Let me make sure I have this correct: You came on here and complained about officiating. You were then questioned by someone about your complaints. You then come back and wrote that you use to be an official, and state that you would not officiate now because you would be ridiculed on here.fighting_falcon wrote:You should know about complaining and hiding behind screen name.
I have been an official in the past, no way would I do it now. To much extra crap to put up with, don't have the energy. Plus you just expose yourself to people like you to get on here and complain about how bad a call was or this or that. Just go back and looks at the posts in other threads about officials. Three great games in the boys D2 at the convo and instead of talking about the level of play of those teams people get on here and talk about how did this official get this game, he was about the show, etc.
As far as listing 4 teams I did not want to list all them. I will agree that some are awful but so are they all around the state but the upper half played some good ball and had quality players.
What a telling series of events that is. WOW is all I can muster after reading those posts. WOW!