Jackson at Wellston

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Jackson at Wellston

Post by wrestlersdad6766 »

Well might as well start the entertainment give me your thoughts on the game?

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by doubleplay643 »

More competitive game than last year...but at end of the evening I think Jackson prevails...just a little deeper on both sides of ball.

Quarters 1-3 though I think we will have a ball game.

What hurt the Rockets last year was getting down early quick and from there it just snowballed. I think Wellston gained some experience with their young guys last year as the season wore on and do not expect those mistakes to be repeated this year.

Good luck to both squads.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Wellston Ironman »

Its been awhile for me on here. Usually just read and try to keep my mouth shut. But I live for his yearly thread. Business is good in wellston.....for me anyway. Not so good if you are a golden rockette fan.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Ironman92 »

I'll be pretty surprised if the Reds don't score 30+

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Orange and Brown »

It will be 30-0 at the half............
Wellston will get on the board in the second half.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by billcox »

Another blowout win for the Ironmen in a game that shouldn't be played anymore!

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Blue Duck »

SouthernStorm wrote:Another blowout win for the Ironmen in a game that shouldn't be played anymore!
This game will always be played. It pays for all of Wellston's athletics for two years.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by billcox »

I understand the financial benefits that come from playing this game. However, change is an inevitable part of life and this game is no different. The kids in both programs deserve to play in a game that can benefit them.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Poo Bear »

I am personally not a big fan of this game. Even though it does bring a huge gate, it also brings out alot of distain from both communities. It puts the wellston kids in a hole most years starting at 0-1. As far as the game goes , I think the skilled players will be comparable , the game will be won in the trenches. Jackson will penetrate the backfield and wear the Rockets down.
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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by moonshine »

Guy's this series is just as bad as the Logan Lancaster series.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Poo Bear »

Jackson's defense will be very hard to run against .

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by doubleplay643 »

Make the Logan-Lancaster and Jackson-Wellston game both the Jamboree games instead of the first game of the season. Problem solved, still big Jamboree gates.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by wrestlersdad6766 »

doubleplay643 wrote:Make the Logan-Lancaster and Jackson-Wellston game both the Jamboree games instead of the first game of the season. Problem solved, still big Jamboree gates.
A good idea that never gets anywhere... I love the atmosphere of this game don't get me wrong but is it fair that Wellston 9 out of ten times starts out 0-1? it was about 20 years between Wellston wins right so besides in 2010 a year in which because Wellston won they almost got into the playoffs with a 4-6 record because I do believe Jackson went 9-1? Is it fair that Jackson starts the season against a small school that doesn't really help prepare them for anything. Yes there has been years where the games have been some what epic but that is few and far between Administration at both schools need to make a change for the kids confidence and for the programs in general give Wellston a chance to come out 1-0 every year and Jackson a chance to play a little better opponent that can hang around but will still give them that 1-0 start also, in the long run you will have more attendance through out the season instead of one game because most folks only come to games when there teams are winning.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by Ironman92 »

This matchup isn't going anywhere and it shouldn't.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by JacksonI »

I fully understand what some of you are explaining and in some fashion see your point. However IMO I believe this match up should continue on out, the only thing that I wouldn't mind seeing a change in is moving Wellston to the week 10 game rather than week 1. I firmly believe that you would see a little better match-up. Am I saying that Wellston would then come out and win every year? Not at all, rather it would make for one heck of a game because in most team circumstances they get better throughout the season. This game holds very important factors not just a 0-1 start or a 1-0 rather than it gives the community so much hype and excitement, not to mention that it is a huge money raiser for both communities. Whenever you break it down and look at it, we have to remember that it is Jackson County which includes both local area teams. In my eyes you can't really say that this game doesn't benefit the kids, that's on either side you look at. However in 2010 everyone was for continuing the game after Wellston had defeated Jackson. Now we're back too 'this game shouldn't be played anymore'. You tell me one kid/athlete from Wellston that doesn't enjoy the rivalry, whether that be in football, softball, baseball, basketball, or any other sport. It's about being competitive and competing against your rival from on up the road. If anything like previously mentioned, make it a jamboree game and be done with it. Therefore we still give something for the community to get excited about, we still bring up the great rivalry that has gone on forever, and more importantly we give the kids/athlete the ability to compete against some of their friends. Because 9 out or 10 times you have friends on the other team.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by ji81grad »

I too would like to see the game returned to the 10th week of the season as it was before. This is one rivalry game that manages to keep that luster even though it has been one sided for the past 3 decades. The Wellston win in 2010 was an epic eye opener for Coach Hall. He didn't fully understand the depth an intensity of the rivalry until he lost that game. Jackson vs Wellston is enduring and even though I always want my alma mater to win, I said at the time that the 2010 win for Wellston was important to the rivalry. How many games that are expected to be so lopsided still draw such a tremendous gate? People don't go because they are forced, they go because of the rivalry. Surely both teams have 9 other weeks to schedule teams to improve themselves and their standing for a playoff run. This one is as much for the two rival communities mas it is for the athletes. Jackson has the Apple Festival and Pig Iron Days, Wellston has the Coal Festival and County Fair.

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by For the Kids »

How did the Rockets do on Friday at Zane Trace?

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by vctransplant »

Jackson wins but wellston will make it close if they control the ball. They are capable of doing that. Good luck to both teams

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by BurgGrad6 »

Jackson wins 35-20!

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Re: Jackson at Wellston

Post by boilermaker »

Rockets win!

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