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Post by 93Bulldog »

Posts that makes no sense what so ever will probably be deleted - there is a forum for "chit-chat" on this web site and it's not the football forum.
Topics that are complete 'rumors' and involve a coach or student athlete may be deleted.

I've had several e-mails from parents and coaches who are not happy with some of the stuff being posted lately on southeasternohiopreps

The only thing we can do is try and clean it up.


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Post by 93Bulldog »

If you see a post or topic that needs to be viewed by a moderator - please use the 'report function' so it can be taken care of quickly.

The report function is located between edit and quote and looks like this: !


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Post by bullfrog93 »

93Bulldog wrote:Any post that makes no sense what so ever will probably be deleted - there is a forum for "chit-chat" on this web site and it's not the football forum.
Topics that are complete 'rumors' and involve a coach or student athlete will be deleted.

I've had several e-mails from parents and coaches who are not happy with some of the stuff being posted lately on southeasternohiopreps

The only thing we can do is try and clean it up.

Could you cite some examples so readers will no what you are talking about?

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Post by Orange and Brown »

Yea, I don't think anyone needs examples.

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Post by d-5 »

Jello :-D

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Post by 93Bulldog »

Orange and Brown wrote:Yea, I don't think anyone needs examples.

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Post by jiveturkey »

I am in agreement. Threads pertaining to the TVC and SEO expansion are no longer relevant and border on mythology and/or a fairy tale. They should go if he means what he says.

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great job bulldog---------bout dang time.

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Post by enigmaax »

Orange and Brown wrote:Yea, I don't think anyone needs examples.
Or maybe so?
jiveturkey wrote:I am in agreement. Threads pertaining to the TVC and SEO expansion are no longer relevant and border on mythology and/or a fairy tale. They should go if he means what he says.
Why would that thread be the first that comes to mind? I know there were some non-relevant posts after the whole thing just to keep the thread alive (and by irrelevant, I mean the one word posts, not anyone's opinion). Speculation as to what was going to happen leading up to the decision wasn't "rumor" or "mythology" and I don't remember it getting overly personal despite strong feelings on both sides.

I understand not mentioning or evaluating players here - they are kids and shouldn't have to deal with that. To an extent, I can see where there might be a need to watch what is said about a coach, although as an adult, I can't see why one couldn't handle the opinions of others.

But How to Kill a Message Board 101 starts with: (1) Charge $12 for a membership, (2) Disallow any opinions. So, if everyone wants threads deleted just because there were disagreements, I'm not sure what exactly you are looking for in a message board (results only? seems boring).

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Post by Bart Kowski »

As a recent member, I have to say I hate the thought of threads being removed for the most part. Attacks on kids.....YES......get rid of those. Coaches? Aaaahhhhh, who cares? One of the things I like about this site is that it is as entertaining as the National Enquirer. You gotta love that paper and you gotta love this site when it is allowed to run a little loosely. Unfortunately......and I hesitate to say this......some of these moderators are a little tight in the bunghole.

Why dont we all just take a breath? If someone wants to goof around on here, so be it. If you dont't like, DONT READ IT. There is a way to mark people as a "foe" on here. It would seem that doing that would possibly prevent you from seeing there posts. Is this true?

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Post by noreply66 »

Bulldog is trying to do what most new sites are doing. The new ones are warning from the start.

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Post by moonshine »

Bulldog is trying to restore order, Like the Chiefs did in football

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Post by M0TIVAT0R »

noreply66 wrote:Bulldog is trying to do what most new sites are doing. The new ones are warning from the start.
moonshine wrote:Bulldog is trying to restore order, Like the Chiefs did in football
Instead of allowing you guys to speak for him why doesn't Bulldog just do what he said he was going to do and delete threads that "make no sense..." as they are reported to him? He can start with the SEOAL to TVC thread that has been mentioned many times already. But as another poster predicted, he will not do that, and we all know why. :mrgreen:

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Post by 93Bulldog »

I have no problem deleting that thread ... it's pretty much a dead issue.

Would have done it sooner, like those of you have asked, except I work about 60 hours a week this time of year.

Sorry I couldn't sit here all day and read everyone's post.

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Post by 93Bulldog »

It's simple ... just use some common sense when posting.

Opinions are great, a sense of humor is fine - but we have been seeing some posters post nothing but senseless remarks time after time after time. If some of these posters at least made an attempt to mix in some actual 'sports talk' - it may have gone unnoticed. It's very easy to go back and look at a posters history, one we found had 48 consecutive posts and not a single one had a real meaning behind it. That tells me the person is only posting to annoy other users - and that is what we are trying to clean up a little.

