A huge shout out to all of you that post on this wonderful site and for great job of keeping this old Trojan up on SEO basketball. Teams fought hard, some big wins, some heartbreaking losses now the seniors get to pass the Tourch on to next years group
Again, thank you from Surprise, Arizona
… wipala - this is such a great hs sports site … great information from some really great folks who simply enjoy high school sports … years and seasons go by but the game goes on … we'll be back again next season to throw out our 2 cents worth on the game/teams we enjoy watching … and YOU are very welcome wipala - always good to know there is at least ONE person reading the posts and threads LOL …

Make that at least 2 people.I know for me and a lot of other people that when it comes to high school sports that southeastern ohio preps is our go to website to find out anything about any sport.Thank You SEOP
It is a good site. Instead of posting stupid, sarcastic comments, most people post serious, meaningful comments which get one thinking. I think the site makes a worthwhile contribution to SE Ohio H.S. Sports, and I hope it continues that way.