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Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

This column is OUTSTANDING!


"Gozer the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!" - Ghostbusters :mrgreen: :!:

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Post by hawkeyepierce »

To those on the outside of the Logan-Hocking School District wonder who are the offending culprits? Since Mr. Dunn was so gracious as not to identify the school board by name, I will. After a quick check of their website... http://www.loganhocking.k12.oh.us you can find all the information you may need or want including the agenda to the June 22nd meeting here... http://loganhocking.k12.oh.us/board/2015JUNE22.pdf

Also, I will say this...if Kathy Krumlauf, Scott Anzalone, Lance Bell, Corby Leach, and Ed Penrod conduct business in this manner, maybe they should not be "renewed" in their respective coming Novembers. Just sayin'

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Post by eaglesrock »

It won't be the girls coach....he just took the boys job at Liberty Union. My guess is Pat Walsh will be the boys coach.

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Post by Logangrad »

Just got wind Baseball coach has quit too. Nothing official yet. Also its been rumored that three top advertisers aka sponsors of Logan basketball have pulled their ads from all LHS activities and some from the local hospital event due to a board member being involved. Its getting nuts.

Baseball coach has not resigned and girls coach has not been confirmed officially from either school. And apparently any job posted on a school website is an "anticipated" listing; meaning it could change. So to recap; nobody has a friggin clue whats going on! :mrgreen:

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Post by noreply66 »

As The Chieftain Head Turns

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Post by anderson2012 »

hawkeyepierce wrote:To those on the outside of the Logan-Hocking School District wonder who are the offending culprits? Since Mr. Dunn was so gracious as not to identify the school board by name, I will. After a quick check of their website... http://www.loganhocking.k12.oh.us you can find all the information you may need or want including the agenda to the June 22nd meeting here... http://loganhocking.k12.oh.us/board/2015JUNE22.pdf

Also, I will say this...if Kathy Krumlauf, Scott Anzalone, Lance Bell, Corby Leach, and Ed Penrod conduct business in this manner, maybe they should not be "renewed" in their respective coming Novembers. Just sayin'
Here's my issue: I don't think you'll find a collective of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people, especially Penrod. The much easier solution is to re-write your own intra-district by-laws or constitution so that the B.O.E. doesn't have that heavy of a hand in who is hired or re-hired. Does that take away some accountability? Perhaps, but I suppose it also would keep people from voting against candidates/incumbents simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach (which is exactly what you are suggesting).

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Post by trubbguru »

So the truth is out a couple of BIDDY LEAGUE MINDED parents cryed about their undertalented entitled kids enought to some board members over playing time that they dismiss the coach. Heres what I hope that the new coach who comes in does. ( if you can find one dumb enough to take this job ) Since its all about playing time play each player equal amounts of time. Now just remember that the super already has told people its not about wins and losses. And I know most coaches dont play their best 5 ( to hear it from the parents) because they want more losses than wins LOL and let him go 2 and 20 a couple of years and then listen to em bitch. Or maybe just let the board members coach a couple of years with their all years of coaching experience im sure they will set some records. On a side note seen in paper where 1 of the board voted against the girls soccer coach bet that was over playing time to. This is not the first time this member has voted against coaches because mom or granny complained

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Post by noreply66 »

If this/these parents think their child is better....put them out on the floor one on one with the ones they think are not as good as their child.

I have noticed that the ones I hear complain were not very good ball players or just didn't play when they were in school and now that their child can mop the old mans butt in the driveway it makes them better than any of the 1st seven.

The board needs to stand up to the parents. If they did what is the worst that can come from it.........the child will not get their two minutes in??????? :lol:

When I went to school we had boys that were better in some sports than the ones playing.........and they didn't play... but it was to them not going out due to not liking the coach or just didn't want to go through the day to day workouts.

No one or few should be able to control a school board. When a school board does something they should be able to give their reason for doing so.. I bet Helber voted for some of these members and now they can not face him. Whether it was the right thing to do or not he should have been able to have ask questions and receive answers. I know they had plenty of time to think what they were about to do so they should have had a statement ready. From what I know about these members I would have thought they would have handled it much better. I hope they do better in their day job.

