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Bill is out of our area. Headed for the east coast. Cold front moving through here tomorrow. Strong to severe pm storms forecasted again. More rain to deal with. Getting my canoe ready. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Might have to cash in on some of that FI Bolt. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by C-Bolt »

Then you would really see your rate go up,better hope it don't.Don't want to mess with that little sneaky cash cow they got.

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You watch me cash in/have a claim if I ever get damage from a flood. I've been paying for it for 21/22 years. The sneaky cash cow will just have to go up if there's major damage but that's with any kind of insurance if the claim is big enough. Cash cow?? :lol: :lol: I can't make a claim if I have no flood damage, it has to flood first. :lol: :lol: I was just saying cash in/claim with all this rain if it floods. What did you think, I was going down there and get some free cash with out a claim? I can't do that, although it would be nice, but they bring people out to look at properties if there is flood damage, to see the price of damage before they give ya a fixer check. :lol: :lol: Tried to get out of having FI two years ago and told them it don't flood here no more. They even knew it was in the 60's the last time it flooded in this area, but they are calling it a 100 year flood plain. Government has control over FI now. No way out of it till any home is loan free. Had one place that was lying to me all along but LI caught it for me. He couldn't believe what the lady was telling me at NW. Now it's 400 dollars less than what I was paying a year with NW, but I have to have it regardless. 8 more years of it Bolt, and I'm dropping it. Ole BR did as soon as his home was paid off. JS did too. I know something freak could happen if ya had enormous amounts of rain in a short period of time, but other than that it don't flood in here no more. Ole SK moved because he had to have FI, now MA was telling BR he's moving because of the FI. Ole MA said he's not giving anymore of his money away for nothing. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Had my house appraised 2 years ago and the guy that did it told me when they put the 33 highway in, most of the water shed west of 33 stays over there mostly. before 33 was put in the river took it all in the 60's. He said the water shed has slowed way down because of 33 and all the work they have done on rush creek. These FI company's are raking in free money for this area he told me but I had to follow the 100 year plain with an active home loan. Government is biting down on FI he said. Only getting 8 more years out of me, that's if I'm still living here. I've got some other ideas in the works, might not be here Bolt.

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Post by C-Bolt »

No I don't mean free cash cow for you :lol: :lol: I mean for them its free because they know its not going to flood down there now days, it comes in handy for them to pay the people who do get flooded out elsewhere in real flood plains.Of course you would have to use it if you got flooded, but I really don't think you will get that opportunity,just be glad it won't give them another excuse to jack your rate. 100 year flood plain ? Does that mean they will drop it after 100 years from the last flood? What ya wanna bet they won't unless you tell them,its a free cash angus for them :lol: I find it hard to believe the feds would still consider that a high risk area down in thaire after all the work that's been done and the fact it hasn't done anything in over 50 years now.It would take a flood of biblical proportions to flood that down in thaire now .That one insurance company was already caught lying to you .Ole DB down there was telling us we had to have certain coverages to be legal for our cars over the years and it turned out he was way over inflating the coverages to get higher premiums coming in. That 100 year flood plan they mandate is ridiculous,a lot of things can happen to prevent flooding over time like you mention.They need to reevaluate that to about 40 years maximum,but that's too easy and might kill their cash angus :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Would it really matter if they dropped it after 100 years of the last flood? Most everyone will be dead and gone around here by then and already of had their pocket books raked. :lol: :lol: :lol: Good ole 100 year dry Angus flood plain. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: It would take 15 inches of rain in a day to bring that hocking creek out that much of flood stage, something all at once like that. Just glad I got a 400 dollar kick down per year on that crap. Ole LI took care of me. And it even covers most everything that's lost in a flood where my last policy didn't and I was paying more. This policy will even cover living expenses and hotel bill's and stuff like that. Belongings etc etc. My last policy only covered the structure. Can you believe that crap Bolt? But the good ole dry Angus flood plain lives on. :lol: :lol: Just don't let CK hear you say Angus flood plain. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Cash cow/angus. :lol: :lol: :lol: This pretty much explains 100/500 year flood plains. ... ood-plain/

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Post by C-Bolt »

And this explains why it is such a joke! All kinds of people have to pay that don't even need it because of faulty fema outdated mapping :roll: they don't have to wait 100 years they just need fema to do their job and update it, and I bet your one of them caught in their web trench,of course the banks and insurance companies won't let you in on this dirty little secret that could harm their cash angus ... 6C10974730. Somebody in this town needs to step up and request fema update their mapping but good luck with that.

