New Boston/SOMC League Refs

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New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by fhs33 »

Im throwing this out there hoping maybe some of the officials troll this site and will see it before this weekend. This is an issue ive heard quite a few parents complaining about and doesn't seem to be getting addressed.

I've coached enough and been involved enough with youth sports to know at a certain point the refs,coaches, and most parties involved agreed to "Let Them Play"
In baseball/softball we agree to widen the strike zone to get kids to swing the bat instead of going to the plate waiting to be walked.
I know this is true with basketball too, as the refs become more lienant on travel violations and so on. These don't seem to be the issue.

The issue seems to be FOULS
and so on.

If a coach isn't teaching them proper Defensive spacing and footwork, its on THAT coach. Becuase as im watching a lot of JR High/Highschool games it feels more like a WWE match and not a basketball game. Refs do your jobs and start calling these things closer. If it causes the games to be 10 mins longer or so, so be it.

You're not doing these kids any favors by "just letting them play" when it gets to that point.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by Ironman92 »

Very inconsistent is my problem....there have been games where I yelled (do not touch anyone) and the next game 15 yard personal fouls in football aren't called on kids trying to shoot underneath.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by bbcoach19 »

Lol, instead of sitting there watching go to a class that way you can make sure it's done to your satisfaction

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by fhs33 »

Might be a valid and cheap answer if this was your local Little League working with volunteer umps. These refs are paid by the league.

Nice try though

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by kingofthegame »

My question is, did you address this with Steve or any of the administrators? That's probably your first step is to notify someone and see if it changes. For what it's worth, I coach in the same league and, for the most part, agree with that the games probably could be called closer to teach kids how to play defense. However, in our games, it seems the refs are consistent with "letting them play" and teams are treated fair. I know these guys aren't NBA refs and certainly aren't getting paid like it. They have all been respectful and even a few stopped my kids and attempted to correct their errors. That's why I don't say anything about it. Is it called as close as I would like it? No, but I just figure that there will be times in the kids basketball lives where they will need to adjust their gameplay to match what the refs view as the standard. Plus, it's little kids anyway. Just let them play and enjoy the games.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by fhs33 »

I agree with you for the most part.
No, they aren't NBA refs and seem to be pretty good guys. Except for the one who decided to sit on the stage and ref the games a couple weeks ago lol.
But we have to get away from this "Let them play" attitude.
Do you call every touch a foul? Heck no. And do you let the early levels get by with more than you would an older group, yea...
But when you watch the next level JR High and especially girls for some reason it seems. It real clear to see around here that the "let them play attitude" didn't help them at all.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by kingofthegame »

Wow, you really should let Steve know about the guy sitting on the stage lol. I coach 3rd and 4th girls and we have had a decent experience thus far. I'm with you on calling it close though. It can do nothing but help the kids later. However, I think the guys that run the league do a good job and want it to be a success. They would probably be very open to listening to how to improve things.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by bbcoach19 »

Nothing cheap about it at all. If you're sitting there watching you probably have enough time to take the class. Get involved and end this blatant incompetence.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by fhs33 »

By your logic if im unhappy with my Big Mac I should become a whopper flopper instead of expecting the one getting paid to do it to do a better job.

Again I'd agree with you 100% if these were volunteers. But there not, these guys get paid.
I know Steve ad the people running the league have a 100 other issues to deal with but this is something everyone in the stands seems to talk about and every week isn't addressed.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by bbcoach19 »

it seems to me, that you want to sit in the stands and online and complain. If you aren't able to officiate and don't have the time nor the inclination to do so thats fine,too. I just get tired of people complaining about refs and coaches and choose to be part of the problem other than part of the solution. Its apparent that instead of addressing this with the league, you felt more comfortable just complaining anonymously. Just think its the easy way out.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by fhs33 »

So I have to take a side job as a ref on top of my current job and the other sports that I do coach just to have a say? That only works when you complain about volunteers. I've seen what these guys get paid for a day of being a ref. Asking them to do their job for the benefit and SAFETY of the kids playing isn't the same as being an internet troll.

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Re: New Boston/SOMC League Refs

Post by Ironman92 »

I like the majority of the weekly refs at PWest....3 of the 4 do a really good job.

The one they had at their tournament last he can kiss my butt

The vast majority are just fine and good with the kids. Nothing will get accomplished on here for sure.

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