To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

mister b
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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by mister b »

Winning breeds success.

If your not winning, then schedule some wins and get the kids interested in the program.

Then, when you do start to turn things around, schedule a few tougher games.


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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Orange and Brown »

Mister B wrote:Winning breeds success.

If your not winning, then schedule some wins and get the kids interested in the program.

Then, when you do start to turn things around, schedule a few tougher games.

Exactly how one should rebuild a program.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by moonshine »

Orange and Brown wrote:
Mister B wrote:Winning breeds success.

If your not winning, then schedule some wins and get the kids interested in the program.

Then, when you do start to turn things around, schedule a few tougher games.

Exactly how one should rebuild a program.
This is similar to what Boston Sr did when Nelsonville -York started after a couple years in the SEOAL and getting there butts spanked! He proceed to help get them into the Tri-Valley Conference also he offered a letter to each member of his first 2-3 teams who lasted the entire season.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by jumphigh »

Ideally, schedule 1 team up and the other 2 or 3 down. Wins are wins and records are what they are 5 years or 10 years down the road people might remember the 9.- 1 season with the league championship but they will not remember the quality of the opponents.

At chillicothe, Davidson took 2 teams to the playoffs but during his first 2 seasons his teams were 5 - 5. With no titles. There losses were to the big occ schools. The losses were veryclose in 3 or the losses. Should have the kids and coaches been proud of their seasons yes... Now fast forward.. Chillicothe is in the scol. Could the team make a run at the league title, yes, Could the win 8 games or more yes... Could they make the playoffs. Yes.. Could this team have beaten the 5-5 team with Austin, price, fusco, milliken, van declarer and others.. I don't think so..

But what matters the quality of the team or the season.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by trojandave »

This topic is always good for debate, but as for me I agree with Paladin. The track record of playoff success for SE District teams speaks for itself. What Paladin says may be hard to digest for some, but the truth hurts when it hits close to home.

I agree that football scheduling can be a challenging balance between playing quality competition and winning enough games to get in the playoffs, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of SE District schools don't subscribe to that philosophy. Ironton is one SE school that has for years played quality competition, and they have an outstanding playoff record, the best in the history of the SE District.........and they are in Appalachia just like everyone else in SE Ohio is. Their location would seem to invite more local teams on the schedule. IHS chooses not to do that, sans Portsmouth and Ashland which are 100 year rivals.

Just last year Ironton still made the playoffs despite getting routed by Johnson Central(KY) and Columbus Bishop Hartley in the regular season. It is very possible to make the playoffs with a 6-4 or 7-3 mark......many of the state football champions since the playoffs started in 1972 weren't undefeated. But in the end they were rewarded for playing good competition in the regular season.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by wipala »

Trojandave says it all....nuff if we can just get the Trojans to get better
results.... :12223

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Paladin »

I now sit in the hotbed of Ohio H.S. football in the Mahoning Valley and see quality games of Cleveland, Akron/Canton/Massillon, Warren/Youngstown teams. Its a big shock after playing & coaching in SEO. But there are no excuses up here. Believe me when I tell you that many divisions up here have teams that don't make the playoffs that would wipe the floor with teams from other areas of the state. To get in up here you have to play extremely competitive schedules and that risks losing some games BECASUE MOST EVERYONE IS GOOD. And its hard to duck games as most fans know the quality of the programs and know when you are adding a weak sister. In SEO. most are weak sisters, so adding a local team doesn't do much for you. And most SE fans remain dumb to the quality involved. I expect the SE region to continue to do terrible because most teams refuse to increase competition, holding down everyone because of the lack of quality games on the schedule for all. Only a handful of area teams will play quality competition but that isn't enough to bring the region up to the rest of the state. Until SEO gets with the program the rest of the state uses, it going to continue to be embarrassing.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:I now sit in the hotbed of Ohio H.S. football in the Mahoning Valley and see quality games of Cleveland, Akron/Canton/Massillon, Warren/Youngstown teams. Its a big shock after playing & coaching in SEO. But there are no excuses up here. Believe me when I tell you that many divisions up here have teams that don't make the playoffs that would wipe the floor with teams from other areas of the state. To get in up here you have to play extremely competitive schedules and that risks losing some games BECASUE MOST EVERYONE IS GOOD. And its hard to duck games as most fans know the quality of the programs and know when you are adding a weak sister. In SEO. most are weak sisters, so adding a local team doesn't do much for you. And most SE fans remain dumb to the quality involved. I expect the SE region to continue to do terrible because most teams refuse to increase competition, holding down everyone because of the lack of quality games on the schedule for all. Only a handful of area teams will play quality competition but that isn't enough to bring the region up to the rest of the state. Until SEO gets with the program the rest of the state uses, it going to continue to be embarrassing.
First off for a guy who despises SEO you sure spend an awefully lot of time on this site. Since the name of the site is Southeastern Ohio Preps I would assume that you didnt stumble upon it. So one may ask thereself why would someone with such desdain for this area of the state troll this site. Could it be that you have been run off of all the message boards up there. Could it be that no one in Mahoning Valley gives 2 squirts what you have to say. I think I maybe on to something, does no one up in the big bad Northeast value your oppinion.