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That house is even up on a hill. :lol: :lol: :lol: Looks like there was a brook there when it was built or something but it's not there now. Yep, clearly there are mistakes in flood zones/plains all over the place. Mine: it really did flood bad in here before but it don't no more so it needs to be changed up a bit. But no way out of it because it flooded before and the river is still over there close by so they still say my plain could flood again at anytime. But it's all crap with 33 blocking most of the water shed for this area and rush creek has really gotten a face lift. But I guess I still come in at 63% in a 100 year flood plain in their plan. It's all because the river is so close I think. I tried all I could to get out of it. Get this: The guy that appraised my house had the flood plain map for this area, an aerial shot and my house even sets right on the outer edge of it he was saying. I told him well that makes it even more arguable, he said he understood but a flood could happen at anytime, the bank and the government are just backing themselves up and told me it was a crock and if he was me he would drop it too when my mortgage was paid off. The reason is because of that bad flood in the 60's and the river is only give or take 150 yards away. This whole area from the west end to the east end was on that map. He said it could flood worse in parts of the east end of town, I guess when the river swells at a certain flood stage the water starts coming out of the storm sewers till it swallows an area up he was saying. No current but just standing water that has no where to go that has gotten into homes before. He said it got pretty deep in places too, enough to ruin homes, some total losses back then he was saying. So I'm stuck Bolt for 8 more years of this crap but at least my yearly bill is way lower. If it does flood sometime I will be covered but we better get 15 to 20 inches of rain in a short period of time before I can cash in on the cash cow/angus. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hope I never have to but anything freak could happen with my luck, and you know my luck. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm just glad the former owner of this house had it raised a bit, this house don't have the original foundation, he had it raised and all replaced. Ole JS beside me had hers built up too after that flood back in the 60's. I even told LI that but he said there was nothing he could do because the house sets in a known 100 year flood plain, but he did catch NW's crap and was able to lower my yearly rate with him. That's a plus but still crap. :122249

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Post by C-Bolt »

I would love know when fema last updated their mapping in this town.That is the key, they call the shots not the banks or insurance companies.Wouldn't you crap if they already took it out and the banks and insurance companies used old maps failed to see it or tell anybody to keep the money coming in.You need to get ole MN to look into it,I bet he could find out.I wonder if the reason is not the river coming out of bank, but them storm sewers down there that back up when the river gets high,once again ole MN could get to the bottom of it real quick.

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We done did, its been updated I guess. Ole MA even checked into it. He hates paying FI with a passion, he lives down there by BR and his house sets up high off the street, big type bank all around it, sets up higher than any house down there, two sets of steps going up to his doors, front and back, sets even higher than mine. He's had it with paying FI. He told BR he could be saving all that money for something else. :lol: :lol: :lol: He told BR he's out of there soon. :lol: :lol: :lol: Guess he's looking as we speak to build a small home somewhere. BR told him to go where I got my new FI but he said he's done with it. I guess he tried hard too, to get out of it. But told the same thing I'm being told. I'll talk to ya about it later but it's been updated many times according to FI with me. He wouldn't lead me down the wrong path. He even came and took pictures all over my property one day. He said he seen where my house had a newer foundation and wasn't the original. But he helped me out big time on an FI yearly rate. He said the lady at NW had to be nuts and trying to take me to the cleaners. I'm glad I looked around and found out. 8) 8)

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C-Bolt wrote:I would love know when fema last updated their mapping in this town.That is the key, they call the shots not the banks or insurance companies.Wouldn't you crap if they already took it out and the banks and insurance companies used old maps failed to see it or tell anybody to keep the money coming in.You need to get ole MN to look into it,I bet he could find out.I wonder if the reason is not the river coming out of bank, but them storm sewers down there that back up when the river gets high,once again ole MN could get to the bottom of it real quick.
Post above, he told me when the river swells at a certain flood stage it starts to come out of the storm sewers and swallows areas up. No current in most places, just standing water that has nowhere to go but back out to the streets. I seen it one time, it was even in January one time, We got a lot of rain that month and bunch the day it did it, I got video of it. It was coming out of the sewers here. It was clear up into my yard and headed in every direction. It was clear over the top of the fire hydrant out there. Clear up on the sidewalk to my steps going up to the porch. Worst I've seen it here so far but it went back down after about 6 hours but stayed there till the river went down a bit. I walked over to Daves that day at that's the worst I've ever seen the river since I lived here, it was raging and clear over in that field across from Dave. I said Dave you better keep an eye on that, he lives right on the bank too. He was one drunk monkey that day and didn't care, All he kept saying was white Russians white Russians white Russians. Man he was drunk. Ole KW was with me, she thought he was losing his mind. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The river that day had an elusion to it kinda. When we was walking over there the water level looked higher than us. It kinda looked higher than the bank but it was rushing so fast it looked to be held in place by force. It was scary looking. Never seen it before like that. Another thing ole BR mentioned one time, the hocking creek starts in Lancaster and the rain they get most of it has to come this way, scary thought right there if they would happen to get a bunch of rain along with hocking county all at once. Just think about Nelsonville in spots if we got freak rains. They would get what both did coming down their way. Geessshhh. Scary thought as well. With my luck I might need FI, who knows but I don't plan to be here for 8 more years. Tired of it here anyways. :mad: :122248 But I think you already know I hate it here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ground shed overwhelmed to the max. Hope 33 kicks in. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock:

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Post by C-Bolt »

Didn't even need 33,looks like we are not going to get near the rain they were talking about and hocking crick is low

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Yep, Glad we didn't. Ole KW was saying the HC was low. It rained pretty steady but not too hard. Thank god. Still the ground is plum full. Don't need no more for awhile, it's getting pretty ridiculous. Chance of rain most of next week again. Tired of the poopy.

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Post by noreply66 »

No rain today.....something is going to

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Don't say that Noreply. :lol: With the way my luck is, something will happen. :lol: :lol: It was pretty nice out today, we need lots more like it. :-D Very small chance of rain today. Pop-ups Friday. Week-end not looking to bad they are saying. 8)

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Post by noreply66 »

Looks like some rain coming up from 10 ah c might get here late.

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Boomers on the way.

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Post by noreply66 »

Looks like it might split up before hitting Hocking County

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Saying some heavy rain today. Never seen the likes! Ridiculous! Not a happy balance this year. Lawn mower is getting tired.

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