wobycat wrote:Burg puts valley in their rightful place. Somewhere behind number one in the soc. Thanks for playing. Remember your good times.
You have had similar remarks the last 3 years. Valley can win this game if they play the way they are capable of. But if they play the way they have the last two weeks, they will lose very ugly.
Don't think these Indians will have a hard time getting up and focused for this game.
The Indians are 2 field goals and two fumbles away from being 1 and 2 the last three years. Just lucky, I guess but no missed field goals or fumbles here. Just a good ole fashioned butt whipping.
Are you not the same one who predicted that burg was going to hand it to Jackson and we seen how that worked out...
wobycat wrote:Probably, who knows. Going with the running clock here by the 3rd qtr.
Careful what you wish for. Valley has a good offense too. Might be a running clock. Who knows? Either team could have a running clock, but it won't happen for either team.
In all reality, Burg should win this game. Everything is going against Valley right now. Valley is actually down this year compared to the last few. They will be very good next year, but for now, they have a few player injured, head coach is recovering and the game is at Burg (so they are already down 14 points). BUT, they still have to play and like I said earlier, if they play as a single unit like they can, they will be in the position to beat the pirates again.
And let me say something else. If the Pirates do win, the Valley players and fans will be the first to say congratulations and good game and see you next year and turn the crown over. I guarantee you will not see our boys trash a locker room or coaches or fans escorted out by law enforcement. We win with class and when the time comes, lose with class. Always act like a champion, win or lose.
Last edited by nutronron2012 on Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To the Burg posters that are saying we are going to destroy Valley- be cautious my friends. Yes I think we will win but I think it will come down to who takes care of the ball, but I think this will be a close game. Go Burg!!!
What in the world are you talking about? I can't say the burg is going to dominate the game?
Here you go. Man this is going to be a swell game against a couple of classy teams. I think in my humble opinion that the burg will prevail rather easily. If they win, I know that the valley community will clap and cheer for our team on the accomplishment.
I don't know what y'all are drinking, but pass the bottle. Burg is the favorite again. But that means nothin once again. I do believe that if the Pirates throw the ball well then they will put some major points on the board and win by 3 scores. It will be tough for Valley to answer that many scores with the Burg D playing the way they have. This could turn into a ball control slugfest rather quickly. IMO Burg will play their game, no matter if it's no huddle or ground and pound. They will have to name the game and force Valley out of their comfort zone, unlike the last 3 years.
Valley will be well coached, prepared and will come to play, as I'm sure the Burg will too. The hyperbole makes for fun bantering on the boards but the game will be won/loss by the youngster on Friday. I've voiced my concerns about this year's team and they haven't changed.
I can't imagine a scenario where Coach "D" will be roaming the sidelines again this year. I guess anything is possible but sitting in the press box would be more likely.