Second News flash no one down here cares what you have to say either. So do all of us lowly Hilljacks and RiverRats a favor and let us be. Stop trolling our site just to stir up S##t. People come to this site to talk about there teams (local teams), not to hear you thumping your chest about how we small schools could never compete.

Which brings me to my last point. This area is made up of mainly Div. IV V VI and now VII schools. Lets be honest with ourselves here. Southeastern Ohio is a rural area forcing us into having smaller school districts. On the other hand Northeast Ohio is mainly a urban area with cities like Cleveland, Akron/Canton/Massillon, Warren/Youngstown just like you said. So how is it that 2 areas with such different population demographic have the same size school districts. Its because the Private/Catholic schools which only accept the students they want to keep their enrollment down. Lets call it what it is. It is nothing more than recruiting players plain and simple. And if you dont think I could hand pick a team from this area and play with any school up there you are sorely mistaken.

edited to keep Paladin from continuing to mention my typo. :122246 :122246 :122246
Last edited by noles_fan on Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Orange and Brown »

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!

We have a winner!!!!!!!!

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Paladin »

Let me help you with your geography lesson -- Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Warren/Youngstown are in Northeast Ohio, NOT Northwest Ohio.. There you only have Toledo as an urban area and most of NWO is farm country with small schools dominating just as they do in SEO. Yet the problem becomes laughable when you look at the schools who win titles from rural NWO vs the failures in SEO. I won't mess the thread up as you have with the parochial problems, but note that most of the teams in NEO often fair well vs parochial teams. Its called competition and they have it in spades in NEO. If my comments aren't note worthy, you should have no problem ignoring them. But if there is truth there , you might be very uncomfortable with the facts that support my point . I still enjoy following my old H.S. and some few teams from SEO, but for the most part the area is a long standing embarrassment and I enjoy reading the continuing excuses as to why people can't ( or won't) increase their competition in their schedules. Few teams doing it will make a difference. Most will have to do it to force up the level of competition to improve the area overall with the rest of the state. And you wonder why the rest of the state laughs at you ?

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by ohbuckeye2 »

Paladin wrote:Let me help you with your geography lesson -- Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Warren/Youngstown are in Northeast Ohio, NOT Northwest Ohio.. There you only have Toledo as an urban area and most of NWO is farm country with small schools dominating just as they do in SEO. Yet the problem becomes laughable when you look at the schools who win titles from rural NWO vs the failures in SEO. I won't mess the thread up as you have with the parochial problems, but note that most of the teams in NEO often fair well vs parochial teams. Its called competition and they have it in spades in NEO. If my comments aren't note worthy, you should have no problem ignoring them. But if there is truth there , you might be very uncomfortable with the facts that support my point . I still enjoy following my old H.S. and some few teams from SEO, but for the most part the area is a long standing embarrassment and I enjoy reading the continuing excuses as to why people can't ( or won't) increase their competition in their schedules. Few teams doing it will make a difference. Most will have to do it to force up the level of competition to improve the area overall with the rest of the state. And you wonder why the rest of the state laughs at you ?
What few teams in SEO do you follow, and what teams in SEO do you believe do a good job of scheduling the proper competition level to meet your satisfaction, if any?