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Post by hawkeyepierce »

formerfcfan wrote:
hawkeyepierce wrote:To those on the outside of the Logan-Hocking School District wonder who are the offending culprits? Since Mr. Dunn was so gracious as not to identify the school board by name, I will. After a quick check of their website... http://www.loganhocking.k12.oh.us you can find all the information you may need or want including the agenda to the June 22nd meeting here... http://loganhocking.k12.oh.us/board/2015JUNE22.pdf

Also, I will say this...if Kathy Krumlauf, Scott Anzalone, Lance Bell, Corby Leach, and Ed Penrod conduct business in this manner, maybe they should not be "renewed" in their respective coming Novembers. Just sayin'
Here's my issue: I don't think you'll find a collective of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people, especially Penrod. The much easier solution is to re-write your own intra-district by-laws or constitution so that the B.O.E. doesn't have that heavy of a hand in who is hired or re-hired. Does that take away some accountability? Perhaps, but I suppose it also would keep people from voting against candidates/incumbents simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach (which is exactly what you are suggesting).
First of all, I will not dignify your off the cuff remark that "...simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach..." It is much more than that. It is a person who was professional in every way and gave of himself tirelessly to his community.

No...what I am suggesting...no, strongly, vehemently...encouraging that the voters take a deeper look into their "elected" officials. If an "elected" official can be swayed by the few, a minority, then it loses sight of the whole. In that regard, I take issue with your statement, "...collecti[on] of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people..." Why did they not take the recommendation of the superintendent? After all, that is his profession. Do you think that a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walks into Dr. Anzalone's office and tells him how to doctor? Does anyone, especially a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walk into Mr. Leach's office and tell him how to sell insurance policies. The answer is "no." Because that is their professions.

Then the matter becomes a little more transparent. They (the board) ignored the superintendent's recommendation because A). they know his profession better than him, or B). they are politically motivated. After all, they are "elected" officials. My educated guess is the latter, especially if what Mr. Dunn has stated to be true and I have no reason to doubt him, after all, that is his profession. A great person, an outstanding member of the Logan community, a tireless supporter of Logan athletics, and a great role model, was unceremoniously dismissed as if they were swatting flies for the sake of one or two individuals for high school sports. My goodness, let that sink in for a minute... high school sports. A mere moment in time in what I hope will be a long and productive life for those young individuals.

Therefore, when the respective Novembers roll around, I hope that the voters of the Logan-Hocking School District take time to reflect. Ask themselves these questions: Are their morals and values conducive with mine? Are they self-serving or fulfilling their agendas? Are they willing to sacrifice the community for the sake of the few? Although I am not a Star Trek geek, I am reminded of the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. As a dying Spock tells the Captain Kirk, his sacrifice is logical. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." The Logan-Hocking School Board did NOT consider the needs of many, or the community, but rather the needs of a few. And that my friend is shameful, no matter how hard you tried to spin it.

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Post by anderson2012 »

Except the general public can't hold their superintendents accountable because they themselves are not electable. I am not a fan of running coach hirings through the BOE because that allows for way too much sway by the public as to who the coach will be the next season (whether or not he'll return). The BOE's foremost priority should be to ensure the caliber of education they present to their neighbors is the best possible and that all resources are best utilized to their maximum. They're not just in charge of what's going on at the high school, but also the middle and elementary schools. Dunn's notion that it is irresponsible for the board members to not show up to what he considers to be an acceptable amount of boys basketball games is incongruent as to what they were elected to do in the first place. The only credibility his claim has is that a lack of attendance at said games in turn leads to a poorly formed opinion coming in as to whether say "yea" or "nay", which again... shouldn't matter in the first place. They are presented with contracts up for renewal every year even if most of the board members don't attend contests for half of the sports presented. Unfortunately, yes the BOE made a blind decision in this case but I still contend that there are far more pressing concerns in public education in general and that are unique to Logan-Hocking schools than the boys basketball coach... and calling for their seats in November solely because of this issue is incredibly short-sighted.

