C-Bolt wrote:So ya think WC will get their weather from Bob Nunley this time?

All no,

, Timmy was saying that too, snow,fri/sat/into sun, on the WC. I caught Bob Nunley on this morning while I was up buying a buuuiccckk this morning, and he said accumulating snow Saturday evening into Sunday morning. Has RK updated the local on the 8's yet?

That part of the WC seems to be behind most of the time. Like the radar though. 15 minutes behind though this winter. Ole Forbes will get it up to the second, when those vicious storms come rolling in, this spring/early summer. Winter radar must not be the top priority or the 8's, it seems to be delayed for some reason. RK must have a part time job there,

, saving money for his curb water for this coming summer.