Ok let me reword my statement and question...Crab's brother wrote: I don't think you know how the point system works. If the two losses were taken off and two wins were added, your point total will go up. For the umpteenth time, there is no strength of schedule in the Harbin Rankings. A loss is worth nothing!
Is South Point a case where "scheduling to win" is coming back to bite them in the end even though they won 7 or 8 games, but scheduled a bunch of teams that are going to finish with 2 wins or less, thus robbing them of secondary points.
I included the theoretical "what if..." statement not to bring up conversations of "do you even know how this works" but in hopes of starting a conversation along the lines of "that's an interesting probability to think about given the teams in the region."
But alas, you decided to bump your resume for the "Mr. Richard Head Award" instead.