OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Girls 100 meters
12.70.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[13.02]
13.11.....Smith.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
13.23.....Warren.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[13.66]
13.26.....Spencer.....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[13.57
13.28.....Martin[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up-[13.33]
13.58.....Bacon[12].....South Point
13.62.....Malone.....Rock Hill.....OVC 6th place-[13.70]
13.67.....J. Jones....Coal Grove
13.70.....Brookley.....South Point
13.90.....Bentley.....South Point
13.94.....Pettigrew[12].....South Point
13.95.....Curry.....Coal Grove
14.07.....Sites[12].....Rck Hill
Boys 100 meters
11.21.....McFarland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
11.34.....Nance[12].....Coal Grove....OVC Runner up
11.39.....Moffett....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
11.51.....Leonard.....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[11.72]
11.85.....White.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[11.99]
11.96.....Leonard....South Point
12.00.....Zhu.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place
12.31.....Campbell.....River Valley
12.45.....Wahoner.....South Point
12.50.....Bickers.....River Valley
12.59.....Large.....Coal Grove
12.60.....Adkins.....Rock Hill
12.76.....Speaker.....South Point
12.87.....J. Clark.....Coal Grove
12.88.....Shears.....Rock Hill
Girls 100 hurdles
16.24.....Koukas.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[16.84]
16.90.....Conzette.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
17.02.....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC Runner up
17.60.....Stewart.....Rock Hill
17.60.....K. Browning[12].....River Valley.....OVC 4th place
17.76.....Bennette.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[18.43]
19.44.....C. Dillon.....River Valley
19.55.....Eblin[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
22.82.....S. Maynard.....Coal Grove
Boys 110 hurdles
16.55.....Schultz[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
16.91.....Bishop.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
16.93.....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
17.16.....Sloan.....South Point.....OVC 4th place0[17.40]
17.70.....Dillow.....South Point
17.72.....Akers.....Coal Grove.....OVC 5th place
18.63.....Kostival[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
18.92.....J. Mabe[12].....River Valley
19.62.....Carter.....South Point
Girls shuttle
1:12.80.....Fairland.....Conzette, naegles, Bennett, Brown
Boys shuttle
1:08.30.....Fairland.....Bishop, Wireman, Smith, Bias
1:13.45.....River Valley.....Bickers, Williams, Kostival. Mabe
Girls 200 meters
26.85.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champiom-[27.25]
27.00.....Smith.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
27.73.....Martin[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC 3rd place-[27:86]
27.97.....Warren.....River Valley....OVC 6th place-[29.11]
28.39.....Spence.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[29.09]
28.29.....Mulkey.....Coal Grove
28.50.....C. Curry.....Coal Grove
28.60.....Berkley....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[29.07]
28.82.....J. Jones.....Coal Grove
29.00.....Smithers.....South point
29.40.....Pettigrew[12].....South Point
30.32.....Bacon[12].....South Point
30.89.....Lewis.....Rock Hill
30.99.....Skeens.....Rock Hill
31.13.....A. Campbell.....River Valley
31.14.....Williamson.....River Valley
Boys 200 meters
23.18.....McFarland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
23.42.....Moffett.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
23.69.....Markins[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
23.82.....Wagoner.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[24.24]
23.85.....Townson....South Point.....OVC 4th place
24.00.....J. Qualls.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place
24.71.....Henry.....Coal Grove
25.13.....Huff.....South Point
25.45.....Large.....Coal Grove
26.08.....Jackson[12].....River Valley
26.12.....Bickers.....River Valley
26.49.....Burditt.....Rock Hill
Girls 300 Hurdles
0:50.85.....Koukos.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[52.35]
0:52.63.....Malone.....Rock Hill
0:54.29.....Bennett.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place-[55.56]
0:54.34.....Conzette.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
0:56.27.....Browning[12].....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[56.90]
0:58.57.....Malone.....Rock Hill
0:58.62.....Selena.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
1:01.53.....Eblin[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-1:07.17]
1:04.56.....Homes.....Coal Grove
Boys 300 hurdles
42.30.....Schults[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
42.91.....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
45.12.....Akers.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
45.59.....Patterson.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[47.39]
46.38.....Bishop.....Fairland.....OVC 4th place-[46.92]
46.76.....Dillow[12].....South Point
47.16.....Bickers.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[47.34]
48.16.....Dameron.....Rock Hill
49.33.....J. Mabe.....River Valley
49.40.....Border.....South Point
50.35.....B. Cornell.....River Valley
51.35.....G. Williams.....River Valley
52.22.....Kostival.....River Valley
Girls 400 meters
1:01.05.....Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion-[1:03.30]
1:04.51.....R. Smith.....River Valley....OVC Runner up
1:05.02.....Riley.....South Point.....OVC 3rd place-[1:05.75]
1:06.84.....C. Curry.....Coal Grove
1:07.27.....R. Haddad.....River Valley
1:07.99.....Bason[12].....South Point.....OVC 4th place
1:08.08.....C.Smith.....River Valley
1:08.73.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake 5th place
1:09.84.....E. Jackson.....River Valley
1:10.90.....Koukas.....South Point
1:11.37.....Campbell.....River Valley
1:11.65.....McFann.....Rock Hill
1:12.78.....Warren.....River Valley
Boys 400 meters
0:52.60.....Moffett.....River Valley
0:52.83.....Nance[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
0:53.60.....Wagoner.....South Point.....OVC Runner up-[54.79]
0:55.13.....Wray.....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[55.56]
0"55.44.....Dolen.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
0:55.76.....Stephens.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[56.79]
0:56.90.....I McFarland.....Coal Grove
0:57.24.....Hamilton....River Valley
0:57.45.....Wilson.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place
0:57.98.....Samples.....South Point
0:58.20.....Burditt.....Rock Hill
0:58.70.....Knipp.....Rock Hill
59.22.....Waddle.....Coal Grove
0:59.33.....Hutchinson.....South Point
Girls 800 meters
2:24.44.....Price.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[2:35.11]
2:34.64.....L. Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC Runner up-[2:40.91]
2:43.88.....Jackson.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-[2:59.24]
2:45.16.....Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
2:47.25.....Hively.....River Valley
2:48.16.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 4th place
2:50.51.....Haddad.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[2:53.71]
2:56.59.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
3:01.05.....Storms.....Coal Grove
3:09.66.....J. Walters.....River Valley
3:11.72.....Henry.....Rock Hill
3:16.03.....Riley.....South Point
3:17.86.....Ward.....South Point
3:20.54.....Branham.....River Valley
Boys 800 meters
2:05.73.....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place-[2:11.87]
2:06.31.....Adkins.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
2:08.03.....Harris.....South Point.....OVC Runner up-[2:10.45]
2:11.25.....Williams[12].....River Valley.....OVC 5th place
2:12.07.....Mathes.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
2:13.15.....Hamilton[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-[2:16.06]
2:15.38.....T. Mathis.....South Point
2:20.31.....Haas.....Rock Hill
2:21.60.....Turvey.....Rock Hill
2:21.77.....Hart.....South Point
2:23.92.....Schultz.....Coal Grove
2:24.10.....Alston.....Rock Hill
2:25.10.....Joseph.....Coal Grove
2:25.18.....Jackson[12].....River Valley
2:33.81.....Secoy.....Rock Hill
Girls 1600 meters