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:Let me help you with your geography lesson -- Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Warren/Youngstown are in Northeast Ohio, NOT Northwest Ohio.. There you only have Toledo as an urban area and most of NWO is farm country with small schools dominating just as they do in SEO. Yet the problem becomes laughable when you look at the schools who win titles from rural NWO vs the failures in SEO. I won't mess the thread up as you have with the parochial problems, but note that most of the teams in NEO often fair well vs parochial teams. Its called competition and they have it in spades in NEO. If my comments aren't note worthy, you should have no problem ignoring them. But if there is truth there , you might be very uncomfortable with the facts that support my point . I still enjoy following my old H.S. and some few teams from SEO, but for the most part the area is a long standing embarrassment and I enjoy reading the continuing excuses as to why people can't ( or won't) increase their competition in their schedules. Few teams doing it will make a difference. Most will have to do it to force up the level of competition to improve the area overall with the rest of the state. And you wonder why the rest of the state laughs at you ?
O Great Paladin forgive my typographical error. No I dont need a geography lesson, you and I both know that you knew where I meant due to the fact that I copied and highlighted your list of cities. Plus I only take lessons from people who I respect their opinions. I assume since you had to call out a typo I must've struck a nerve. To quote you "But if there is truth there , you might be very uncomfortable with the facts that support my point". That being said here are some facts for you.

1. The five cities you listed Cleveland/Akron/Canton/Warren/Youngstown have a combined population of 777,471
2. The five biggest cities in Southeast Ohio are Lancaster/Athens/Chillicothe/Portsmouth/Marriette have a combined population of 118,824
3. To help you out that is a difference of 658,647 or almost seven times as many people.
4. If you combine the 17 counties south of I-70 and east of US 23 you would have 787,981 which is only 10,510 more than the cities you listed.
5. You said that the Northeast had "competition in spades" no one is arguing that. But lets be honest the amount of competition has more to do with the quantity of kids than the quality of the kids. 7 to 1 is a big ratio.
6. There is only one reason most schools in this area dont schedule up and it is fact not an excuse. MONEY, teams are running on a shoe string budget and cant afford to travel across the state. For most schools to get to what you call more competitive schools it would be at least 100 miles one way times that by 2 to 3 times a season. Im sure if you wanted to donate some cash there are several schools that would have no problem going to play the big boys. Its pretty easy to judge from your lofty pearch in the Northeast when your furthest you have to travel for away games is 20 miles away and roughly 40 as the furthest
7. Last but not least I stand by my statement in my last post. The schools in the Northeast that are the same size as schools in the Southeast (division V VI ) are mostly parochial or academy's. That being said I would take a hand selected team from this area and play any team from the Great Northeast!!!

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Paladin »

Where to begin. You have added so much BS the thread is way off base. First, the NE does have large cities but if you are talking D-5 , D- 6 and D-7 schools , no matter if you are in SEO or NEO, the division numbers are the same. Second, I tried to cut you some s;lack and compare SEO with NWO. SEO has Columbus and NWO has Toledo. Everywhere else in both regions you are in cow country/ farm land. Yet NWO has the riches of the playoff and the SEO region sucks. Fact. NEO has lots of divisions, same as SEO and they are limited by the numbers a division school may have. Nothing changes that. Your numbers game doesn't change that and the NWO match-up kills your whole argument. In divisions, its apples to apples. Same for everyone. Money is a problem for schools EVERYWHERE in the state. You can find wealthy communities in selected areas, including Columbus ( SEO region), but there are schools everywhere ( including the NE region) who have $$$$$$$$$$$ problems. Yet they will schedule and travel. Here, they will go from the Pa. border to the Indiana border to get quality games. Go from Cleveland to Cincy to get gakes and also go out of state to find quality competition. And lastly, you really mess the thread up -- most small school in NEO are public. Certainly there are more parochial/private than are found in SEO, but including every division EXCEPT for big D-I , it isn't even close. Your problem is you can't accept the success other areas of the state have had in the playoffs ( even the cow country schools found all over the state) compared with the absolute failure of SEO because you want to stretch the truth about WHY youi won't schedule better competition. You even miss the chance to schedule BETTER teams in your OWN region. Totally gutless.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noreply66 »

Paladin wrote:Where to begin. You have added so much BS the thread is way off base. First, the NE does have large cities but if you are talking D-5 , D- 6 and D-7 schools , no matter if you are in SEO or NEO, the division numbers are the same. Second, I tried to cut you some s;lack and compare SEO with NWO. SEO has Columbus and NWO has Toledo. Everywhere else in both regions you are in cow country/ farm land. Yet NWO has the riches of the playoff and the SEO region sucks. Fact. NEO has lots of divisions, same as SEO and they are limited by the numbers a division school may have. Nothing changes that. Your numbers game doesn't change that and the NWO match-up kills your whole argument. In divisions, its apples to apples. Same for everyone. Money is a problem for schools EVERYWHERE in the state. You can find wealthy communities in selected areas, including Columbus ( SEO region), but there are schools everywhere ( including the NE region) who have $$$$$$$$$$$ problems. Yet they will schedule and travel. Here, they will go from the Pa. border to the Indiana border to get quality games. Go from Cleveland to Cincy to get gakes and also go out of state to find quality competition. And lastly, you really mess the thread up -- most small school in NEO are public. Certainly there are more parochial/private than are found in SEO, but including every division EXCEPT for big D-I , it isn't even close. Your problem is you can't accept the success other areas of the state have had in the playoffs ( even the cow country schools found all over the state) compared with the absolute failure of SEO because you want to stretch the truth about WHY youi won't schedule better competition. You even miss the chance to schedule BETTER teams in your OWN region. Totally gutless.

