Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by courier »

dazed&confused wrote:
FIDO (Forget It Drive On) wrote:Funny reading the sheeple on this site defend this crooked, lying, thieving, murdering and most unethical administration in modern history.
You do realize we're not talking about Bush-Cheney? :122246

Or Reagan! (rimshot)

Touche! Nice try dazed&confused....I'll form my own opinion based on what is being reported and on how the POTUS has tried to pass legislation... ;-) The POTUS isn't a very nice person unless you are a complete "YES" person in support of his agenda. It's his way or no way! You can't possibly defend any of the top 3 scandals currently in the media. Is this a precedent you'd like to see coming out of D.C.? You can't possibly believe anything coming out of Holder's mouth. Just because he says so doesn't make it so concerning the lives of Americans. It's not like his Justice Dept was wire tapping the Taliban. They were wire tapping reporters. You can't possibly defend such action, being a left of center type person....Where there is smoke..........

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by blue53 »

there is an inferno!!! like a bunch of wildebeest not a one of them realize they are leaping to their deaths

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

C-Bolt wrote:Whether O knows or not I don't blame the IRS for taking a closer look at these groups,they bring attention to themselves by constantly whining and crying about paying taxes and the Gov spending their money,maybe they will learn not to be so mouthy from now on.I know this will fire the cons up
has to be in the top ten of dumbest lamest SEOP post ever . doesnt " fire me up " i just shake my head at your apparent ignorance .

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

LOL coming from you that doesn't surprise me a bit,"look away defense" how lame is that ? Stomach is still hurting from laughing so much,give me some more good stuff to laugh about MD your funny, and degrading me like that you look pretty "fired up" to me,I figure more cons would be fired up and would take the bait,but its still early.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Paladin »

Cons are just going to look like the misfit fools they are to most of the population. Clearly groups such as the Tea Party stand in stark contrast to everyday citizens who contribute $$$$$$$$$$$ to politics. In the Tea Party case, they are covered under the new 501 rules that permit near fraud in contributions. Not hard to see why the IRS looked at them ( those who espouse ducking taxes and inflate contributions or hide them in political activities). Just another tempest in a teapot after the Cons make complete fools of themselves. Pass the popcorn. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by courier »

.............I know you are far more educated to suggest it's just a "CON" game.................One only needs to listen to the idiot from the NAACP to get a full grasp of the idiocy coming from some on the left........Equating the TEA PARTY to the Taliban.......C'mon man, really......
Last edited by courier on Sat May 18, 2013 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

dead americans at our US embassy in Benghazi , story change after story change .. The famous " it was a you tube video " statement . The IRS sicked on regular everyday americans attempting to get involved in politics ( Franklin Graham included ) , the entire Eric holder debacle at Justice . Scandal after Scandal after Scandal . and its just a tempest in a teapot . you guys are sick.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Tigercannon71 »

This could be the most corrupt administration since Grant.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by 1987chieftains »

tigercannon71 wrote:This could be the most corrupt administration since Grant.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Orange and Brown »

You people make me laugh.........................

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by scarlettandgreyhillboy »

The more ole' Elmer watches...the more stunned Elmer is. Seems if Obama didn't take the newspaper, he'd never know about any of this stuff - he's always the last to know it seems. For heaven's sakes, even Charlie Rangel and Chris Matthews have now turned their back on ole' Obama - Elmer says the writin' is on the pig sty walls!

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

Orange and Brown wrote:You people make me laugh.........................

Is a scandal ridden president funny ? D or R all these scandals are not good for the good ol USA . IRS sicked on normal citizens = humor ? SMH

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Orange and Brown »

ManitouDan wrote:
Orange and Brown wrote:You people make me laugh.........................

Is a scandal ridden president funny ? D or R all these scandals are not good for the good ol USA . IRS sicked on normal citizens = humor ? SMH
Everything is a scandal! Get over it............

The last president was a walking scadal, and Ole Slick Willie had his share also.....
These "scandals" are jeeping us all distracted from the real problems facing the good citizens of this country.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

Finally a non-partisan post, how refreshing! Nothing new here, it is sad that every president that gets in there the other party is always trying to dig up mud for their own political gain and ignore the real problems facing the country,but that will probably never change so we better get used to it.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

Non parisan ? you are either not watching or stupid .

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by C-Bolt »

Hey dummie why don't you start backing up your posts with proof and facts instead of name calling and personal attacking,thought that wasn't allowed on here, but I guess anything goes now.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?


:aaaaa91 :aaaaa46 :aaaaa24

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

Ok I'll play along . O and B made light of these " scandals" and laughed them off. Said they are distractions to the ' real problems facing America" I disagree wholeheartily . Severe partianship on both sides is exactly whats sinking the ship called the the USA. But in todays world that we actually are living in right now one political party has sicked the IRS on the opposing political party . Thats is no laughing matter to simply gloss over and make stupid comments about . Thats at the very heart of the problem. If you disagree with that I think you are stupid . or maybe ignorant is a kinder word ?

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by Orange and Brown »

ManitouDan wrote:Non parisan ? you are either not watching or stupid .
So your saying my post is not non-partisan??

You don't know enough about me to claim to know my beliefs.

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Re: Clinton Probably Gone But Will Obama Resign Like Nixon?

Post by ManitouDan »

I know that laughed at a horrible terrible scandal . that tells me plenty .

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