5:46.71.....Price.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[5:51.13]
5:47.63.....Homes.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[6:06.73]
5:52.00.....Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up-[5:56.21]
6:28.81.....McFann.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
6:28.87.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[6:36.35]
6:33.79.....Lewis.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[6:41.48]
6:43.82.....Wells.....South Point
6:44.11.....Eblin[12].....River Valley
6:44.61.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
6:49.92.....McFann.....Rock Hill
6:53.66.....Shewarega.....River Valley
6:58.45.....L. Hively.....River Valley
7:04.35.....Marshall.....Rock Hill
7:06.74.....Walter.....River Valley
7:27.84.....Mossman.....Coal grove
7:36.45.....S. Willis.....Coal Grove
7:42.00.....Henry....Rock Hill
7:45.15.....Brown.....Rock Hill
Boys 1600 meters
4:48.80.....Miller.....Rock Hill.....OVC Champion-[4:50.97]
4:51.28.....McCormick.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place-[4:56.25]
4:52.00.....Ta.Mathis.....South Point.....OVC 3rd place-[4:55.91]
4:54.42.....Ty Mathes.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
4:55.06.....Joseph.....Coal Grove
4:55.38.....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[4:59.50]
4:49.38.....Randolph.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
5:03.73.....Gillman.....River Valley
5:09.63.....Harris.....South Point
5:18.03.....Knuckels.....Coal Grove
5:30.44.....J. Jackson[12].....River Valley
5:32.33.....Hamilton.....River Valley
5:41.45.....J. Pierce.....Coal Grove
Girls 3200 meters
12:34.00.....Ashton....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[12:59.55]
13:05.00.....T. Homes.....Coal Grove.....OVC Runner up-[13:41.18]
13:43.00.....McFann.....Rock Hill.....OVC 3rd place -[13:44.11]
13:56.85.....Lewis.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
13.59.00.....Hankins[12].....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[14:04.55]
14:41.60.....Shewarega.....River Valley
14:43.11.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 6th place
15:03.70.....Well.....South Point
15:31.07.....Eblin[12].....River Valley
16:02.93.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
17:04.51.....Greenlee.....River Valley
17:54.00.....Dalton.....Rock Hill
Boys 3200 meters
10:00.91.....Miller...Rock Hill.....OVC Champion-[10:29.73]
10:45.28.....McComas[12].....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
10:49.89.....Kemper.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
10:50.94.....McCormick.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
10:55.18.....Flynn.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place
10:59.47.....E. Hersman.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
11:07.46.....Mathes.....South Point
11:29.27.....Hart.....South Point
12:29.79.....Knuckles.....Coal Grove
13:08.52.....J. Pierce.....Coal Grove
13:17.13.....Lucas.....South Point
13:45.00.....Moody.....River Valley
13:52.79.....A. Willis.....Coal Grove
Girls discus
137' 08".....J. Porter[12]....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[124' 02"]
093' 05".....McKenzie.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[87' 10"]
091"02".....McGuire.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
089' 10".....Nickel.....Coal Grove
087' 08".....M. Campbell.....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[84' 04"]
080' 05".....Damron[12].....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[76' 01']
076' 08".....Armstrong.....River Valley
075' 09".....Nutter.....River Valley
074' 09".....Cole.....Coal Grove
073' 11".....C. Porter.....Chesapeake.....OVC 6th place
072' 06".....Monnig.....Rock Hill
070' 11".....Collins.....Rock Hill
070' 01".....Epperly.....South Point
069' 06".....Alfrey.....Ironton
066' 06".....Blevins.....Fairland
066' 06".....Maxey.....Fairland
051' 08".....Browning.....River Valley
046' 02".....CJ Spears.....Fairland
038' 01".....Sturgill.....Ironton
Boys discus
146' 08".....Pleasants.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
143' 02".....Z. McKinney.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
126' 03'.....Shannon[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
120' 02".....Webb.....South Point....OVC 5th place-[114' 09"]
118' 11".....Baker[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
110' 09".....Riley[12]....Chesapeake
106' 03".....Gleichauf....Ironton
106' 02".....Hamilton.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
104' 06'.....Tucker.....Fairland
103' 02".....Webb.....Ironton
099' 00".....Sexton.....Chesapeake
097' 02'.....Christian.....South Point
091' 01".....Reffett.....Ironton
087' 03".....Morris.....River Valley
081' 07".....Matney.....Rock Hill
080' 08".....Riley.....Ironton
079' 07".....Harmon.....River Valley
077' 00".....R. White.....Fairland
049' 07".....T. West.....Fairland
Girls high jump
5' 04".....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[5'02"]
5' 00".....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC Runner up
4' 10".....Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place-[4' 06"]
4' 08".....Fugitt....South Point.....OVC 3rd place
4' 06".....Malone.....Rock Hill
4' 06".....Dickess[12].....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[4' 04"]
4' 06'.....Smith.....River Valley
4' 04".....Abner.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
4' 04".....Rife.....Rock Hill
4' 04".....Walter.....River Valley
4' 04".....Wilson.....Fairland
4' 02".....B. Wray.....River Valley
4' 02".....C. Smith.....River Valley
4' 02".....Srewart.....Rock Hill
4' 00".....Jacey.....River Valley
Boys high jump
6' 08".....B. Adkins.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
6' 03"....Sloan.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
5' 08".....Ashton.....Ironton
5' 08".....H. Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[5' 04"]
5' 06".....Dotson.....Chesapeake
5' 06".....Keeney.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
5' 06".....Foley.....South Point
5' 06".....Markins[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
5' 04".....J. Mabe.....River Valley
5' 04".....Sifford.....Fairland
5' 02".....Lewis.....Fairland
5' 02".....Schenewark.....Fairland
5' 02".....Porter.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[5' 00"]
5' 00".....Blakenship.....Chesapeake
Girls long jump
16' 08.25".....Martin[16].....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion
15' 10.00".....Riley.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[14' 08.25"]
15' 08.75".....Koukos.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
15' 07.75".....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 3rd place
15' 03.00".....Jones.....Coal Grove
15' 02.50'......Sites[12].....Rock Hill
14' 11.00".....C. Brown.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[14' 06.50"]
14' 09.00".....Brown.....Fairland
14' 04.25".....Abner.....South Point
13' 09.50".....Smith.....River Valley
13' 08.00".....B. Dickess.....Fairland
13' 02.50".....Williamson.....River Valley
13' 00.50".....Barron....Ironton
12' 11.00".....Hager.....Fairland
11' 09.25".....E. Fulks.....Fairland
11' 09.00".....Homes.....Coal Grove
11' 08.75".....Wilson.....Fairland
11' 00.00".....Greenlee.....River Valley
Boys long jump
20' 09.50".....Townson.....South Point.....OVC Champion
20' 06.00".....Oxley[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
19' 09.50".....Nance[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
19' 07.00".....Hawthrone.....Chesapeake.....OVC 4th place
19' 04.50".....J. Qualls.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[19' 01.50"]
19' 04.25".....Wireman.....Fairland
18' 08.25".....Dolen.....Coal Grove.....OVC 6th place
18' 04.25".....Wray.....River Valley
17' 11.00".....D. Blatt....Fairland
17' 02.25".....J. Clark.....Coal Grove
16' 09.00".....Keeney.....South Point
16' 05.00".....Long.....Ironton
16' 02.50".....Dameron.....Rock Hill
15' 09.00".....Scott.....Ironton
15' 05.00".....McCallister.....Ironton
15' 03.50".....Sanders.....Chesapeake
15' 03.50".....Christian....Fairland
14' 11.50".....Foley[12].....South Point
14' 11.00".....Campbell.....River Valley
14' 08.00".....K. Woodall.....Fairland
Girls pole vault
09' 02".....Malone.....Rock Hill.....OVC Champion
08' 06"....Ja..Price.....Fairland
08' 00".....Nargele.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
07' 06".....Romans.....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
