Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by here4fun »

BishopReadyFootball wrote:The argument has become a prop... Thats my issue. "A private school beat a public? Well, that only occurs due to cheating." These kids don't come from all over the city of Columbus, they've been in the feeder schools and grown into this incredible team they are. Just 2 years ago Akili, Yoho and company were suffering through a 4-6 record. All of the hard work they've put in to return Ready to prominence has been disregarded. Its an old argument that takes away from the efforts of the players. Anyone who knows Ready and the issues surrounding the program know all too well the administration doesn't support the athletic department. Anyways, back to the game... I expect Ready to jump on Oak Hill early and prove they are contenders for state. This team has not slept on an opponent yet and I would be shocked if they were to do that against Oak Hill. What are Oaks strengths and weaknesses?
If I was a betting man I would bet you are going to have to go through Valley to get out of the region.....

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Endzone_Warrior »

Here4Fun wrote:
BishopReadyFootball wrote:The argument has become a prop... Thats my issue. "A private school beat a public? Well, that only occurs due to cheating." These kids don't come from all over the city of Columbus, they've been in the feeder schools and grown into this incredible team they are. Just 2 years ago Akili, Yoho and company were suffering through a 4-6 record. All of the hard work they've put in to return Ready to prominence has been disregarded. Its an old argument that takes away from the efforts of the players. Anyone who knows Ready and the issues surrounding the program know all too well the administration doesn't support the athletic department. Anyways, back to the game... I expect Ready to jump on Oak Hill early and prove they are contenders for state. This team has not slept on an opponent yet and I would be shocked if they were to do that against Oak Hill. What are Oaks strengths and weaknesses?
If I was a betting man I would bet you are going to have to go through Valley to get out of the region.....
What a clash that would be! Ready vs Valley....counting down the days! First things first though....both have win.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by philbilly »

Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready
by BishopReadyFootball » November 6th, 2013, 1:18 pm

I was curious how long it would take the bitter and uneducated to come out... Tell me why is Ready an all star team? What do you know about these kids and their back story? Just curious, if you're going to sit there and cast stones you must know something about our program that I'm not privy to...


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It's common knowledge that there is a double standard in this state when it comes to Public and Private. It amazes me how that ever kid that gets an "academic scholarship" to Cincinnati Moeller, just happens to run a 4.3 forty.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by urban buck »

Good Luck Oaks!

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Cruiser74 »

Hey Philbilly don't let the Ready people feed you crap. Coaches from SW schools have told me that Ready poaches their players all the time. I'm not going to name players, but the players are difference makers

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by doubleplay643 »

BishopReadyFootball wrote:I was curious how long it would take the bitter and uneducated to come out... Tell me why is Ready an all star team?
Ummm let's see: how is the ability to control your enrollment, offer "scholarships" to those kids in need (that coincidentally happen to have significant athletic ability), and receive directed stipends or donations for athletic programs/training to increase success, as a starter.

If you think there is no significant competitive advantage, you my friend, are the uneducated one. Oak Hill is a community that does not have any of those advantages, a rural community that develops their own and they are severely over matched in this contest by the "catholic all star team". You call it want you want. The educated ones will call it what it is...get a grip, trying to disguise this or cloak it in anything else is uneducated. Shame on you for trying.

Good luck Oaks, your hands are full this weekend.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Cruiser74 »

6,4 to3, great post! Good luck Oak Hill, leave it all on the field.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

The double standard makes me laugh. People only complain on boards such as these when the privates do well. How many people complained about Rosecrans' success this year? Or Bellaire St. John's?

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

FACT: I can live anywhere in Ohio and send my kid to Oak Hill. So the population cries hold no water.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Endzone_Warrior »

Portsmouth Notre Dame can do the same thing that these other private schools are doing. Problem is people around this area are too proud of their area schools to make something like that happen. Why complain when it can be done here as well...? I personally would like to see it done!

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by courier »

It doesn't matter at this point how a team gets thrown together...Strap'em on and get after it....

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Jason Vorhees »

All-star team? Let's see here. You give scholarships, just like many other private institutions, to students who are "disadvantaged" who are highly talented and sought after in an entire city, can "control" how big your school numbers are, and will continue to have success just like many other private schools until the OHSAA steps in and says something about it. Ready "RED-DY" almost beat Hartley, who will at least make it to the Final Four for DV and averaged 55 points per game and mailiciously slaughtered a down Washington Court House team. Plain and Simple; private schools should be playing in a separate division. When a DVI or DVII private school could beat MOST DII or DIII public schools in Ohio, there's a problem. Plus, the disparity between state championships of private and public schools is just ridiculous. That's why it always pleases me to see Coldwater or Clinton-Massie or a school like that win. They're a public school beating private schools.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

Endzone_Warrior wrote:Portsmouth Notre Dame can do the same thing that these other private schools are doing. Problem is people around this area are too proud of their area schools to make something like that happen. Why complain when it can be done here as well...? I personally would like to see it done!
Except PND is in an area with a generally more economically depressed population than where the majority of Ready's families live.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

