Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by bigdogtaz »

Let's clarify and make something straight there gametime, NO where in my comment's did I infer or demean any past player's or teams at RH, I referred only to what I have seen out of the current player's, they play with a lot of heart and hit hard . The lack of success of Rock hills last football program lays with and on Knipps shoulders he was head coach and failed to build a program and was given way too many years to try, and in my opinion given all that time is probably as big of reason as any for lack of interest and low numbers in RH football, as they say the proof was in the pudding. and if one doesn't understand the effect low numbers and injuries have on a football team especially in the first year of a new program you might be following the wrong sport. From what I read in your post's you seem to be inferring Rock Hill made a mistake in the changing of the guard, but reality is it was way overdue.

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by gametime »

bigdogtaz wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:14 pm Let's clarify and make something straight there gametime, NO where in my comment's did I infer or demean any past player's or teams at RH, I referred only to what I have seen out of the current player's, they play with a lot of heart and hit hard . The lack of success of Rock hills last football program lays with and on Knipps shoulders he was head coach and failed to build a program and was given way too many years to try, and in my opinion given all that time is probably as big of reason as any for lack of interest and low numbers in RH football, as they say the proof was in the pudding. and if one doesn't understand the effect low numbers and injuries have on a football team especially in the first year of a new program you might be following the wrong sport. From what I read in your post's you seem to be inferring Rock Hill made a mistake in the changing of the guard, but reality is it was way overdue.
I'll clarify a few things then, your saying that we are 1 and 3 but they played hard and have heart it's ok new coach, and we lost because numbers aren't good and it's knipps fault kids aren't playing. And I would like to say if knipp was let go years ago not a word would have been said by anyone. Done discussing it, if a 1 and 3 record is ok with you so be it.

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by bcltcr »

Todd Knipp is a great man and got the program in the right direction after years of bad seasons. Thats extremely impressive, more than most coaches could ever say.

However, he is not the coach anymore, Mark Lutz is. After watching Rock Hill and Oak Hill, Rock Hill looks well coached and sound. There are some talented players, but overall they are mediocre. Their schedule didn't help them either. Give the guy time and move forward. I'm sure he will do fine.

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by redmanfan »

Rock Hill will be fine:

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by Bleeding Red »

I watched RH vs Minford. RH played extremely hard, had very athletic kids all over the field and had identity on offense. If I remember correctly the QB is very young and therefore the passing game isn't consistent but they ran the ball very well. I left that game impressed in how in how they looked and played given losing a lot of kids to graduation.

If you're a RH fan, good things are on the horizon. Have realistic expectations and know that things are headed in the right direction with the current coaching staff.

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by Nut »

Go Trojans!

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Re: OVC WK4 (1-2) Portsmouth @ (1-2) Rock Hill

Post by redmanfan »

bigdogtaz wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:16 pm Nothing to start it was Knip's program for what 12 years? it moved in his direction and he had to be loaded with talent just to have a mediocre team, what was his streak of no wins? losing seasons, I would think that in that time span a coach could build something , The good ole boys kept him there way too long and people who are negative about a first year program with freshmen and sophomore players starting, that want to brag about an inept coach of the past is as much a part of low numbers and lack of interest in the program as anything, whether it be RH or any other high school , To me they look to be a hard hitting leave it on the field group of young men who are playing with discipline and heart that will be something to contend with as time passes.
I must have missed this post. As I said a week or so ago, these boys will be fine. I have sat in the stands the past several years and these boys will battle with fight and heart, as they have the last 3 to 4 years. They never give up and they won't. They stand for the actual meaning of TRIBE, as they developed it 4 years ago, which is when the shift in attitude and leadership occurred on every level.

Ironically, this team was 4 and 1 last year (with the SAME schedule) with a loss to Portsmouth in which Matney was hurt, Knipp was injured in this game with a severe high ankle sprain (he was out 2-3 more games and never really recovered from his injury), Haas was playing on a healing broken foot from the season prior, Barnette was still healing from a broken arm, RH had a sophomore quarterback, and all the sophomores playing this year were starting as freshman last year (can't recall if Zach Adkins was out at this point). Not to mention multiple otherbinjuries last year.Yet people were calling for Knipps head as he coached a really young team with multiple injuries.

It is all kind of odd, don't you think? Even more odd is the "Good ol boy" system you refer to kept voting to hire Knipp during losing and "mediocre " years and only tried to fire him when the program started winning. Just seems really odd to me?????: Probably should have fired him 5 years 😉.

Again, these boys will win games because they won't settle for less. They play as a TRIBE and what they believe in. I love to watch them on the field! Lutz is the new coach and he has the talent to build this program and the best of luck to him! However, can't help but wonder what this year would have looked like if things had not changed?

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by LetsGoPSU »

did your munbers rise or fall, or remain on course, that usually speaks of the positive or negative nature of a change

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by bigdogtaz »

Nothing ironic about it if you followed Rock Hill as you say they wanted to replace Knipp for several years but no one qualified wanted the job. last year they had a qualified replacement, but the senior class wanted Knipp to stay and he wanted to coach his son's last year, so for whatever reason he got another year. and to say he had a really young team last year then to see the youth of this years team doesn't make a lot of sense, I do believe in one post here they talk of losing a lot to graduation but you cant lose a lot to graduation on a young team let alone a really young team. to put it very simple IN MY OPINION if Knipp had the talent on a team to win the State he would struggle to win the OVC, I know nothing of Coach Lutz except his name and where he came from but I like the direction he has the program headed and I think over the next few years RH will have one of the better programs in the area, no I'm not ok with 1 and 3 but I understand it, and if a few plays had went different they could easily be undefeated, but alas that's why they play the game. And any team who take's them lightly better be careful they are no cakewalk

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Re: Portsmouth(31) @ (28)Rock Hill

Post by gametime »

bigdogtaz wrote: Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:26 am Nothing ironic about it if you followed Rock Hill as you say they wanted to replace Knipp for several years but no one qualified wanted the job. last year they had a qualified replacement, but the senior class wanted Knipp to stay and he wanted to coach his son's last year, so for whatever reason he got another year. and to say he had a really young team last year then to see the youth of this years team doesn't make a lot of sense, I do believe in one post here they talk of losing a lot to graduation but you cant lose a lot to graduation on a young team let alone a really young team. to put it very simple IN MY OPINION if Knipp had the talent on a team to win the State he would struggle to win the OVC, I know nothing of Coach Lutz except his name and where he came from but I like the direction he has the program headed and I think over the next few years RH will have one of the better programs in the area, no I'm not ok with 1 and 3 but I understand it, and if a few plays had went different they could easily be undefeated, but alas that's why they play the game. And any team who take's them lightly better be careful they are no cakewalk
Another win must have made you feel better

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