TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by cghs82 »

Jason Vorhees wrote:Wishful thinking; this will not happen. Why would Athens leave a league they are having success in? I highly doubt Gallia Academy would leave a league where their longest trip is to Portsmouth, which is probably an hour away, maybe a little more. Marietta will not leave their current league due to travel and it being cost-effective. Point Pleasant is not leaving their schedule or conference any time soon. They are having huge success with scheduling and post-season appearances. Ripley has no desire to join a conference in Ohio. So, that still leaves Jackson, Logan and Warren. Speaking of Warren, they are leaving the league, too. That leaves Jackson and Logan searching for a league. No league size-wise fits them, although there is leagues around them. There is too huge of a size difference for Jackson to fit into the SOC2. They may fit into the TVC; however, nobody wants Jackson in there, as evident by voting. For years, the blow hards of one particular school in the SEOAL proved their verbal arrogance and dominance, and now it is costing them, that being Logan. I am not saying there is not great people in Logan, there really is a lot of good people there. However, a few individuals and their arrogance has now cost them. They have no conference to go in to. Jackson would have probably made it in to a conference without so many extra-curricular athletics (tennis, soccer, etc.). Schools in this area are lucky to support four sports for males (football, basketball, baseball and track) and females (basketball, softball, track and cross-country) financially. Other schools, when looking at other sports outside of those four main sports, struggle to support them, even if they are successful in them due to attendance and lack of interest. Logan and Jackson are hybrid schools; too big to be in another conference in this area and not successful enough in more than three sports for a central Ohio conference to support or vote them in. Jackson's three being (at least consistently as of recent) Football (always successful), Softball and Baseball. Logan being Football, Boy's and Girl's Basketball and Track.
If Warren schedules right, they can compete in both the SEOAL and the OVAC, but both Parkersburg schools would have to join both the SEOAL and OVAC for that to work out. The ECOL lost Claymont and is down to 9 teams so scheduling would become difficult for Marietta unless the ECOL expands back to 10 and Marrieta appears to be struggling in it so there could be a chance Marietta leaves being 2 counties from their nearest opponent even though travel is better for them, although if both Parkersburg schools did join, that would be more reason traveling wise for them to join and that may convince Ripley to join a Ohio Conference with 2 other WV schools. I don't know enough about Point Pleasant to know how to get them to join. I feel like Gallia Academy would be a wild card at this point. As for Jackson and Logan, the SCOL could take both Logan and Jackson to make 10 teams and split into 2 divisions, but that would probably be unlikely and I doubt they pick up Jackson to make 9 teams unless they add someone else or drop someone (East Clinton). Definitely a tricky situation no doubt. Lots of potential though if the right cards are played.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by noreply66 »

will there be shocking news during the summer for the SEOAL

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Raider6309 »

Athens in 2007 had 340 boys
Athens in 2015 had 297 boys

I wouldn't be surpised if Athens keeps dropping in enrollment to around 250 in 5 years. We haven't laid off a worker but had to close an elementary school because our enrollment at Athens has dropped 15% and looks like it will keep dropping

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Paladin »

Claymont has left the ECOL and there are more changes on the way as some teams are about to announce leaving. Marietta has to be looking at options. Contrary to a few blowhards here, no one in school administration made ANY decision about league affiliation because of what someone said on this site, or in the stands. LOL ! Clowns belong in a circus, but there continue to be a few here. I'm still not sure the SEOAL is dead. There is still a place for tough teams and bigger schools in SEO as the region continues to run from competition using any and all excuses to run and hide. Being a weenie in SEO is still infectious ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Athens will continue to abuse the TVC until teams begin to leave. Some district are on the edge of consolidation and under financial pressures. Change will continue to be in the air. 8)

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by enigmaax »

GoBucks1047 wrote:
Gallia Academy
Point Pleasant, WV (similar size as Jackson and Athens)
Ripley, WV (similar size as Marietta)
Hasn't this already been done pretty much?
Prince of Darkness wrote:I still say a 6 team league with Logan, Jackson, Warren, Marietta, Parkersburg, and Parkersburg South could work.
If for whatever reason Warren couldn't get into the OVAC, maybe. Otherwise, the Parkersburg schools are 2-2.5 times bigger than Warren. Not a great move really.

