Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by 4thgoal »

I don't think I have ever seen an Oak Hill thread in any sport this quiet. I think this one will be close for a quarter or maybe half and then Burg will roll through the 2nd half and pull ahead and win by 21.


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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by Piratefan2 »

True! and as far as who moves into the soc II i think Portsmouth and ironton would be great to battle against every year!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by BurgGrad6 »

Pirates #8 is gonna have a heck of a game tonight! I say 2receiving and 1 rushing touchdown and 2 picks!! Lol good luck tonight pirates!!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by BurgGrad6 »

StCRedDevils wrote:Good Luck Burg from your friends in St. Clairsville! Hoping for a Burg/StC matchup in the playoffs this year as long as we both get there (which I fully expect to happen). Would like to see us start up our game again now that we are in the same division and region. I know it is a trek for both of us but it was a good series!
Thanks buddy and good luck to the red devils tonight as well! It would make my day to play y'all again in the play offs! Classy team and fans!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by 4thgoal »

BurgGrad_06 wrote:Pirates #8 is gonna have a heck of a game tonight! I say 2receiving and 1 rushing touchdown and 2 picks!! Lol good luck tonight pirates!!
I liked what I saw last week and the Pirates offense is very diverse with lots of weapons. Jenkins, Howard, Spradlin, Burk, who knows who will cause damage.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by BurgGrad6 »

4th n Goal wrote:
BurgGrad_06 wrote:Pirates #8 is gonna have a heck of a game tonight! I say 2receiving and 1 rushing touchdown and 2 picks!! Lol good luck tonight pirates!!
I liked what I saw last week and the Pirates offense is very diverse with lots of weapons. Jenkins, Howard, Spradlin, Burk, who knows who will cause damage.
Agreed! This years pirates team is loaded with play makers!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by cghs82 »

PirateFan2 wrote:True! and as far as who moves into the soc II i think Portsmouth and ironton would be great to battle against every year!
Yeah, they would make for some great games and would compete every year, but they are dedicated to the OVC and I think the OVC made a great choice picking them up in expanding, but they better beware of them and adjust to their style of play if they don't want to see Portsmouth or Ironton winning the OVC every year in a lot of sports. And how come the SOC has never picked up Portsmouth when they offered? And even pick up Ironton St. Joe for SOC I even though they do not have football. It gets Symmes Valley away from being an island in SOC I and South Webster could be dropped down in other sports and gives them a chance compete in it's sports. SOC II can still have 7-8 teams and 10 teams in SOC I that are all in the same division in its sports (excluding Northwest in football). Divisions in SOC I if 10 teams to make traveling easier on teams?

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by Piratefan2 »

Burg up 40-7 at the half

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by local superstar »

No one is talking about this game because they know who is going to win.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by Piratefan2 »


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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by Burg_Grad_77 »

Very dominating performance by the Pirates tonight on both sides of the ball. Other than the opening drive TD of the game the Oaks never really got anything going.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by MightyOaksFan »

Great job tonight by Burg. Truly a dominating force tonight. Big things for them the rest of the year I would guess.

Time to regroup for the Oaks. Some unfortunate injuries tonight. Wish them the best and speedy recoveries.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by victor creed »

7 minutes in to this thing i was thinking we were in a dogfight. 30 sec later it was tied and i was feeling pretty good. i hope we see a 3-4 defense a few more times this year. i dont really know what oak hill was thinking staying in the defense they were in thru the half. at least go to a 5-3 or 6-2 and make burg do something other than run it for 12 yards a pop. totally agree with burg grad. dominating.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by BurgGrad6 »

Pretty much what I think most expected in this game! Burg totally dominated this game! Oak hill had one long drive but then it was all down hill!!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by seasick80 »

StCRedDevils wrote:Good Luck Burg from your friends in St. Clairsville! Hoping for a Burg/StC matchup in the playoffs this year as long as we both get there (which I fully expect to happen). Would like to see us start up our game again now that we are in the same division and region. I know it is a trek for both of us but it was a good series!
AH! Would love a home an home again!! We could relive the mud game at Burg and ur Dominate defensive front at ur house! Great games! Good luck to the Devils this year. We will see you guys soon!

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by fbnut »

I have to ask, what's with all the onside kicks. Is the coverage on that kickoff team that bad?

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by callie11 »

I also have to ask, if you can't do something correctly [ onside kick ] why do it at all?

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by 4thgoal »

I think part of it is concerns about coverage but also no fear in your opponents offense. Lewis can kick it inside the 5-10 every time, so maybe just practicing onside kicks while they can.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by popeyes »

GoBucks1047 wrote:
Charles Farquar wrote:Oak Hill needs to replace Wheelersburg with Wellston who is coming off the schedule after this year. Just as good a gate, more competitive game every year, and a good rivalry. Those two schools should play every year. They should also try to get Alexander back on the schedule, not that far in terms of traveling distance and good road. Minford brings a good gate so they need to keep them, Chesapeake will not be down forever and its a good non-league as well as Rock Hill which is somewhat of a rival from Oak Hill's past. As far as moving up, I have been told by people who would know that Oak Hill doesn't have to move up according to the SOC charter, unless they want to. Look at it in these terms, Oakhill has been able to play the non-league schedule they have and make the play-offs and still remain in the SOC I. If they want to "prepare for the playoffs" as some people think you have to do, then beef up the non league schedule. You have to have some games where you can heal and catch your breath, or you may not have anything but an injury riddled team at the end of the year. People forget how down the Oaks were about 2005, a school their size experiences cycles of athletes If they experience a down of cycle athletes in the SOC I they might not win the league but they have a chance to compete. They experience a down cycle of athletes in the SOC II it is a disaster of a season. Why would they leave, it makes no sense.
Not sure oak hill and wellston can find a date because of the new teams joining the conferences such as eastern and river valley. Not easy for non league foes to hook up because of that reason. Oak hill will be competitive with the BURG in future years.

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Re: Wk2 Oak Hill(1-0) vs Wheelersburg(1-0)

Post by BurgGrad6 »

fbnut wrote:I have to ask, what's with all the onside kicks. Is the coverage on that kickoff team that bad?
In high school the average kick return is to the 35. When u kick onside and u don't get it back u only give up an average net of -15 yards. If you do get it back its pretty devastating for the opposing team if u score! So why not kick onside? I would do it every single time!

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