Beallsville High forced to close

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Beallsville High forced to close

Post by surfsider »

The Switerland of Ohio School Board voted 3-2 today to close Beallsville HS after this school year.
Such a sad day for those students, teachers, alumni of the Blue Devils.
There's been talk of breaking away and being a separate school district. The new school building is only 3 years old, I think.
Be interesting to see where all the kids transfer to, but Barnesville is a strong possibility.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by Omega »

It is sad to see this news but it is surprising more school closures and consolidations have not occurred in southeastern Ohio over the last twenty five years. Declining economy, tax base, and population. The WTOV9 web site stated there were only 90 high school students in a fairly new building that apparently housed K-12th grades. Sounds like just not enough enrollment to make the school economically feasible. I am sure there are great memories of athletic competition at the school over the years.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by Steely Dan »

SS & Omega - As a former Monroe Countian, I have been expecting this day to come, and feel bad that it has happened. That said, I believe that anyone who lives there or was a former resident (like me) with close ties to the community knew that this was inevitable. Omega, you are correct, the school was not economically feasible. I am extremely disappointed in the school board that put the capital improvements levy on the budget, knowing that without an operating levy, there would not be enough money to run the schools. All the focus was on getting new buildings, and no mention of the need for additional money to keep the lights on. Shame on all of them. I don't care how much they try to rationalize why they did what they did with the capital improvement levy, the constituents obviously did not understand that they paid for the new buildings, but that there was no money to operate them. UGH!

My alma mater, as well as my friends from Skyvue, lost their alma mater 20+ years ago. It was a sad day. We survived, adapted, and support our combined school and go forward as alma mater at Monroe Central.

For the folks in Beallsville who have fought and held out for so long, life will go on. You will adjust, and your kids will do just fine. There just won't be a Blue Devil anymore, just like there is no longer a Redskin, or a Golden Hawk, in Monroe County.

Time to move forward and start a new legacy.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by selonmc »

Actually Steely Dan the money to operate the new schools was already on the books. There were operating and maintenance levies that existed for years. The first time they came up for renewal after the new construction was voted in they were defeated. They were soundly defeated in the Beallsville area. That left nothing to maintain all of these new buildings.

The operating levies that were once renewal levies have been voted down several times since. Each time failing in the Beallsville area. At some point you have stop feeling sorry for a community that isn't interested in backing their school. There are no free rides

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by caldwellbasketball »

surfsider wrote:The Switerland of Ohio School Board voted 3-2 today to close Beallsville HS after this school year.
Such a sad day for those students, teachers, alumni of the Blue Devils.
There's been talk of breaking away and being a separate school district. The new school building is only 3 years old, I think.
Be interesting to see where all the kids transfer to, but Barnesville is a strong possibility.

Their coaches said they were given the option of the other three Monroe County schools (Central/River/Career Center). Barnesville and Union Local will probably nab some, maybe even Shenandoah. Their athletes are only going to be immediately eligible at Central or River according to their A.D. a few weeks ago. They said there was talk of a new line that would dictate if the kids went to one or the other, mostly because the expectation that none of them would go to Central.
Sad to see these small town schools close, state funding of education has been a mess for years and it's amazing there are so many of them left. We passed a 19 mil levy a few years ago that changed things here, hard to do in small towns. Surprised they haven't tried to consolidate in to one county wide school like Logan (hocking county), Morgan, and Vinton all have done in the past.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by Steely Dan »

selonmc wrote:Actually Steely Dan the money to operate the new schools was already on the books. There were operating and maintenance levies that existed for years. The first time they came up for renewal after the new construction was voted in they were defeated. They were soundly defeated in the Beallsville area. That left nothing to maintain all of these new buildings.

The operating levies that were once renewal levies have been voted down several times since. Each time failing in the Beallsville area. At some point you have stop feeling sorry for a community that isn't interested in backing their school. There are no free rides
selonmc - Thanks for clarifying with the additional detail. I knew there was certainly more to it, and you filled in the blanks. Much appreciated. And I agree with you 100%, there are no free rides!

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by surfsider »

So what you're saying is if the school officially closes the only Beallsville kids eligible to play sports the next school year without sitting out one year are the ones that attend either River or Monroe Central?
That would really bum me out if I thought I could see immediate playing time and wanted to attend a Barnesville (which is closer than MC or River) or a Shenandoah or a Shadyside.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by caldwellbasketball »

The rule is now that you have to sit out 50% of the season if you participated in that sport at another school in the previous calendar year. I can't imagine that the OHSAA wouldn't permit them to go wherever they chose and be immediately eligible based on the circumstances that these kids couldn't control. I'd imagine they will have their choice. I'm sure Switzerland of Ohio school district would like them all to remain at Central or River.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by bengalfan76 »

School closes blank check. Can go anywhere and play immediately

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by Region 15 »

I agree that Barnesville will be the main beneficiary of transfers , although River will benefit too.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by the natural »

Monroe Central is supposed to be getting a few quality transfers

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by getright »

I have heard upcoming senior standout Chase Mercer, will be transferring to attend Monroe Central.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by surfsider »

I hope it's an easy transition for the Mercer kid. Never easy switching schools during your high school years.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by fortdawg »

I would like to see the kids be able to go where they choose but, I don't see the District watching the dollars go with them without a fight.

My understanding is even though they are different schools it is the same School District. I expect OSHAA will make them sit if they go outside the District.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by EagleFan89 »

Will the lawsuit gain any traction and keep Beallsville open? (albeit without a Varsity football team at this point)

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by surfsider »

I'd think the lawsuit will now keep the school open. Things need to start rolling fast so the football team can have some games... even if it isn't a 10-game schedule.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by selonmc »

All the lawsuit will do is make a few lawyers some money. The money spent on suing each other would have been better spent in voting yes on a levy that would have kept the school open.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by surfsider »

Can't argue with the lawyers making some coin on this lawsuit. I wonder if it does shut down where will the percentage of students attend? MCHS, River, Barnesville?

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by EagleFan89 »

My guess is more than 50% are heading to Monroe Central.

I don't think the lawsuit will succeed. It is tough in such a lightly populated county, but I do believe Ohio has too many schools and school districts and consolidation is necessary.

They have no chance to have a Varsity team, I believe. Very few reasonable options for their size and location.

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Re: Beallsville High forced to close

Post by getright »

All of beallsvilles remaining athletes that will make any impact on a team I think have already made up their mind about transferring to Monroe Central. I look for the Mercer kid to make a HUGE impact on the field. Kids a great athlete

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