The SEOAL is dead. For real.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Jason Vorhees »

Paladin, your statements come from your own sense of self-arrogance and inflation. Simply put, someone who has passed their time and sense of reality.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Paladin »

And, Jason, you expose yourself as a know nothing B.S. artist to try to convince people that league decisions are based on comments on a chat board. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the lAUGHS

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Jason Vorhees »

The league is dead, just like your coaching career is; a thing of the past. IAUGHS? Is that an acronym for something or is your eyesight getting that bad these days? Must be all that city air distorting your point of view!

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Jason Vorhees »

The league is dead, just like your coaching career is; a thing of the past. IAUGHS? Is that an acronym for something or is your eyesight getting that bad these days? Must be all that city air distorting your point of view!

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Raider6309 »

League was dead a long time ago. Logan and Jackson can name call but they have also been shopping for a new league like every other seoal member for the past 10 years. Jackson will find a league but Logan is in a hard spot. MSL already has enough teams and the OCC would never let a hocking county school in their league. The OCC still hates they have to play Lancaster. Little too south for Columbus teams

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by noreply66 »

Logan will be fine sweet thing

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

Jason Vorhees wrote:Paladin, your statements come from your own sense of self-arrogance and inflation. Simply put, someone who has passed their time and sense of reality.
Great post!
Paladin wrote:Claymont has left the ECOL and there are more changes on the way as some teams are about to announce leaving. Marietta has to be looking at options. Contrary to a few blowhards here, no one in school administration made ANY decision about league affiliation because of what someone said on this site, or in the stands. LOL ! Clowns belong in a circus, but there continue to be a few here. I'm still not sure the SEOAL is dead. There is still a place for tough teams and bigger schools in SEO as the region continues to run from competition using any and all excuses to run and hide. Being a weenie in SEO is still infectious ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Athens will continue to abuse the TVC until teams begin to leave. Some district are on the edge of consolidation and under financial pressures. Change will continue to be in the air. 8)
Again with the Athens Envy. :mrgreen: Come on old fat guy, get Logan to play some NE Ohio teams, and MAC teams. If those SEOAL teams are so tough, why would they want in the TVC? Isn't that running from competition? Now go take a shower, you smell. :lol:

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by NYBuckeye96 »

I hope that NY schedules Warren and Jackson in non-conference games in the future. Since NY voted yes for both, I would take that as meaning NY would like to play both schools. NY and Warren have not played each other since 1985. NY and Jackson have not played each other since 1994.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by cghs82 » ... l?mode=jqm

Jackson has officially applied for the OVC, SCOL, and SOC. I feel like Jackson's best chance would be with the SCOL, but I doubt they have a chance of getting in without a 10th team being added to split the conference into 2 geographical divisions so that travel doesn't go up too severely.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by OVCFan2 »

Is there anyone way that they could ask Logan? Then that would make it a ten team league.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Bear »

Jackson to the OVC won't happen unless another team applies with them.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by cghs82 »

Ultron wrote:Is there anyone way that they could ask Logan? Then that would make it a ten team league.
With Clinton-Massie and East Clinton as small as they are, I doubt they would go after Logan, maybe Circleville or Logan Elm or even Unioto, but I don't think Circleville, Logan Elm would leave their conference. I'm pretty sure Unioto would stay too in the SVC. Jackson would only be the 4th largest behind Hillsboro, Chillicothe, and Wilmington if they joined the SCOL so size isn't a factor against them for once like the OVC, SOC, and TVC.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by cghs82 »

GoBucks1047 wrote:
Ultron wrote:Is there anyone way that they could ask Logan? Then that would make it a ten team league.
With Clinton-Massie and East Clinton as small as they are, I doubt they would go after Logan, maybe Circleville or Logan Elm or even Unioto, but I don't think Circleville, Logan Elm would leave their conference. I'm pretty sure Unioto would stay too in the SVC. Jackson would only be the 4th largest behind Hillsboro, Chillicothe, and Wilmington if they joined the SCOL so size isn't a factor against them for once like the OVC, SOC, and TVC.
In all honesty, I think the SCOL doesn't expand period unless either something happens to Circleville and Logan Elm and they need a new conference or the SCOL starts losing members.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by ONE OF A KIND »

NYBuckeye96 wrote:I hope that NY schedules Warren and Jackson in non-conference games in the future. Since NY voted yes for both, I would take that as meaning NY would like to play both schools. NY and Warren have not played each other since 1985. NY and Jackson have not played each other since 1994.
My thoughts exactly. Since they voted yes for both I look for both those teams to be on the schedule in the very near future. Two good games and a move in the right direction.

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Re: TVC says no to Jackson and Warren

Post by Poo Bear »

Much respect to nelsonville York. It would be a honor for jackson to play them

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