C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by SOHSP »

Obviously a big upset - with Oak Hill getting bounced in the sectionals. But, I watched a then #1 Oak Hill come into Athens and get dismantled by the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs dominated that game (up by 20 in the fourth) and won by 12.

Again, this was the #1 ranked Oak Hill team. Is it possible that they were (even with a stellar record) just a little overrated this year?

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

theplainsbulldog wrote:Obviously a big upset - with Oak Hill getting bounced in the sectionals. But, I watched a then #1 Oak Hill come into Athens and get dismantled by the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs dominated that game (up by 20 in the fourth) and won by 12.

Again, this was the #1 ranked Oak Hill team. Is it possible that they were (even with a stellar record) just a little overrated this year?
Dog, "Just a little overrated", is putting it mildly. Those AP ratings are pragmatic to say the least. A good ball team(nothing great) with a PR minded coach can be elevated to a top five school for I have seen it done. And then you get results such as this with OH--one and done. I feel sorry for the team(girls) for they were feed a bill of goods and made to look a whole lot better than they were. Hard lesson to learn at such a young age. Someone in their eagerness to be in the spotlight lied to those girls and in a great way to the community.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Mark May »

Where are all the Oak Hill fans? When they win they toot their horns.But, when they lose they are nowhere to be found.They could at least congratulate their own team on a good year if nothing else.And I also feel sorry for them whitewiskers...They were good, but not #2 in the state good...

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Ironman92 »

WhiteWhiskers wrote:
theplainsbulldog wrote:Obviously a big upset - with Oak Hill getting bounced in the sectionals. But, I watched a then #1 Oak Hill come into Athens and get dismantled by the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs dominated that game (up by 20 in the fourth) and won by 12.

Again, this was the #1 ranked Oak Hill team. Is it possible that they were (even with a stellar record) just a little overrated this year?
Dog, "Just a little overrated", is putting it mildly. Those AP ratings are pragmatic to say the least. A good ball team(nothing great) with a PR minded coach can be elevated to a top five school for I have seen it done. And then you get results such as this with OH--one and done. I feel sorry for the team(girls) for they were feed a bill of goods and made to look a whole lot better than they were. Hard lesson to learn at such a young age. Someone in their eagerness to be in the spotlight lied to those girls and in a great way to the community.
Hale wanting to be in the spotlight?

Silly if you ask me. OH has the known name about the state....all AP voters about the state may not know much of our district but OH making it to the state level multiple times and the regional level a dozen or so times gets them the nod....coupled with a great record all year and it's not that hard to understand. I never agreed with them being a top 5 team in D3 but it wasn't because their coach wanted to be in the spotlight. Lol

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Ironman92 »

OH fans haven't been on here much for a few years. I doubt the kids to congratulate are on here much.....maybe their parents...but the kids are on twitter and Instagram amongst other places.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by baseball16 »

Sorry guys, I guess I'm always in baseball mode.
I'll congratulate the lady oaks on a fine season. I'm sure a lot of teams would trade places with your 19-1 season.
I said it all yr. oaks always found a way to win the close ones but were playing with fire. This game just didn't work out and it happened to be the game you couldn't afford to lose.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by doubleplay643 »

I posted this on the Boys Basketball forum a while back pertaining to Persin, but it equally applies to Hale. I would absolutely love to see a stat on how many one point or OT games either coach has won versus how many one point games they have lost. My guess is the total is lopsided by a good bit on the "W" side of that ledger.

Good season for the Oaks congrats.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Steely Dan »

Ironman92 wrote:
WhiteWhiskers wrote:
theplainsbulldog wrote:Obviously a big upset - with Oak Hill getting bounced in the sectionals. But, I watched a then #1 Oak Hill come into Athens and get dismantled by the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs dominated that game (up by 20 in the fourth) and won by 12.

Again, this was the #1 ranked Oak Hill team. Is it possible that they were (even with a stellar record) just a little overrated this year?
Dog, "Just a little overrated", is putting it mildly. Those AP ratings are pragmatic to say the least. A good ball team(nothing great) with a PR minded coach can be elevated to a top five school for I have seen it done. And then you get results such as this with OH--one and done. I feel sorry for the team(girls) for they were feed a bill of goods and made to look a whole lot better than they were. Hard lesson to learn at such a young age. Someone in their eagerness to be in the spotlight lied to those girls and in a great way to the community.
Hale wanting to be in the spotlight?

