dazed&confused wrote:FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:Funny reading the sheeple on this site defend this crooked, lying, thieving, murdering and most unethical administration in modern history.
You do realize we're not talking about Bush-Cheney? :122246
Or Reagan! (rimshot)
Touche! Nice try dazed&confused....I'll form my own opinion based on what is being reported and on how the POTUS has tried to pass legislation...

The POTUS isn't a very nice person unless you are a complete "YES" person in support of his agenda. It's his way or no way! You can't possibly defend any of the top 3 scandals currently in the media. Is this a precedent you'd like to see coming out of D.C.? You can't possibly believe anything coming out of Holder's mouth. Just because he says so doesn't make it so concerning the lives of Americans. It's not like his Justice Dept was wire tapping the Taliban. They were wire tapping reporters. You can't possibly defend such action, being a left of center type person....Where there is smoke..........