New Southeastern coach?

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Adams has a coaching job. Skeens has no desire to coach. I'm pulling for Eric Snyder.

P.S. Cox "graduated" from Adena with his talent. Mark my words, Adena girls will be at or near the bottom of the SVC for the next four years and he knew that. "Family reasons" is BS!. For that, Cox's application to Southeastern is disingenuous at best.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by bump in the road »

wow hawkeye you seem to know a lot about people and why they do or do not coach.

Some coaches do not bail every time talent is down. If your any type of coach you stay through good and bad don't you.

bff always hawkeye

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Deeefense »

Maybe the reason Cox gave is wrong, but he has proven he can win. Is there a confirmed list of who has applied? Has Cox even applied for sure? Other than him, Eric Snyder who really hasn't done a whole lot. I'm not sure Rick Uhrig has applied, I think that may be wishful thinking on someone's part. Will Southeastern hire someone with no head coaching experience?

I'm not saying it's right, but unless someone we don't know about has applied, Jeran may be the most qualified. It will be a big decision because Southeastern has some experienced talent, and some younger talent.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I must apologize, I may have been a little hard on Coach Cox by singling him out, for that I am sorry. However, we all know, the "family reasons" is disingenuous at best. Unfortunately, he is not the first coach nor will he be the last to evoke the "family reasons" reasoning.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by freethrow »

I think most coaches bail now days when the talent is gone and will be gone for the next three or four years. My reasoning is that by having losing seasons for the next 3 or 4 years they start hearing from parents, fans and board members who have no clue that there just isn't the talent and they get fired anyhow. So most of them just get out and possible look for better oppurtunities. Just my opinion of course

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Ukfanatic »

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by nickle back »

I was told they will begin interviews next week, be shocked if Rick Uhrig is one of the initial five they talk too, but stranger things have happened. I think this job has already been turned down by a couple people so Cox is probably the front runner.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by steadyEd »

ukfanatic Who else applied?

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Jake Roberts »

dudett wrote:i would rather not say
i am surprised you don't see adams or skeens applying for that
Adams is currently the girls coach at Southeastern. With what he has coming in two years, I couldn't imagine him not wanting to stay with the girls.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by OUCcoach »

I can assure you RICK UHRIG HAS NOT APPLIED, For this or any other coaching job . :!:

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by nickle back »

Old Uk better check his Reliable source.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by kram »

greatone wrote:I think most coaches bail now days when the talent is gone and will be gone for the next three or four years. My reasoning is that by having losing seasons for the next 3 or 4 years they start hearing from parents, fans and board members who have no clue that there just isn't the talent and they get fired anyhow. So most of them just get out and possible look for better oppurtunities. Just my opinion of course
If you run the right youth program, and have the right people in and helping with that youth program, talent should stay pretty evenly distributed through the years. Not saying there will not be some sort of drop off from year to year, but I believe this would take out that huge drop off in talent, and just the lack of talent in general that some programs deal with.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Burg20051 »

Agree with Kram - although most coaches now a days aren't really heavily involved with youth programs. The dedicated, real coaches are, most are too young themselves to really understand the need to be involved all they way down the pike. A lot are there just for a pay check and don't want the extra headaches. If you find or have coaches dedicated and a part of the entire program from pee wee, junior high and all the way through, they are rare, take care of them and hold onto them.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Runner00 »

hssfoa2013 wrote:Agree with Kram - although most coaches now a days aren't really heavily involved with youth programs. The dedicated, real coaches are, most are too young themselves to really understand the need to be involved all they way down the pike. A lot are there just for a pay check and don't want the extra headaches. If you find or have coaches dedicated and a part of the entire program from pee wee, junior high and all the way through, they are rare, take care of them and hold onto them.
Actually those are usually the YOUNG guys that few take chances on hiring...

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by steadyEd »

3 really good posts in a row, very true statements.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by aka4knotts »

I agree 100% with Runner00.
Unfortunately very few schools want to take the chance on young coaches with minimal experience. Although I understand why this is the case, I also look at the opposite side that sees a lot of benefits from hiring young aspiring coaches. There are quality young coaches out there that have every intention of committing to one program and developing it into a consistent contender and I believe some schools should at least interview a variety of coaches.
I am a former Collegiate player and have 6 years of "Head Assistant" coaching experience at a successful University and I have had very little luck even getting an interview at any High Schools. I know of a high quality High School JV coach that has a great deal of knowledge and passion to build a High School program, but because of not having over 10 years of Head Coaching experience he struggles to draw interest as well.
One thing people don't realize is that there are coaches that have been coaching for forever that have had success in the past but are struggling now because the game has changed so much. Many younger coaches understand how the game is played these days and know what type of development young players need to compete at the high school level. Many older coaches have no desire to change the way they coach, and although that way worked for a period of time, it's going to be difficult to be consistently successful in todays game.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by Lightle04 »

That was a great post and I agree 100%.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by kisor »

I have heard from a few Panther birdies of a power struggle with the school board president and school administrators has caused this entire process to kill all applicants chances to be on a level playing field, a lot of misinformation being tossed around, look for Cox to be hired with Gary Kellough to be his assistant. May be the best thing for this program to hire a young coach like Cox with a extremely knowledgeable and State Champion coach but no doubt politics did play in this choice.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by The Narddog »

LS1976 wrote:I have heard from a few Panther birdies of a power struggle with the school board president and school administrators has caused this entire process to kill all applicants chances to be on a level playing field, a lot of misinformation being tossed around, look for Cox to be hired with Gary Kellough to be his assistant. May be the best thing for this program to hire a young coach like Cox with a extremely knowledgeable and State Champion coach but no doubt politics did play in this choice.
I would hope this is not true. No board member should be involved in hiring employees. That's what administrators are for. If this kind of thing is happening at SE, I could see them losing some quality students and student athletes. Intelligent parents will no put up with those kinds of things happening. Hopefully, there is no truth to this.

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Re: New Southeastern coach?

Post by miggyt »

The Narddog wrote:
LS1976 wrote:I have heard from a few Panther birdies of a power struggle with the school board president and school administrators has caused this entire process to kill all applicants chances to be on a level playing field, a lot of misinformation being tossed around, look for Cox to be hired with Gary Kellough to be his assistant. May be the best thing for this program to hire a young coach like Cox with a extremely knowledgeable and State Champion coach but no doubt politics did play in this choice.
I would hope this is not true. No board member should be involved in hiring employees. That's what administrators are for. If this kind of thing is happening at SE, I could see them losing some quality students and student athletes. Intelligent parents will no put up with those kinds of things happening. Hopefully, there is no truth to this.
Hate to break it to ya, but board members always have to "be involved in hiring employees" because they approve them at board meetings. It's the law. Now, if you want to talk about influence, well, that train left the station a long, long time ago, and it's nothing new to SE or any other place.

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