What's next for the SEOAL?

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by ACCBiggz »

Paladin wrote:That's laughable, Biggz. Wellston would be murdered and so would VC. In that league N-Y would find it tough to compete week in & week out. Athens would have someone they could beat every year in Wellston and VC, but even the Bullpuppies would struggle . I assure you Wellston officals are smarter than that. There is a very good reason Wellston left the SEOAL and a good reason VC never joined. N-Y would revert to being Nelsonville again.

Athens claim of travel concerns has always been bogus.
I don't think it's laughable at all. I never claimed Wellston would be competitive in football (although once in awhile they field very competitive teams). It's about proximity, history and gates. Wellston would love to welcome a school like Logan for the money. Money is the only reason they play Jackson.

Wellston already plays Jackson, and has played Gallia in the recent past.
VC has played Jackson previously, continues to play Gallia.
Nelsonville already plays Logan on a yearly basis.

It's not as if this is some monstrous stretch where you add a host of teams you've never seen before. It's just committing to playing them every year. Especially since this would replace Portsmouth.

They are basically adding 2-3 games. And I don't really want to hear any playoff points arguments. Will they get big points from Wellston? No, but it's not needed. Just look at the past couple years with Athens still getting in DIII's playoffs in spite of playing in the TVC's weaker schedule. If nothing else, it'd actually help other teams pick up more wins for their playoff bids.

The teams I would like to see maintain several of the rivalries and/or games that are played out of conference right now. So it's not a big shift.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Raiderball »

Ooops..... Meant to say Jackson to Warren. :oops: :oops: :oops:

LoganLocos wrote:
Raiderball wrote:

1 hr 45 min from Jackson to Logan is not close travel. Believe me, not a fun trip on a weeknight.
Are you walking?

It is 43 miles from Jackson to Logan on Route 93. It's no more than 1 hr on a school bus and I've driven between Logan and Wellston my whole life and its never taken me more than 45 minutes. It's no more than 5-10 minutes from Wellston to Jackson (depending how long it takes you to get through the lights in Wellston).

Heck we get to Gallipolis in about 1.5 hours on a school bus. 1 hr 45 minutes? Never.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Troy »

The tvc is prety thriving isn't it? I could see Warren, Logan, Jackson and Gallia leaving teh SEOAL and botling to the tvc and maybe joing up with Athens and Meigs. Thos six teams could be biggest school division and Wellston, Nelsonville, Alexander, VC, and Belpre could by the middle division and federal hocking, eastern, trimbel, Miller, Waterford, South Gallia, Wahama and Point Plesant (herd they might be coming) could be the small division. Sheridan would maybe be a good fit to them being pretty close to Chillicothe.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Dundas »

RedSolo wrote:The tvc is prety thriving isn't it? I could see Warren, Logan, Jackson and Gallia leaving teh SEOAL and botling to the tvc and maybe joing up with Athens and Meigs. Thos six teams could be biggest school division and Wellston, Nelsonville, Alexander, VC, and Belpre could by the middle division and federal hocking, eastern, trimbel, Miller, Waterford, South Gallia, Wahama and Point Plesant (herd they might be coming) could be the small division. Sheridan would maybe be a good fit to them being pretty close to Chillicothe.
Point Pleasant is bigger than Meigs. Sheridan isn't anywhere near Chillicothe.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Troy »

Dundas wrote:
RedSolo wrote:The tvc is prety thriving isn't it? I could see Warren, Logan, Jackson and Gallia leaving teh SEOAL and botling to the tvc and maybe joing up with Athens and Meigs. Thos six teams could be biggest school division and Wellston, Nelsonville, Alexander, VC, and Belpre could by the middle division and federal hocking, eastern, trimbel, Miller, Waterford, South Gallia, Wahama and Point Plesant (herd they might be coming) could be the small division. Sheridan would maybe be a good fit to them being pretty close to Chillicothe.
Point Pleasant is bigger than Meigs. Sheridan isn't anywhere near Chillicothe.
What's the matter with Point Plesant being bigger than Meigs?isnt Sheridan thornville? I used to make deliveries to thornville which is just a few miles east of Chillicothe on route 50.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Paladin »


You can B.S. on the computer, but school officals are NOT going to commit Wellston to the SEOAL. Besides travel and $$$$$$$$$$$$, the more serious consideration is competition. The Wellston-Jackson game is a loser for both. The game should not be played. I also find it curious that you think that other teams in the SEOAL would welcome a doormat, since, believe it or not they DO think about computer points. Do you think the coaches and administrators of Wellston want to doom their kids to annual 0-for or 1-for league seasons ? Their other sports would be dogmeat too. They left the SEOAL because they got killed. Same reason Waverly left , winning only 15% of their games over years & years . Your logic may entertain you, but in the real world -- it isn't going to happen. There are only two teams from the TVC I would consider bringing into the SEOAL -- Athens and Meigs. Leaving out their other sports outlook, both would be challenged. Athens would face the grinder again and Meigs would not be much better than when they left the SEOAL before. But both , while not being a Champ contender most of the time, might play with some teams annually. AS for other teams, Logan only just started to play N-Y again, but I hope its only a 2 yr. contract. That's another game that doesn't make sense.

The SEOAL will continue for awhile. When Portsmouth leaves , there should not be any hurry to replace them. Ultimately, I look for Marietta and Athens to return with Meigs being a possibility if one of them doesn't move.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Dundas »

Redsolo ...Seriously? You have point in the small school division and Meigs in the large. That makes no sense. And if you were delivering something a few miles east of Chillicothe, you were in Londonderry...or VC depending on how far you drove. Sheridan is NE of Lancaster.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Ironman92 »

Dundas wrote:Redsolo ...Seriously? You have point in the small school division and Meigs in the large. That makes no sense. And if you were delivering something a few miles east of Chillicothe, you were in Londonderry...or VC depending on how far you drove. Sheridan is NE of Lancaster.