07' 06".....Greenlee.....River Valley.....OVC 5th Place
07' 00".....Shelby.....Fairland
07"00".....Ju. Price.....Fairland
07' 00".....Beals.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
06' 06".....Stumbo.....Coal Grove
06' 06".....Collins.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
Boys pole vault
12' 06".....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[12' 03']
12' 01".....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
12' 00".....Willis.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
11' 08".....Maynard.....Ironton
11' 00".....Borders.....South Point
11' 00".....McFardland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
10' 00".....Callins.....Chesapeake......OVC 5th place
10' 00".....Brown.....South Point.....OVC 6th place
09' 00".....Damron.....Rock Hill
09' 00".....McCloud.....Chesapeake
Girls shot put
47' 10.50".....J. Porter[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[44' 07.00"]
32' 03.00".....B. McGuire.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place-[28' 08.50']
31' 10.00".....C..Porter.....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
29' 03.00".....Nelson[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 5th place-[26' 11.00"]
28' 11.00".....Nickel.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
28' 05.25".....McKenzie.....Coal Grove
28' 00.00".....H. Nutter.....River Valley
26' 11.50".....Dameron.....South Point
26' 08.00".....Combs.....South Point.....OVC 6th place
26' 01.00".....Cole[12].....Coal Grove
25' 09.00".....B. Maxey.....Fairland
25' 08.25".....Collins.....South Point
25.02.00".....Armstrong.....River Valley
24' 09.00".....L. Campbell.....River Valley
24' 00.75".....Blevins.....Fairland
23' 11.50".....Ward.....Fairland
22' 01.00".....Dickess.....Fairland
21' 07.00".....Meade.....River Valley
21' 01.00".....Bowman.....River Valley
Boys shot put
46' 06.25".....Pleasants.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[43' 07.50"]
46' 05.25".....Shannon[12].....Coal Grove....OVC 4th place-[42' 05.25"]
45' 09.75".....Webb.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[44' 00.50"]
44' 11.50".....McKinney.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
41' 05.50".....Tucker.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[37' 08.00"]
39' 09.00".....Webb.....Ironton
38' 11.75".....Baker[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 5th place
38' 06.50".....Riley.....Ironton
37' 09.50".....B. Roach.....Coal Grove
37' 07.00".....Sexton.....Chesapeake
35' 10.25".....Hamilton[12]....River Valley
35' 07.00".....McComus[12].....Fairland
35' 05.00".....Harman.....River Valley
35' 02.50".....Matney.....Rock Hill
35' 01.25".....Christian.....South Point
34' 00.00".....Riley[12].....Chesapeake
33' 04.00".....Knisley.....Rock Hill
31' 06.00".....Reffett.....Ironton
31' 02.00".....Williams.....River Valley
Girls triple jump
Boys triple jump
Girls 4x100
52.33.....River Valley.....Smith, Dillon, Haddad, Warren.....OVC Runner up-[54.13]
52.60.....South Point.....Berkley, Bacon[12], Riley, Spencer.....OVC Champions-[53.44]
52.70.....Chesapeake.....Martin[12], Romans, Mills, Spaulding.....OVC 3rd place-[55.58]
53.09.....Coal Grove.....Curry, Mulkey, Saunders, Jones.....OVC 5th place-[58.59]
56.51.....Rock Hill.....Malone, Lewis, Rife, Sites[12].....OVC 4th place
56.64.....Fairland.....Brown, Dickess, Adkins, Bennett
56.75.....Ironton.....Keating, Starr, Barron, Shope
Boys 4x100
44.79.....South Point.....Wagoner, Townson, White, Leonard.....OVC Champions-[45.38]
45.12.....Coal Grove.....Clark, McFarland, Henry, Markins
46.84.....River Valley.....Bickers, Qualls, Wray, Moffett.....OVC 3rd place-[48.09]
47.47.....Fairland.....Zha, Kittle, Bishop, Blatt.....OVC Runner up-[47.86]
48.05.....Ironton.....Rust, McCallister, Milleson, Scott
48.77.....Chesapeake.....McCloud, Ross, Sanders, Hager
52.26.....South Point.....Speaker, Schnider, Collins, Huff
Girls 4x200
1:53.31.....South Point.....Berkley, Bacon, Riley, Spencer.....OVC Champions-[1:56.88]
1:54.00.....River Valley.....Smith, Haddad, Dillon, Smith,.....OVC 3rd place-[2:01.39]
1:56.60.....Coal Grove.....Saunders, Maynard, Thompson, Moore .....OVC 5th place-[2:03.01]
1:59.80.....Fairland.....Brown, Dickess[12], Price, Eldridge.....OVC Runner up-[1:59.97]
2:01.79.....Chesapeake......Ramey, Romans, Mills, Pratt.....OVC 4th place
2:02.12.....Rock Hill.....Skeens, McKenzie, Lewis, Massie[12]
Boys 4x200
1:31.63.....Coal Grove.....Henry, Markins[12], Nance[12], McFarland[12].....OVC Runner Up
1:34.22.....South Point.....Wagoner, Townson, White, Leonard.....OVC Champion-[1:35.70]
1:38.25.....River Valley.....Bickers, Qualls, Wray, Moffett.....OVC 3rd place-[1:39.02]
1:38.68.....Fairland.....Zhu,Lewis, Blatt, Bishop.....OVC 4th place-[1:40.87]
1:40.32.....Ironton.....Rust, McCallister, Milleson, Scott
1:42.57.....Chesapeake.....McCloud, Hawthorne, Sanders, Ross.....OVC 5th place
1:44.24.....Rock Hill.....Adkins, Burditt, Turvey, Knipp
Girls 4x400
4:31.62.....Fairland.....Price, Dickess[12], Fulks, Brown.....OVC Snampions
4:34.92.....South Point.....Marcum, Bacon, Dillow[12], Riley.....OVC Runner up
4:37.38.....River Valley.....Smith, Smith, Campbell, Haddad.....OVC 4th place-[4:49.15]
4:44.00.....Chesapeake.....Ramey, Mills, Romans, Pratt.....OVC 3rd place-[4:47.89]
4:55.38.....Coal Grove....Spears[12], Saunders, Moore, Mulkey.....OVC 5th place
5:07.00.....Rock Hill.....Blagg, Grant, Stewart, Eastham
5:07.43.....Ironton.....Shpoe, Thomas, Keating, Barron
Boys 4x400
3:35.12.....River Valley.....Wray, Hamilton[12], Qualls, Moffett.....OVC Champion
3:38.35.....Coal Grove.....Henry, Joseph, Adkins, Nance[12].....OVC Runner up
3:41.33.....South Point.....Tatlonghari, Ta. Mathis, Ty Mathis, Wagoner.....OVC 5th place-[3:58.84]
3:47.31.....Fairland.....Sifford, Pannell, Wilson, Lewis[12].....OVC 4th place-[3:56.21]
3:48.00.....Chesapeake.....Oxley[12], Hager, Sanders, Blankenship.....OVC 3rd place-[3:51.39]
3:54.90.....Rock Hill......Burditt, Miller, McCormick, Knipp
4:00.00.....Ironton.....Garris, McCallister, maynard, Long
Girls 4x800
10:38.74.....Fairland.....Fulks Looney, Price, Ashton.....OVC Champion-[11:16.91]:51.39]
11:29.09.....River Valley.....Haddad, Hively, A. Campbell, Jackson.....OVC Runner up
11:29.19.....South Point.....Riley, Dillow[12], Lewis, Badgett.....OVC 5th place
11:43.18.....Coal Grove.....Homes, Moore, Stormes[12],Mulkey.....OVC 3rd place -[12:38.06]
12:12.85.....Rock Hill.....McFann, Marshall, Eastham, Blagg.....OVC 4th place-[12:51.82]
12:45.71.....River Valley.....Hively, Eblin[12], Jackson, Walter
Boys 4x800
08:52.84.....South Point.....Hart, Mathes, Mathis, Harris.....OVC Champion-[9:00.40]
09:01.08.....River Valley.....Hamilton[12], Williams, Hersman, Randolph.....OVC 4th place
09:05.09.....Chesapeake.....Oxley[12], Hager, Doyson, Blankenship.....OVC Runner up
09:12.32.....Coal Grove.... Waddle, Schultz, Joseph, Adkins....OVC 3rd place
09:21.70.....Rock Hill.....Burditt, Miller, McCormick, Haas.....OVC 6th place
09:26.16.....Fairland.....Sifford, Wilson, McCombs[12], Flynn.....OVC 5th place-[9:45.78]
Girls 4x1600
25:16.40.....Fairland.....Ashton, Hankins, Price, Fulks
Boys 4x1600
21:17.30.....Fairland.....Flynn, McComas, Bias, Sifford
Girls 800 sprint Medley
2:19.90.....Fairland.....Kanooz, Knipp, Eldredge, Moore
Boys 800 sprint medley
1:51.50.....Fairland.....Tun, Pannell, ?????, Smith
Girls Distance Medley...long
16:08.49.....Fairland.....Price, Wilson, Warnock, Ashton
Boys distance medley...long
13:00.27.....Fairland.....Sifford, Ashton, McComas, Flynn
Boys Distance medley...short
2:56.29.....Fairland.....Kittel, Blatt, Cleer, Schenewark
Girls distance medley...short
3:49.14.....Fairland.....Bennett, Adkins, Wilson, Henderson
12.70.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[13.02]
13.11.....Smith.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
13.23.....Warren.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[13.66]
13.26.....Spencer.....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[13.57
13.28.....Martin[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up-[13.33]
13.58.....Bacon[12].....South Point
13.62.....Malone.....Rock Hill.....OVC 6th place-[13.70]
13.67.....J. Jones....Coal Grove
13.70.....Brookley.....South Point
13.90.....Bentley.....South Point
13.94.....Pettigrew[12].....South Point
13.95.....Curry.....Coal Grove
14.07.....Sites[12].....Rck Hill
Boys 100 meters