And that is a fact...jack

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Orange and Brown »

noreply66 wrote:
Paladin wrote:Where to begin. You have added so much BS the thread is way off base. First, the NE does have large cities but if you are talking D-5 , D- 6 and D-7 schools , no matter if you are in SEO or NEO, the division numbers are the same. Second, I tried to cut you some s;lack and compare SEO with NWO. SEO has Columbus and NWO has Toledo. Everywhere else in both regions you are in cow country/ farm land. Yet NWO has the riches of the playoff and the SEO region sucks. Fact. NEO has lots of divisions, same as SEO and they are limited by the numbers a division school may have. Nothing changes that. Your numbers game doesn't change that and the NWO match-up kills your whole argument. In divisions, its apples to apples. Same for everyone. Money is a problem for schools EVERYWHERE in the state. You can find wealthy communities in selected areas, including Columbus ( SEO region), but there are schools everywhere ( including the NE region) who have $$$$$$$$$$$ problems. Yet they will schedule and travel. Here, they will go from the Pa. border to the Indiana border to get quality games. Go from Cleveland to Cincy to get gakes and also go out of state to find quality competition. And lastly, you really mess the thread up -- most small school in NEO are public. Certainly there are more parochial/private than are found in SEO, but including every division EXCEPT for big D-I , it isn't even close. Your problem is you can't accept the success other areas of the state have had in the playoffs ( even the cow country schools found all over the state) compared with the absolute failure of SEO because you want to stretch the truth about WHY youi won't schedule better competition. You even miss the chance to schedule BETTER teams in your OWN region. Totally gutless.

And that is a fact...jack

The poorest school districts in the state are in SE Ohio......That is a fact jack!!!

When most schools down here can't buy books or computers you want them to drive all over the state to play up?
Personally I don't care about the rest of the state and I don't care if NY or any other team can't compete outside of SE Ohio. I enjoy watching those young people work hard and play on Friday nights. I am more concerned that they graduate hs and become productive citizens and hopefully God willing maybe give back to there community's someday.

While your Bullspit I mean insight is greatly appreciated we can all do without it......
Good luck to you and all the great teams up north this season...

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:Where to begin. You have added so much BS the thread is way off base. First, the NE does have large cities but if you are talking D-5 , D- 6 and D-7 schools , no matter if you are in SEO or NEO, the division numbers are the same. Second, I tried to cut you some s;lack and compare SEO with NWO. SEO has Columbus and NWO has Toledo. Everywhere else in both regions you are in cow country/ farm land. Yet NWO has the riches of the playoff and the SEO region sucks. Fact. NEO has lots of divisions, same as SEO and they are limited by the numbers a division school may have. Nothing changes that. Your numbers game doesn't change that and the NWO match-up kills your whole argument. In divisions, its apples to apples. Same for everyone. Money is a problem for schools EVERYWHERE in the state. You can find wealthy communities in selected areas, including Columbus ( SEO region), but there are schools everywhere ( including the NE region) who have $$$$$$$$$$$ problems. Yet they will schedule and travel. Here, they will go from the Pa. border to the Indiana border to get quality games. Go from Cleveland to Cincy to get gakes and also go out of state to find quality competition. And lastly, you really mess the thread up -- most small school in NEO are public. Certainly there are more parochial/private than are found in SEO, but including every division EXCEPT for big D-I , it isn't even close. Your problem is you can't accept the success other areas of the state have had in the playoffs ( even the cow country schools found all over the state) compared with the absolute failure of SEO because you want to stretch the truth about WHY youi won't schedule better competition. You even miss the chance to schedule BETTER teams in your OWN region. Totally gutless.
First off the only person adding BS is you. Second I owned up to my typo but yet you keep bringing up NWO. You dont see me calling you out and asking what kind of gakes they have in Cincy or why youi won't schedule better competition. Because that is petty BS that you like to partake in.
If i needed a geography lesson, you need a comprehension lesson. I have no problem accepting the success of others no matter what area they are from. What I do have a problem with is people would only see what they want to see. For instance I have never used the word region, I have said Southeast Ohio or Southeast area. I like most people on this sight dont consider Columbus SEO. If you look at the majority of people who post on this site they are not from the Columbus area. That being said YOUR argument doesn't hold water and is precisely why you want to lump them in with the (cow country schools) as you put it.
So by taking Columbus out and looking at what everyone else considers SEO you have one D1 school being Lancaster, two D2 schools Teays Valley and Logan and five D3 schools Athens, Jackson, Circleville, Chillicothe and Vinton Co. leaving the rest of the area as D4 or less. Lets really put this into prospective you are from the Youngstown/Warren area not counting Tech or Life skills schools there are 10 public schools and 6 private schools Youngstown has 6 public and 4 private while warren has 4 public and 2 private. Out of 16 schools in that area 6 are D5 or lower. I live in Scioto Co., we have 11 high schools for the whole county. 10 of the 11 schools are D5 or lower with Minford just barely making to D4. Dont say it is comparing apples to apples its not even close. And thats the facts

