SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by boo33vb »

The "U" just positioned themselves for a better seed in D2 Sectionals with a win over ZT. Huntington loss a bit of a shocker, maybe the Piketon kids are just tired of losing and really want to make a change. Kudos to the kids and coach if this is happening. Athens is in a very tough tournament this weekend ( same one Chillicothe is in ) at Dublin Scioto. Three ranked teams in an 8 team tourney including themselves with 3 or 4 D1 schools. If they come out 3-0 they will be soaring, 2-1 gives them big confidence and helps their D2 seed alot, 1-2 is not bad if games are close but 0-3 could create questions? I think the U must be looked at as a 1 seed if winning continues. A Westfall upset would make it a lock if coaches are paying attention. Don't count out ZT either as Coach Merriman has been to the final four a few times...nuff said. Boodaddy going to bed. 7th graders are wearing me out! Still love it though.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by Xtoxxviii »

Very good win at Camp Sherman
tonight for the Lady Tanks.
I was a little off in my prediction in that I
Thought the U's fire power would be too
Much for the Pioneers however it turned
Out to be the Serve/Receive was the difference
In this evenings match-up.
This is the best the Shermans have looked yet
Well balanced attack, gritty defense, and the touch
Of swagger a team coming into their own should show.
From serving, receiving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking and digging the entire team played well.
I bet the lady Shermans made more pancakes tonight then the short order chef at the local IHOP.

Next up Fence Post & HHSSoftball's Lady Huntsmen,
And after Tonights loss it cant be easy being green.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by HHSSoftball »

Now come on X... You know it is always easy for me to slip on the Kelly and white of the Huntsmen... Regardless of the outcome! Seriously, KUDOS to Piketon who played exceptional! After the 2nd set, they would not let anything hit the floor and Pelphry was an absolute BEAST at the net. In all honesty, we didn't play that poorly, Piketon just came out and won it! We have all seen them improving and tonight they played with the confidence needed to compete in this league night in and night out!
As for Alayna, she has been day to day with a vertabrea slipped in her neck, pinching a nerve... She felt better yesterday and was able to play last night. Actually, broke her own record for number of digs in a match with 55! We will have to see how she is feelng as the week goes on? The kid is a competitor though, so I'm sure she will be up to the challenge come Thursday.
I am sure Coach Magill and Coach Shewalter will have the LADIES IN GREEN ready to visit the friendly cofines of the "U" (or is it the house/floor built by X) come Thursday evening!

X... With your win over ZT, we have a little more to discuss than the Hunt/Adena game I'm sure! Look forward to it.

BTW... Softball Still Rules!

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by Xtoxxviii »

I hope Alayna is able to go,
a lot of people enjoy watching her
(especially the X)
regardless of the jersey color.
Speaking of her
I ran into her this weekend,
we exchanged pleasantries and
as she was leaving I told her
see Ya Thursday,
she replied "yea we're gonna beat ya!"
Gotta love the spunk and competitive nature
of that young lady.

As for the house/floor the X built,
Going by the gazette or WKKJ
I have nothing to do what so ever
With the volleyball program
let alone the school For that matter.
Thats ok, as with you HHSSOFTBALL
The only gratitude that matters is being mothers
Favorite. In which I know The X is and
Can only assume you are as well.

Here is some irony for ya.
At one time it looked as if
The U would be playing home
Games this season at OUC
However it is OUC that now
Has to use the U's floor because
Of flooring issues.

Looking forward to the pre game ritual chat

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by DadPaul08 »

Other than the consistency of Westfall, the SVC has seen some crazy match-ups all fall. How does Piketon, who beats a decent Huntington team, that took-down Adena only days before, lose rather handily in three sets at Adena- (Including 25-1 in the second set). Go figure!

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by HHSSoftball »

DadPaul08... that is the topsy tervy world we call SVC Volleyball... Don't try to make sense of it, just enjoy the competitiveness and great play of the young ladies involved.

X... Your Tanks did roll over my Lady Huntsmen, but not without us putting up a fight! For those of you who would ever question the character or class of the MIGHTY X, let me tell you a little story......