Jason Vorhees wrote:All-star team? Let's see here. You give scholarships, just like many other private institutions, to students who are "disadvantaged" who are highly talented and sought after in an entire city, can "control" how big your school numbers are, and will continue to have success just like many other private schools until the OHSAA steps in and says something about it. Ready "RED-DY" almost beat Hartley, who will at least make it to the Final Four for DV and averaged 55 points per game and mailiciously slaughtered a down Washington Court House team. Plain and Simple; private schools should be playing in a separate division. When a DVI or DVII private school could beat MOST DII or DIII public schools in Ohio, there's a problem. Plus, the disparity between state championships of private and public schools is just ridiculous. That's why it always pleases me to see Coldwater or Clinton-Massie or a school like that win. They're a public school beating private schools.
I guess there is no point in getting better then. BTW, what DVI/ DVII privates have routinely beaten DII or DIII publics?

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by doubleplay643 »

The FC Fan wrote:FACT: I can live anywhere in Ohio and send my kid to Oak Hill. So the population cries hold no water.
FACT: Oak Hill cannot say to the best athlete in the county, come to Oak Hill we would like to offer to you...no change that...we would like to "pay" you to come to school here and take care of all your "educational" and athletic needs. If they did OHSAA would forfeit that sports season, and declare the player ineligible.

FACT: Ready, Hartley, DeSales, NC, Rosecrans, pick one CAN SAY to the best male or female athlete in the area, we would like to give you a very quality (and do not get me wrong it is high quality) education and academic experience at our school that everyone else just happens to be paying 10k+ a year for, and by the way we hear you are pretty good at football, basketball (pick a sport).

Now that is a FACT FC Fan....don't even try to spin open enrollment as the same as "scholarship" offers from a Catholic School. You look silly doing it.

I begrudge no team catholic or public what is takes to play, practice, work hard, come together as a team and compete in the play-offs. Private schools make up out of all the OHSAA schools about 10%-12% I imagine and probably hold over 50% of the state titles...so don't even try to pass their success off as a statistical anomaly...it is silliness.

My guess out of the 7 Football Divisions this year, that 50% average holds up and you will see 3 to 4 Catholic Schools winning the state title...wanna bet me FC Fan or do you want to try to spin your story some more? I "ain't" buying what you are selling.

Good Luck Oaks, tighten up the shoulder pads and play hard, odds are not with you, but play your hardest and this SEO football fan is rooting for you to compete to the best of your ability.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by Jason Vorhees »

Youngstown Ursiline, A private DIV or DV school, predominately schedules and beats DI, DII or DIII public schools.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

Jason Vorhees wrote:Youngstown Ursiline, A private DIV or DV school, predominately schedules and beats DI, DII or DIII public schools.
That's one, since you're implying multiple schools do that, name some more. Also, Ursuline's schedule has generally been majority Catholic schools. They generally have a very bad city team on there. They've split in the past when it comes to the series with Jimmy the Greek's big Reds.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

I'll reply to the rest of your post later dp, but really? Have you seen Rosecrans (building, football team, enrollment) recently? I doubt Rosecrans has that much money they can throw.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by doubleplay643 »

The FC Fan wrote:I'll reply to the rest of your post later dp, but really? Have you seen Rosecrans (building, football team, enrollment) recently? I doubt Rosecrans has that much money they can throw.
Ready, Hartley, DeSales are the bigger culprits.

Rosecrans probably not the best example, and St Charles not so much either. Everyone knows what central Ohio catholic schools take advantage of the situation the most. It isn't like it is Top Secret.

I'm not talking about throwing money around, I am talking about selective "scholarships" being used. Bottom line is it happens, bottom line is public schools can't do it.

This thread is about Oak Hill and Bishop Ready though, the whole public vs. private debate is another topic.

Bottom line is OHSAA hasn't rectified the situation and it is what it is until they do, so go figure out a way to beat them until a different system is in place.

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Re: Week 11: #7 Oak Hill @ #2 Bishop Ready

Post by chiefs »

doubleplay643 wrote: Ready, Hartley, DeSales are the bigger culprits.
They benefit from the fact the state of Ohio recognizes some public schools in Ohio just suck (in this case, Columbus public) so much the state pays for these kids to attend Ready, Hartley, SFD if they so please. Not every family takes advantage of this. But knowing some families of these "star" athletes, they come from hard working families who sacrifice a lot (like around the area of $50k+) to pay for 12 years of Catholic education. These families generally see generation upon generation graduate from these schools. Yes, the demographics suggest otherwise - and there is no secret some kids come from homes that can't pay as much as needed, but that's an unintended consequence of the state's voucher mission. If they have this much money as you claim they do, then why doesn't Ready have its own football field?
I'm not talking about throwing money around, I am talking about selective "scholarships" being used. Bottom line is it happens, bottom line is public schools can't do it.
My nephew got $1,000 to attend St. Charles because he was an altar server at his parish for eight years and got straight A's in middle school / junior high. Similar precept at some other Columbus schools (but never enough to cover the full check).

Also, I think the publics will win the "title count" this year four to three. Kirtland, MSML, Coldwater and perhaps Tippecanoe will all win state titles.

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