Silly if you ask me. OH has the known name about the state....all AP voters about the state may not know much of our district but OH making it to the state level multiple times and the regional level a dozen or so times gets them the nod....coupled with a great record all year and it's not that hard to understand. I never agreed with them being a top 5 team in D3 but it wasn't because their coach wanted to be in the spotlight. Lol
Ironman - I agree 100%. Coach Hale is a class act, as is the OH girls program. Sometimes these things happen, and unfortunately, negative comments start flying from everywhere. The OH girls program deserves better than that. I read that post you quoted and thought, HUH?!?! What in the world does pragmatism have to to with a writer's poll? Huh? There is nothing practical about it. The AP poll is subjective, and wrought with conjecture. The writers poll is the antithesis of "pragmatic". :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Geesh!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by kingofthegame »

doubleplay643 wrote:I posted this on the Boys Basketball forum a while back pertaining to Persin, but it equally applies to Hale. I would absolutely love to see a stat on how many one point or OT games either coach has won versus how many one point games they have lost. My guess is the total is lopsided by a good bit on the "W" side of that ledger.

Good season for the Oaks congrats.
I am not sure about the connections with the AP voters, but I remember a few purple and white banners hanging in a high school gym a few years back that said "AP Poll Champions." Personally, the AP poll is like winning Homecoming Queen. You win the popularity contest, but there's not a lot of lasting substance to your achievement. Glad Norm got his actual championship at OH.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

How can you call any coach "A class act" when they ask an official (at a home game) to put time on the clock at the very end of a tied game? This act was heard by more than one person and the official obliged. Maybe we can call it a classless act by A class act coach!!

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Ironman92 »

Could someone from OH give their details to the situation White Whiskers is speaking of.....story has some holes

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by md2020 »

KingoftheGame wrote:
doubleplay643 wrote:I posted this on the Boys Basketball forum a while back pertaining to Persin, but it equally applies to Hale. I would absolutely love to see a stat on how many one point or OT games either coach has won versus how many one point games they have lost. My guess is the total is lopsided by a good bit on the "W" side of that ledger.

Good season for the Oaks congrats.
I am not sure about the connections with the AP voters, but I remember a few purple and white banners hanging in a high school gym a few years back that said "AP Poll Champions." Personally, the AP poll is like winning Homecoming Queen. You win the popularity contest, but there's not a lot of lasting substance to your achievement. Glad Norm got his actual championship at OH.
Congratulations to the OH team and Coach Hale. Coach Hale is a first rate coach and a first rate person. My daugher played for Coach Hale for many years and much of her accomplishments and attitude can be attributed to him. Your analogy of the AP poll to winning Homecoming Queen is disparaging to me. Our family found enough substance to this achievement to etch it on the gravestone of our daughter on the same line as having been valadictorian.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by MightyOaksFan »

WhiteWhiskers wrote:How can you call any coach "A class act" when they ask an official (at a home game) to put time on the clock at the very end of a tied game? This act was heard by more than one person and the official obliged. Maybe we can call it a classless act by A class act coach!!
Mark May wrote:Where are all the Oak Hill fans? When they win they toot their horns.But, when they lose they are nowhere to be found.They could at least congratulate their own team on a good year if nothing else.And I also feel sorry for them whitewiskers...They were good, but not #2 in the state good...
Why I rarely post.
md2020 wrote:Congratulations to the OH team and Coach Hale. Coach Hale is a first rate coach and a first rate person. My daugher played for Coach Hale for many years and much of her accomplishments and attitude can be attributed to him. Your analogy of the AP poll to winning Homecoming Queen is disparaging to me. Our family found enough substance to this achievement to etch it on the gravestone of our daughter on the same line as having been valadictorian.
Why I keep reading.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Onthefence »

Ball tipped out off webster girl, whistle blew clock stopped at .7 seconds. Oakhill coach calked ref over to him waving one finger in the air. Assuming he was asking for .3 seconds to be put back on the clock. Instead ref put full second back one the clock. Not quite sure where he came up with that. Great game though. Bald headed ref was definitely the ringer for oaks. Not the one who put the second back.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by WhiteWhiskers »

justthefacts, you used the word "assuming". You know what is said about the word assume. That ref knew quite well what that finger ment and he followed the instructions of the "class act coach". Not only was the hair follicley challanged ref a homer, they both were!!!

