Boys Volleyball

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Boys Volleyball

Post by OICU812 »

Wouldn't it be cool if some schools around here started boys volleyball teams? It's obviously not an OHSAA sport, but maybe eventually!

There are currently:

49 Boys Division 1
24 Boys Division 2
74 total

This probably won't happen around the area, but volleyball isn't necessarily a super expensive sport, especially when you already have a girls team so already have all the equipment. Not saying it would be easy to start one, but it would be interesting.

Any thoughts?

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Re: Boys Volleyball

Post by noreply66 »

This might take boys from other sports and then people could would blame volleyball for taking boys away from a sport like they do soccer now.

But I have thought about boys volleyball.

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Re: Boys Volleyball

Post by OICU812 »

That's a fair point and one that I've heard before. But, boys volleyball is the opposite of girls, it's in the spring.

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Re: Boys Volleyball

Post by noreply66 »

Chieftain2009 wrote:That's a fair point and one that I've heard before. But, boys volleyball is the opposite of girls, it's in the spring.

Like I said I'm for it but someone will blame it on the numbers for track, tennis and baseball......just can't win

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Re: Boys Volleyball

Post by boo33vb »

Myself and two of my later assistant coaches ( Chillicothe girls program ) attempted to get a boys club team started at Chillicothe back around 1992 i think. We had 70 some signatures from boys at Chilli on a petition, we had a start up tryout and practice plan, had fundraising ideas and took all this to the then Superintendent and were shot down with very little interest from administration. We were still in the OCC and most of the schools had boys teams then and still do today. My feelings at the time were he just didn't want to deal with it and we would not last. No vision! Too bad at the time because i would have taken it as far as i could. Just recently finished my coaching career after 20 years with the girls at different levels. The sport continues to grow both in girls and boys and provides a great opportunity for scholarships, personal growth and a career if you so desire. The current administration at Chillicothe would be much more forward thinking and support a boys program as they are looking into a boys lacrosse team recently. Chillicothe is a diverse district with many opportunities and i hope someday to see boys volleyball played at Hatton Memorial Gym.

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