Who knows but maybe he meant just west of Chilly on 50 which is Bourneville (sp?)....still doesn't make a scratch of sense.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Raider6309 »

I don't understand why Logan thinks Athens wont compete. Athens would place 1st or 2nd in every seoal sport. I think that's complete domination. Logan still has about 15 more years to catch Athens in titles. We still got time lol

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by loganlocos »

Dundas wrote: It could help in a sense.. if the SEOAL teams were in a large division of the TVC and a team decided to leave, they could pull a team from the middle division up therefore filling the hole of the departing team. Basically it would prevent what the SEOAL is going through now. Its hard to find a replacement from another league. Its easier if they're already a member. That, to me, would be the only real advantage of coming into the league.
I guess I can see that being one advantage.

However, I would hate to see the fight over which school has to "move up" a division within the TVC.

I'm not sure how the TVC bylaws are written. Assuming voting is done by a "one school, one vote" policy, I'm not sure its worth it for the four SEOAL schools to decrease the value of their vote to join a league where schools in the TVC-Hocking could decide what's best for a new division of the TVC.
Orange and Brown wrote: Move Athens to the Big school division.
Now you have 5
1) I would never want my school to JOIN a league with an odd number of teams (unless there was a firm plan to get to an even number). The SEOAL is there now - odd number is the worst because it means you have bye-weeks the second half of the season - the hardest weeks to fill on the schedule. A 4-team SEOAL is preferable to a 5 team. 6 or 8 is the optimum number.

2) But assuming you're okay with 5 teams, wouldn't it make sense for ONE team (Athens, in your scenario) to join the SEOAL than for FOUR teams to join the TVC?

Again, assuming 1-school, 1-vote, I'd rather have schools in my own division making decisions not schools across three divisions.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Orange and Brown »

The seoal is dieing.
Even if they find one or 2 schools to join it will only last a few years. Athens, meigs, or any other TVC team will not leave for a failing leave.

Seems to me it is mostly desperate wishful thinking by some of you seoal folks who used to tell us poor old TVC folks how week and awful our league was.
In another couple of years the old SEOAL will be the new big school division of the very stable TVC.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?


I agree o n b

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by loganlocos »

The truth is finally out.

So, basically, you're admitting that it makes no sense and that you and the TVC want to pound your chest and say "HA, we win."

If you don't like "seoal folks" why do you want them in your league?

The SEOAL has been here before, in fact, it was here almost exactly 30 years ago (before Marietta and Warren joined). It's still here today.

I don't have a beef with the TVC and have never bad mouthed their league.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by bigbluedad »

As far as Warren goes right now we have no where to go because nobody wants us. A few years back we tried twice to get back to the TVC and was told no and just two years ago we went to an MVL meeting and again was told no with Sheridan being the school to say no because it was to far for them to travel to Vincent, so I say we are just going to have to ride this out as far as the SEOAL goes and I can't blame Portsmouth is the go to the OVC cause going there for a week night game for the kids and trying to keep up with your homework is a big deal to me.
Frankly Warren should have stayed in the TVC and never left but that is my opinion but I grew up in the TVC and always thought it was good the way it was.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Raider6309 »

bigbluedad wrote:As far as Warren goes right now we have no where to go because nobody wants us. A few years back we tried twice to get back to the TVC and was told no and just two years ago we went to an MVL meeting and again was told no with Sheridan being the school to say no because it was to far for them to travel to Vincent, so I say we are just going to have to ride this out as far as the SEOAL goes and I can't blame Portsmouth is the go to the OVC cause going there for a week night game for the kids and trying to keep up with your homework is a big deal to me.
Frankly Warren should have stayed in the TVC and never left but that is my opinion but I grew up in the TVC and always thought it was good the way it was.
Warren will join the tvc. Athens runs the tvc and will let them in. I see that happening real soon

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Dundas »

Athens runs the TVC? That's hilarious.

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Orange and Brown »

RAIDER6309 wrote:
bigbluedad wrote:As far as Warren goes right now we have no where to go because nobody wants us. A few years back we tried twice to get back to the TVC and was told no and just two years ago we went to an MVL meeting and again was told no with Sheridan being the school to say no because it was to far for them to travel to Vincent, so I say we are just going to have to ride this out as far as the SEOAL goes and I can't blame Portsmouth is the go to the OVC cause going there for a week night game for the kids and trying to keep up with your homework is a big deal to me.
Frankly Warren should have stayed in the TVC and never left but that is my opinion but I grew up in the TVC and always thought it was good the way it was.
Warren will join the tvc. Athens runs the tvc and will let them in. I see that happening real soon

Athens doesnt run the TVC......
That is an asinine statement.
I swear you just open up your mouth and garbage falls out....smh

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by 93Bulldog »

Orange and Brown wrote:Athens doesnt run the TVC......
That is an asinine statement.
I swear you just open up your mouth and garbage falls out....smh
He likes the Oakland Raiders - obviously he has a screw loose ... :mrgreen:

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by fortdawg »

Easy now, unless they are playing my beloved Bengals I root for the Raiders if Pryor is playing. hahahaahhahaha

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Re: What's next for the SEOAL?

Post by Raider6309 »

I hope they dont let Athens add teams like they did in the seoal. Athens added Zanesville, Chillicothe, Ironton, and Portsmouth. The league didn't want them. I'm from Athens, ik if Athens wants something stupid, they will word it to seem ok. Warren is the next to join the tvc

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