Also, if there should be a quota for how many varsity sports contests a board member has to attend then I'd like to find out what that number is. I think you'll find that very few "lay people" themselves can afford the time to attend at least two contests in every sport, much less those on the BOE that take the thankless job in the first place.
Why did they not take the recommendation of the superintendent? After all, that is his profession. Do you think that a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walks into Dr. Anzalone's office and tells him how to doctor? Does anyone, especially a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walk into Mr. Leach's office and tell him how to sell insurance policies. The answer is "no." Because that is their professions.
Look, I agree with you here. They should've taken the super's recommendation. But this goes back to the issue I'm presenting, how in the world are they - the board members - supposed to discern that bringing back the coach is a good decision or not other than a higher-up saying so? Does the super' have much interaction with the basketball families, basketball program, basketball players in the first place? Are the board members supposed to look at this situation through the lens of X's and O's (which, again... if they don't go to the games in the first place)? It appears they listened to the wrong people on this one, I agree. What appears to be a select few was evidently enough to sway the BOE on this one. Shameful that it happened? Yes. But should the BOE be ashamed that they made what turned out to be a very poor decision because they didn't know who to listen to? I suppose that's up for you to decide. I suppose the voters will decide that in November, too. Whatever they decide to do, I hope it works best for the district and while the current board I don't think should get ran through the mud because of this, I do hope should there be a "changing of the guard" that whoever sits on the board next time around are persons of high character, integrity, and with a fervent interest in the state of Logan-Hocking schools equal to, or greater than, that of the current board.

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Post by pfloyd »

hawkeyepierce wrote:
formerfcfan wrote:
hawkeyepierce wrote:To those on the outside of the Logan-Hocking School District wonder who are the offending culprits? Since Mr. Dunn was so gracious as not to identify the school board by name, I will. After a quick check of their website... http://www.loganhocking.k12.oh.us you can find all the information you may need or want including the agenda to the June 22nd meeting here... http://loganhocking.k12.oh.us/board/2015JUNE22.pdf

Also, I will say this...if Kathy Krumlauf, Scott Anzalone, Lance Bell, Corby Leach, and Ed Penrod conduct business in this manner, maybe they should not be "renewed" in their respective coming Novembers. Just sayin'
Here's my issue: I don't think you'll find a collective of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people, especially Penrod. The much easier solution is to re-write your own intra-district by-laws or constitution so that the B.O.E. doesn't have that heavy of a hand in who is hired or re-hired. Does that take away some accountability? Perhaps, but I suppose it also would keep people from voting against candidates/incumbents simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach (which is exactly what you are suggesting).
First of all, I will not dignify your off the cuff remark that "...simply because they didn't re-hire a basketball coach..." It is much more than that. It is a person who was professional in every way and gave of himself tirelessly to his community.

No...what I am suggesting...no, strongly, vehemently...encouraging that the voters take a deeper look into their "elected" officials. If an "elected" official can be swayed by the few, a minority, then it loses sight of the whole. In that regard, I take issue with your statement, "...collecti[on] of people that want Logan-Hocking to succeed anymore than those five people..." Why did they not take the recommendation of the superintendent? After all, that is his profession. Do you think that a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walks into Dr. Anzalone's office and tells him how to doctor? Does anyone, especially a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walk into Mr. Leach's office and tell him how to sell insurance policies. The answer is "no." Because that is their professions.

Then the matter becomes a little more transparent. They (the board) ignored the superintendent's recommendation because A). they know his profession better than him, or B). they are politically motivated. After all, they are "elected" officials. My educated guess is the latter, especially if what Mr. Dunn has stated to be true and I have no reason to doubt him, after all, that is his profession. A great person, an outstanding member of the Logan community, a tireless supporter of Logan athletics, and a great role model, was unceremoniously dismissed as if they were swatting flies for the sake of one or two individuals for high school sports. My goodness, let that sink in for a minute... high school sports. A mere moment in time in what I hope will be a long and productive life for those young individuals.

Therefore, when the respective Novembers roll around, I hope that the voters of the Logan-Hocking School District take time to reflect. Ask themselves these questions: Are their morals and values conducive with mine? Are they self-serving or fulfilling their agendas? Are they willing to sacrifice the community for the sake of the few? Although I am not a Star Trek geek, I am reminded of the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. As a dying Spock tells the Captain Kirk, his sacrifice is logical. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." The Logan-Hocking School Board did NOT consider the needs of many, or the community, but rather the needs of a few. And that my friend is shameful, no matter how hard you tried to spin it.