11.21.....McFarland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
11.34.....Nance[12].....Coal Grove....OVC Runner up
11.39.....Moffett....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
11.51.....Leonard.....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[11.72]
11.85.....White.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[11.99]
11.96.....Leonard....South Point
12.00.....Zhu.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place
12.31.....Campbell.....River Valley
12.45.....Wahoner.....South Point
12.50.....Bickers.....River Valley
12.59.....Large.....Coal Grove
12.60.....Adkins.....Rock Hill
12.76.....Speaker.....South Point
12.87.....J. Clark.....Coal Grove
12.88.....Shears.....Rock Hill
Girls 100 hurdles
16.24.....Koukas.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[16.84]
16.90.....Conzette.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
17.02.....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC Runner up
17.60.....Stewart.....Rock Hill
17.60.....K. Browning[12].....River Valley.....OVC 4th place
17.76.....Bennette.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[18.43]
19.44.....C. Dillon.....River Valley
19.55.....Eblin[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
22.82.....S. Maynard.....Coal Grove
Boys 110 hurdles
16.55.....Schultz[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
16.91.....Bishop.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
16.93.....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
17.16.....Sloan.....South Point.....OVC 4th place0[17.40]
17.70.....Dillow.....South Point
17.72.....Akers.....Coal Grove.....OVC 5th place
18.63.....Kostival[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
18.92.....J. Mabe[12].....River Valley
19.62.....Carter.....South Point
Girls shuttle
1:12.80.....Fairland.....Conzette, naegles, Bennett, Brown
Boys shuttle
1:08.30.....Fairland.....Bishop, Wireman, Smith, Bias
1:13.45.....River Valley.....Bickers, Williams, Kostival. Mabe
Girls 200 meters
26.85.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champiom-[27.25]
27.00.....Smith.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
27.73.....Martin[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC 3rd place-[27:86]
27.97.....Warren.....River Valley....OVC 6th place-[29.11]
28.39.....Spence.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[29.09]
28.29.....Mulkey.....Coal Grove
28.50.....C. Curry.....Coal Grove
28.60.....Berkley....South Point.....OVC 4th place-[29.07]
28.82.....J. Jones.....Coal Grove
29.00.....Smithers.....South point
29.40.....Pettigrew[12].....South Point
30.32.....Bacon[12].....South Point
30.89.....Lewis.....Rock Hill
30.99.....Skeens.....Rock Hill
31.13.....A. Campbell.....River Valley
31.14.....Williamson.....River Valley
Boys 200 meters
23.18.....McFarland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
23.42.....Moffett.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
23.69.....Markins[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
23.82.....Wagoner.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[24.24]
23.85.....Townson....South Point.....OVC 4th place
24.00.....J. Qualls.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place
24.71.....Henry.....Coal Grove
25.13.....Huff.....South Point
25.45.....Large.....Coal Grove
26.08.....Jackson[12].....River Valley
26.12.....Bickers.....River Valley
26.49.....Burditt.....Rock Hill
Girls 300 Hurdles
0:50.85.....Koukos.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[52.35]
0:52.63.....Malone.....Rock Hill
0:54.29.....Bennett.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place-[55.56]
0:54.34.....Conzette.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
0:56.27.....Browning[12].....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[56.90]
0:58.57.....Malone.....Rock Hill
0:58.62.....Selena.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
1:01.53.....Eblin[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-1:07.17]
1:04.56.....Homes.....Coal Grove
Boys 300 hurdles
42.30.....Schults[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
42.91.....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
45.12.....Akers.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
45.59.....Patterson.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[47.39]
46.38.....Bishop.....Fairland.....OVC 4th place-[46.92]
46.76.....Dillow[12].....South Point
47.16.....Bickers.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[47.34]
48.16.....Dameron.....Rock Hill
49.33.....J. Mabe.....River Valley
49.40.....Border.....South Point
50.35.....B. Cornell.....River Valley
51.35.....G. Williams.....River Valley
52.22.....Kostival.....River Valley
Girls 400 meters
1:01.05.....Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion-[1:03.30]
1:04.51.....R. Smith.....River Valley....OVC Runner up
1:05.02.....Riley.....South Point.....OVC 3rd place-[1:05.75]
1:06.84.....C. Curry.....Coal Grove
1:07.27.....R. Haddad.....River Valley
1:07.99.....Bason[12].....South Point.....OVC 4th place
1:08.08.....C.Smith.....River Valley
1:08.73.....Spaulding.....Chesapeake 5th place
1:09.84.....E. Jackson.....River Valley
1:10.90.....Koukas.....South Point
1:11.37.....Campbell.....River Valley
1:11.65.....McFann.....Rock Hill
1:12.78.....Warren.....River Valley
Boys 400 meters
0:52.60.....Moffett.....River Valley
0:52.83.....Nance[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
0:53.60.....Wagoner.....South Point.....OVC Runner up-[54.79]
0:55.13.....Wray.....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[55.56]
0"55.44.....Dolen.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
0:55.76.....Stephens.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[56.79]
0:56.90.....I McFarland.....Coal Grove
0:57.24.....Hamilton....River Valley
0:57.45.....Wilson.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place
0:57.98.....Samples.....South Point
0:58.20.....Burditt.....Rock Hill
0:58.70.....Knipp.....Rock Hill
59.22.....Waddle.....Coal Grove
0:59.33.....Hutchinson.....South Point
Girls 800 meters
2:24.44.....Price.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[2:35.11]
2:34.64.....L. Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC Runner up-[2:40.91]
2:43.88.....Jackson.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-[2:59.24]
2:45.16.....Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
2:47.25.....Hively.....River Valley
2:48.16.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 4th place
2:50.51.....Haddad.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[2:53.71]
2:56.59.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
3:01.05.....Storms.....Coal Grove
3:09.66.....J. Walters.....River Valley
3:11.72.....Henry.....Rock Hill
3:16.03.....Riley.....South Point
3:17.86.....Ward.....South Point
3:20.54.....Branham.....River Valley
Boys 800 meters
2:05.73.....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place-[2:11.87]
2:06.31.....Adkins.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
2:08.03.....Harris.....South Point.....OVC Runner up-[2:10.45]
2:11.25.....Williams[12].....River Valley.....OVC 5th place
2:12.07.....Mathes.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
2:13.15.....Hamilton[12].....River Valley.....OVC 6th place-[2:16.06]
2:15.38.....T. Mathis.....South Point
2:20.31.....Haas.....Rock Hill
2:21.60.....Turvey.....Rock Hill
2:21.77.....Hart.....South Point
2:23.92.....Schultz.....Coal Grove
2:24.10.....Alston.....Rock Hill
2:25.10.....Joseph.....Coal Grove
2:25.18.....Jackson[12].....River Valley
2:33.81.....Secoy.....Rock Hill
Girls 1600 meters
5:46.71.....Price.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[5:51.13]
5:47.63.....Homes.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[6:06.73]
5:52.00.....Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up-[5:56.21]
6:28.81.....McFann.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
6:28.87.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[6:36.35]
6:33.79.....Lewis.....South Point.....OVC 6th place-[6:41.48]
6:43.82.....Wells.....South Point
6:44.11.....Eblin[12].....River Valley
6:44.61.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
6:49.92.....McFann.....Rock Hill
6:53.66.....Shewarega.....River Valley
6:58.45.....L. Hively.....River Valley
7:04.35.....Marshall.....Rock Hill
7:06.74.....Walter.....River Valley
7:27.84.....Mossman.....Coal grove
7:36.45.....S. Willis.....Coal Grove
7:42.00.....Henry....Rock Hill