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Onthefence »

One other thing i've got to mention about the oakhill south webster game. I have never seen the refs run out of the gym so fast in all my life. At all the other schools I have noticed the sheriff's deputy stands by the doors where the fans enter the gym. But at this game , I kid you not, who should appear at the door where the refs hastily left the gym? The deputy. It was as if it was scripted. But it still was a great game. Hate it when adults ruin it for the kids.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by doubleplay643 »

justthefacts wrote:Ball tipped out off webster girl, whistle blew clock stopped at .7 seconds. Oakhill coach calked ref over to him waving one finger in the air. Assuming he was asking for .3 seconds to be put back on the clock. Instead ref put full second back one the clock. Not quite sure where he came up with that. Great game though. Bald headed ref was definitely the ringer for oaks. Not the one who put the second back.
So explain why Oak Hill wouldn't have won if no "additional" time would have been put on clock? Don't they still make the shot with .7 or 1.7 left either way? My understanding the ball was shot immediately upon it being in-bounded. I am sticking with my original notion posted above that Hale or Persin win a lot of games in OT or by a point or two because that is was good/great coaches do. They win the close ones because they are good, make their team better when the game gets to that point, and make better decisions. Not because of anything else. If he got .3 or 1.0 seconds put back on the clock then it was probably justified (that is what a good coach would do), and even if it didn't happen, the shot gets put up with .7 and still gets drained right? Just my opinion, give me Persin or Hale in a close one or OT game any day of the week and I will take my chances.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Ironman92 »

Yeah....finally heard what happened from a very professional person that my family thinks a good but of. Not an OH resident but was at the game.....OH won fair and square and sounds like some sour grapes.

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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by GLO »

First....Congratulations to The Oak Hill Lady Oaks on a wonderful season 19-2! So many doubted your ability to win any games this season but you proved them all wrong! There is not one girls or boys team in the state of Ohio that has put more hours, weekends, blood, sweat or tears in the gym than the Lady Oaks this season! This team has many sides slow starts/finish strong, start crazy good/finish slow, all around great game, to a struggle from start to finish! Now was this team a top 10 in Division 3, probably not, they had a great season, a great coaching staff, and a very well respected girls basketball program! The Chesapeake game still have the girls, coaches, fans etc baffled, up by 11 at the half and just couldn't get going to finish the game. I take nothing away from Peake, they battled tooth and nail! As I watch the Olympics and see the FAVORED athlete to win an event fall, DQ or just couldn't finish their event and they just say it just didn't happen for them this year, I feel the same about the Lady Oaks! Again, it was a great season with a lot of great basketball!

As to address the Webster game, the referee was making the call on time remaining before Coach Hale started COACHING about it! That's what a coach does!!! I will not take anything away from South Webster's girls basketball team, great athletes, they will have a great program for years to come! But I will comment that maybe the Webster fans can take something away from it's players and that is to win or lose with class! Grown ADULTS that cuss at a high school basketball team with a 9 year old water girl as they flip off the players, coaches and fans of the opposing team is a disgrace! I am embarrassed for your girls to have that kind of negative support.



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Re: C'Peake beat Oak Hill in OT?

Post by Ironman92 »

GLO wrote:First....Congratulations to The Oak Hill Lady Oaks on a wonderful season 19-2! So many doubted your ability to win any games this season but you proved them all wrong! There is not one girls or boys team in the state of Ohio that has put more hours, weekends, blood, sweat or tears in the gym than the Lady Oaks this season! This team has many sides slow starts/finish strong, start crazy good/finish slow, all around great game, to a struggle from start to finish! Now was this team a top 10 in Division 3, probably not, they had a great season, a great coaching staff, and a very well respected girls basketball program! The Chesapeake game still have the girls, coaches, fans etc baffled, up by 11 at the half and just couldn't get going to finish the game. I take nothing away from Peake, they battled tooth and nail! As I watch the Olympics and see the FAVORED athlete to win an event fall, DQ or just couldn't finish their event and they just say it just didn't happen for them this year, I feel the same about the Lady Oaks! Again, it was a great season with a lot of great basketball!

As to address the Webster game, the referee was making the call on time remaining before Coach Hale started COACHING about it! That's what a coach does!!! I will not take anything away from South Webster's girls basketball team, great athletes, they will have a great program for years to come! But I will comment that maybe the Webster fans can take something away from it's players and that is to win or lose with class! Grown ADULTS that cuss at a high school basketball team with a 9 year old water girl as they flip off the players, coaches and fans of the opposing team is a disgrace! I am embarrassed for your girls to have that kind of negative support.



But most of all RESPECT YOURSELF!!!!
Good Post

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