... great post hawkeyepierce ... let me add one other factoid Coach Helber was recommended for rehire by not only the superintendent but the AD, all 3 principals at LHS -THESE are the people who make the decisions as to whether a teacher, a coach , a custodian is doing his/her job on a daily basis ... IF there are issues these 5 entities are the folks who spearhead the corrections in the best interest of the LHSD ... to make sure that the "issues" are corrected by the teacher(s)/coach(es)/custodian(s) ... it is up to them to decide if the issues are resolved to the LHSD satisfaction - from there, when rehiring/renewing of contracts come up it is THEIR collective agreement on specific individuals /these 5 individuals recommendations are what should be "taken into consideration" by the BOE , it is their recommendations that should be THE determining factors for hiring/rehiring/renewing by the BOE ... the BOE 5-0 against Coach Helber is not just 5-0 against the coach but 5-0 against the judgement of the 5 highest ranking administrators in the building ... 5-0 against the ability of the 4 administrators in the building AND the superintendent to do their jobs in the best interest of the LHSD ...


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Post by hawkeyepierce »

formerfcfan wrote:Except the general public can't hold their superintendents accountable because they themselves are not electable. I am not a fan of running coach hirings through the BOE because that allows for way too much sway by the public as to who the coach will be the next season (whether or not he'll return). The BOE's foremost priority should be to ensure the caliber of education they present to their neighbors is the best possible and that all resources are best utilized to their maximum. They're not just in charge of what's going on at the high school, but also the middle and elementary schools. Dunn's notion that it is irresponsible for the board members to not show up to what he considers to be an acceptable amount of boys basketball games is incongruent as to what they were elected to do in the first place. The only credibility his claim has is that a lack of attendance at said games in turn leads to a poorly formed opinion coming in as to whether say "yea" or "nay", which again... shouldn't matter in the first place. They are presented with contracts up for renewal every year even if most of the board members don't attend contests for half of the sports presented. Unfortunately, yes the BOE made a blind decision in this case but I still contend that there are far more pressing concerns in public education in general and that are unique to Logan-Hocking schools than the boys basketball coach... and calling for their seats in November solely because of this issue is incredibly short-sighted.

Also, if there should be a quota for how many varsity sports contests a board member has to attend then I'd like to find out what that number is. I think you'll find that very few "lay people" themselves can afford the time to attend at least two contests in every sport, much less those on the BOE that take the thankless job in the first place.
Why did they not take the recommendation of the superintendent? After all, that is his profession. Do you think that a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walks into Dr. Anzalone's office and tells him how to doctor? Does anyone, especially a teacher, coach, principal, or superintendent walk into Mr. Leach's office and tell him how to sell insurance policies. The answer is "no." Because that is their professions.
Look, I agree with you here. They should've taken the super's recommendation. But this goes back to the issue I'm presenting, how in the world are they - the board members - supposed to discern that bringing back the coach is a good decision or not other than a higher-up saying so? Does the super' have much interaction with the basketball families, basketball program, basketball players in the first place? Are the board members supposed to look at this situation through the lens of X's and O's (which, again... if they don't go to the games in the first place)? It appears they listened to the wrong people on this one, I agree. What appears to be a select few was evidently enough to sway the BOE on this one. Shameful that it happened? Yes. But should the BOE be ashamed that they made what turned out to be a very poor decision because they didn't know who to listen to? I suppose that's up for you to decide. I suppose the voters will decide that in November, too. Whatever they decide to do, I hope it works best for the district and while the current board I don't think should get ran through the mud because of this, I do hope should there be a "changing of the guard" that whoever sits on the board next time around are persons of high character, integrity, and with a fervent interest in the state of Logan-Hocking schools equal to, or greater than, that of the current board.
Excellent. I think we agree more than we disagree.

This is my last comment on this subject and then I wish the Logan community nothing but the very best.

I know that people run for offices because they think they can make a difference. Nobody says I will run just so I can mess things up. Nobody. They are community motivated, positively-minded, and eager to make a difference because they believe they have something to offer. I truly appreciate and applaud those individuals. Kudos, my friend. Kudos. Now, whether they come to fill-in-school-activity-here, I don't care, (my opinion, they should), they are the apex of the behemoth machine known as the Logan-Hocking School District. They should be seen and they should be accessible. However, to be blindly influence by a few for the sake of political survival, quid pro quos, and/or nepotism is inexcusable and should be unacceptable by the constituents of LHSD. If there were concerns, they have the power to pick up a phone, schedule a meeting, discuss concerns, find the most appropriate resolution, and be done with it. But, that not what happen here and that is inexcusable and should be unacceptable by the voters of the LHSD. That is all I am saying.

