Golf idea for next year...any league interested?

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Golf idea for next year...any league interested?

Post by warningtrackpower »

On this week's show (SVC Sports Talk - online radio show for we talk golf in the second segment (approx. 10-12 minutes into the show). We do highlight the SVC teams/players in postseason play, but we finish the segment with an idea for an event in HS golf next season. If any coaches, players, ADs, fans, etc. would be interested in your league getting involved in this event against the SVC let us know on here or call 740-569-3254 and share your thoughts/opinions on this idea.

Below is link - click, hit play arrow, and FF to second segment - THANKS ... talk092914

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Re: Golf idea for next year...any league interested?

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I heard the show, as usual. And as usual, I loved it. I have been batting this notion around in my head all day. After all, I spent the day at the districts at Pickaway Country Club.

I love the inter-conferences or leagues idea, and that is something that is very do-able.

However, I have my own nutty idea.

I would love to see a Ryder Cup like format. Let me explain. Granted, this may be quite the undertaking, but everything good in life is worth it. I would love to see a two-day event (of course this is pie in the sky thinking). But anyways -

Day One would be two nine hole events counted as one. First nine, would be a best ball event, each school's player would be partnered with their teammate, and their better ball would count as their single score. The second nine would be an alternative shot format. Let me digress for a minute. As a tremendous golf fan, and as we have seen by recent debacles in Ryder Cup events, the Americans are terrible in the alternative shot format for several reasons, one, it is hard; two, it is NEVER played at an early level, and three; professionals are a little selfish. But that is a subject for another show. Anyways, alternative shots between the partners until the ball is holed out and their combine strokes for each hole would count as their second nine score.

Day Two would be a single match much like the standard high school format today and their two day total would count toward the event championship.

Of course, the success of this event would lie in the details. School teams with six players, top two team school's score would count on day one (because there would only be three set of partners) and top four individuals on day two.

I think it would be really cool. But again, it would be a great undertaking in scheduling the event, being unable to shotgun start, procuring a golf course for a two day event, and convincing coaches that this would be a good and fun thing for the young golfer.

If you are serious about your idea, like I said that is very do-able. Someone, lets say in the media, like SVC Sportszone, could take the reigns, find a course, speak with coaches, (hint: we will all be in the same room on October 19th at Vinton County High School at 1PM) and follow-up. Coaches are always looking for something different and intriguing invitationals, especially before school starts, something that can be held through the week. I can see it now - The Southeastern District Challenge sponsor by SVC Sportszone. There is a nice ring to it.

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