Throw in the fact that over the last week I received 3 e-mails from actual coaches - and 6 from concerned parents - about numerous posts on this site. That just can't happen.

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moonshine wrote:Bulldog is trying to restore order, Like the Chiefs did in football
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by hawkeyepierce »

So, let me get this straight. You, Mr. Bulldog, have been appointed, no...maybe you have taken...the mantle of conversation cop, the police of provocation, oh...I know...the JJ of preps. There is reason why this forum has been popular. I say has been. I know that some of our friends along the river have joined a different forum and because of this kind of censorship has steadily become more stringent, this forum is declining in popularity.

My opinion, not that it matters, as long as the threads or posts do not cross the lines of decency (name-calling, student/athlete persecution, and so on). It is a fact, opinions and sometimes, and unfortunately, rumors are the catalyst of this forum. If something that has been posted and can be proven otherwise, then so be it, make that post. Why in the world would anyone assume to censor any information. To me, and my opinion only, that is arrogant.

If parents or coaches are emailing you, then I would question their motivation. Why would they care that a bunch of middle-aged men (predominately) with a keyboard and fingers have an opinion. I would not go to my local coffee shop and listen to them, why would I read their opinions. Here's a thought, don't click on that thread. However, if you can't do that, get their side, or get the truth, post it. Just don't take it down because YOU may think it is unnecessary, rebut it. Provide the readers and users of this forum the information, allow the users to decide. In my line of work, I tell my clients two things; first, I will never, ever, judge them. I have not lived their lives. Secondly, and it goes to this, I will never, ever, lie to them. I will always tell them truth and sometimes the truth hurts or it will set them free.

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Post by Orange and Brown »

hawkeyepierce wrote:So, let me get this straight. You, Mr. Bulldog, have been appointed, no...maybe you have taken...the mantle of conversation cop, the police of provocation, oh...I know...the JJ of preps. There is reason why this forum has been popular. I say has been. I know that some of our friends along the river have joined a different forum and because of this kind of censorship has steadily become more stringent, this forum is declining in popularity.

My opinion, not that it matters, as long as the threads or posts do not cross the lines of decency (name-calling, student/athlete persecution, and so on). It is a fact, opinions and sometimes, and unfortunately, rumors are the catalyst of this forum. If something that has been posted and can be proven otherwise, then so be it, make that post. Why in the world would anyone assume to censor any information. To me, and my opinion only, that is arrogant.

If parents or coaches are emailing you, then I would question their motivation. Why would they care that a bunch of middle-aged men (predominately) with a keyboard and fingers have an opinion. I would not go to my local coffee shop and listen to them, why would I read their opinions. Here's a thought, don't click on that thread. However, if you can't do that, get their side, or get the truth, post it. Just don't take it down because YOU may think it is unnecessary, rebut it. Provide the readers and users of this forum the information, allow the users to decide. In my line of work, I tell my clients two things; first, I will never, ever, judge them. I have not lived their lives. Secondly, and it goes to this, I will never, ever, lie to them. I will always tell them truth and sometimes the truth hurts or it will set them free.
Great post.............

I think their has to be a balance.
Bashing players, coaches, and administrators for the sake of doing it should not be tolerated. However, some folks think that their is no difference in saying a statement such as "player (A) doesn't seem to be very motivated this week" and "player (A) sucks".....

I think most of the problems come from a few posters who like to stir things up and start trouble.
I would like to see the board cleaned up a little, but I think it is a fine line.

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Post by noreply66 »

Bulldog is a MOD of SEOP. SEOP has the right to expand /revise rules at anytime and he has been appointed to help police the site. With SEOP doing this they might have some leave but the supporters will stay and we will carry on.

I think people are taking the worst from what Bulldog is saying. He mentioned a few minor thing that was receiving complaints about and it sounds like he is working on it.

Back several months ago we went through the worst of SEOP and from what I know they had a shake up. Things have been running smooth of late.

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Post by M0TIVAT0R »

I agree with much of what Hawkeye posted. The statement, "if a post makes no sense it will be deleted..." is a presumptuous if not arrogant statement. Why should one person, or even a few decide if posts by thousands of others make sense or not? Does this mean anyone who claims to be a parent or coach can send an email claiming nonsense and get a post or thread deleted? There are thousands of posts on here that I think are nonsense. However, many others enjoy them, and appear to think they make perfect sense. As Hawk so eloquently stated, there are other sites to visit, and if this one continues to head down the path it appears to be headed I will take my views elsewhere, as is my right. Not that I expect to be missed of course. :mrgreen:

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