what's next for the warren warriors?

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by doubleplay643 »

swamisez wrote:Before I say anything on this I want to say that I appreciate the job Coach Schob does and think he is a good man and am happy to have him at Warren.

That being said if Warren is looking for a coach I would love to see them get someone who came from the Dale Amyx, Bob Lutz, or Gene Layton schools of football. Someone who played in the late 90's for Logan, Ironton, or Jackson and embraces power football and bucks the trend of spread offense and pass happy football and concentrates on blocking, tackling, and winning the special teams game.

I personally loved watching Ironton and Jackson because their success was predictable because they came and executed their offense well and didn't beat themselves. From the lifting programs in the winter to pee wee football it was a philosophy that saturated the program and stressed the idea that the program was bigger than any one player. This was known by kids on the 4th grade teams through seniors.

I sound old and crotchety wishing for a simplistic run first scheme but in all honesty I really feel that an program can continually be good if they create a system that can be ran year to year by the players they have available. Scheming to the skills set of high school kids is a recipe for disaster in most cases unless you can lure the athletes away from rival schools to fulfill your requirements. Given the dearth in football talent in SE Ohio this doesn't seem likely.

If Warren came out Power I, Power T, full house backfield and tried to muscle teams around I wouldn't be disappointed and while some fans would find it boring and would miss the passing game I would be more happy to see a consistent 6-7 wins a season and the occasional 8 than the ups and downs the program has sustained seemingly since its inception.
Spot on Swami.

Execution breeds consistency, tackling, blocking, fundamental hard-nosed football.

Consistency will get you 7-3 or better seasons and a successful program.

Better seasons and a successful program will get you better athletes, kids, and more interest within your school.

Better athletes can then implement more complicated schemes either offensively or defensively.

You gotta start at ground zero there is no "easy button".

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by bigbluedad »

A-Town Big Dog 2 wrote:
ToeStubber01 wrote:If what whs2422 says is correct - having the 5&6 grades running the same as high school - that is crazy. They need to be learning basics of blocking And tackling. Keep the plays simple. They need to spend a lot of time on those and when they get to his they will know how to do those things and you can then concentrate on learning more sophisticated plays. That's why I feel they new to take a new direction in the coaching.
Warren failed to field their 3/4 team this season due to extremely low turnout. Is there beginning to be an overall lack of interest in football down there or is this just a fluke occurrence?
I think what is going on is the parents see what is going on in other sports besides football in the Warren district and think that it is a better direction to go, winning means everything to some and getting in line with a program that has great coaching is understandable. The one thing we always told the kids when coaching them as youth players was the fundamentals of the game and as they got older woould learn more as they go, you cannot have a successful program unless you have a strong base to start with.

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by pitt87fan »

A-Town Big Dog 2 wrote:
ToeStubber01 wrote:If what whs2422 says is correct - having the 5&6 grades running the same as high school - that is crazy. They need to be learning basics of blocking And tackling. Keep the plays simple. They need to spend a lot of time on those and when they get to his they will know how to do those things and you can then concentrate on learning more sophisticated plays. That's why I feel they new to take a new direction in the coaching.
Warren failed to field their 3/4 team this season due to extremely low turnout. Is there beginning to be an overall lack of interest in football down there or is this just a fluke occurrence?
I think alot of parents have to consider "do I want my child playing football". There are plenty of other options out there without the risk of long term injury. I think it is the beginning of less kids playing football. You will still have some that will play but others will be looking for something else and it has nothing to do with the coaching, good or bad.

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by enigmaax »

A-Town Big Dog 2 wrote:
ToeStubber01 wrote:If what whs2422 says is correct - having the 5&6 grades running the same as high school - that is crazy. They need to be learning basics of blocking And tackling. Keep the plays simple. They need to spend a lot of time on those and when they get to his they will know how to do those things and you can then concentrate on learning more sophisticated plays. That's why I feel they new to take a new direction in the coaching.
Warren failed to field their 3/4 team this season due to extremely low turnout. Is there beginning to be an overall lack of interest in football down there or is this just a fluke occurrence?
Even the numbers at the 5th & 6th grade level have dwindled over the last few years; the youth program is really a mess. Between focusing on other sports (fall baseball, soccer, wrestling), playing for other programs (Fed Hock, Belpre), or just giving up on football entirely, the numbers aren't near what they were at any level just 3-4 years ago.

Part of it stems from the way the new regime handled the take over of the youth program, which included very little input from those who were already involved (this included bringing in hand-picked coaches from outside and changing leagues). Some of the decisions may have been the right ones, but the approach was perceived as very abrasive and disrespectful, which turned a lot of people off. There is very little unity on a lot of fronts in the school district these days (the levy debacle is one very prominent and public example) and that has trickled down to youth sports in mind-boggling ways. I'm not taking a side or saying who is right or wrong, but that community division has a lot to do with the state of youth football.

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by LHS 72 »

Alex Penrod!

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by gobigblue12 »

LHS 72 wrote:Alex Penrod!
hes a hard nosed, disciplined and defensive guy which would fit the mold of what warren is looking for. my son learned so many life lessons from his time while coach Penrod was his coach. He played at Logan under Amyx

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by GoChiefs »

LHS 72 wrote:Alex Penrod!
Good call!

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

pitt87fan wrote:
A-Town Big Dog 2 wrote:
ToeStubber01 wrote:If what whs2422 says is correct - having the 5&6 grades running the same as high school - that is crazy. They need to be learning basics of blocking And tackling. Keep the plays simple. They need to spend a lot of time on those and when they get to his they will know how to do those things and you can then concentrate on learning more sophisticated plays. That's why I feel they new to take a new direction in the coaching.
Warren failed to field their 3/4 team this season due to extremely low turnout. Is there beginning to be an overall lack of interest in football down there or is this just a fluke occurrence?
I think alot of parents have to consider "do I want my child playing football". There are plenty of other options out there without the risk of long term injury. I think it is the beginning of less kids playing football. You will still have some that will play but others will be looking for something else and it has nothing to do with the coaching, good or bad.
I know football has a reputation for injuries but I believe I read over the summer that football ranks behind Soccer, Baseball, and Softball as far as head injuries go in HS sports. The facts are you can be injured and sometimes seriously in ANY competitive sport, it is unfortunate but sometimes does happen.

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by northern exposure »

Is it too early to start talking about a head coach replacement? The head coach has this program headed in the wrong direction. Even though the league was down this year - and Warren's opponents in general were down - WHS recorded their worst record in the last four years - all under coach Schoub! His philosophy has been ingrained in the seniors for 4 years and you can see the results. Not only in his record but also - not enough kids in 3/4 grade to have a team, only 5 freshman. This ship needs righted now. The current school board voted to keep him another year - remember this when you go to the polls in November. Although I shouldn't really be surprised by his lack of success - he repeated what he did at Marietta, lose, at least principal Leffingwell got what he wanted - a coach that would pass the ball all the time so his kid would "look" good.

Schoub should do the honorable thing and step down. His ideas do not work, especially his defense. He doesn't know how to use the talent he has but being able to use what you have is what makes a great head coach.

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by ez_high »

So any names of who you think the next coach will be?

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Re: what's next for the warren warriors?

Post by Boss429 »

Funny you should mention that ToeStubber. I heard that talk when Schob was hired. Leffingwell wanted him
so his son could get his passing stats padded.

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