East vs Eastern score tonight?

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East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Any updates in this one?

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by beaverlover »

Eastern wins 74-65 in ot.

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by buckcc »

I'm not from this area so is it Reedsville eastern and beaver eastern ,so which one is east and eastern

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by beaverlover »

Beaver Eastern beat Portsmouth East

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by eagle country »

Wasn't very please with one of the refs tonight coach Fitch lost his temper tonight and got a techinal then keeps arguing and the ref came over and chest bumped Fitch not 1st time I have seen this ref be that way but was 1st time I have seen him touch a coach if Fitch would have done this he would have been tossed just don't think the ref handled situation very well coach nor a ref should ever touch the other for any reason what so ever

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Regulator »

Let me guess, a Bald Ref?

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Jtaylor304 »

Fitch is a cry baby, the ref didn't bump him he bumped the ref and should have bwen tossed (no class) and the dumb parents that ran onto the floor bumping the refs shouldn't be allowed back into a high school game. East should have been shooting free throws at the end of regulation with a chance to seal the game but the offical calls a jump ball on what was clearly a foul. Poor officiating. Poor, poor sportamanship by eastern coach and fans. I guess they don't like losing at the nest.

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by buckcc »

Does anyone know the two teams updated records

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by eagle country »

buckeyes911 wrote:Fitch is a cry baby, the ref didn't bump him he bumped the ref and should have bwen tossed (no class) and the dumb parents that ran onto the floor bumping the refs shouldn't be allowed back into a high school game. East should have been shooting free throws at the end of regulation with a chance to seal the game but the offical calls a jump ball on what was clearly a foul. Poor officiating. Poor, poor sportamanship by eastern coach and fans. I guess they don't like losing at the nest.
Fitch was turned to side when the ref bumped him and I don't doubt there was a foul at end because there were fouls all night that didn't get called

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Jtaylor304 »

Whatever!!! I was there myself, you know the truth! Those refa wasn't going to send Eastern into the tournament on a 3 game losing streak and they sure wasn't going to suspend "Fitch" for their tournament game smh, that's the only reason he didn't get tossed period. You as a Eastern fan should be ashamed as well. It was Pathetic. ...

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Jtaylor304 »

Watch the film again...The film needs sent to OHSAA

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Ironman92 »

Who was the ref?

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by eagle country »

I'm not mentioning his name on here and buckeyes911 believe what u want I've watch film several times

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by 1987 Viking Alumni »

I was too at the game, if the tall ref had blown the whistle on the block- charge which was the play that began the chaos, then there never would have been the T, the fan ejected or any of the other fans which came onto the floor. Either way blow the whistle, the collision was way to violent not to call something. There were at least 3 East fans on the floor but they never crossed the free throw lane and the attention was on the team bench area, one of which I believe to still be in high school. What was said or who bumped who first, not sure, my focus was on #5 in blue, but knowing both coach and ref I am pretty sure that both regret the actions following the T.
This was a great high school game, one that will benefit both teams next week and hopefully a few more games as well. When you start tourney play, you have to put on your big boy pants and last night was called like a sectional final and beyond type of game. Good luck to both teams, hopefully you make a deep tourney run.

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Jtaylor304 »

I'm not familiar with the refs but all three were bad and the one who didn't toss that coach was the worst.the eastern parent charged over towards the East bench, they had to back East players up and everything. It was ugly. I don't remember seeing any East fans on floor but if they were it was probably to protect their children from what looked to be a potential fight. Bottom line it should have never gotten to that point

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by athens78 »

Pitiful just Pitiful. I understand two of those ref's have worked the State tournament before, is that a fact????

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by sportsfan_mov »

athens78 you know yourself whether or not two of the refs have worked State Finals before... And I do believe you're pretty good friends with them yourself. Just saying. No need to act naive. Everyone who was at the game will have his/her own opinion and no reason to add irrelevant comments if you weren't at the game yourself.

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by 86LancerLover »

athens78 wrote:Pitiful just Pitiful. I understand two of those ref's have worked the State tournament before, is that a fact????

My Fed Hock Bretheren, funny how you have sour grapes at other officials to make up for your own failures. And it's a sad day when an official is on here bashing other officials.

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by Jtaylor304 »

I hope they never ref a high school game again! They didn't do their job correctly, purposely!!! Like I said OHSAA needs to see the film Period. IM SURE EVERYONE WATCH THE OHSAA VIDEO BEFORE THE SEASON OR WHENEVER THEY SHOW IT

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Re: East vs Eastern score tonight?

Post by indians10 »

I also was at the game.Im not from either school,just there watching the game as a basketball fan.I was there watching because my school might meet one of these teams down the road in the tourney.I was sitting right on the front row on the visitors side.I had a perfect angle to see what happened when the coach got the T.The ref in question did bump the coach first,he initiated the contact.The ref was totally out of line.The entire game he talked to people in the crowd,giving sarcastic responses to several people in the crowd.Instead of throwing people out,if they were getting out of hand,he just keep talking back to them.Ive been watching basketball for 55 years and ive never seen anything like what unfolded at that game.Both team crowds were yelling and screaming at the refs the entire game.I have seen this kind of behavior out of this ref on several other occasions.The game at times was totally out of hand,due to the non calls by this crew.As a person that has no dog in this fight,im giving a total honest truthfull opinion of what happened.Concerning the 2 guys that went across the floor after the ref,they had stopped ,but when the ref bumped the coach,they continued across the foor,and thankfully people got in between them and the ref.I actually thought there was going to be a full fledge riot,it was pretty scary for a while.

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