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noles_fan »

noles_fan wrote:
Paladin wrote:Where to begin. You have added so much BS the thread is way off base. First, the NE does have large cities but if you are talking D-5 , D- 6 and D-7 schools , no matter if you are in SEO or NEO, the division numbers are the same. Second, I tried to cut you some s;lack and compare SEO with NWO. SEO has Columbus and NWO has Toledo. Everywhere else in both regions you are in cow country/ farm land. Yet NWO has the riches of the playoff and the SEO region sucks. Fact. NEO has lots of divisions, same as SEO and they are limited by the numbers a division school may have. Nothing changes that. Your numbers game doesn't change that and the NWO match-up kills your whole argument. In divisions, its apples to apples. Same for everyone. Money is a problem for schools EVERYWHERE in the state. You can find wealthy communities in selected areas, including Columbus ( SEO region), but there are schools everywhere ( including the NE region) who have $$$$$$$$$$$ problems. Yet they will schedule and travel. Here, they will go from the Pa. border to the Indiana border to get quality games. Go from Cleveland to Cincy to get gakes and also go out of state to find quality competition. And lastly, you really mess the thread up -- most small school in NEO are public. Certainly there are more parochial/private than are found in SEO, but including every division EXCEPT for big D-I , it isn't even close. Your problem is you can't accept the success other areas of the state have had in the playoffs ( even the cow country schools found all over the state) compared with the absolute failure of SEO because you want to stretch the truth about WHY youi won't schedule better competition. You even miss the chance to schedule BETTER teams in your OWN region. Totally gutless.
First off the only person adding BS is you. Second I owned up to my typo but yet you keep bringing up NWO. You dont see me calling you out and asking what kind of gakes they have in Cincy or why youi won't schedule better competition. Because that is petty BS that you like to partake in.
If i needed a geography lesson, you need a comprehension lesson. I have no problem accepting the success of others no matter what area they are from. What I do have a problem with is people would only see what they want to see. For instance I have never used the word region, I have said Southeast Ohio or Southeast area. I like most people on this sight dont consider Columbus SEO. If you look at the majority of people who post on this site they are not from the Columbus area. That being said YOUR argument doesn't hold water and is precisely why you want to lump them in with the (cow country schools) as you put it.
So by taking Columbus out and looking at what everyone else considers SEO you have one D1 school being Lancaster, two D2 schools Teays Valley and Logan and five D3 schools Athens, Jackson, Circleville, Chillicothe and Vinton Co. leaving the rest of the area as D4 or less. Lets really put this into prospective you are from the Youngstown/Warren area not counting Tech or Life skills schools there are 10 public schools and 6 private schools Youngstown has 6 public and 4 private while warren has 4 public and 2 private. Out of 16 schools in that area 6 are D5 or lower. I live in Scioto Co., we have 11 high schools for the whole county. 10 of the 11 schools are D5 or lower with Minford just barely making to D4. Dont say it is comparing apples to apples its not even close. And thats the facts
I'm still trying to figure out how someone who thinks they are as smart as you do can contradict theirselves the way you do. In one post you are thumping your chest talking about how the NEO has competition in spades and then turn around and talk about how you travel all over the state no matter how far to get competition. So which is it, you can't have it both ways.

