Harvest Prep vs Africentric

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Binary »

RAIDER6309 wrote:
wipala wrote:Ohsaa wants big city schools in all regionals, they stack the deck, imo! Go to the ohsaa site and see where Columbus schools are and have played their tourney games. With all the schools in the metro areas of Ohio another 3-4 regionals could be made. Sure the teams from SEO make it to finals however look what happens the following shuffle for sites to play. imo
no they don't, Trimble and Peebles had a cake walk till they finally played a decent team. There are many d4 schools that would die for Trimble and Peebles draw
The same could be said for Athens. Of course you don't want to hear that. :mrgreen:

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Binary »

formerfcfan wrote:
Ground Buck wrote:
formerfcfan wrote: At least I used those five words right. There's nothing advanced about the word "incentive", correct?

Back to the game, since that's what this thread is about: I think this is a game that will be low-scoring and will decided by turnovers alone. Africentric has a height advantage but HP swarms very well off the boards to the ball. If HP has a strong night from three point land then it's over.
You probably did use those five words correctly. I did not examine your post that closely. I don't take very many posts on here that seriously. I see that you do, and I'm okay with that, really. :mrgreen:
That's all fine and well; it is a post that can take a while to chew and swallow if you're actually interested in that sub-topic. I'm not one of those sports board guys that tries to one-up everyone with "fancier" words, but my background and how I've made and continue to make a living is in the field of Sociology so it's just second nature for me to discuss a topic regarding socioeconomic inequality using terms such as "gentrification" and "catharsis" to describe situations such as this, because they fit the context of the discussion well (not to mention they don't have synonyms... both are processes and the latter goes back to the days of Aristotle). It's not a matter of me taking posts on here seriously, but posts that call out a person's vocabulary and distract from a worthwhile discussion are quite frankly uncalled for.

I'm not quite sure what kind of discussion we'll really get on this thread since it's pretty much a given the majority of Southeastern Ohio sports fans aren't really interested in this game, but since the topic of low attendance from the two schools has been used before as a slight I figured I'd offer a perspective on it. I remember when Harvest Prep brought 15 fans, literally, to their league games that were 20 minutes away before they got the ban-hammer from post-season play and how they brought like seven fans their first year on probation. I know Africentric and most city league schools also deal with really small followings that are disproportionate to the number of the kids in their program, and there are reasons why - many of which I have stated. The "crowd" argument I've seen and heard used countless times just to slight those programs, and it ends up hurting the kids. The easiest answer would be to chalk it up as a direct consequence of recruiting, or lack of loyalty, or just general apathy. But would many of you still think that's the case if you were one of those parents and you had difficulty getting time off of work so you could watch your kids' play on weeknights and in the tournament? Or if you were a kid that grew up in a broken home, didn't grow up in a nuclear family + stable household and had to change schools all the time? No adults there to watch you play, no family members to congratulate you on a game well played?

That's the reason I even make posts such as the one above; we can all consider and learn something new each day. It's a healthy way to use your brain. And if contributing to intelligent discussion on this thread doesn't interest you, then I'm okay with that. Really. :mrgreen:
Looks like someone got butt hurt. :lol: I hope you come back with another 5 -10 paragraph response to this like you have to other posts. It is amusing to see that you take the time to do that. I never read much of what you post, but I do get a chuckle at your exhaustive efforts. Keep up the good work. :122249

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by J0623 »

Not a bad crowd at all tonight in the Convo. Better numbers than expected and enthusiastic.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Pol pot »

wipala wrote:Ohsaa wants big city schools in all regionals, they stack the deck, imo! Go to the ohsaa site and see where Columbus schools are and have played their tourney games. With all the schools in the metro areas of Ohio another 3-4 regionals could be made. Sure the teams from SEO make it to finals however look what happens the following shuffle for sites to play. imo

Wow!!! Regionals in tournament set ups always equal 4. Why 4? Because to get down to a State semi-final (final four), you need four regionals. So not real sure how you say the state needs more regionals? And at the end of the day if you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by rockbiter »

indians10 wrote:I don't think anyone in this district cares,do you?
Absolutely not.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by rockbiter »

RAIDER6309 wrote:Harvest prep 70
africentric 62
So, the crazy preacher got his professional team back in the state tournament? I won't be available to watch them play.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Raider6309 »

Idk what 10 did but after he got fouled Prep's coach called a timeout out and he grabbed and screamed at 10 the whole timeout.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Judge and Jury »

Congrats to the state for allowing the private institutions to recruit and win titles as usual give the private institutions their own tournament then if u want u can have a tournament of champions between d1-4 and parochial A&B.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Pol pot »

Judge and Jury wrote:Congrats to the state for allowing the private institutions to recruit and win titles as usual give the private institutions their own tournament then if u want u can have a tournament of champions between d1-4 and parochial A&B.

