushed shot"/"hope PHS misses foul shots" mode - effectively taking CHS out of the game ... if the officials are going to "let them play" they should let them play for ALL 32 minutes, should let ALL players play - even the BIGS in the paint ...

Last edited by pfloyd on Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by WIFAN-22 »

Good post pfloyd...

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by mhs95_06 »

Yes, it is hard for the players who adjust to the officiating when the officials adjust during the game, such as when it comes down to the end starting to call everything. Yesterday in the Eastern/NC girls game, they started calling a lot more stuff from say the 4 min left mark, but then less than a minute left they reverted back to the way they were calling it before.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by wink »

toast wrote:
I sat around mostly Ironton fans and a few other impartial fans. The feelings were unanimous. The refs were beyond horrible. The game was out of control. Everyone was talking about it and everyone was shaking their head in disbelief.
Perfect example of the results of the "let'em play mentality". When refs use their own judgement rather than the rules to call a game, this is frequently the outcome.

Getting criticised for calling the game by the rules should be the least of the officials worries. It's the ONLY way you have a leg to stand on vs the critics after the game.

If you are being evaluated..... who can argue with your actions ??

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by CharlieHustle »

Grinder wrote:
scarlet_gray wrote:In Northern Kentucky, officials are being ordered to call at least 40 fouls per game or else they are reprimanded...they are making an attempt to clean up the game.

You might as well go watch a game of checkers. How can you order someone to call a certain amount of fouls? Are they ordering what team they want to win? This is a joke to the game! People crack me up on here. I have been going to the Convo for years and it is a great place to watch basketball. This just shows how much people over react now days. The crew let them play the other night. I don't think anyone was carried off the floor. I would ten times better watch a game where they let them play than a game of tic tac fouls. I think of the charge call on Jackson in the OT thriller against Chilli a few years back. That call ended the game, a questionable call should of been a no call. The guy probably thought I got to call something . The best thing would be let the players play, the coaches coach, the officials officiate and the fans be fans. Probably most of the people on here over reacting has never officiated a game. Just enjoy the games at the Convo we are lucky to have a great place to watch high school basketball in SEO!
Don't kill the messenger! Just stating what I have been told...while I agree that an extensive number of fouls makes the game not as enjoyable, it still goes back to "a foul is a foul is a foul". Games in Southern Ohio are bloodbaths. While I like physical basketball, it's gotten a little out of hand.

Letting games become too physical causes safety issues towards players and fan-issues. You are 100x more likely to have a brawl or fan-problem when you let games get out of hand. I've seen it firsthand in the New Boston-Notre Dame brawl in 2007. The game needs cleaned up.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by vikingguy12 »

i agree with pfloyd, it wasnt called lopsided for either team it was simply NOT called... what amazed me was the fact it just wasnt one or two of the refs doing it it was all three of them blatantly not calling obvious fouls.. the first game and the last game i thought were called great. the second one WOW...

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by freethrow »

Someone mentioned 40 fouls called a game in Kentucky which I'm assuming is by order of the State Association. In atteneding some of the games at the Convo I sat behind some refs that work the convo and they kept saying the higher ups in Ohio High school want a flow to the game. They want kids to play through contact. So I'm going to assume that refs have to follow what the State wants. Have you ever seen a regular season game in the OCC.....WOW. Those officials will be back next year as they have every year becasue coaches, Ad's and other vote on them. It wouldn't surprise me to see one or two of them back in the convo this week for the regional tournament games. Also all three of those guys who did the piketon/crooksville game have worked State Tournament games.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by Jeepmudder33 »

It seems that the deeper in the tournament you go, the more contact that is allowed. I enjoy watching a physical game, but also agree that the Crooksville game was poorly controlled by officiating. Teams that do reach the state tournament must be ready for another level of physicality not prepared for by regular season SE Ohio Bball. Therefore, the steady decrease in touch fouls, bodying in the paint, and chesting up on the perimeter is a precursor, if not prepatory, for what is to come in the Schott.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by McArthur General »

My problem with officials, (not all of them, but some) is that they are arrogant. Guys we have seen at the convo can't help but put themselves into the middle of the game, by making a call that is outlandish or wrong. It is like, "Look at me, look at me!" I was told by one of the fathers of young man who plays for Vinton County, that in the Warren VC game, the players told the officials that they were going to foul in order to get the ball back. So coming out of a timeout, the team told the crew if they didn't get a steal they were going to foul, to save as much time as possible. So what happens, they didnt get the steal and fouled, a simple foul, nobody fell to the floor, no one got shoved or hurt, but yet one of the refs called an intentional foul. So my question is was it intentional because they said they would foul or was it the ref saying; "Look at me! Look at me!" I bet it was the latter. In that same game there seem to be one guy who called everything against one team, i bet his ratio to calls were probably 14 against to 1 for. The officals in this area are not good, not as good as they think they are anyways. It is sad.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by freethrow »

Ther refs that had that game are working the boys State Tournament this year and have worked it in the past so they couldn't be that bad.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by McArthur General »

There not bad, just ask them.

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Re: Refs at Convo

Post by CharlieHustle »

Most higher-up officials are pretty arrogant....but you almost have to be to be in this business. As much flack and criticism that you face, you have to be able to handle it and not let it affect you.

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