Alayna Lytle from Huntington dives over the bench in an attempt to save a ball last night at the "U"! She is injured on the play (actually landed on her back on the bottom step of the bleachers) and is on the ground between the bench and the bleachers. I look up and here comes X running down the bleachers, along with Mrs. X running from her seat, to assist Alayna! What an awesome show of class on their part! Gotta love high school sports in the SVC and the comradery and competitiveness that exists between these teams.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by Xtoxxviii »

I will make this weeks selections
In honor of some of the greatest jams
that I can no longer listen too on my iPhone
thanks To the evil iOS-7 down grade
A.K.A (The poisoned Apple Update)

Unioto vs Westfall
The Tanks Keep their SVC Title hopes
"Staying Alive"

Pioneers rediscover in the SVC winning
"2 out of 3 Aint Bad"

Piketon at Paint Valley
The Red Streaks get a case of
"Cat Scratch Fever"

Adena at SE
Frankfort Folks
"Dont Stop Believing"

Thursdays games:

Huntsmen win has them
"Back in The Saddle Again"

Piketon vs Westfall
The Village people will be wishing for a team like
"Jessie's Girls"

ZT at Paint Valley
Pioneers have little problems being Black and
"Gold Diggers"

Unioto at Adena
Forecast for The greater Roxabell region
"Purple Reign"

For those wishing to down load
These all time great tunes
I have taken the time
To list the
and Album
Staying Alive (Bee Gees ;SaturdayNight FeverSoundtrack)
Two Out of Three Aint Bad (MeatLoaf ;Bat Out of Hell)
Cat Scratch Fever ( Ted Nugent ;Cat Scratch Fever)
Dont Stop Believin' (Journey; Escape)
Back In The Saddle Again ( Aerosmith ;Rocks)
Jessie's Girl (Rick Springfield; Working Class Dog)
Gold Digger (Kanye West ;Late registration)
Purple Rain (Prince ;Purple Rain the Soundtrack)

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by warningtrackpower »

SVC Sports Talk - take a listen - ... talk093013

With Hayley Carle hitting a major milestone this week, it got us thinking about others close to reaching some impressive numbers. Our discussion will include a trio of Lady Huntsmen, a Unioto star, and discussion of other milestones in other sports as well.

Postseason golf is full of SVC representation. Football has a few things unfolding as expected while a few things are still too tough to call. In volleyball, Shayne Combs and Jeremy Ward will play FAIR/UNFAIR to talk Aleah Pelphrey, Taylor Overly, Hannah Wallace, and plenty others.

The final look to the inbox is asking about stats. Fans want to know what coaches can learn – if anything – from looking at the SVC leaders when preparing for their next opponent.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by bman »

Good match at Unioto. Shermans have a very balanced team and played well. Mustangs still ahead by match with three matches to go. Just need to take care of business.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by iknow »

Wasn't able to catch the Adena-Unioto rematch, but it sounds like it was a good one. Any "expert" reviews?

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by DadPaul08 »

Adena played well, but Unioto had an off night. They looked "out of it" mentally for some reason.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by iknow »

Any word on how Piketon did today?

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by socfan »

North Adams defeated Piketon in 3 sets; North Adams also defeated Minford in three. Piketon defeated Minford in three.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by warningtrackpower »

SVC Volleyball (regular season and postseason) talk on SVC Sports Talk - take a listen - ... talk100713

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by HHSSoftball »

Congrats to Westfall on the outright SVC championship... Beat my Lady Huntsmen tonight 22-25, 25-17, 15-25, 25-7, and 15-12! Was a great match and a game effort by the Lady Huntsmen, but Westfall was able to finish when it came down to it!

Riding the Bench
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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by DadPaul08 »

Strong regular season finish for Adena, winning 6 straight and beat the top three SVC teams to finish the season. Beat conference champ Westfall Thursday in five sets.

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by warningtrackpower »

Official list will be out later this week - for fun always selects the all-league players as well - take a look . . . ... bteam.html

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by RonVonHagen »

Good luck tonight the GGCL what the SVC is all about!

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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by Xtoxxviii »

RonVonHagen wrote:Good luck tonight the GGCL what the SVC is all about!

Thanks Ron, 
We need all the support we can get for this 
colossal match-up tonight vs Cincinnati McNicholas
I've even contacted a few of the 
Two Shades of Blue Warrior Nation to
See if they would be interested in sharing a piece pipe
 before the game in return for some Favorable ju ju 
from the OH-Great Volley Ball Spirit of the Big Blue WigWam.
Pulling out all the stops for this  one my friend
Last Night was Lasagna and Jimmy Hendrix night in Frenchtown.
High Carbs, Purple Haze and VooDoo Chile..........

Cause the Lady Sherman's Are Standing next to a mountain and 
Gonna chop' em down with the edge of their hands!


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Re: SVC 2013: Let's get this party started...

Post by danicalifornia »

Lady Shermans take Game 1, 29-27.

They also take Game 2, 25-18.

McNicholas wins Game 3, 25-22.
Last edited by danicalifornia on Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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