7:45.15.....Brown.....Rock Hill
Boys 1600 meters
4:48.80.....Miller.....Rock Hill.....OVC Champion-[4:50.97]
4:51.28.....McCormick.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place-[4:56.25]
4:52.00.....Ta.Mathis.....South Point.....OVC 3rd place-[4:55.91]
4:54.42.....Ty Mathes.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
4:55.06.....Joseph.....Coal Grove
4:55.38.....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[4:59.50]
4:49.38.....Randolph.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
5:03.73.....Gillman.....River Valley
5:09.63.....Harris.....South Point
5:18.03.....Knuckels.....Coal Grove
5:30.44.....J. Jackson[12].....River Valley
5:32.33.....Hamilton.....River Valley
5:41.45.....J. Pierce.....Coal Grove
Girls 3200 meters
12:34.00.....Ashton....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[12:59.55]
13:05.00.....T. Homes.....Coal Grove.....OVC Runner up-[13:41.18]
13:43.00.....McFann.....Rock Hill.....OVC 3rd place -[13:44.11]
13:56.85.....Lewis.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
13.59.00.....Hankins[12].....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[14:04.55]
14:41.60.....Shewarega.....River Valley
14:43.11.....Dillow[12].....South Point.....OVC 6th place
15:03.70.....Well.....South Point
15:31.07.....Eblin[12].....River Valley
16:02.93.....Eastham.....Rock Hill
17:04.51.....Greenlee.....River Valley
17:54.00.....Dalton.....Rock Hill
Boys 3200 meters
10:00.91.....Miller...Rock Hill.....OVC Champion-[10:29.73]
10:45.28.....McComas[12].....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
10:49.89.....Kemper.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place
10:50.94.....McCormick.....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
10:55.18.....Flynn.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place
10:59.47.....E. Hersman.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
11:07.46.....Mathes.....South Point
11:29.27.....Hart.....South Point
12:29.79.....Knuckles.....Coal Grove
13:08.52.....J. Pierce.....Coal Grove
13:17.13.....Lucas.....South Point
13:45.00.....Moody.....River Valley
13:52.79.....A. Willis.....Coal Grove
Girls discus
137' 08".....J. Porter[12]....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[124' 02"]
093' 05".....McKenzie.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[87' 10"]
091"02".....McGuire.....River Valley.....OVC Runner up
089' 10".....Nickel.....Coal Grove
087' 08".....M. Campbell.....River Valley.....OVC 4th place-[84' 04"]
080' 05".....Damron[12].....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[76' 01']
076' 08".....Armstrong.....River Valley
075' 09".....Nutter.....River Valley
074' 09".....Cole.....Coal Grove
073' 11".....C. Porter.....Chesapeake.....OVC 6th place
072' 06".....Monnig.....Rock Hill
070' 11".....Collins.....Rock Hill
070' 01".....Epperly.....South Point
069' 06".....Alfrey.....Ironton
066' 06".....Blevins.....Fairland
066' 06".....Maxey.....Fairland
051' 08".....Browning.....River Valley
046' 02".....CJ Spears.....Fairland
038' 01".....Sturgill.....Ironton
Boys discus
146' 08".....Pleasants.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
143' 02".....Z. McKinney.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
126' 03'.....Shannon[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
120' 02".....Webb.....South Point....OVC 5th place-[114' 09"]
118' 11".....Baker[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 4th place
110' 09".....Riley[12]....Chesapeake
106' 03".....Gleichauf....Ironton
106' 02".....Hamilton.....River Valley.....OVC 6th place
104' 06'.....Tucker.....Fairland
103' 02".....Webb.....Ironton
099' 00".....Sexton.....Chesapeake
097' 02'.....Christian.....South Point
091' 01".....Reffett.....Ironton
087' 03".....Morris.....River Valley
081' 07".....Matney.....Rock Hill
080' 08".....Riley.....Ironton
079' 07".....Harmon.....River Valley
077' 00".....R. White.....Fairland
049' 07".....T. West.....Fairland
Girls high jump
5' 04".....Spaulding.....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[5'02"]
5' 00".....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC Runner up
4' 10".....Mulkey.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place-[4' 06"]
4' 08".....Fugitt....South Point.....OVC 3rd place
4' 06".....Malone.....Rock Hill
4' 06".....Dickess[12].....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[4' 04"]
4' 06'.....Smith.....River Valley
4' 04".....Abner.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
4' 04".....Rife.....Rock Hill
4' 04".....Walter.....River Valley
4' 04".....Wilson.....Fairland
4' 02".....B. Wray.....River Valley
4' 02".....C. Smith.....River Valley
4' 02".....Srewart.....Rock Hill
4' 00".....Jacey.....River Valley
Boys high jump
6' 08".....B. Adkins.....Coal Grove.....OVC Champion
6' 03"....Sloan.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
5' 08".....Ashton.....Ironton
5' 08".....H. Ashton.....Fairland.....OVC 5th place-[5' 04"]
5' 06".....Dotson.....Chesapeake
5' 06".....Keeney.....South Point.....OVC 4th place
5' 06".....Foley.....South Point
5' 06".....Markins[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
5' 04".....J. Mabe.....River Valley
5' 04".....Sifford.....Fairland
5' 02".....Lewis.....Fairland
5' 02".....Schenewark.....Fairland
5' 02".....Porter.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[5' 00"]
5' 00".....Blakenship.....Chesapeake
Girls long jump
16' 08.25".....Martin[16].....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion
15' 10.00".....Riley.....South Point.....OVC 5th place-[14' 08.25"]
15' 08.75".....Koukos.....South Point.....OVC Runner up
15' 07.75".....Massie[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 3rd place
15' 03.00".....Jones.....Coal Grove
15' 02.50'......Sites[12].....Rock Hill
14' 11.00".....C. Brown.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[14' 06.50"]
14' 09.00".....Brown.....Fairland
14' 04.25".....Abner.....South Point
13' 09.50".....Smith.....River Valley
13' 08.00".....B. Dickess.....Fairland
13' 02.50".....Williamson.....River Valley
13' 00.50".....Barron....Ironton
12' 11.00".....Hager.....Fairland
11' 09.25".....E. Fulks.....Fairland
11' 09.00".....Homes.....Coal Grove
11' 08.75".....Wilson.....Fairland
11' 00.00".....Greenlee.....River Valley
Boys long jump
20' 09.50".....Townson.....South Point.....OVC Champion
20' 06.00".....Oxley[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
19' 09.50".....Nance[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
19' 07.00".....Hawthrone.....Chesapeake.....OVC 4th place
19' 04.50".....J. Qualls.....River Valley.....OVC 5th place-[19' 01.50"]
19' 04.25".....Wireman.....Fairland
18' 08.25".....Dolen.....Coal Grove.....OVC 6th place
18' 04.25".....Wray.....River Valley
17' 11.00".....D. Blatt....Fairland
17' 02.25".....J. Clark.....Coal Grove
16' 09.00".....Keeney.....South Point
16' 05.00".....Long.....Ironton
16' 02.50".....Dameron.....Rock Hill
15' 09.00".....Scott.....Ironton
15' 05.00".....McCallister.....Ironton
15' 03.50".....Sanders.....Chesapeake
15' 03.50".....Christian....Fairland
14' 11.50".....Foley[12].....South Point
14' 11.00".....Campbell.....River Valley
14' 08.00".....K. Woodall.....Fairland
Girls pole vault
09' 02".....Malone.....Rock Hill.....OVC Champion
08' 06"....Ja..Price.....Fairland
08' 00".....Nargele.....Fairland.....OVC 3rd place
07' 06".....Romans.....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
07' 06".....Greenlee.....River Valley.....OVC 5th Place
07' 00".....Shelby.....Fairland
07"00".....Ju. Price.....Fairland
07' 00".....Beals.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
06' 06".....Stumbo.....Coal Grove
06' 06".....Collins.....South Point.....OVC 5th place
Boys pole vault
12' 06".....Sifford.....Fairland.....OVC Champion-[12' 03']
12' 01".....Wireman.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
12' 00".....Willis.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
11' 08".....Maynard.....Ironton
11' 00".....Borders.....South Point
11' 00".....McFardland[12].....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place
10' 00".....Callins.....Chesapeake......OVC 5th place
10' 00".....Brown.....South Point.....OVC 6th place
09' 00".....Damron.....Rock Hill
09' 00".....McCloud.....Chesapeake
Girls shot put
47' 10.50".....J. Porter[12].....Chesapeake.....OVC Champion-[44' 07.00"]
32' 03.00".....B. McGuire.....River Valley.....OVC 3rd place-[28' 08.50']
31' 10.00".....C..Porter.....Chesapeake.....OVC Runner up