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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Paladin »

Boy, you really know nothing. Let me help you again.......... there are only 2 schools in Warren -- Harding and JFK. All others are outside Warren. Some may use Warren as a post office but are suburban schools like Warren Howland or Warren Champion. Actually Trumbull County ( Warren) has following H.s. who play FB ( out of 25 H.S.) - Harding, Howland, Niles, Girard, McDonald, Mineral Ridge, Liberty, Hubbard, Brookfield, Lakeview, Champion, LaBrae, Newton Falls, Southington, & Mathews.. The rest play Basketball only. In Youngstown there are only 3 schools -- Ursuline, Mooney, & Christian and one , public h.s. East. Again several suburban schools use a Youngstown post office but aren't in the city ( including Liberty in Trumbull County). Fb schools include big schools like Boardman, Fitch, Canfield, Poland and Springfield, Lowellville, Campbell, Struthers, South Range, Jackson-Milton,& Western Reserve while several others only play BB. That's another 15 schools playing FB ( total of 30 FB playing schools for the 2 counties). Those are spread from D-I schools Harding, Boardman & Fitch down thru the divisions. You don't have an argument. You have excuses.

And, in your poor example, if Columbus schools weren't included in the SE region, I wouldn't include them. But they often are. So you have to live with those facts. As for scheduling up here, if you aren't open on the same date, you can't play so seeking a school for better competition on the other side of the state happens. And in some instances league schedules tie up 7 games or more. Take a look at some of those leagues. Its puts to shame the joke many SEO leagues are. Why ? Because they are competitive. Meanwhile year after year you get the same school or few schools winning at FB because everyone else is so bad.

I don't need to argue this further. People state wide laugh at you because you duck competition. As I said before, you don't even schedule good teams in your own area and spend time ducking each other. That alone is laughable. The SE is terrible because they do it to themselves while the rest of the state does it the right way. No amount of excuses changes that.


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Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by noles_fan »

Paladin wrote:Boy, you really know nothing. Let me help you again.......... there are only 2 schools in Warren -- Harding and JFK. All others are outside Warren. Some may use Warren as a post office but are suburban schools like Warren Howland or Warren Champion. Actually Trumbull County ( Warren) has following H.s. who play FB ( out of 25 H.S.) - Harding, Howland, Niles, Girard, McDonald, Mineral Ridge, Liberty, Hubbard, Brookfield, Lakeview, Champion, LaBrae, Newton Falls, Southington, & Mathews.. The rest play Basketball only. In Youngstown there are only 3 schools -- Ursuline, Mooney, & Christian and one , public h.s. East. Again several suburban schools use a Youngstown post office but aren't in the city ( including Liberty in Trumbull County). Fb schools include big schools like Boardman, Fitch, Canfield, Poland and Springfield, Lowellville, Campbell, Struthers, South Range, Jackson-Milton,& Western Reserve while several others only play BB. That's another 15 schools playing FB ( total of 30 FB playing schools for the 2 counties). Those are spread from D-I schools Harding, Boardman & Fitch down thru the divisions. You don't have an argument. You have excuses.

And, in your poor example, if Columbus schools weren't included in the SE region, I wouldn't include them. But they often are. So you have to live with those facts. As for scheduling up here, if you aren't open on the same date, you can't play so seeking a school for better competition on the other side of the state happens. And in some instances league schedules tie up 7 games or more. Take a look at some of those leagues. Its puts to shame the joke many SEO leagues are. Why ? Because they are competitive. Meanwhile year after year you get the same school or few schools winning at FB because everyone else is so bad.

I don't need to argue this further. People state wide laugh at you because you duck competition. As I said before, you don't even schedule good teams in your own area and spend time ducking each other. That alone is laughable. The SE is terrible because they do it to themselves while the rest of the state does it the right way. No amount of excuses changes that.

I used schools listed as city schools from a state site for finding high schools, that's why I didn't include county schools. I don't make excuses and I don't try and twist peoples words. You want to talk facts here is the only fact that matters. My school has always been Portsmouth West and they are undefeated against your powerhouse team Ursuline. AND THAT IS FACT!!!!!! and the only one that matters and You cant dispute that.

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Joined: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:55 pm

Re: To schedule up or to schedule to win,,,,,

Post by Bighitsinc »

From The Boys Of Fall........

"Old men that think they know it all" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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