Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Falconfan09 I'll answer it for you Miller runs the spread offense the best I have seen in this area. But Valley put pressure on him and caused him to hurry up and his throws were off. You stated that Stapleton won't stay in the pocket after the Burg game I watched the Burg game and I agree about the pocket because there was no pocket to stay in. At West how many drops were on the money under pressure. So your prediction of the QB that can't throw could be more then what it is.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Bounce yes the west game there was a lot of drops and the pocket situation he should've just stepped up in the pocket the protection was there cause everyone was behind him n ran backwards into everything. But I'm finished talking about it I dolt want people think I'm tearing him down cause he's a great kid.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Finally this thread is taking the turn we all knew it would.
I like a little white gravel in my posts!

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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
N4da'score wrote:Well if I recall some 7 or 8 yrs ago several young Minford JH youth left to go to Burg, Valley & PHS. Turns out maybe they made the "CORRECT CALL" or probably knew something about Football & Basketball. Seems like if I recall one helped lead Burg to several Great seasons on the hardwood, Then one was very instrumental in securing Valley Football SOC2 BACK TO BACK UNDEFEATED SEASONS. Then you had a couple return to Minford............WHAT HAPPENED?????? :122246Falconfan09 wrote:Well those parents also probably don't know anything about football. The wing-t turned this program around and when ran the correct way it's a very dangerous offense. Sometimes it just takes some patience and tiring out the defense to get what you want soo people seem to forget that. And on the spread comments we just don't have the speed nor he quarterback to this right now. And you saw what type of offense won head to head a power game referring to valley n burg. Which player are you referring to?izladoom wrote:I know several parents at minford is tired of the wing t one is a good friend of mine has a son on the 8th grade team and he is transferring his kid from minford to valley this summer because he does not want his son in that offense
Definite agree with the Wing T being a very dangerous offense. Every fan at every school when a team looses more than the fans believe is appropriate start screaming for why do we run the ball, why don't we throw more, why don't we become a spread team like so and so. It gets old. Every coach from Lutz on to every run-oriented team has heard this at some time or other. Then they say, lets use trick plays. It kills me. I agree a lot of people don't know football very well. It is not even worth the argument.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Just asking. But wouldn't this be considered recruiting if true?izladoom wrote:His dad knows coach Rolfe at valley I guess and was told he would see the field pretty early.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
You can't believe anything the kids father says he's a real character I highly doubt he knows coach Rolfe
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
I'm starting to think we are talking about two different parents the dad has a pretty bad temper but I am not aware of in problems with the coach but it would not surprise me
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
If it is true yes it would be considered that.Westfan wrote:Just asking. But wouldn't this be considered recruiting if true?izladoom wrote:His dad knows coach Rolfe at valley I guess and was told he would see the field pretty early.
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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
For the record, when the "kid in question" leaves, and his back-up grows into his dad's body, let's hope he's still there too, because rumor has it, he's understands the offense fairly well himself. 8)
For the record, when the "kid in question" leaves, and his back-up grows into his dad's body, let's hope he's still there too, because rumor has it, he's understands the offense fairly well himself. 8)
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
If the kid decides to move, it's between him and his parents. I just think it's completely absurd to think that parents are unhappy when their kids went 17-1, and there is even talk of leaving. These kids won as a team and now there's talk of taking elements away from that team, which to me is just absurd. Many times parents do things to bolster their own egos, and in the long run they're not doing what's best for the kid. As we noticed last year when a few decided to return to Minford after moving away, they wished they hadn't because when they arrived at other places they realized those places also have their own problems. I guess some feel, "Grass is greener," so to speak. Well, the grass stays green where you water it.
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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Wow, and people wonder why coaches get so tired of coaching.Unreal.izladoom wrote:I know several parents at minford is tired of the wing t one is a good friend of mine has a son on the 8th grade team and he is transferring his kid from minford to valley this summer because he does not want his son in that offense
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
So what is Valley's record in the Jr. High the past 3-yrs? Anyone care to disclose?
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
The current sophomore class were combined with 8 grade when they were in 7th grade due to injury depletion as there were only 11 8th graders to start with and 19 7th graders ......when the current sophmore class played there own game they won but it wasnt a whole schedule for them ...they went 7 - 1 - 1 in 8th grade, lost to coalgrove and tied burg 8th grade....The current junior class i dont think won a game in either yr..only 7 kids of the current jr class remain and only 2 start as it is not a big number class and some have transfered too ....The past 2 yrs lots of skill kids ... And some big kids but only one or 2 wins each season......Vladimir wrote:So what is Valley's record in the Jr. High the past 3-yrs? Anyone care to disclose?
Last edited by Hitops2.0 on Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Middle school records are seldom relevant to varsity, mixing 4 classes. Other than the possibility of a good group coming through, too many things such as this transfer make for a whole different look at varisty.
- nutronron2012
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Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Very True. For example: Last years Senior class only won 1 game in 8th grade (Minford) and went 10-0 last year.urban buck wrote:Middle school records are seldom relevant to varsity, mixing 4 classes. Other than the possibility of a good group coming through, too many things such as this transfer make for a whole different look at varisty.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Dad lives in Valley played at Valley and was a good athlete better then average just like his boy. It would be a hit to the program if he did leave not only for is talents but for the number of the football team has in depth.
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
For Minford to stay in this game tomorrow night they have to feed Austin Carter the ball and get Justice in space on offense. I dont think they need to abandon the running game after a couple offensive series and start trying to throw the ball. The passing game hasnt been terrible, but it is not going to win a game for them.
Line up behind those 2 big lineman and let them prove their worth.
Defensively if Minford flies to the ball and wraps up they will be fine.
Line up behind those 2 big lineman and let them prove their worth.
Defensively if Minford flies to the ball and wraps up they will be fine.