29' 03.00".....Nelson[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 5th place-[26' 11.00"]
28' 11.00".....Nickel.....Coal Grove.....OVC 4th place
28' 05.25".....McKenzie.....Coal Grove
28' 00.00".....H. Nutter.....River Valley
26' 11.50".....Dameron.....South Point
26' 08.00".....Combs.....South Point.....OVC 6th place
26' 01.00".....Cole[12].....Coal Grove
25' 09.00".....B. Maxey.....Fairland
25' 08.25".....Collins.....South Point
25.02.00".....Armstrong.....River Valley
24' 09.00".....L. Campbell.....River Valley
24' 00.75".....Blevins.....Fairland
23' 11.50".....Ward.....Fairland
22' 01.00".....Dickess.....Fairland
21' 07.00".....Meade.....River Valley
21' 01.00".....Bowman.....River Valley
Boys shot put
46' 06.25".....Pleasants.....Coal Grove.....OVC 3rd place-[43' 07.50"]
46' 05.25".....Shannon[12].....Coal Grove....OVC 4th place-[42' 05.25"]
45' 09.75".....Webb.....South Point.....OVC Champion-[44' 00.50"]
44' 11.50".....McKinney.....Fairland.....OVC Runner up
41' 05.50".....Tucker.....Fairland.....OVC 6th place-[37' 08.00"]
39' 09.00".....Webb.....Ironton
38' 11.75".....Baker[12].....Rock Hill.....OVC 5th place
38' 06.50".....Riley.....Ironton
37' 09.50".....B. Roach.....Coal Grove
37' 07.00".....Sexton.....Chesapeake
35' 10.25".....Hamilton[12]....River Valley
35' 07.00".....McComus[12].....Fairland
35' 05.00".....Harman.....River Valley
35' 02.50".....Matney.....Rock Hill
35' 01.25".....Christian.....South Point
34' 00.00".....Riley[12].....Chesapeake
33' 04.00".....Knisley.....Rock Hill
31' 06.00".....Reffett.....Ironton
31' 02.00".....Williams.....River Valley
Girls triple jump
Boys triple jump
Girls 4x100
52.33.....River Valley.....Smith, Dillon, Haddad, Warren.....OVC Runner up-[54.13]
52.60.....South Point.....Berkley, Bacon[12], Riley, Spencer.....OVC Champions-[53.44]
52.70.....Chesapeake.....Martin[12], Romans, Mills, Spaulding.....OVC 3rd place-[55.58]
53.09.....Coal Grove.....Curry, Mulkey, Saunders, Jones.....OVC 5th place-[58.59]
56.51.....Rock Hill.....Malone, Lewis, Rife, Sites[12].....OVC 4th place
56.64.....Fairland.....Brown, Dickess, Adkins, Bennett
56.75.....Ironton.....Keating, Starr, Barron, Shope
Boys 4x100
44.79.....South Point.....Wagoner, Townson, White, Leonard.....OVC Champions-[45.38]
45.12.....Coal Grove.....Clark, McFarland, Henry, Markins
46.84.....River Valley.....Bickers, Qualls, Wray, Moffett.....OVC 3rd place-[48.09]
47.47.....Fairland.....Zha, Kittle, Bishop, Blatt.....OVC Runner up-[47.86]
48.05.....Ironton.....Rust, McCallister, Milleson, Scott
48.77.....Chesapeake.....McCloud, Ross, Sanders, Hager
52.26.....South Point.....Speaker, Schnider, Collins, Huff
Girls 4x200
1:53.31.....South Point.....Berkley, Bacon, Riley, Spencer.....OVC Champions-[1:56.88]
1:54.00.....River Valley.....Smith, Haddad, Dillon, Smith,.....OVC 3rd place-[2:01.39]
1:56.60.....Coal Grove.....Saunders, Maynard, Thompson, Moore .....OVC 5th place-[2:03.01]
1:59.80.....Fairland.....Brown, Dickess[12], Price, Eldridge.....OVC Runner up-[1:59.97]
2:01.79.....Chesapeake......Ramey, Romans, Mills, Pratt.....OVC 4th place
2:02.12.....Rock Hill.....Skeens, McKenzie, Lewis, Massie[12]
Boys 4x200
1:31.63.....Coal Grove.....Henry, Markins[12], Nance[12], McFarland[12].....OVC Runner Up
1:34.22.....South Point.....Wagoner, Townson, White, Leonard.....OVC Champion-[1:35.70]
1:38.25.....River Valley.....Bickers, Qualls, Wray, Moffett.....OVC 3rd place-[1:39.02]
1:38.68.....Fairland.....Zhu,Lewis, Blatt, Bishop.....OVC 4th place-[1:40.87]
1:40.32.....Ironton.....Rust, McCallister, Milleson, Scott
1:42.57.....Chesapeake.....McCloud, Hawthorne, Sanders, Ross.....OVC 5th place
1:44.24.....Rock Hill.....Adkins, Burditt, Turvey, Knipp
Girls 4x400
4:31.62.....Fairland.....Price, Dickess[12], Fulks, Brown.....OVC Snampions
4:34.92.....South Point.....Marcum, Bacon, Dillow[12], Riley.....OVC Runner up
4:37.38.....River Valley.....Smith, Smith, Campbell, Haddad.....OVC 4th place-[4:49.15]
4:44.00.....Chesapeake.....Ramey, Mills, Romans, Pratt.....OVC 3rd place-[4:47.89]
4:55.38.....Coal Grove....Spears[12], Saunders, Moore, Mulkey.....OVC 5th place
5:07.00.....Rock Hill.....Blagg, Grant, Stewart, Eastham
5:07.43.....Ironton.....Shpoe, Thomas, Keating, Barron
Boys 4x400
3:35.12.....River Valley.....Wray, Hamilton[12], Qualls, Moffett.....OVC Champion
3:38.35.....Coal Grove.....Henry, Joseph, Adkins, Nance[12].....OVC Runner up
3:41.33.....South Point.....Tatlonghari, Ta. Mathis, Ty Mathis, Wagoner.....OVC 5th place-[3:58.84]
3:47.31.....Fairland.....Sifford, Pannell, Wilson, Lewis[12].....OVC 4th place-[3:56.21]
3:48.00.....Chesapeake.....Oxley[12], Hager, Sanders, Blankenship.....OVC 3rd place-[3:51.39]
3:54.90.....Rock Hill......Burditt, Miller, McCormick, Knipp
4:00.00.....Ironton.....Garris, McCallister, maynard, Long
Girls 4x800
10:38.74.....Fairland.....Fulks Looney, Price, Ashton.....OVC Champion-[11:16.91]:51.39]
11:29.09.....River Valley.....Haddad, Hively, A. Campbell, Jackson.....OVC Runner up
11:29.19.....South Point.....Riley, Dillow[12], Lewis, Badgett.....OVC 5th place
11:43.18.....Coal Grove.....Homes, Moore, Stormes[12],Mulkey.....OVC 3rd place -[12:38.06]
12:12.85.....Rock Hill.....McFann, Marshall, Eastham, Blagg.....OVC 4th place-[12:51.82]
12:45.71.....River Valley.....Hively, Eblin[12], Jackson, Walter
Boys 4x800
08:52.84.....South Point.....Hart, Mathes, Mathis, Harris.....OVC Champion-[9:00.40]
09:01.08.....River Valley.....Hamilton[12], Williams, Hersman, Randolph.....OVC 4th place
09:05.09.....Chesapeake.....Oxley[12], Hager, Doyson, Blankenship.....OVC Runner up
09:12.32.....Coal Grove.... Waddle, Schultz, Joseph, Adkins....OVC 3rd place
09:21.70.....Rock Hill.....Burditt, Miller, McCormick, Haas.....OVC 6th place
09:26.16.....Fairland.....Sifford, Wilson, McCombs[12], Flynn.....OVC 5th place-[9:45.78]
Girls 4x1600
25:16.40.....Fairland.....Ashton, Hankins, Price, Fulks
Boys 4x1600
21:17.30.....Fairland.....Flynn, McComas, Bias, Sifford
Girls 800 sprint Medley
2:19.90.....Fairland.....Kanooz, Knipp, Eldredge, Moore
Boys 800 sprint medley
1:51.50.....Fairland.....Tun, Pannell, ?????, Smith
Girls Distance Medley...long
16:08.49.....Fairland.....Price, Wilson, Warnock, Ashton
Boys distance medley...long
13:00.27.....Fairland.....Sifford, Ashton, McComas, Flynn
Boys Distance medley...short
2:56.29.....Fairland.....Kittel, Blatt, Cleer, Schenewark
Girls distance medley...short
3:49.14.....Fairland.....Bennett, Adkins, Wilson, Henderson
Last edited by noreply66 on Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:53 pm, edited 245 times in total.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 59
- Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:16 pm
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
http://www.irontontribune.com/2014/04/0 ... gers-meet/
Ironton invitational results-girls
Ironton invitational results-girls
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
I have the Ironton Boys and girls results just haven't had the chance to get them entered................THANKS
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Proud of the Pointers finishing 3rd with only part of the team there due to the SCORES Academic competition at Marshall. We didn't have enough for the 4 X 4 or 4 X 8 teams. None of our distance kids or high jumpers were there either.
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Coal Grove boys added from RL Davisson Invitational....Southeastern...4/10/14
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
South Point boys won the Chesapeake Lions Club. The girls placed tbird. Both teams combined for the overall first place trophy as well.
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Spaulding, Porter highlight Chesy Lions Club meet
Published 12:50am Sunday, April 13, 2014
Jim Walker
[email protected]
CHESAPEAKE — It seemed only fitting that Chesapeake put together the top performances at their own meet.
Although the Chesapeake Lady Panthers didn’t win the meet — the Fairland Lady Dragons took first place by three points — the top two performers of the Chesapeake Lions’ Club Meet were Atiya Spaulding and Jordan Porter.
Spaulding was the girls’ meet high point winner as she claimed first place in the high jump, 300-meter hurdles and the 100- and 200-meter dashes.
Porter not only won the shot put and discus, but she set a new meet record in the shot put with a heave of 41-feet, 2-and-three-quarter inches.