Another misguided quote! The membership votes on the rules of play, and by membership I mean the schools that up the OHSAA, they have voted on this several times and public schools continue to vote to keep public and private competing together.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by knowledge »

RAIDER6309 wrote:
wipala wrote:Ohsaa wants big city schools in all regionals, they stack the deck, imo! Go to the ohsaa site and see where Columbus schools are and have played their tourney games. With all the schools in the metro areas of Ohio another 3-4 regionals could be made. Sure the teams from SEO make it to finals however look what happens the following shuffle for sites to play. imo
no they don't, Trimble and Peebles had a cake walk till they finally played a decent team. There are many d4 schools that would die for Trimble and Peebles draw
I must say I could honestly vouch for that. North Central Ohio D4 is a whole other world compared to D4 basketball in SE Ohio, with that being said Peebles and Trimble are still great teams and would win their share of games up here, BUT the tournament trail is so difficult as their are multiple teams at least as talented as Eastern Pike, Paint Valley, etc.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Judge and Jury »

Its not a misguided quote simple statement the membership belongs to the ohsaa which is the state which cast their vote and also the same people in the end when the public schools get beat are the first to complain or mention we should do something about that. The north has more private institutions than the south so why would they wanna change it. If they aren't going to change then at least lift the restrictions on transfers and just make it the wild west.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by anderson2012 »

The level of competition around Columbus is pretty strong. Africentric, for instance, played five of its 22 regular season games against Final Four participants, those three teams hail from Franklin County. They also played D2 district champ Cols. South x2, D1 district champ Newark. Harvest Prep's league, the MSL, wasn't a pushover either. HP rolled through them, but that was a league whose non-HP teams went 2-0 vs the Central Catholic League/CCL.

The Central District may not even be the best basketball district in Ohio. The SW district probably is, as they foster leagues such as the GWOC, GCL, SWBL, but they also feature the MAC and the SCL.
Judge and Jury wrote:Its not a misguided quote simple statement the membership belongs to the ohsaa which is the state which cast their vote and also the same people in the end when the public schools get beat are the first to complain or mention we should do something about that. The north has more private institutions than the south so why would they wanna change it. If they aren't going to change then at least lift the restrictions on transfers and just make it the wild west.
Remove the private schools & OHSAA might as well go back to the AAA, AA, and A classification systems. There would be a lot of D3's that would move down to the smallest classification. Schools that graduate classes of ~50 would be playing with schools that graduate classes of ~110. Schools such as Marion Pleasant, Grandview Heights, and Union Local would be in the same post-season pools as Miller, Reedsville Eastern, and New Boston.

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

formerFcFan wrote:
That's the reason I even make posts such as the one above; we can all consider and learn something new each day. It's a healthy way to use your brain. And if contributing to intelligent discussion on this thread doesn't interest you, then I'm okay with that. Really. :mrgreen:
I only read this part of your lengthy post. I see I really got under your thin skin. And I'm okay with that, really. :mrgreen:

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by athens78 »

Hard to believe with all the levies and tax's and income taxes I pay for in the Athens district that they could be the 15th poorest school in Ohio, lol

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Re: Harvest Prep vs Africentric

Post by Raider6309 »

athens78 wrote:Hard to believe with all the levies and tax's and income taxes I pay for in the Athens district that they could be the 15th poorest school in Ohio, lol
It's because the city of Athens has 24,000 people. 16,0000 of them are college students that make no money. To the state Athens school district has 32,000 people and makes $30,000 but in reality Athens has 16,000 people in the school district making about $50,000. Last I looked Athens has 2,000 more dollars per student than the next area school, $13,000 per student.

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