To Coach Helber, good luck, you had deserved better, and to the LHSD, the administrators, the teachers, and students, and the good people of the Chieftain community, this old Viking wishes you nothing but the very best.

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Post by anderson2012 »

Well said, partner.

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Post by trubbguru »

Well here we are a special BOE meeting is about to start at 7:00pm I made a statement about how the girls coach didnt want the job MY BAD. Come to find out that now he does after interviewing for several openings he accepts one (LU)then goes to the powers to be at Logan and tells them he wants the job or hes gone. So i guess we will see shortly. Also heard that they will hire a new girls coach wait till you all here who this is and you will see just how good old boy politics works in the big city of Logan. If this is true what a joke. She may have a hard time fielding a team look for some to transfer out.

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Post by Logangrad »

Hadnt heard that Martin was coming back to coach boys, last I had heard he accepted job at LU but nobody will confirm at either school. You said "SHE" so that means they may hire the assistant super's daughter to coach varsity??!!?!? Does that mean she will have to stop practicing with the varsity long enough to be their coach? I understand it as she does nothing to prepare JV players bc shes too busy playing with the varsity during practice. Matter of fact I dont think in the many games I saw she even spoke a word on the sidelines during a jv game. If this is the direction they go with that much talent coming back it would be an injustice to the girls program to hire a coach with no coaching experience other than to stand during a jv season. But again, Im taking it as hear say.

As for the meeting; The BOE werent allowed to answer to the public's questions tonight and they gave 30 mins to the public to ask questions that werent going to be answered anyway. This is a joke! These are public officials who were elected by the same public that deserves to know why a coach was fired You cant just say they arent allowed to know why? They put you in that spot, they have a right to know why a teacher who complained to get the coach fired went through a kid's records to make sure he wasnt getting into trouble or eligible or why BOE members are having private meetings with parents who wanted the coach fired, or why BOE members with kids in the program are even voting in the first place?!?! HUGE conflict of interest. This has become such a misuse of power. These elected officials should answer to the same public that voted them in. Own up to your decisions. I keep hearing there is more to this story that we arent hearing; so ok; what is it? Tell me the whole story so I know if this whole thing was justified or not!?!?! The public deserved better, the kids deserved better and for sure John Helber deserved better.

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Post by trubbguru »

Grad sounds as if you were there. This situation is on the verge of unbelievable. Wether or not John was a coach has nothing to do with what happened hes a helluva nice guy and didnt deserve the way this went down. All they had to do was say we think the program needs to go in different direction and all would have been easier to swallow. Im just going on what I was told by someone with some inside ties. But I was told last season that this could happen as far as Martin and hiring an insider for the girls. The last part came from one of the horses mouths that if Martin was not back as girls coach watch for some transfers 2 to VC and one to Athens. Also if you were there was the Super and the AD there heard they were out of town. Never in my life have I seen a BOE make such decisions on coaches never knew that was part of their job. I always believed that coaches came and went on the Ad and supers recomendations.

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Post by noreply66 »

Looks like I may be getting out of town just in time.

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Post by Logangrad »

As for tonight; public got 3 mins to speak; no questions were answered. Lawyer said all questions would be answered in writing to the specific people. Bc decision was made in executive session it basically keeps them from having to do full disclosure. Basketball or not; they misused their power and broke about 6 susnshine laws. Yes Super and AD were on vacation. These BOE members need to be replaced. Two didnt even know who the players in front of them were asking the questions tonight. That shows they havent been to a game all season and have no clue what is really going on. Its a shame. This is a total laughing stock. One of the disgruntled parents said the way the coach handled a certain player was a "Black eye" to the program and I would say the fact that he started all this has now left a bigger black eye on the whole district as well as the community. We are taking our kids out.

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Post by LHS 72 »

I was always of the understanding that the Supt if he recommended the BOE followed with there approval! If We had a problem we talked to the Supt and if needed as a last resort we then contacted the BOE! Yes there was some problems with the Basketball program personal this year and maybe was not handle properly, BUT the Supt did recommend that the Coach be rehired! I am in favor of a recall election of all the BOE members! Trouble is not enough people care! Enough Said! Lets move on with a New Coach and program!

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Post by Rufus »

So have they hired a new coach yet?

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