Fairland used its team depth to win the meet. The Lady Dragons had just three first place finishes as Shanon Ashton won the 3200-meter run and Jessica Price was first in the 800 and 1600 runs.
South Point had an easier time in the boys meet as the Pointers racked up 120 points to runner-up Raceland’s 108. Fairland was third at 102.
Raceland’s Connor Messer won meet high point honors. He won the long jump, high jump and 110-meter hurdles and was second in the 300 hurdles.
47th Annual Chesapeake Lions Club Meet
Girls Team Scores
1. Fairland 106, 2. Chesapeake 103, 3. South Point 102, 4. Raceland 79, 5. Spring Valley 72, 6. Rock Hill-67, 7. Huntington High 49, 8. Lincoln County 45, 9. Portsmouth 25
Field Events
Shot Put: 1. J. Porter (Ch) 41-2.75; 2. Briscoe (H) 28-4.5; 3. Nelson (RH) 27-4; 4. Rice (SV) 26-11; 5. C. Porter (CH) 26-7; 6. Boyles (H) 26-1; 7. Damron (SP) 25-11; 8. Williams (P) 25-10
Discus: 1. J. Porter (Ch) 110-0; 2. Briscoe (H) 82-4; 3. Damron (SP) 80-5; 4. Sipps (R) 70-1; 5. Reese (H) 67-5; 6. Blevins (F) 64-5; 7. Rice (SV) 63-8; 8. Monning (RH) 63-3
High Jump: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 5-04; 2. Massie (Rh) 5-0; 3. Canterbury (H) 4-8; 4. Speaks (R) 4-8; 5. Fugitt (SP) 4-6; 6. Dickess (F) 4-4; 7. Rife (RH) 4-4; 8. McComas (R) 4-2
Long Jump: 1. Martin (Ch) 15-6.5; 2. Koukos (SP) 14-8; 3. Massie (RH) 14-3.5; 4. Brown (F) 14-3; 5. Speaks (R) 14-1.5; 6. Dolin (H) 12-10.5, 7. Johnson (P) 12-4, 8. Williams (H) 12-4
No Pole Vault contested
Running Events
4×800 Relay: 1. Spring Valley 11:11.53, 2. Fairland 11:22.89, 3. Raceland 11:37.71, 4. Rock Hill 12:17.34, 5. South Point 12:25.03, 6. Huntington , 7. Portsmouth
100m Hurdles: 1. Koukos (SP) 16.83; 2. Massie (RH) 17.09, 3. Conzette (F) 18.07, 4. Wiley (LC) 19.28, 5 Harold (SV) 21.14, 6. Perry (H), 7. Ronk (SV) 20.31, 8. Slusher-Walk (P) 20.33
100m Dash: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 12.98, 2. Spencer (SP) 13.26, 3. Powell (LC) 13.34, 4. Jones (R) 13.36, 5. Martin (Ch) 13.46, 6. Brookley (SP) 13.7, 7. Brown (F) 13.94, 8. Malone (RH) 14.09
4×200 Relay: 1. South Point 2:00.21, 2. Fairland 2:00.44, 3. Lincoln Co 2:00.94, 4. Rock Hill 2:04.17, 5. Huntington 2:08.13, 6. Portsmouth 2:16.69
1600m Run: 1. J. Price (F) 6:00.69, 2. Ashton (F) 6:01.06, 3. Joseph (R) 6:13.77, 4. Criswell (SV) 6:21.81, 5. Roberts (LC) 6:31.12, 6. Dillow (SP) 6:31.12, 7. McFann (RH) 6:33.55, 8. Wells (SP) 6:43.82
4×100 Relay: 1. South Point 53.77, 2. Chesapeake 55.11, 3. Lincoln Co 57.67, 4. Raceland 57.76, 5. Fairland 58.76, 6. Rock Hill 59.08, 7.Huntington 59.23, 8. Portsmouth 59.25
400m Dash: 1. Williams (R) 1:05.63, 2 Riley (SP) 1:05.81, 3. Riffe (R) 1:06.51, 4. Roman (SV) 1:07.20, 5. Pratt (Ch) 1:08.73, 6. Criswell (SV) 1:09.20, 7. Dickess (F) 1:10.79, 8. Romans (Ch) 1:11.11
300m Hurdles: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 51.53, 2. Malone (RH) 52.63, 3. Wiley (LC) 54.57, 4. Bennett (F) 56.38, 5. Conzette (F) 56.79, 6. Boggs (R) 59.22, 7. Sallee (LC) 1:03.99, 8. Harold (SV) 1:04.07
800m Run: 1. Price (F) 2:36.29, 2. Runyon (R) 2:38.88, 3. Stewart (SV) 2:40.55, 4. Bellomy (SV) 2:50.01, 5. Meriwether (P) 2:53.78, 6. Quillen (R) 2:54.16, 7. Roberts (LC) 2:56.09, 8. Fulks (F) 2:59.25
200m Dash: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 27.18, 2. Martin (Ch) 27.73, 3. Berkley (SP) 28.62, 4. Spencer (SP) 28.78, 5. Poe (LC) 28.79, 6. Romans (SV) 29.61, 7. Brown (F) 29.88, 8. Croswell (SV) 30.13
3200m Run: 1. Ashton (F) 12:47.44, 2. Stewart (SV) 12:54.42, 3. McFann (RH) 14:06.30, 4. Hankins (F) 14:55.94, 5. Meriwether (P) 15:02.25, 6. Chapman (R) 15:14.90, 7. Dalton (RH) 18:04.73
4×400 Relay: 1. South Point 4:39.69, 2. Spring Valley 4:44.52, 3. Fairland 4:58.95, 4. Raceland 5:01.73, 5. Chesapeake 5:07.26, 6. Portsmouth 5:45.32
Girls High Point: Atiya Spaulding, Chesapeake
Meet Record in Shot Put: Jordan Porter of Chesapeake, 41-2.75
Boys Team Scores
1. South Point 120, 2. Raceland 108, 3. Fairland 102, 4. Spring Valley 75, 5. Portsmouth 68, 6. Rock Hill 48, 7. Chesapeake 41, 8. Lincoln County 40, 9. Ironton 35, 10. Huntington 16
Field Events
Shot Put: 1. McKinney (F) 42-6.25, 2. Webb (SP) 40-4.5, 3. Manis (R) 38-4, 4. Webb (I) 36-6, 5. Baker (RH) 36-2.5, 6. McComas (F) 35-1.5, 7. Sexton (Ch) 35-0.5, 8. Riley (I) 35-0
Discus: 1. McKinney (F) 134-01, 2. Manis (R) 118-0, 3. Webb (SP) 111-11, 4. Williams (P) 108-9, 5. Baker (RH) 108-6, 6. Riley (CH) 106-8, 7. Johnson (R) 105-11, 8. Webb (I) 103-2
High Jump: 1. Messer (R) 6-5, 2. Sloan (SP) 5-10, 3. Ashton (F) 5-8, 4. Keeney (SP) 5-6, 5. Herring (I) 5-6, 6. Joseph (R) 5-4, 7. Lewis (F) 5-2, 8. Blankenship (Ch) 5-0
Long Jump: 1. Messer (R) 20-07, 2. Herring (H) 19-3.5, 3. Townson (SP) 18-9.5, 4. Smith (LC) 18-5, 5. Joseph (R) 18-0.5, 6. Hollins (P) 17-5, 7. Wireman (F) 16-11.5, 8. Brown (H) 16-9.5
No Pole Vault contested
Running Events
4×800 Relay: 1. South Point 9:05.18, 2. Chesapeake 9:08.9, 3. Spring Valley 9:20.83, 4. Portsmouth 9:22.28, 5. Fairland 9:26.16, 6. Raceland 10:27.11, 7. Rock Hill 10:33.20
110m Hurdles: 1. Messer (R) 15.00, 2. Smith (LC) 15.81, 3. Wireman (F) 16.97, 4. Sloan (SP) 17.16, 5. Bishop (F) 17.20, 6. Salyers (R) 18.86, 7. Brown (P) 19.90, 8. Adkins (LC) 21.30
100m Dash: 1. Joseph (R) 11.28, 2. Leonard (SP) 11.51, 3. Richardson (P) 11.55, 4. Maddox (SV) 11.61, 5. White (SP) 11.85 6. Millison (I) 11.92, 7. Young (R) 12.06, 8. Price (LC) 12.25
4×200 Relay: 1. Portsmouth 1:35.26, 2. Spring Valley 1:37.77, 3. Raceland 1:41.56, 4. Fairland 1:41.56, 5. Chesapeake 1:43.79, 6. Rock Hill 1:47.38
1600m Run: 1. Miller (RH) 4:49.87, 2. Holland (SV) 4:58.24, 3. Mathis (SP) 5:03.95, 4. Sifford (F) 5:05.79, 5. McCormick (RH) 5:06.59, 6. Harris (SP) 5:09.63, 7. Dotson (Ch) 5:14.43, 8. Mitchell (SV) 5:19.60
4×100 Relay: 1. South Point 45.39, 2. Portsmouth 46.42, 3. Fairland 48.29, 4. Raceland 48.67, 5. Lincoln Co 48.78, 6. Huntington 50.12
400m Dash: 1. Kilgore (SV) 49.20, 2. Wagoner (SP) 53.7, 3. O’Neil (SV) 54.89, 4. Oxley (Ch) 55.80, 5. Clark (R) 56.07, 6. Lewis (F) 56.28, 7. Smith (LC) 57.72, 8. Samples (SP) 57.98
300m Hurdles: 1. Smith (LC) 41. 70, 2. Messer (R) 42.00, 3. Hollins (P) 42.43, 4. Wireman (F) 43.96, 5. Salyers (R) 45.76, 6. Patterson (SP) 46.13, 7. Borders (P) 47.99, 8. Bishop (F) 48.27
800m Run: 1. Garris (I) 2:15.2, 2. Sifford (F) 2:11.80, 3. Blankenship (Ch) 2:13.20, 4. Long (I) 2:16.17, 5. Hager (Ch) 2:17.66, 6. Thomas (SV) 2:18.19, 7. Holland (SV) 2:18.94, 8. Trinidad (P) 2:19.36
200m Dash: 1. Kilgore (SV) 22.56, 2. Dickerson (P) 23.70, 3. Wagoner (SP) 23.82, 4. Townson (SP) 23.85, 5. Richardson (P) 24.15, 6. Walker (R) 24.86, 7. Price (LC) 25.60, 8. Zhu (F) 25.79
3200m Run: 1. Miller (RH) 10:23.18, 2. Flynn (F) 11:02.86, 3. McCormick (RH) 11:04.02, 4. Bias (F) 11:26.79, 5. Hart (SP) 11:44.71, 6. Dawson (LC) 11:55.71, 7. Billups (SV) 12:07.35, 8. Stephens (Ch) 12:58.89
4×400 Relay: 1. Spring Valley 3:40.32, 2. South Point 3:46.87, 3. Portsmouth 3:52.28, 4. Chesapeake 3:54.60, 5. Fairland 3:54. 75, 6. Raceland 3:55.56, 7. Ironton 3:57.48, 8. Rock Hill 4:09.77
Boys High Point Medal: Conner Messer, Raceland
New Meet Record: Jacob Kilgore of Spring Valley in the 400m Dash with a time of 49.20
The Jay “Jeff†Holley Memorial Trophy was present to South Point, for the highest combined boys and girls score.
- See more at: http://www.irontontribune.com/2014/04/1 ... CRcun.dpuf
Published 12:50am Sunday, April 13, 2014
Jim Walker
[email protected]
CHESAPEAKE — It seemed only fitting that Chesapeake put together the top performances at their own meet.
Although the Chesapeake Lady Panthers didn’t win the meet — the Fairland Lady Dragons took first place by three points — the top two performers of the Chesapeake Lions’ Club Meet were Atiya Spaulding and Jordan Porter.
Spaulding was the girls’ meet high point winner as she claimed first place in the high jump, 300-meter hurdles and the 100- and 200-meter dashes.
Porter not only won the shot put and discus, but she set a new meet record in the shot put with a heave of 41-feet, 2-and-three-quarter inches.
Fairland used its team depth to win the meet. The Lady Dragons had just three first place finishes as Shanon Ashton won the 3200-meter run and Jessica Price was first in the 800 and 1600 runs.
South Point had an easier time in the boys meet as the Pointers racked up 120 points to runner-up Raceland’s 108. Fairland was third at 102.
Raceland’s Connor Messer won meet high point honors. He won the long jump, high jump and 110-meter hurdles and was second in the 300 hurdles.
47th Annual Chesapeake Lions Club Meet
Girls Team Scores
1. Fairland 106, 2. Chesapeake 103, 3. South Point 102, 4. Raceland 79, 5. Spring Valley 72, 6. Rock Hill-67, 7. Huntington High 49, 8. Lincoln County 45, 9. Portsmouth 25
Field Events
Shot Put: 1. J. Porter (Ch) 41-2.75; 2. Briscoe (H) 28-4.5; 3. Nelson (RH) 27-4; 4. Rice (SV) 26-11; 5. C. Porter (CH) 26-7; 6. Boyles (H) 26-1; 7. Damron (SP) 25-11; 8. Williams (P) 25-10
Discus: 1. J. Porter (Ch) 110-0; 2. Briscoe (H) 82-4; 3. Damron (SP) 80-5; 4. Sipps (R) 70-1; 5. Reese (H) 67-5; 6. Blevins (F) 64-5; 7. Rice (SV) 63-8; 8. Monning (RH) 63-3
High Jump: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 5-04; 2. Massie (Rh) 5-0; 3. Canterbury (H) 4-8; 4. Speaks (R) 4-8; 5. Fugitt (SP) 4-6; 6. Dickess (F) 4-4; 7. Rife (RH) 4-4; 8. McComas (R) 4-2
Long Jump: 1. Martin (Ch) 15-6.5; 2. Koukos (SP) 14-8; 3. Massie (RH) 14-3.5; 4. Brown (F) 14-3; 5. Speaks (R) 14-1.5; 6. Dolin (H) 12-10.5, 7. Johnson (P) 12-4, 8. Williams (H) 12-4
No Pole Vault contested
Running Events
4×800 Relay: 1. Spring Valley 11:11.53, 2. Fairland 11:22.89, 3. Raceland 11:37.71, 4. Rock Hill 12:17.34, 5. South Point 12:25.03, 6. Huntington , 7. Portsmouth
100m Hurdles: 1. Koukos (SP) 16.83; 2. Massie (RH) 17.09, 3. Conzette (F) 18.07, 4. Wiley (LC) 19.28, 5 Harold (SV) 21.14, 6. Perry (H), 7. Ronk (SV) 20.31, 8. Slusher-Walk (P) 20.33
100m Dash: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 12.98, 2. Spencer (SP) 13.26, 3. Powell (LC) 13.34, 4. Jones (R) 13.36, 5. Martin (Ch) 13.46, 6. Brookley (SP) 13.7, 7. Brown (F) 13.94, 8. Malone (RH) 14.09
4×200 Relay: 1. South Point 2:00.21, 2. Fairland 2:00.44, 3. Lincoln Co 2:00.94, 4. Rock Hill 2:04.17, 5. Huntington 2:08.13, 6. Portsmouth 2:16.69
1600m Run: 1. J. Price (F) 6:00.69, 2. Ashton (F) 6:01.06, 3. Joseph (R) 6:13.77, 4. Criswell (SV) 6:21.81, 5. Roberts (LC) 6:31.12, 6. Dillow (SP) 6:31.12, 7. McFann (RH) 6:33.55, 8. Wells (SP) 6:43.82
4×100 Relay: 1. South Point 53.77, 2. Chesapeake 55.11, 3. Lincoln Co 57.67, 4. Raceland 57.76, 5. Fairland 58.76, 6. Rock Hill 59.08, 7.Huntington 59.23, 8. Portsmouth 59.25
400m Dash: 1. Williams (R) 1:05.63, 2 Riley (SP) 1:05.81, 3. Riffe (R) 1:06.51, 4. Roman (SV) 1:07.20, 5. Pratt (Ch) 1:08.73, 6. Criswell (SV) 1:09.20, 7. Dickess (F) 1:10.79, 8. Romans (Ch) 1:11.11
300m Hurdles: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 51.53, 2. Malone (RH) 52.63, 3. Wiley (LC) 54.57, 4. Bennett (F) 56.38, 5. Conzette (F) 56.79, 6. Boggs (R) 59.22, 7. Sallee (LC) 1:03.99, 8. Harold (SV) 1:04.07
800m Run: 1. Price (F) 2:36.29, 2. Runyon (R) 2:38.88, 3. Stewart (SV) 2:40.55, 4. Bellomy (SV) 2:50.01, 5. Meriwether (P) 2:53.78, 6. Quillen (R) 2:54.16, 7. Roberts (LC) 2:56.09, 8. Fulks (F) 2:59.25
200m Dash: 1. Spaulding (Ch) 27.18, 2. Martin (Ch) 27.73, 3. Berkley (SP) 28.62, 4. Spencer (SP) 28.78, 5. Poe (LC) 28.79, 6. Romans (SV) 29.61, 7. Brown (F) 29.88, 8. Croswell (SV) 30.13
3200m Run: 1. Ashton (F) 12:47.44, 2. Stewart (SV) 12:54.42, 3. McFann (RH) 14:06.30, 4. Hankins (F) 14:55.94, 5. Meriwether (P) 15:02.25, 6. Chapman (R) 15:14.90, 7. Dalton (RH) 18:04.73
4×400 Relay: 1. South Point 4:39.69, 2. Spring Valley 4:44.52, 3. Fairland 4:58.95, 4. Raceland 5:01.73, 5. Chesapeake 5:07.26, 6. Portsmouth 5:45.32
Girls High Point: Atiya Spaulding, Chesapeake
Meet Record in Shot Put: Jordan Porter of Chesapeake, 41-2.75
Boys Team Scores
1. South Point 120, 2. Raceland 108, 3. Fairland 102, 4. Spring Valley 75, 5. Portsmouth 68, 6. Rock Hill 48, 7. Chesapeake 41, 8. Lincoln County 40, 9. Ironton 35, 10. Huntington 16
Field Events
Shot Put: 1. McKinney (F) 42-6.25, 2. Webb (SP) 40-4.5, 3. Manis (R) 38-4, 4. Webb (I) 36-6, 5. Baker (RH) 36-2.5, 6. McComas (F) 35-1.5, 7. Sexton (Ch) 35-0.5, 8. Riley (I) 35-0
Discus: 1. McKinney (F) 134-01, 2. Manis (R) 118-0, 3. Webb (SP) 111-11, 4. Williams (P) 108-9, 5. Baker (RH) 108-6, 6. Riley (CH) 106-8, 7. Johnson (R) 105-11, 8. Webb (I) 103-2
High Jump: 1. Messer (R) 6-5, 2. Sloan (SP) 5-10, 3. Ashton (F) 5-8, 4. Keeney (SP) 5-6, 5. Herring (I) 5-6, 6. Joseph (R) 5-4, 7. Lewis (F) 5-2, 8. Blankenship (Ch) 5-0
Long Jump: 1. Messer (R) 20-07, 2. Herring (H) 19-3.5, 3. Townson (SP) 18-9.5, 4. Smith (LC) 18-5, 5. Joseph (R) 18-0.5, 6. Hollins (P) 17-5, 7. Wireman (F) 16-11.5, 8. Brown (H) 16-9.5
No Pole Vault contested
Running Events
4×800 Relay: 1. South Point 9:05.18, 2. Chesapeake 9:08.9, 3. Spring Valley 9:20.83, 4. Portsmouth 9:22.28, 5. Fairland 9:26.16, 6. Raceland 10:27.11, 7. Rock Hill 10:33.20
110m Hurdles: 1. Messer (R) 15.00, 2. Smith (LC) 15.81, 3. Wireman (F) 16.97, 4. Sloan (SP) 17.16, 5. Bishop (F) 17.20, 6. Salyers (R) 18.86, 7. Brown (P) 19.90, 8. Adkins (LC) 21.30
100m Dash: 1. Joseph (R) 11.28, 2. Leonard (SP) 11.51, 3. Richardson (P) 11.55, 4. Maddox (SV) 11.61, 5. White (SP) 11.85 6. Millison (I) 11.92, 7. Young (R) 12.06, 8. Price (LC) 12.25
4×200 Relay: 1. Portsmouth 1:35.26, 2. Spring Valley 1:37.77, 3. Raceland 1:41.56, 4. Fairland 1:41.56, 5. Chesapeake 1:43.79, 6. Rock Hill 1:47.38
1600m Run: 1. Miller (RH) 4:49.87, 2. Holland (SV) 4:58.24, 3. Mathis (SP) 5:03.95, 4. Sifford (F) 5:05.79, 5. McCormick (RH) 5:06.59, 6. Harris (SP) 5:09.63, 7. Dotson (Ch) 5:14.43, 8. Mitchell (SV) 5:19.60
4×100 Relay: 1. South Point 45.39, 2. Portsmouth 46.42, 3. Fairland 48.29, 4. Raceland 48.67, 5. Lincoln Co 48.78, 6. Huntington 50.12
400m Dash: 1. Kilgore (SV) 49.20, 2. Wagoner (SP) 53.7, 3. O’Neil (SV) 54.89, 4. Oxley (Ch) 55.80, 5. Clark (R) 56.07, 6. Lewis (F) 56.28, 7. Smith (LC) 57.72, 8. Samples (SP) 57.98
300m Hurdles: 1. Smith (LC) 41. 70, 2. Messer (R) 42.00, 3. Hollins (P) 42.43, 4. Wireman (F) 43.96, 5. Salyers (R) 45.76, 6. Patterson (SP) 46.13, 7. Borders (P) 47.99, 8. Bishop (F) 48.27
800m Run: 1. Garris (I) 2:15.2, 2. Sifford (F) 2:11.80, 3. Blankenship (Ch) 2:13.20, 4. Long (I) 2:16.17, 5. Hager (Ch) 2:17.66, 6. Thomas (SV) 2:18.19, 7. Holland (SV) 2:18.94, 8. Trinidad (P) 2:19.36
200m Dash: 1. Kilgore (SV) 22.56, 2. Dickerson (P) 23.70, 3. Wagoner (SP) 23.82, 4. Townson (SP) 23.85, 5. Richardson (P) 24.15, 6. Walker (R) 24.86, 7. Price (LC) 25.60, 8. Zhu (F) 25.79
3200m Run: 1. Miller (RH) 10:23.18, 2. Flynn (F) 11:02.86, 3. McCormick (RH) 11:04.02, 4. Bias (F) 11:26.79, 5. Hart (SP) 11:44.71, 6. Dawson (LC) 11:55.71, 7. Billups (SV) 12:07.35, 8. Stephens (Ch) 12:58.89
4×400 Relay: 1. Spring Valley 3:40.32, 2. South Point 3:46.87, 3. Portsmouth 3:52.28, 4. Chesapeake 3:54.60, 5. Fairland 3:54. 75, 6. Raceland 3:55.56, 7. Ironton 3:57.48, 8. Rock Hill 4:09.77
Boys High Point Medal: Conner Messer, Raceland
New Meet Record: Jacob Kilgore of Spring Valley in the 400m Dash with a time of 49.20
The Jay “Jeff†Holley Memorial Trophy was present to South Point, for the highest combined boys and girls score.
- See more at: http://www.irontontribune.com/2014/04/1 ... CRcun.dpuf
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Boys have been entered from Chesapeake Lions Club Invitational
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Portsmouth Invitational is on Baums page but it is all hand written and a little confusing! lol
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
unclebob wrote:Portsmouth Invitational is on Baums page but it is all hand written and a little confusing! lol
A little eye and brain work will wake me up--lol
- S
- Posts: 1528
- Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:07 am
Re: OVC-2014 Updates----Top 20--G & B
Very nicely done, noreply!
Coal Grove boys and girls visit Chesapeake this evening for a quad meet, not sure on the other participating teams.
Coal Grove boys and girls visit Chesapeake this evening for a quad meet, not sure on the other participating teams.